中英文-信阳市外资招商三年行动计划(2021—2023 年)

发布时间 2022-07-21|阅读











外资招商规模稳步增长,质量效益同步提升,围绕重大产业集群招引境外龙头企业和产业链关键环节成效明显。新设立外资企业 25-30 家,实际吸收外资(全口径)年均增长 3%以上,2023 年末达 6.5 亿美元以上。新引进世界 500 强企业 1-3 家,引进境外知名企业区域总部、采购分拨中心、结算中心、研发中心等功能性机构 5-8 家,以及一批细分行业龙头企业。以外资招商增强产业根植性,提升发展能级,助力打造食品、建材、纺织服装千亿级产业集群,装备制造、电子信息五百亿级产业集群,以及生物医药、功能新材料百亿级产业集群,加快建设新时代中部地区外资开放新高地,为“四区一屏障一枢纽”建设提供坚实支撑。




(一) 围绕绿色食品产业招商。顺应消费升级和绿色安全要求,以外资品牌企业为主攻方向,以茶、休闲食品、冷链食品、功能食品为重点,面向外资龙头企业全链条招商,延伸产业链,提升价值链,打造供应链,加速形成千亿级食品产业集群。重点与正大农牧对接合作,推动华英集团重组,持续与安井食品、旺旺食品等知名企业洽谈,依托黄国粮业开展 ODM 合作。围绕瑞禾食品招才引智,建设研发平台,开拓市场新空间。吸引上下游资源整合,形成从种植到生产、农户到企业、产品物流销售的食品全产业链。

(二) 围绕绿色建材产业招商。围绕建筑保温材料、水泥建材、冶金建材、木材加工、石材、家居装饰、矿物质功能新材料等招大引强、聚链壮链,推动形成千亿级规模建材产业集群。羊山新区瞄准未来人居产业,打造绿色智能家居家装生产基地。上天梯管理区围绕绿色建筑新材料,持续培育艾斯比等产业链头部企业,打造被动式建筑特色产业基地、碳中和先行示范园区。

(三) 围绕绿色轻纺产业招商。立足打造国内有影响力的纺织服装产业集群,大力招引织布、面料、智能制造等细分龙头,加快绣花、印花、线业、毛衫、配饰、童装、女装等配套发展,通过招商引资促进千亿级纺织服装加工贸易基地迅速发展。淮滨县积极引进上游长丝企业,推进与知名品牌企业合作,加快建设生态型染整产业园,补齐纺织服装全产业链。息县重点依托德永佳、澳门宏建等,积极招引服装加工企业,吸引品牌服装总部迁址落户,建设品牌服装智能化制造示范园区。潢川县重点与永京集团全方位合作,打造耐克、阿迪达斯等鞋类巨头企业供应链基地。


(四) 围绕高端装备产业招商。立足强优势、优结构、迈高端,大力引进领军型龙头企业和配套企业,集中优势资源,形成区域性先进装备制造产业集群,创建新型工业化基地。信阳高新区围绕风光储氢,建设中部最大的陆上风机与叶片制造基地、中西部地区新能源产业制造中心、运营中心、研发中心、投资中心,精准对接明阳上下游外资核心供应链企业,携手产业链上下游、战略合作伙伴打造千亿级新能源高端装备产业集群。

(五) 围绕电子信息产业招商。重点招引移动终端、光电显示、电子电路、新一代信息技术、新基建等细分产业龙头企业,打造电子信息产业承接前沿,推动形成 500 亿级产业集群。浉河区持续招引智能显示和智能终端上下游产业链企业落地,着力打造电子信息智造科技园,招引外资电子企业入驻;高标准建设表面处理园,为全市电子信息产业企业提供核心链条共享平台。信阳高新区持续对接富士康,形成外资、外贸联动招商成果,重点依托天扬光电、圆创磁电,着力招引天扬供应链特别是熊猫电子 6 代线和电视机项目、圆创上游磁钢和下游马达生产制造项目、亮剑半导体芯电项目及上游铜加工项目落地。

(六) 围绕生物医药产业招商。围绕打造区域性规模化、特色化、品牌化生物医药产业集群,重点招引新医药研发、高端仿制药、高端医疗器械、第三方检测、现代中药等标志性企业和项目。新县重点依托羚锐制药,积极招引上游原料药企业、中游医疗器械企业,加强与长园装备自动化、智能化制造项目合作,打造以生物药品、贴膏剂、芬太尼和医疗器械为主的医药健康产业园,进一步寻求资本合作,增资扩股增强大股东控制力,推进行业中小节点企业并购计划。

(七) 围绕商贸物流产业招商。围绕变区划边缘为开放前沿、区域枢纽,立足国家商贸服务型物流枢纽承载城市建设,抓住物流巨头和业界领军战略布局机遇,引进一批大型现代物流园、物流集散分拨中心,加快提升物流节点支撑能级,打造区域性冷链物流基地、电商物流集群、快递物流分拨中心。浉河区重点依托大别山物流,着力推进区域性冷链物流园区建设,大力发展肉类、水产、果蔬等冷链物流基地,招引大型外资流通企业建设冷链配送中心;围绕城市有机更新,积极与知名外资商业领军企业合作,盘活优质商圈资源,打造场景丰富、功能多元、流量集聚的城市商业综合体。潢川开发区重点依托大别山多式联运物流示范园区建设,积极与外资知名快递企业合作,建设区域性快递物流集疏中心和省级区域物流枢纽。

(八) 围绕文化旅游产业招商。围绕打造全国著名的红色旅游目的地,加强红色文化与生态、乡村旅游融合发展,积极谋求与外资文旅运营企业、文旅产业投融资平台合作。围绕建设大别山北麓全域旅游示范区,加强与境外综合性文旅旗舰企业对接合作,建设国家级旅游度假区、国家级康养产业试点,打造国内有重要影响力和品牌力的旅游目的地。

(九) 开展绿色低碳招商行动。对标践行生态文明的绿色发展示范区建设,抢抓碳达峰、碳中和变革变局中的经济版图重构机遇,重点加强与华润、光大等新能源企业,数字产业化、产业数字化企业对接合作,大力开展新能源、数字经济等绿色产业招商。动态完善绿色低碳产业重点产业链图谱和外资招商路线图,发布绿色低碳产业招商目录,争取外资绿色低碳龙头企业、外资绿色低碳高新技术企业等在信设立区域总部和功能性机构。积极申办或参加节能环保、绿色低碳产业等方面的大型活动展会,依托河南投洽会、厦洽会、进博会、东博会等开展城市营销和推介活动。


(一) 拓宽外资领域。全面落实准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,负面清单之外的领域,各地、各部门不得专门针对外商投资准入进行限制。鼓励和支持外资投向战略性新兴产业和高端服务业,促进引资、引技与引智相结合,全面提升我市在外资产业链、价值链中的地位。鼓励外资设立创业投资企业和股权投资企业,积极利用境外资本发展创业投资和私募股权投资基金,完善管理和退出机制。鼓励外资通过合资合作、并购重组等方式参与国有企业混合所有制改革。鼓励外商投资企业以增资扩股和利润再投资等形式加大对我市投资力度。积极推动我市企业以跨国并购、境外上市、返程投资等方式引进国际高端要素。发挥我市劳动力资源、市场和产业配套等优势,集团化、体系化承接东部沿海地区加工贸易类外资企业向我市转移。

(二) 提升服务水平。构建广覆盖、多元化的招商引资网络,充分利用政府间或民间经济合作机制,加强重点企业或组织间的招商信息交流对接。汇聚多元化招商力量,建立完善产业招商联盟、招商引资智库,推动成立公司化、专业化招商机构,利用各类商会、行业协会开展委托招商、代理招商等,对成功引进外资项目的社会组织、中介机构和个人,根据引进项目类型和实际到位金额,可由项目受益地给予相应奖励。

(三) 完善信息平台。建设外商投资促进信息库,为外资招商工作提供法律法规、客商资源、合作项目、跟踪落实等信息服务。鼓励外资并购投资,支持各地按照市场化原则建立并购信息库,引导我市企业主动参与国际合作。

(四) 加大支持力度。按照我省省级招商引资专项资金管理相关规定,对引进的外资新设项目和增资项目,实际到位 1000 万美元的奖励 50 万元人民币,每增加 1000 万美元奖励资金增加 50 万元人民币。对在我市新设立的境外、省外企业地区总部和功能性机构,经省审核认定后,由省财政一次性给予不超过 1000 万元奖励。

(五) 促进开发区外资招商。对开发区主导产业引进外资、促进转型升级等项目用地予以倾斜支持,对外资重点项目所需建设用地指标予以优先保障。利用外经贸发展资金和商务促进资金,支持开发区做强主导产业、开展对外招商等。支持有条件的县区高标准规划建设国际合作园区。




Three Year Action Plan for Foreign Investment in Xinyang City (2021-2023)


This action plan is formulated to vigorously carry out foreign investment, further promote the landing of foreign investment projects, improve the development level of export-oriented economy in our city, create a new highland of inland opening in the central region, and promote the high-quality economic development of our city.

1、 General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 11th Provincial Party Congress and the 6th Municipal Party Congress, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, and seize the new round of scientific and technological revolution abroad. The industrial chain reshapes opportunities, takes foreign investment as an important tool to expand investment, promote transformation, and increase stamina. With advanced manufacturing as the main direction, we will continue to attract large and strong, precise and scientific investment in order to achieve a solid “six stability” "Work, fully implement the "six guarantees" task and inject new momentum into accelerating the revitalization of old areas and accelerating the rise of green.

(2) Basic principles

1.Adhere to the combination of overall planning of key industries and coordinated investment promotion of industrial chain.The city plans as a whole, defines the key direction of foreign investment, identifies the leader of chain extension, the key of chain supplement and the core of strong chain in combination with the actual situation, vigorously attracts foreign "head enterprises" in the industrial chain, promotes major strategic cooperation, introduces upstream and downstream supporting foreign-funded enterprises suitable for development, and promotes industrial integration into a chain.

2.Adhere to the combination of expanding leading industries and cultivating emerging industries.Taking foreign investment in advanced manufacturing industry as the main direction, we will not only optimize and strengthen leading industries and transform and enhance traditional industries through foreign investment, but also aim at strategic emerging industries with large growth space and characteristic industries with comparative advantages in the future, so as to increase the attraction of foreign investment.

3.Adhere to the combination of attracting investment and talent.We should not only vigorously attract overseas investment, but also pay attention to the introduction of leading talents, core teams, advanced technologies and R & D centers, attract investment, intelligence and teams at the same time, realize the mutual promotion and interaction among capital, technology, talents and management, and improve the convenience of talent flow.

4.Adhere to the combination of the return of credit merchants and all-round opening-up investment.Highlight the return of credit providers without sticking to the return of credit providers. With an open and inclusive attitude, a long-term development position and a position of seeking quality and efficiency, we strive to attract all enterprises, including overseas credit providers, that are conducive to revitalizing industry, improving energy level, cultivating financial resources and increasing strength to invest in Xinyang.

(3) Overall objectives

The scale of foreign investment attraction has increased steadily, the quality and efficiency have been improved simultaneously, and remarkable results have been achieved in attracting overseas leading enterprises and key links of the industrial chain around major industrial clusters.There are 25-30 newly established foreign-funded enterprises, and the actual foreign investment (full caliber) has increased by more than 3% annually, reaching more than US $650 million by the end of 2023.Introduce 1-3 of the world's top 500 enterprises, 5-8 functional institutions such as regional headquarters, procurement distribution center, settlement center and R & D center of well-known overseas enterprises, as well as a number of leading enterprises in subdivided industries.Foreign investment will be used to enhance the industrial embeddedness, improve the development level, help build a 100 billion industrial cluster of food, building materials, textiles and clothing, a 50 billion industrial cluster of equipment manufacturing and electronic information, and a 10 billion industrial cluster of biomedicine and functional new materials, and speed up the construction of a new highland for foreign investment opening in the central region in the new era as "four districts, one barrier and one hub"Provide solid support for construction.

2、 Key tasks

Comprehensively consider the industrial foundation, development potential, factor support, industrial relevance, technological innovation ability and other factors, focus on the positioning of "1 + 1" leading industries, connect the layout of six strategic pillar industries and ten strategic emerging industries in our province, strengthen professional operation, diversified introduction and accurate investment attraction, promote investment attraction of foreign-funded projects, and create a number of advantageous industrial clusters.

(1)Attract investment around the green food industry.Comply with the requirements of consumption upgrading and green safety, take foreign-funded brand enterprises as the main direction, focus on tea, leisure food, cold chain food and functional food, attract investment for the whole chain of foreign-funded leading enterprises, extend the industrial chain, improve the value chain, build the supply chain, and accelerate the formation of a 100 billion level food industry cluster.Focus on the docking and cooperation with Zhengda agriculture and animal husbandry, promote the reorganization of Huaying Group, continue to negotiate with well-known enterprises such as Anjing food and Wangwang food, and carry out ODM cooperation relying on HuangGuo grain industry.Around the recruitment of talents and talents of Ruihe food, build an R&D platform and explore new market space.Attract the integration of upstream and downstream resources to form a whole food industry chain from planting to production, farmers to enterprises and product logistics sales.

(2) Attract investment around the green building materials industry.Focusing on building thermal insulation materials, cement building materials, metallurgical building materials, wood processing, stone materials, home decoration, mineral functional new materials, etc., we will promote the formation of a building materials industry cluster with a scale of 100 billion.Yangshan New Area aims at the future residential industry and creates a green smart home decoration production base.Focusing on new green building materials, Shangtianti Management Zone continues to cultivate leading enterprises in the industrial chain such as espy, and build a passive building characteristic industrial base and a carbon neutralization leading demonstration park.

(3)Attract investment around green light textile industry.Based on building an influential textile and garment industry cluster in China, vigorously attract subdivision leaders such as weaving, fabric and intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the supporting development of embroidery, printing, thread industry, sweater, accessories, children's clothing and women's clothing, and promote the rapid development of 100 billion textile and garment processing and trade base through investment attraction.Huaibin County has actively introduced upstream filament enterprises, promoted cooperation with well-known brand enterprises, accelerated the construction of ecological dyeing and finishing Industrial Park, and supplemented the whole textile and garment industry chain.Relying on deyongjia and Macao Hongjian, Xi county actively attracts garment processing enterprises, attracts the relocation of brand garment headquarters, and builds a brand garment intelligent manufacturing demonstration park.Huangchuan County focuses on all-round cooperation with Yongjing group to build a supply chain base for footwear giants such as Nike and Adidas.

(4) Attract investment around high-end equipment industry.Based on strong advantages, excellent structure and high-end, vigorously introduce leading leading enterprises and supporting enterprises, concentrate advantageous resources, form a regional advanced equipment manufacturing industry cluster and create a new industrialization base.Focusing on the scenery hydrogen storage, Xinyang high tech Zone will build the largest onshore fan and blade manufacturing base in Central China, new energy industry manufacturing center, operation center, R & D center and investment center in central and Western China, accurately connect with foreign core supply chain enterprises in the upstream and downstream of Mingyang, and join hands with upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and strategic partners to build a 100 billion level new energy high-end equipment industrial cluster.

(5) Attract investment around the electronic information industry.We will focus on attracting leading enterprises in subdivided industries such as mobile terminals, photoelectric displays, electronic circuits, new generation information technology and new infrastructure, build the leading edge of electronic information industry, and promote the formation of 50 billion industrial clusters.Shihe district continues to attract enterprises in the upstream and downstream industrial chain of intelligent display and intelligent terminal, strive to build an electronic information intelligent manufacturing science and Technology Park, and attract foreign-funded electronic enterprises to settle in; Build a high standard surface treatment park to provide a core chain sharing platform for electronic information industry enterprises in the city.Xinyang high tech Zone continues to connect with Foxconn to form the results of joint investment promotion of foreign capital and foreign trade. Relying on Tianyang optoelectronics and Yuanchuang magnetoelectricity, Xinyang high tech Zone focuses on attracting Tianyang supply chain, especially Panda Electronics 6th generation line and TV project, Yuanchuang upstream magnetic steel and downstream motor manufacturing project, Liangjian semiconductor core power project and upstream copper processing project.

(6) Attract investment around the biomedical industry.Focusing on building a regional large-scale, characteristic and branded biomedical industry cluster, we will focus on attracting landmark enterprises and projects such as new pharmaceutical R & D, high-end generic drugs, high-end medical devices, third-party testing and modern traditional Chinese medicine.Relying on Lingrui pharmaceutical, Xinxian county actively attracts upstream API enterprises and midstream medical device enterprises, strengthens cooperation with Changyuan equipment automation and intelligent manufacturing projects, creates a medical and Health Industrial Park focusing on biological drugs, patches, fentanyl and medical devices, further seeks capital cooperation, increases capital and shares, and enhances the control of major shareholders,Promote the M & a plan of small and medium-sized node enterprises in the industry.

(7) Attract investment around commerce and logistics industry.Focusing on changing the edge of zoning into an open frontier and regional hub, based on the construction of a national commercial service-oriented logistics hub, seize the strategic layout opportunity of logistics giants and industry leaders, introduce a number of large modern logistics parks and logistics distribution centers, accelerate the improvement of logistics node support level, and build a regional cold chain logistics base, e-commerce logistics clusterExpress logistics distribution center.Shihe District focuses on relying on Dabie Mountain logistics, focuses on promoting the construction of regional cold chain logistics park, vigorously develops cold chain logistics bases such as meat, aquatic products, fruits and vegetables, and attracts large foreign-funded circulation enterprises to build cold chain distribution centers;Focusing on the organic renewal of the city, actively cooperate with well-known foreign commercial leading enterprises, revitalize high-quality business district resources, and create an urban commercial complex with rich scenes, multiple functions and concentrated traffic.Huangchuan Development Zone focuses on the construction of Dabie Mountain multimodal transport logistics demonstration park, and actively cooperates with well-known foreign express enterprises to build a regional express logistics collection and distribution center and a provincial regional logistics hub.

(8) Attract investment around the cultural tourism industry.Focus on building a national famous red tourism destination, strengthen the integrated development of red culture, ecology and rural tourism, and actively seek cooperation with foreign cultural tourism operating enterprises and cultural tourism industry investment and financing platforms.Focusing on the construction of a global tourism demonstration area at the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains, strengthen docking and cooperation with overseas comprehensive cultural and tourism flagship enterprises, build a national tourist resort and a national fitness industry pilot, and build a domestic tourism destination with important influence and brand power.

(9) Carry out green and low-carbon investment promotion.The construction of green development demonstration area for benchmarking and practicing ecological civilization, seizing the opportunity of economic restructuring in the transformation of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, focusing on strengthening docking and cooperation with new energy enterprises such as China Resources and Everbright, digital industrialization and industrial digitization enterprises, and vigorously carrying out investment attraction for green industries such as new energy and digital economy.We will dynamically improve the map of key industrial chains of green and low-carbon industries and the road map for foreign investment, publish the catalogue of green and low-carbon industry investment, and strive for foreign green and low-carbon leading enterprises and foreign green and low-carbon high-tech enterprises to set up regional headquarters and functional institutions in Xinxin.Actively bid for or participate in large-scale events and exhibitions in energy conservation and environmental protection, green and low-carbon industries, and carry out urban marketing and promotion activities relying on Henan investment and trade fair, Xiamen International Trade Fair, China International Expo and China East Expo.

3、 Measure guarantee

(1) Expand the field of foreign investment.We will fully implement the pre entry national treatment plus negative list management system. In areas outside the negative list, all localities and departments shall not specifically restrict the access of foreign investment.Encourage and support foreign investment in strategic emerging industries and high-end service industries, promote the combination of investment, technology and intelligence, and comprehensively improve the city's position in the foreign investment industrial chain and value chain.Encourage foreign capital to establish venture capital enterprises and equity investment enterprises, actively use overseas capital to develop venture capital and private equity investment funds, and improve the management and exit mechanism.Foreign capital is encouraged to participate in the mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises through joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions.Foreign invested enterprises are encouraged to increase investment in our city in the form of capital increase and share expansion and profit reinvestment.Actively promote our enterprises to introduce international high-end elements by means of cross-border M&A, overseas listing and return investment.Give play to the advantages of labor resources, market and industrial supporting facilities of our city, and undertake the transfer of processing trade foreign-funded enterprises in the eastern coastal areas to our city in a group and systematic manner.

(2) Improve the service level.Build a wide coverage and diversified investment attraction network, make full use of the inter governmental or non-governmental economic cooperation mechanism, and strengthen the exchange and docking of investment attraction information among key enterprises or organizations.Gather diversified investment promotion forces, establish and improve industrial investment promotion alliances and investment promotion think tanks, promote the establishment of corporate and professional investment promotion institutions, and use various chambers of Commerce and industry associations to carry out entrusted investment promotion and agent investment promotion. For social organizations, intermediaries and individuals who successfully introduce foreign investment projects, according to the type of introduced projects and the actual amount in place,Corresponding rewards can be given to the beneficiaries of the project.

(3) Improve the information platform.Build a foreign investment promotion information base to provide information services such as laws and regulations, customer resources, cooperation projects and follow-up implementation for foreign investment promotion.Encourage foreign M&A investment, support all localities to establish M&A information base according to the market-oriented principle, and guide enterprises in our city to actively participate in international cooperation.

(4)Increase support.In accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of provincial special funds for investment promotion in our province, the newly established projects and capital increase projects with introduced foreign capital will be rewarded with RMB 500000 for the actual amount of USD 10 million, and the reward fund will increase by RMB 500000 for each additional USD 10 million.For the regional headquarters and functional institutions of overseas and provincial enterprises newly established in our city, the provincial finance will give a one-time reward of no more than 10 million yuan after being reviewed and recognized by the province.

(5)Promote foreign investment in the development zone.Give preferential support to the land for projects such as the introduction of foreign investment in the leading industries of the development zone and the promotion of transformation and upgrading, and give priority to the guarantee of the indicators of construction land required for key foreign-funded projects. Make use of foreign economic and trade development funds and business promotion funds to support the development zone to strengthen leading industries and carry out foreign investment.Support qualified counties and districts to plan and build international cooperation parks with high standards.

(6) Optimize the business environment.We will deepen the reform of the "release, management and service" of foreign investment, improve the "one-stop handling" system of foreign investment business filing and industrial and commercial registration, improve the facilitation level of foreign investment, and constantly reduce the operation and management costs of foreign-invested enterprises.Give full play to the role of the complaint system of foreign-invested enterprises, accelerate the establishment of a foreign-invested service mechanism covering the whole process of the landing of foreign-invested enterprises, collect the problems and demands reflected by enterprises, regularly hold meetings and symposiums between foreign-invested enterprises and government departments, effectively coordinate and solve problems, and feed back to relevant enterprises in time.

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