
发布时间 2024-02-19|阅读












信阳承东启西、连南贯北,是重要的区域性综合交通区纽和现代物流枢纽。京广、京九、宁西三条铁路和京广高铁,京港澳、大广、准固、沪陕,准信五条高速, G106、 G107、 G220、G230、G312、 G328六条国道在境内形成多个十字交叉。淮河淮滨港、固始港航运可通江达海,明港机场通达北上广深等20个大中城市。





智能制造产业是信阳市主导产业之一,深耕新能源装备、节能环保装备、交通运输装备、专用设备、新基建材料等细分产业。经过多年招商布局和产业发展,现已形成以河南明阳智慧能源有限公司、信阳钢铁有限责任公司、开源环保(集团)有限公司等一批“链主”企业为核心、相关配套企业集聚发展的产业集群。截至2022年,本市智能制造7大类产业规模以上企业已发展到167家,实现年营业收入681亿元。2022年装备制造7大类规上企业167家,实现营业收入681亿元 。



培育引进高端装备制造企业, 建成产业集群,千亿级智能制造,拓展延伸产业链条,节能环保、水污染处理装备、风力发电 、光状发电、氧能。







光电科技产业园项目预计投资30亿元 。规划200亩用地,提供标准化厂房10万㎡,未来打造并形成光学晶体全产业链生产基地。现诚邀光学晶体生产加工产业链企业入驻,主要从事光学晶体材料的研发制备、光学元器件加工与镀膜。


风机轮毂生产项目,预计投资5亿元。 依托河南明阳智慧能源有限公司,需年产风机主机轮毂和弯头稳定在1000台以上,可供地200亩。诚邀风机轮毂生产企业,建设风机主机轮毂、弯头生产线。









信阳积极打造省级电子信息产业示范区,国家级高新技术产业开发区与省级豫东南高新技术产业开发区东西呼应,一批行业领军企业落户信阳,形成了分布于高新区、经开区、罗山县、固始县的新型显示、光学摄像模组、印刷电路板、电子元器件及半导体功率器件等的产业布局。全市现有电子信息企业112家,规模以上企业50家,2022年实现营业收入116亿元。省级电子信息产业示范区1个,在建电子信息产业项目88个。现有电子信息企业112家,规模以上企业50家 ,2022年实现营业收入 116亿元 。



01 特色产业  新型显示、光学摄像模组、印刷电路板

02 支撑产业  电子元器件、软件及信息服务业

03 新兴产业  集成电路、5G、智能终端


光电显示: 谷麦光电 中部半导体

光学摄像: 陆琪电子 舜宇光学

柔性电路: 航晨纳米 鑫达辉

电子器件: 圆创磁电 鼎润科技



新型显示与摄像系统模组配套研发生产项目,预计投资3亿元。 诚邀新型显示与摄像系统模组配套研发生产企业,项目布局视频影像全产业链条,产品广泛应用于智能家居,手机可视应用、车载应用、无人机视频、医疗仪器等。

LED背光源生产企业项目 ,预计投资2亿元。诚邀LED背光源生产企业,从事LED背光源的研发、设计、生产和销售。产品广泛应用于家用电器显示板、通讯设备显示模块、程控系统显示屏、仪器仪表显示屏等领域。









友诚台商智能制造产业园,计投资20亿元 ,园区总占地1106亩,计划总投资20亿元,打造集智能制造、智慧生活、商业会展、安全智能、应急智能等于一体的电子信息类产业园,诚邀电子制造关联企业共同开发入驻。













化纤纺织:浙商纺织 刚辉纺织 荣丰纺织

华纺纺织 德力高新纺织 大江纺织

服装家居:鹿颜国际 苏美达服饰  阿尔本制衣

阳光集团 君子林服饰   泰普森





后道整理产业园项目,预计投资25.8亿元 。淮滨县正在建设的豫南纺织后道整理产业园项目占地649.50亩。项目内容函盖生产、办公及配套的辅助用房,规划建设三层标准化厂房约23栋、1栋厂区办公楼、供水设施、供电设施与污水处理设施等。诚邀一批纺织后整理加工企业入驻。


化纤长丝项目, 预计投资30-50亿元 。固始县先进制造业开发区淮南园,用地200-400亩,总投资30-50亿元,诚邀一批生产差别化纤维、涤纶、氨纶等化纤长丝的企业入驻。

染整项目,预计投资2亿元 。固始县先进制造业开发区淮南园生态印染园,用地20-30亩,总投资2亿元以上,诚邀一批印染企业入驻。


纺织服装产业园, 预计投资67亿元 。规划用地面积2000亩的纺织服装产业园,集生产厂房、仓储宿舍、办公、展厅及相关商业配套和市政配套为一体,用于完善我县服装新城的生产加工及配套服务功能。诚邀一批服装关联企业共同开发入驻。







提升功能材料性能,珍珠岩,影润土、沸石等矿物;开发一体化材料,保温防火装饰一体墙体材料 ,屋面防水保温一体化材料;开展技术研发和应用,水泥窑协同处置城市,工业固废的技术研发和应用;


杭萧钢构 现代筑美 万华生态 远大住工司空新家装



绿色建材产业园项目 预计投资2亿元。园区位于科创城产业协同发展区,主要生产五金、衣柜、标识牌等家居产品,以健康环保安全节能为方向,诚邀致力于绿色建材开发的高新技术企业入驻。



生态板业产业园项目,预计投资12亿元 ,以万华和碧桂园为依托,以绿色生态、健康环保的高质量家居建材为主要研发方向,诚邀一批研发制造能力强的企业入驻,共同打造研发中心、智能制造总部、产品展示及推广中心。

家居五金制品产业园,预计投资10亿元 。依托经开区内万华生态、现代筑美等企业,诚邀家居制造上下游产业链企业入驻,主要从事家居、家装类五金制品智能化生产,打造集研发、生产和销售于一体的五金配件生产基地。








七大领域: 米、面、油、肉、酒、茶、水产

发展重点: 茶、休闲功能食品、预制菜

发展道路: 品牌化、规模化、绿色化、标准化


正大集团 文新茶叶 瑞丰油脂 息县宏升粮食

华英农业 黄国粮业 富贵食品 裕农农产品

裕丰粮业 农都农业   豫申粮油  赛山悟道生态茶业

豫道农业 三高农牧 天山粮贸 五谷春酒业





专预制菜团餐产业园,预计投资10亿元,拟在东双河镇投资10亿元建设现代智慧农业产业园、 中央厨房预制菜产业园、电商整合产业园 、食安供应链一站式专业团餐服务平台。诚邀一批预制菜产业链上下游企业入驻。








四大主攻方向 :医药制造、中药材加工、生物医药提取、医疗器械制造



生物医药研发、医疗器械制造 、智慧医行服务。


河南羚锐制药股份有限公司 河南同源制药有限公司

信合援生制药股份有限公司 河南甾体生物科技有限公 河南息半夏药业有限公司 河南省康源生物工程技术有限公司




生物医药产业孵化园项目, 预计投资12亿元 。项目规划用地158亩,打造集研发、生产、检测及其它配套服务功能的生物医药产业孵化基地。重点引进道地中药材生产、中医药保健、中药饮片、配方颗粒、贴膏剂生产等企业。


医疗器械产业园项目,预计投资10亿元 。项目拟规划用地150亩,打造集医疗器械GMP标准厂房、10万级洁净生产车间、智能仓库、会议培训中心、医疗器械物流配送中心、职工生活及配套区等为一体的产业园区。诚邀一批手术耗材、轮椅辅具、医用冰袋、纱布绷带、家用医疗设备等医械制造企业入驻。项目建成后,可为入驻企业提供GMP标准厂房、国际最新技术、信息、金融、物流等一系列配套服务。



医疗健康器械产业园项目, 预计投资12亿元 。依托既有生物医药产业,打造医疗健康辅助器械产业链条,建设一个医疗健康器械生产基地,诚邀一批医疗器械制造企业入驻。































Xinyang City Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalogue in 2023 Brief introduction of Xinyang city


Xinyang, located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, is a geographical and climatic transition zone between the north and the south of China and a fusion zone of Henan and Chu cultures, with a total area of 19,000 square kilometers. With a population of 9.13 million, it governs 8 counties and 3 districts, and has successively won the titles of national civilized city, national sanitary city, national garden city, excellent tourist city in China, national greening model city and national ecological demonstration city.

Xinyang is a famous cultural city with a rich history.

Xinyang is one of the places where Chinese civilization developed in detail. Chu culture and Central Plains culture meet and blend, forming a unique charm of "Yu Feng Chu Yun". Idioms and allusions, such as learning from others, mending after the sheep is dead, and Sima Guang smashing the jar, all came from Xinyang, which gave birth to Sun Shuao, Huang Xie, Chen Yuanguang and other historical celebrities. Xinyang unearthed the first set of the most complete bells of the Warring States Period in New China, and the music of "Dongfanghong" played with it resounded through space with China's first artificial satellite, as well as folk customs of the Dabie Mountains such as Xinyang folk songs, shadow play and flower drum play, which are well-known in China.

Xinyang is an ecological green city with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Xinyang has a beautiful environment and pleasant climate, and is known as "the north country, the south of the Yangtze River and the north country". The city's forest coverage rate is 42.28%, the ambient air quality is excellent, and water resources are abundant. There are 1116 large, medium and small reservoirs. The Chushandian Reservoir is called "the first dam of the Huaihe River" and Nanwan Lake is known as "the first lake in the Central Plains". Jigong Mountain is one of the four summer resorts in China, and it has the reputation of "World Architecture Expo Park".

Xinyang is rich in resources.

Xinyang is the capital of Maojian in China, and has been rated as "Top Ten Public Tea Brands in China". In 2022, the brand price of Xinyang Maojian was 7.572 billion yuan, ranking third in the country. Xinyang is a famous historical and cultural city of traditional catering in Henan Province and the hometown of tea continuation in Henan Province. It is rich in rice, wheat, camellia oleifera and other crops. Xinyang cuisine has a unique taste of fresh, fragrant, refreshing, mellow and moderate. Xinyang is rich in mineral resources, and perlite, bentonite, zeolite and other non-metallic minerals are famous at home and abroad for their scale and quality.

Xinyang is an old revolutionary base area with bright stars.

Xinyang is located in the core area of the old revolutionary base area in Dabie Mountain, and is known as "the cradle of the Red Army and the hometown of generals". During the Agrarian Revolution, it was the capital of the Soviet area of Hubei and Henan Academy. Here, many Red Army main forces, such as the Red Fourth Army, the Red 25th Army and the Red 28th Army, were born, leaving nearly 100 founding generals such as Xu Shiyou and Li Desheng, creating the miracle of "the red flag will not fall for 28 years" and forging ahead in unity.

Xinyang is a transportation hub with superior location.

Xinyang, connecting the east with the west and connecting the south with the north, is an important regional comprehensive transportation area and a modern logistics hub. Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon, Ningxi three railways and Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao, Daguang, Zhungu, Shanghai-Shaanxi and Zhunxin five expressways, and six national highways G106, G107, G220, G230, G312 and G328 form multiple intersections in China. Huaibin Port and Gushi Port of Huaihe River can reach the sea through the river, and Minggang Airport can reach 20 large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Xinyang is a promising city of hope.

Xinyang is a national rural reform pilot area and a key support area for accelerating the revitalization and development of the Dabie Mountain revolutionary old area in Henan Province. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the city's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 6.3%; In 2022, the growth rate of economic indicators such as investment in fixed assets and total retail sales of social consumer goods was higher than the provincial average. At present, the whole city gathers "two better" and anchors "two guarantees", which blows the charge of speeding up the revitalization of the old areas and accelerating the green rise, and keeps moving forward towards the goal of building a "better life destination".


Intelligent manufacturing industry

Industrial status quo

Intelligent manufacturing industry is one of the leading industries in Xinyang City, deeply cultivating new energy equipment, energy saving and environmental protection equipment, transportation equipment, special equipment, new infrastructure materials and other sub-industries. After years of investment layout and industrial development, an industrial cluster has been formed with a number of "chain owners" enterprises such as Henan Mingyang Smart Energy Co., Ltd., Xinyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Open Source Environmental Protection (Group) Co., Ltd. as the core and related supporting enterprises gathering and developing. By 2022, the number of enterprises above designated size in seven categories of intelligent manufacturing industries in this city has grown to 167, with an annual operating income of 68.1 billion yuan.

In 2022, there were 167 enterprises in seven categories of equipment manufacturing, with an operating income of 68.1 billion yuan. .

Industrial planning

We will promote equipment core replacement, machine substitution and production line change in key links of equipment manufacturing enterprises, comprehensively improve the intelligent level of R&D, production, management and service of enterprises, foster the introduction of high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises, and expand the application of energy-saving and environmental protection and water pollution treatment equipment. Wind power generation, photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen energy and other industrial chains, and build a 100 billion-level intelligent manufacturing industrial cluster.

Cultivate and introduce high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises, Build industrial clusters, intelligent manufacturing of hundreds of billions, expand and extend industrial chains, energy conservation and environmental protection, water pollution treatment equipment, wind power generation, light power generation and oxygen energy.

corporate champion

Henan Mingyang Smart Energy Co., Ltd., Anyang Steel Group Xinyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Kaiyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., Henan Aerospace Seiko Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Henan Sanyuan Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd., Henan Pingmei Shenma Chao Hard Materials Co., Ltd., Henan Xindian Electric Appliance Group Co., Ltd., Henan Jinlong Nuobao Boat Company, Xinyang Tonghe Wheel Co., Ltd.

Industrial promotion project

shangcheng county

The water treatment and environmental protection equipment manufacturing professional park project is expected to invest 500 million yuan.

The park plans to build a standardized factory building of 100,000m2. In the early stage, a single-story steel structure heavy steel factory building, a special corridor for observation and the roof were provided according to the standards of photovoltaic power generation, and corresponding office canteens, roads, greening and other corresponding facilities were provided; In the later stage, a 3,000m2 four-story steel structure light steel factory building can be provided, with corresponding facilities such as office, canteen, road and greening. We sincerely invite water treatment and environmental protection equipment projects to settle in.

Photoelectric science and technology industrial park project The estimated investment is 3 billion yuan. . Planning 200 mu of land, providing 100,000 ㎡ standardized workshop, and building and forming a production base for the whole industrial chain of optical crystals in the future. Enterprises in the optical crystal production and processing industry chain are invited to settle in, mainly engaged in the research and development of optical crystal materials, optical component processing and coating.

hi-tech zone

The production project of fan hub is estimated to cost 500 million yuan. Relying on Henan Mingyang Smart Energy Co., Ltd., the annual output of fan main engine hub and elbow is stable at more than 1000 units, and the available land is 200 mu. We sincerely invite the manufacturer of fan hub to build the production line of fan main engine hub and elbow.

The production project of aerospace fasteners and precision parts is expected to invest 100 million yuan. Enterprises producing aerospace fasteners and precision parts are cordially invited to become supporting enterprises of aerospace seiko in high-tech zone and settle in precision manufacturing industrial park.

Xinxian county

The intelligent power equipment industrial park project is expected to invest 1 billion yuan. Relying on Changyuan Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the planned land area is 200 mu, and the total construction area of standardized workshops, warehouses, office buildings, dormitory buildings and other supporting facilities is 120,000 ㎡. We sincerely invite manufacturing projects in sub-sectors such as intelligent manufacturing equipment, intelligent power cable accessories, ring network cabinets, sheet metal equipment, distribution boxes, automatic distribution network equipment and composite insulators to settle in.

guangshan county

The artificial diamond production equipment project is estimated to invest 200 million yuan. Relying on Pingmei Shenma Guangshan New Material Co., Ltd., we sincerely invite the project of producing cubic press and auxiliary equipment to settle in the new material industrial park of Shenma Guangshan County, Pingmei.

The medical device production and processing project is expected to invest 200 million yuan. Relying on Pingmei Shenma Guangshan New Material Co., Ltd., we sincerely invite the project of producing cubic press and auxiliary equipment to settle in the new material industrial park of Shenma Guangshan County, Pingmei.


electronic information industry

Industrial status quo

Xinyang actively builds a provincial-level electronic information industry demonstration zone, and the national-level high-tech industrial development zone echoes the provincial-level high-tech industrial development zone in southeastern Henan. A number of leading enterprises have settled in Xinyang, forming a new industrial layout of display, optical camera module, printed circuit board, electronic components and semiconductor power devices distributed in high-tech zone, Economic Development Zone, luoshan county and Gushi County. There are 112 electronic information enterprises in the city and 50 enterprises above designated size, with an operating income of 11.6 billion yuan in 2022. There is one provincial electronic information industry demonstration zone and 88 electronic information industry projects under construction. There are 112 electronic information enterprises and 50 enterprises above designated size. , realize operating income in 2022. 11.6 billion yuan .

Industrial planning

Xinyang actively cooperates with the central region represented by Zhengzhou and Wuhan, cooperates with the Yangtze River Delta region represented by Shanghai and Suzhou, and undertakes the Pearl River Delta region represented by Guangzhou and Dongguan, and strives to attract new display, optical camera module, printed circuit board and other characteristic industries, cultivate and expand supporting industries such as electronic components, software and information services, speed up the layout of emerging industries such as integrated circuits, 5G and intelligent terminals, and build a new highland of electronic information industry in the central region.

New display, optical camera module and printed circuit board in characteristic industries

Support industry electronic components, software and information service industry

03 Emerging integrated industry Circuit, 5G, Intelligent Terminal

corporate champion

Photoelectric display: Gumai photoelectricity Central semiconductor

Optical camera: Luqi electronic Shunyu optics

Flexible circuit: Hangchen nano Xindahui

Electronic devices: Yuanchuang magnetoelectric Dingrun technology

Industrial promotion project

hi-tech zone

New display and camera system module supporting R&D and production project, with an estimated investment of 300 million yuan. We sincerely invite the supporting R&D and production enterprises of new display and camera system modules, and the project will lay out the whole industry chain of video images. The products are widely used in smart homes, mobile phone visual applications, vehicle applications, drone videos, medical instruments and so on.

LED backlight production enterprise project The estimated investment is 200 million yuan. We sincerely invite LED backlight manufacturers to engage in R&D, design, production and sales of LED backlight. Products are widely used in household appliances display panels, communication equipment display modules, program control system display screens, instrument display screens and other fields.

yangshan new area

The intelligent display module project is expected to invest 1.7 billion yuan.

The project covers a total area of 114.8 mu, with a net land of 82.8 mu, to build a production base for intelligent display modules, and invites intelligent display module enterprises to settle in.

Semiconductor industrial park, with an estimated investment of 500 million yuan. The project covers an area of about 120 mu to build a semiconductor material industrial park, and invites semiconductor material manufacturers to settle in.

The 5G eco-digital industrial base is expected to invest 1 billion yuan. We sincerely invite the 5G eco-digital industrial project to build a 5G eco-digital industrial base integrating industry, R&D, commerce and office, integrate resources in the fields of big data cloud computing, software development, Internet of Things applications and intelligent equipment industries, and attract regional headquarters, enterprises to settle down or R&D centers of relevant enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

loushan county

Luoshan county Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone Science and Technology Incubation Park construction project, with an estimated investment of 250 million yuan. Enterprises engaged in precision mould, hot melt injection molding, CNC machining and PCBA manufacturing are cordially invited to build an advanced electronic information manufacturing industrial park with a building area of 115,800 ㎡, which integrates a standardized workshop, a science and technology building, an experimental research and development building, a comprehensive service building and a multifunctional product exhibition hall.

Xixian county

Youcheng Taiwanese Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, with a total investment of 2 billion yuan. The park covers a total area of 1,106 mu, with a planned total investment of 2 billion yuan, to build an electronic information industrial park integrating intelligent manufacturing, intelligent life, business exhibition, safety intelligence and emergency intelligence, and invites electronic manufacturing related enterprises to jointly develop and settle in.


Fashion home textile industry

Industrial status quo

As one of the traditional pillar industries in Xinyang, the fashion home textile industry has formed a layout with Huaibin County, Gushi County and Xixian County as the main industrial bases after years of development, and has become the ODM supply chain processing base of brand clothing. There are 233 enterprises above designated size in the fashion home textile industry, accounting for 16% of the total number of enterprises above designated size in the city, a net increase of 43 enterprises compared with the end of 2021. In 2022, the operating income reached 29.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.1%.

There are 233 enterprises above designated size, accounting for 16% of the total number of enterprises above designated size in the city.

In 2022, the operating income was 29.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.1%.

Industrial planning

Fashion home textile industry focuses on spinning, printing and dyeing, knitting, home textiles, clothing and garment processing, relying on Xinyang's existing textile and garment professional park. Building a textile and garment industry cluster. Support Huaibin County and Gushi County to expand the loom scale, promote primary silk dragon enterprises to lay out storage bases in Xinyang, make up for the lack of primary silk links, and accelerate the construction of dyeing and finishing industrial parks at the terminal; High-standard introduction of printing and dyeing, clothing fabrics and other projects to fill the weak links in the industrial chain. It is planned to introduce a number of leading enterprises in the industry, accelerate the development of industrial branding and serialization, and build a regional brand of textile and clothing in Henan.

Support Huaibin County and Gushi County to expand the loom scale.

02 Promote Primary Silong Enterprises to Layout Storage Bases in Xinyang

03 Complement the lack of primary silk links

04 Terminal Accelerate the Construction of Dyeing and Finishing Industrial Park

corporate champion

Chemical fiber textile: Zhejiang merchants textile Hui Gang textile Rong Feng textile

Huafang textile Deli high-tech textile Dajiang textile

Clothing and Home Furnishing: Luyan International Sumeida clothing Alben garment

Sunshine group Junzilin clothing Tapson

Industrial promotion project

Huaibin county

Smart fashion clothing town, estimated to invest 5 billion yuan. The total planned land area of the project is about 3 square kilometers, and eight core areas, such as clothing trading area and clothing e-commerce area, are planned to be built. At present, the town has settled in the new experimental school and Jinteng intelligent science and technology industrial park, and now we are looking for a number of smart clothes, smart clothes, smart clothes chips and related enterprises to develop and settle in.

The textile service trading center project is expected to invest 1.2 billion yuan. There are 212 textile and garment processing enterprises in Huaibin County, with an annual output of more than 2 billion meters of chemical fiber grey cloth and 35 million pieces of garments. The textile service and trading center project in the central and western regions under construction has a total land area of 300 mu, an investment of 1.2 billion yuan, and a new trading room and supporting auxiliary facilities of 120,000 square meters. We sincerely invite a group of specialized companies to invest, build, manage and operate.

After finishing the industrial park project, the estimated investment is 2.58 billion yuan. . The South Henan Textile Rear Road Finishing Industrial Park project under construction in Huaibin County covers an area of 649.50 mu. The content of the project covers the auxiliary rooms for production, office and supporting facilities, and it is planned to build about 23 three-story standardized workshops, an office building, water supply facilities, power supply facilities and sewage treatment facilities. We sincerely invite a number of textile finishing and processing enterprises to settle in.

gushi county

Chemical fiber filament project, The estimated investment is 3-5 billion yuan. . Huainan Garden, an advanced manufacturing development zone in Gushi County, covers an area of 200-400 mu, with a total investment of 3-5 billion yuan. We sincerely invite a number of enterprises that produce differential fibers, polyester fibers, spandex and other chemical fiber filaments to settle in.

The dyeing and finishing project is expected to invest 200 million yuan. . The ecological printing and dyeing park of Huainan Garden in Gushi County Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone covers an area of 20-30 mu, with a total investment of more than 200 million yuan. We sincerely invite a number of printing and dyeing enterprises to settle in.

Xixian county

Textile and garment industrial park, The estimated investment is 6.7 billion yuan. . The textile and garment industrial park, with a planned land area of 2,000 mu, integrates production workshops, storage dormitories, offices, exhibition halls, related commercial facilities and municipal facilities, and is used to improve the production, processing and supporting service functions of the garment new town in our county. We sincerely invite a group of garment related enterprises to jointly develop and settle in.


Green construction industry

Industrial status quo

The green construction industry is one of the main cultivation industries for the green rise of the industry in the "1335" work bureau of Xinyang City, and Xinyang City is also one of the "pilot cities for government procurement to support green building materials and promote building quality improvement". Xinyang City is relying on leading enterprises such as hangxiao, Wanhua Ecology and Modern Zhumei to promote the cooperation and deep integration of green building materials, green construction and green home decoration, and build a green industrial cluster with regional influence. Green building materials, green construction, green home improvement.

Industrial planning

Around the construction of the green mine on the ladder, we will promote the fine processing of mineral resources, improve the performance of mineral functional materials such as perlite, bentonite and zeolite, and develop integrated wall materials for thermal insulation, fire prevention and decoration, and integrated waterproof and thermal insulation materials for roofs. Carry out technical research and development and application of co-disposal of urban and industrial solid waste in cement kilns, focus on building a green building materials industry base and build a future demonstration city of human settlement industry.

Improve the performance of functional materials, such as perlite, shadow clay, zeolite and other minerals; Development of integrated materials, thermal insulation and fireproof decoration integrated wall materials. , roof waterproof and thermal insulation integrated material; Carry out technical research and development and application, technical research and development and application of cement kiln collaborative disposal of urban and industrial solid waste;

corporate champion

Hangxiao Modern zhumei wanhua ecology Yuanda Zhu gong si kong Xin Jia Zhuang

Industrial promotion project

yangshan new area

Green building materials industrial park project The estimated investment is 200 million yuan. Located in the industrial cooperative development zone of Kechuang City, the park mainly produces household products such as hardware, wardrobes and signboards. With the direction of health, environmental protection, safety and energy saving, we sincerely invite high-tech enterprises committed to the development of green building materials to settle in.

The green smart home decoration industrial park project is expected to invest 2 billion yuan. We sincerely invite a group of green smart home improvement enterprises to settle in, and mainly invest in the construction of automatic and professional assembly lines, inspection and testing centers and research centers for the overall supporting services of furniture, floors, kitchens and bathrooms.

The green home base project is expected to invest 800 million yuan. We will make use of industrial chain enterprises such as Wanhua Eco-board Industry and Country Garden to produce customized homes with bags to meet the needs of modern people for high-quality life. We sincerely invite upstream and downstream enterprises in the green household industrial chain to settle in.

The eco-board industrial park project is expected to invest 1.2 billion yuan. Relying on Wanhua and Country Garden, and taking high-quality home building materials with green ecology, health and environmental protection as the main research and development direction, we sincerely invite a group of enterprises with strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities to settle in and jointly build R&D centers, intelligent manufacturing headquarters and product display and promotion centers.

Home Hardware Products Industrial Park, with an estimated investment of 1 billion yuan. . Relying on Wanhua Ecological, Modern Zhumei and other enterprises in the Economic Development Zone, we sincerely invite enterprises in the upstream and downstream industrial chain of home manufacturing to settle in, mainly engaged in intelligent production of home and home improvement hardware products, and build a production base of hardware accessories integrating R&D, production and sales.

Green food industry

Industrial status quo

Green food industry is a traditional pillar industry in Xinyang, and it is also a key advantage industry. At present, it has initially formed a food processing base with hundreds of varieties as leading products, such as livestock and poultry, grain, tea, vegetable oil, aquatic products, liquor, snack food and prefabricated vegetables. There are 254 enterprises above designated size, accounting for 18% of the total number of enterprises above designated size in the city, and the operating income will reach 38.1 billion yuan in 2022. The counties with green food as the leading industry include Huangchuan County, Huaibin County and Xixian County.

There are 254 enterprises above designated size, accounting for 18% of the total number of enterprises above designated size in the city.

In 2022, it realized an operating income of 38.1 billion.

Industrial planning

Xinyang's green food industry takes the road of branding, scale, greening and standardization, focusing on seven fields of rice, flour, oil, meat, wine, tea and aquatic products, taking high-end brand enterprises as the investment direction, focusing on tea, leisure functional foods and prefabricated vegetables, continuously improving the construction of food cold chain logistics system, strengthening the traceability system of food quality and safety information, driving the development of food industry chain to high-end, and creating a "food is still Xinyang" region.

Seven major areas: Rice, flour, oil, meat, wine, tea and aquatic products.

Development priorities: Tea, leisure functional food, prefabricated vegetables.

Development path: branding, scale, greening and standardization.

corporate champion

Chia Tai Group Wenxin tea Ruifeng grease Xixian county hongsheng grain

Huaying agriculture Huangguo grain industry Fugui food Yunong agriculture products

Yufeng grain industry Nongdu agriculture yushen grain and edible oil sai shan Wu Dao ecology tea industry

Yudao agriculture Sangao agriculture and animal husbandry Tianshan grain trade Wuguchun wine industry

Industrial promotion project

Shihe district

The prefabricated food industrial park is expected to invest 500 million yuan. The project plans to build a large-scale prefabricated food industrial park in Xinyang National Agricultural Science and Technology Park, which integrates standardized workshops, cold chain logistics, warehousing and distribution, and e-commerce. We sincerely invite a number of upstream and downstream enterprises in the prefabricated vegetable industry chain to settle in.

The R&D and production project of tea wine is expected to invest 500 million yuan. Construction of 30,000 square meters workshop for tea and wine fermentation workshop, fermentation warehouse, packaging workshop, finished product room, exhibition hall and related ancillary facilities. We sincerely invite a group of tea wine R&D and production enterprises to settle in.

Specialized prefabricated vegetable group meal industrial park is expected to invest 1 billion yuan, and it is planned to invest 1 billion yuan in Dongshuanghe Town to build a one-stop professional group meal service platform for modern smart agriculture industrial park, central kitchen prefabricated vegetable industrial park, e-commerce integrated industrial park and food safety supply chain. We sincerely invite a number of upstream and downstream enterprises in the prefabricated vegetable industry chain to settle in.

Xixian county

The food industrial park is expected to invest 6 billion yuan. The planned land area is nearly 2,500 mu, and a green food processing industrial park integrating production, living, logistics and industrial supporting services will be built. We sincerely invite a group of food processing related enterprises to jointly develop and settle in.

Hot and sour powder town, estimated to invest 2 billion yuan. The park covers an area of 314 mu, and a town of hot and sour powder is built in Xixian Development Zone. We sincerely invite related enterprises of hot and sour powder food industry to jointly develop and settle in.

Biomedical industry

Industrial status quo

Biomedical industry is one of the leading industries in Xinyang. In recent years, Xinyang has focused on the upgrading of traditional industries, focusing on cultivating emerging industries, and striving to build an industrial cluster of biomedicine with "full chain, full cycle, high quality and high efficiency". Focusing on the four main directions of pharmaceutical manufacturing, Chinese herbal medicine processing, biomedical extraction and medical device manufacturing, it has been laid out in Xinxian County, Gushi County, Huangchuan County and other counties to build five core industrial bases of medicine, medical devices and Chinese herbal medicines. There are 19 enterprises above designated size, with an operating income of 9.3 billion yuan in 2022.

Industrial cluster: full chain, full cycle, high quality and high efficiency.

Four main attack directions : pharmaceutical manufacturing, Chinese herbal medicine processing, biomedical extraction, medical device manufacturing.

Industrial planning

Strengthen the protection, development and utilization of superior varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, expand the planting area, build a number of authentic medicinal material production bases with standard facilities, standardized management and distinctive characteristics, support the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, improve new drugs, and accelerate the market promotion of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules. We will continue to focus on the development of biomedical research and development, medical device manufacturing and smart medical services, strengthen the manufacturing industry of medical devices and biopharmaceutical equipment, actively cultivate new health care formats such as smart medical care, big data smart medical care and services, and strive to build public service platforms such as biomedical industry technology innovation services.

Biomedical research and development, medical device manufacturing , smart medical services.

corporate champion

He 'nan Lingrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. He' nan tongyuan pharmacy co., ltd

Credit cooperative Yuansheng pharmaceutical co., ltd Henan Steroid Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

He' nan xibanxia drug co., ltd He' nan province kangyuan biological engineering technology co., ltd

Industrial promotion project

Xinxian county

The project of traditional Chinese medicine health drink industrial park is expected to invest 200 million yuan. The project focuses on the deep processing and extraction of honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, gastrodia elata, pueraria lobata and other Chinese herbal medicines, with the goal of building a health drink base in Henan Province and a transformation base of scientific research achievements of Chinese herbal medicines. We sincerely invite enterprises with strong ability to lead and drive industrial development to settle in and develop.

Biomedical industry incubator project, The estimated investment is 1.2 billion yuan. . The planned land area of the project is 158 mu, to build a biomedical industry incubation base with R&D, production, testing and other supporting services. Focus on the introduction of authentic Chinese herbal medicine production, Chinese medicine health care, Chinese herbal pieces, formula granules, plaster production and other enterprises.

The production line project of medical skin color cloth and elastic cloth is expected to invest 200 million yuan. Enterprises of medical skin color cloth and elastic cloth are cordially invited to settle in. The project construction can provide 15,000 ㎡ standardized workshop with an annual output of 20 million meters of skin color cloth and 6 million meters of elastic cloth.

The medical device industrial park project is expected to invest 1 billion yuan. . The project plans to use 150 mu of land to build an industrial park integrating GMP standard workshop for medical devices, 100,000-level clean production workshop, intelligent warehouse, conference and training center, medical device logistics and distribution center, staff living and supporting areas, etc. We sincerely invite a number of medical equipment manufacturers such as surgical consumables, wheelchair AIDS, medical ice packs, gauze bandages and household medical equipment to settle in. After the project is completed, it can provide a series of supporting services such as GMP standard workshop, the latest international technology, information, finance and logistics for the settled enterprises.

huangchuan / kwangchow

Dabie Mountain Pharmaceutical Industrial Park, with an estimated investment of 300 million yuan. The industrial park integrates existing biopharmaceutical enterprises such as steroid technology and Chenglou biomedicine, and builds a biopharmaceutical industrial park supporting the high-tech and healthy industrial chain in southeastern Henan. We sincerely invite modern medicine and innovative medicine R&D and production enterprises to jointly settle in and develop.

Medical and health equipment industrial park project, The estimated investment is 1.2 billion yuan. . Relying on the existing biomedical industry, we will build an industrial chain of medical and health auxiliary devices, build a production base of medical and health devices, and invite a number of medical device manufacturers to settle in.

Xixian county

Great health medicine and food industrial park, with an estimated investment of 800 million yuan. The project covers an area of about 800 mu, with a standardized workshop of 45,000 m, and new production lines such as Chinese herbal pieces, health food and Chlorella are built, supporting the construction of pharmaceutical logistics and trading platforms. We sincerely invite related enterprises of biomedicine and food health industry to jointly settle in and develop.


Xinyang preferential policies for attracting investment


Preferential land policy

Give priority to the supply of land for major industrial projects and enjoy "nine connections and one leveling". The reserve price of land transfer is 70% of the minimum price standard for industrial land transfer in this city determined by the state.

Economic contribution incentive policy

01. According to the tax contribution of the enterprise, the corresponding funds will be awarded for the enterprise's infrastructure construction, production and operation and technological upgrading.

02. Individual income tax paid by enterprise executives and scientific researchers can be rewarded according to the standards of their local retained parts.

Preferential policies for factory buildings

Can be used for enterprises to build factories and supporting infrastructure, free of charge within a certain period of time, enterprises can buy at the assessed price; Enterprises that lease factories shall be given certain subsidies for renting factories.

Financial preferential policies

01. For major projects with equipment investment of more than 100 million yuan, a financial subsidy of no more than 20% of the equipment investment will be given.

02. Give a one-time financial reward to enterprises listed on the New Third Board and entering the innovation layer, and enterprises listed on the domestic and foreign stock exchanges through initial public offering.

03. High-tech enterprises, innovative enterprises, enterprises building R&D centers in the letter and enterprises promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements shall be rewarded according to the corresponding standards.

04. For industrial enterprises whose annual main business income exceeds 5 billion yuan and 10 billion yuan for the first time, a one-time reward of up to 2 million yuan will be given.

Financial preferential policies

01. For strategic emerging industries and growing small and medium-sized enterprises projects, according to the actual needs of the projects, equity investment will be provided through government guidance funds.

02. The actual loans used by enterprises for project construction shall be supported by interest subsidies and financing guarantees.

Preferential policies for factor protection

01. Give appropriate electricity subsidies to advanced manufacturing enterprises that meet energy consumption standards.

02. Adjust the planned indicators of enterprise production water according to the facts, so as to avoid the progressive price increase of enterprise production water exceeding the plan.

03. Regularly carry out special talent recruitment activities, hold large-scale employment recruitment fairs, and assist enterprises to carry out fixed-point recruitment.

Talent support policy

1. Give high-level talents introduced by enterprises support such as family placement, children's enrollment, housing security, social insurance and medical security.

2. For the innovative and entrepreneurial projects of Xinyang Talents Program, support will be given to the project industrialization fund, equity investment, financing guarantee, and entrepreneurial places.

One thing, one discussion policy

For major industrial projects with high investment intensity, high added value of science and technology, strong employment promotion ability and high growth, "one thing, one discussion, one enterprise and one policy" will be adopted.


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