
发布时间 2022-07-14|阅读









目  录

  • 高新技术企业




















  • 高新技术企业的定义





















  • 企业从事研发和相关技术创新活动的科技人员占企业当年职工总数的比例不低于10%;
  • 企业近三个会计年度(实际经营期不满三年的按实际经营时间计算,下同)的研究开发费用总额占同期销售收入总额的比例符合如下要求: 

1. 最近一年销售收入小于5000万元(含)的企业,比例不低于5%;

2. 最近一年销售收入在5000万元至2亿元(含)的企业,比例不低于4%;

3. 最近一年销售收入在2亿元以上的企业,比例不低于3%。其中,企业在中国境内发生的研究开发费用总额占全部研究开发费用总额的比例不低于60%;

  • 近一年高新技术产品(服务)收入占企业同期总收入的比例不低于60%;



  • 高新技术企业优惠政策






















    ◎ 在申请认定过程中存在严重弄虚作假行为的。

  ◎ 发生重大安全、重大质量事故或有严重环境违法行为的。

◎ 未按期报告与认定条件有关重大变化情况,或累计两年未填





指   标














1. 知识产权(≤30分)























      A. 高  (7-8分)     B. 较高(5-6分)

      C. 一般(3-4分)     D. 较低(1-2分)

      E. 无  (0分)



      A. 强  (7-8分)     B. 较强(5-6分)

      C. 一般(3-4分)     D. 较弱(1-2分)

      E. 无  (0分)



      A. 1项及以上 (Ⅰ类)(7-8分)

      B. 5项及以上 (Ⅱ类)(5-6分)    

      C. 3~4项    (Ⅱ类)(3-4分)         

      D. 1~2项    (Ⅱ类)(1-2分)

      E. 0项              (0分)


      A. 有自主研发            (1-6分)

          B. 仅有受让、受赠和并购等(1-3分)



      A. 是 (1-2分)

          B. 否 (0分)


2. 科技成果转化能力(≤30分)




    A. 转化能力强,  ≥5项  (25-30分)

    B. 转化能力较强,≥4项  (19-24分)

    C. 转化能力一般,≥3项 (13-18分)

    D. 转化能力较弱, ≥2项  (7-12分)

    E. 转化能力弱,   ≥1项  (1-6分)

    F. 转化能力无,     0项 (0分)









3. 研究开发组织管理水平(≤20分)
















  1. 开放平台:根据公司现在的技术和研发条件,向内部员工开放创新与创业,目前主要形式有阿米巴或事业合伙人制度、创客、孵化器、众创空间等。(4)建立了科技人员的培养进修、职工技能培训、优秀人才引进,以及人才绩效评价奖励制度。(≤4分)


4. 企业成长性(≤20分)




净资产 = 资产总额 - 负债总额







































  • 科技型中小企业的定义





  • 评价条件标准





















  • 评价有效期和更新

























□10%(含)-15% (4分)








□4%(含)-5% (30分)


□2%(含)-3% (10分)







□10%(含)-15% (10分)





□1项及以上Ⅰ类知识产权        (30分)

□4项及以上Ⅱ类知识产权        (24分)

□3项Ⅱ类知识产权              (18分)

□2项Ⅱ类知识产权              (12分)

□1项Ⅱ类知识产权              (6分)

□没有知识产权                 (0分)








Xinyang Science and Technology Bureau

Commerce Bureau of Xinyang Municipality 



    In order to facilitate the service work of foreign-funded enterprises, the Municipal Bureau of science and technology and the Municipal Bureau of Commerce sorted out the key points needing special attention in the application of high-tech enterprises and the evaluation of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises into a service manual for foreign-funded enterprises.



1、 High-tech enterprise

1.Definition of high-tech enterprise.............................................. 1

2.High tech fields supported by the State......................................... 1

3.Recognition conditions for high-tech enterprises.................................2

4.Preferential policies for high-tech enterprises .................................3

5.Identification procedures and precautions........................................5

6.Four indicators recognized by national high-tech enterprises ....................6

2、 Evaluation of national scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises

1.Definition of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises................13

2.Criteria for evaluation conditions ............................................. 13

3.Evaluate benefits................................................................14

4.Evaluation website ............................................................. 14

5.Evaluation validity period and renewal...........................................14

6.Evaluation process ..............................................................15

7.Evaluation of through train .................................................... 15

8.Scoring standard for self-assessment.............................................16





     High-tech enterprise


1、 Definition of high-tech enterprise


High tech enterprises refer to the high-tech fields supported by the state, which continuously carry out research and development and transformation of technological achievements, form the core independent intellectual property rights of enterprises, carry out business activities on this basis, and register in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)

Resident enterprises.



2、 High tech fields supported by the state


1、 Electronic information

2、 Biology and new medicine

3、 Aerospace

4、 New material

5、 High tech services

6、 New energy and energy conservation

7、 Resources and environment

8、 Advanced manufacturing and automation


3、 Recognition conditions of high-tech enterprises

(1) When applying for recognition, the enterprise must be registered and established for more than one year;

(2) The enterprise obtains the ownership of intellectual property rights that play a core supporting role in the technology of its main products (services) through independent research and development, transfer, donation, M & A, etc;

(3) The technologies that play a core supporting role in the main products (services) of the enterprise belong to the scope specified in the high and new technology fields supported by the state;

(4) The proportion of scientific and technological personnel engaged in R & D and related technological innovation activities in the total number of employees of the enterprise in the current year shall not be less than 10%;

(5) The proportion of the total research and development expenses of the enterprise in the total sales revenue of the same period in recent three fiscal years (calculated according to the actual operation time if the actual operation period is less than three years, the same below) meets the following requirements:

1. The proportion of enterprises with sales revenue less than 50 million yuan (included) in the latest year shall not be less than 5%;

2. The proportion of enterprises with sales revenue of 50 million yuan to 200 million yuan (inclusive) in the latest year shall not be less than 4%;

3. The proportion of enterprises with sales revenue of more than 200 million yuan in the latest year shall not be less than 3%.Among them, the total research and development expenses incurred by enterprises in China shall account for no less than 60% of the total research and development expenses;

(6) The proportion of income from high-tech products (services) in the total income of the enterprise in the same period in recent one year shall not be less than 60%;

(7) The evaluation of enterprise innovation ability should meet the corresponding requirements;

(8) No major safety or quality accidents or serious environmental violations occurred within the year before the enterprise applied for recognition.



4、 Preferential policies for high-tech enterprises


    (1) Income tax relief:After being recognized as a high-tech enterprise, the income tax rate will be reduced from 25% to 15%;

    (2) Financial reward:The city will give 100000 yuan or 200000 yuan to the high-tech enterprises recognized for the first time, and the city and county will bear 50% respectively. The county and district will give 50000 yuan to the high-tech enterprises recognized again;The provincial finance will give a reward of up to 100000 yuan to those recognized for the first time and for three consecutive times.

    (3) Accelerated depreciation of fixed assets(Fixed assets that allow accelerated depreciation include:

      1. fixed assets with rapid product upgrading due to technological progress;

      2. fixed assets in strong vibration and high corrosion all year round.If the method of shortening the depreciation period is adopted, the minimum depreciation period shall not be less than 60% of the depreciation period specified in Article 60 of these regulations;

      3. the accelerated depreciation method adopts the double declining balance method or the sum of years method.

    (4) Exemption and reduction of income from technology transfer

     Within a tax year, the part of the enterprise's income from technology transfer that does not exceed 5 million yuan shall be exempted from enterprise income tax;For the part exceeding 5 million yuan, the enterprise income tax shall be halved.

    (5) Additional deduction of R & D expenses

     If the research and development expenses incurred by the enterprise for the development of new technologies, new products and new processes do not form intangible assets and are included in the current profits and losses, they shall be calculated and deducted according to 75% of the enterprise's research and development expenses on the basis of actual deduction in accordance with the regulations;If an intangible asset is formed, it shall be amortized at 175% of the cost of the intangible asset.Among them, from January 1, 2021, the R & D expenses incurred by manufacturing enterprises shall be calculated and deducted before tax according to 100% of the actual amount;If an intangible asset is formed, it shall be amortized before tax according to 200% of the cost of the intangible asset.

(6) Project support:The qualification of high-tech enterprises has basically become a prerequisite for applying for municipal, provincial and national scientific research projects, and priority support is given.

    (7) Financial support:High tech enterprises have become the favored objects of banks and other financial institutions and various investment institutions, and it is easier to obtain credit support and venture capital.

    (8) Capital market:When listing on the gem and the new third board, the qualification of high-tech enterprises shall be taken as a bonus factor, and the stock listing of joint-stock high-tech enterprises meeting the listing conditions shall be given priority.

    (9) Bidding:In bidding, high-tech enterprises are given priority, and some even take obtaining the qualification of high-tech enterprises as a necessary condition.

    (10) Brand promotion:High tech enterprise is a rare national qualification certification for any enterprise, and it is an indispensable hard signboard for enterprises relying on science and technology.












5、 Identification procedures and precautions





   1.After obtaining the qualification of high-tech enterprise, the enterprise shall submit the development report of the previous year through the "high-tech enterprise recognition management network" before the end of May each year within the validity period of its qualification.

2.In case of name change or major changes related to the recognition conditions (such as division, merger, reorganization and business change, etc.), the high-tech enterprise shall report to the provincial recognition institution through the local high-tech enterprise recognition management service institution and submit relevant materials within three months from the date of occurrence.

    3. if a recognized high-tech enterprise commits any of the following acts, it shall cancel its qualification as a high-tech enterprise from the year of occurrence.

    ◎ serious fraud in the process of application for recognition.

 ◎ major safety and quality accidents or serious environmental violations.

◎ major changes related to the recognition conditions are not reported on schedule, or they have not been filled in for two years

Report the annual development report.



6、 Four indicators identified by national high-tech enterprises


It is mainly evaluated from four indicators: intellectual property rights, transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements, management level of research and development organization and enterprise growth.All indicators at all levels are scored by integer, with a full score of 100. If the comprehensive score reaches more than 70 (excluding 70), it meets the recognition requirements.The score structure of the four indicators is shown in the table below:

Serial number




intellectual property right



Transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements



Research and development organization management level



Enterprise growth


1. Intellectual property (≤ 30 points)

Technical experts shall evaluate whether the intellectual property declared by the enterprise meets the requirements of the identification measures and work guidelines, and conduct a combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation.

Serial number

Evaluation indicators related to intellectual property



Advanced level of Technology



Play a core supporting role in technology for main products (services)



Number of intellectual property rights



Acquisition mode of intellectual property



(as a reference condition, add 2 points at most)

Enterprises' participation in the preparation of national standards, industrial standards, testing methods and technical specifications



(1) Advanced level of Technology

A. High (7-8 points) B. high (5-6 points)

C. Average (3-4 points) d. low (1-2 points)

E. None (0 point)

Interpretation: pay attention to examining the gold content of enterprise technology, the subjective judgment of experts is enhanced, and the score deduction will be the most serious.It is more convincing if there are invention patents, PCT patents in developed countries, appraisal reports of scientific and technological achievements, national invention patent awards, etc

(2) Play a core supporting role in technology for main products (services)

A. Strong (7-8 points) B. strong (5-6 points)

C. Average (3-4 points) d. weak (1-2 points)

E. None (0 point)

Interpretation: intellectual property should help enterprises gain greater competitive advantage;60% of high-tech income should be supported by independent intellectual property rights.

(3) Number of intellectual property rights

A. 1 item or above (class I) (7-8 points)

B. 5 items and above (class II) (5-6 points)

C. 3-4 items (class II) (3-4 points)

D. Items 1-2 (class I) (1-2 points)

E. 0 items (0 points)

(4) Acquisition mode of intellectual property

A. Independent research and development (1-6 points)

B. Only transferees, gifts, mergers and acquisitions, etc. (1-3 points)

Interpretation: only 1-3 points can be obtained if it is only obtained through transfer, gift, M & A, etc.

(5) Enterprises' participation in the preparation of national standards, industrial standards, testing methods and technical specifications (this item is an additional item, and the total score of "intellectual property" after the additional score shall not exceed 30 points. Relevant standards, methods and specifications must be certified and recognized by relevant national departments.)

A. Yes (1-2 points)

B. No (0 point)


2. Transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements (≤ 30 points)

According to the law on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, scientific and technological achievements refer to achievements with practical value (patents, copyrights, integrated circuit layout design, etc.) produced through scientific research and technological developmentThe transformation of scientific and technological achievements refers to the follow-up test, development, application and promotion of scientific and technological achievements in order to improve the level of productivity, until the formation of new products, new processes, new materials and the development of new industries.

The forms of transformation of scientific and technological achievements include: self investment and transformation; transfer of the technological achievements to others; licensing others to use the scientific and technological achievements; joint transformation with others with the scientific and technological achievements as cooperation conditions; investment, conversion of shares or contribution proportion based on the scientific and technological achievements; and other ways determined through negotiation.

The technical experts shall make a comprehensive evaluation according to the overall situation of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the enterprise and the annual average number of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in recent three years. The same scientific and technological achievements transformed at home and abroad, or into multiple products, services, processes, samples, prototypes, etc., shall be counted as only one item.

A. Strong transformation ability, ≥ 5 items (25-30 points)

B. Strong transformation ability, ≥ 4 items (19-24 points)

C. Average transformation ability, ≥ 3 items (13-18 points)

D. Weak transformation ability, ≥ 2 items (7-12 points)

E. Weak transformation ability, ≥ 1 item (1-6 points)

F. No conversion ability, 0 item (0 point)


1) The annual average number is 5 or more, and it must be more than 15 in three years.

2) The definition, source and transformation of achievements should be understood clearly and can only be determined by scientific and technological achievements

3) The transformation forms are diversified, not limited to internal transformation;

4) . the source of achievements can also be in various forms, such as transfer, purchase, license, independent research and development, etc;

5)Scientific and technological achievements must belong to the key areas of high technology in China

6). please refer to the law of the people's Republic of China on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements 20150829


3. Research and development organization management level (≤ 20 points)

According to the overall situation of enterprise research and development and technological innovation organization and management, technical experts will give comprehensive scores in combination with the following evaluations.

(1) Formulated the organization and management system of enterprise research and development, established the accounting system of R & D investment, and compiled the auxiliary account of R & D expenses;(≤ 6 points)

Interpretation: provide R & D management system, accounting system, establish R & D expense reserve system, and provide R & D expense auxiliary account (refer to the table style of the IRS on additional deduction and annual final settlement of enterprise income tax).

(2) Established internal scientific and technological research and development institutions with corresponding scientific research conditions, and carried out various forms of industry university research cooperation with domestic and foreign research and development institutions;(≤ 6 points)


1Internal R & D Organization: organization chart, R & D equipment list, field map, R & D personnel structure chart

2Domestic and foreign research and development institutions: domestic 985 Engineering University and 211 Engineering University, various applied research institutes, laboratories and engineering centers.Such as Hong Kong Academy of Applied Sciences, Shenzhen Guangqi Research Institute and micro nano Research Institute;

3. diversification of industry university research agreements and forms: technological innovation alliance \ joint school running \ customized students \ jointly built laboratories \ pilot test bases \ applied research institutes, science and technology commissioner system, doctoral stations, etc.

4R & D content: new technology, new process and new product

(3) The organization, implementation, incentive and reward system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements has been established, and an open innovation and entrepreneurship platform has been established;(≤ 4 points)


1Organization, implementation and incentive system for achievement transformation:

A) . transformation form: self investment, transformation, transfer of the technological achievement to others, and licensing of others to use the scientific and technological achievement;Take the scientific and technological achievements as cooperation conditions and jointly implement the transformation with others;The investment, conversion of shares or proportion of capital contribution based on the value of the scientific and technological achievements;And other ways determined through consultation.

B) Set up special human resources institutions to engage in the introduction, transformation and organization management of achievements;

C) Formulate corresponding incentive measures according to different transformation forms: such as equity participation, calculation of Commission for performance standards, promotion of position level, etc

2. Open platform: according to the company's current technology and R & D conditions, open innovation and entrepreneurship to internal employees. At present, the main forms include amoeba or business partner system, maker, incubator, maker space, etc.(4) It has established the training and further education of scientific and technological personnel, staff skill training, introduction of excellent talents, and talent performance evaluation and reward system.(≤ 4 points)


4. Enterprise growth (≤ 20 points)

Financial experts select indicators such as the growth rate of net assets and sales revenue to evaluate the growth of the enterprise.If the actual operation period of the enterprise is less than three years, it shall be calculated according to the actual operation time.The calculation method is as follows:

(1) Growth rate of net assets

Growth rate of net assets = 1 / 2 (net assets at the end of the second year ÷ net assets at the end of the first year + net assets at the end of the third year ÷ net assets at the end of the second year) - 1

Net assets = total assets - total liabilities

The total assets and liabilities shall be subject to the closing balance of the enterprise's accounting statements verified by a qualified intermediary.

(2) Sales revenue growth rate

Sales revenue growth rate = 1 / 2 (sales revenue in the second year ÷ sales revenue in the first year + sales revenue in the third year ÷ sales revenue in the second year) - 1

If the growth rate of net assets or sales revenue of the enterprise is negative, it shall be calculated as 0.If the net assets or sales income at the end of the first year is 0, it shall be calculated according to the next two years;If the net assets or sales income at the end of the second year is 0, it shall be calculated as 0.

The scores of the above two indicators are obtained by comparing with the evaluation grade (ABCDEF) in the table below, and the comprehensive scores of enterprise growth indicators are calculated by adding the two scores.


Growth score










≤ 20 points

Valuation of net asset growth rate

≤ 10 points













Sales revenue growth rate

≤ 10 points


Interpretation: net assets = owner's equity (including paid in capital or share capital, capital reserve, surplus reserve and undistributed profit) = total assets - total liabilities 












Evaluation of national scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises


1、 Definition of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises


Scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises refer to those that rely on a certain number of scientific and technological personnel to engage in scientific and technological research and development activities, obtain independent intellectual property rights and convert them into high-tech products or services, So as to realize the sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises.


2、 Evaluation condition standard


    Science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises must meet the following conditions at the same time:

    1. resident enterprises registered in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)

2The total number of employees shall not exceed 500, the annual sales revenue shall not exceed 200 million yuan, and the total assets

The amount shall not exceed 200 million yuan;

    3The products and services provided by domestic enterprises do not belong to the restricted and eliminated categories specified in the catalogue for the guidance of industrial structure adjustment issued by the national development and Reform Commission;The products and services of foreign-funded enterprises do not belong to the catalogue of industries prohibited from foreign investment and the catalogue of industries restricted from foreign investment stipulated in the catalogue for the guidance of foreign investment industries issued by the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce.

4. the enterprise has not had any major safety and quality accidents or serious accidents in the previous year and the current year

Environmental violations and serious dishonesty in scientific research, and the enterprise is not included in the list of abnormal operation and the list of serious illegal and dishonest enterprises


3、 Evaluate benefits

1. apply for admission tickets for various science and technology preferential policies and science and technology projects;

2. the carrying forward period of enterprise losses is extended from 5 years to 10 years;

3Preferential policies such as science and technology loans, addition and deduction of R & D expenses, and financial subsidies for R & D expenses;

    4. enjoy the honorary qualification of national scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises;

 5I. sort out the enterprise itself and improve the enterprise's own image.

4、 Evaluation website

Log in to www.innofund.gov.cn and click the evaluation button.

Sometimes the website will be upgraded or the problem can not be opened temporarily. In order not to affect the normal development of the evaluation of science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises can also visit it directly through the following address:

Enterprise login link:https://tsme.chinatorch.gov.cn/techBased


5、 Evaluation validity and renewal


    1.The "registration number" of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises shall be subject to annual dynamic management, and the "registration number" shall be effective from the date of announcement to March 31 of the next year.The enterprise shall update the information annually to obtain the "registration number" of the new year.

    2.The warehousing enterprise shall actively update the information form of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises through the "evaluation system" from January 1 to March 31 of the next year. If it meets the conditions after review and publicity, it shall obtain the "registration number" of warehousing in the new year.


6、 Evaluation process







 7、 Evaluation through train

    Enterprises with the following qualifications can be directly evaluated:

    1The enterprise has the qualification certificate of high-tech enterprise within the validity period

    2The enterprise has an accredited R & D institution at or above the provincial and ministerial level

    3The enterprise has won national science and technology awards in recent five years, and ranks among the top three award-winning units.

    4The enterprise has led the formulation of international standards, national standards or industrial standards in recent five years.

8、 Self assessment scoring standard

The evaluation indicators of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises include scientific and technological personnel, R & D investment and scientific and technological achievements, with a full score of 100 points.The score obtained from the comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise according to the evaluation index of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises shall not be less than 60 points, and the index score of scientific and technological personnel shall not be 0 points.


Enterprise science and technology activity score (Full Score: 100)

Enterprise self-assessment

scientific and technical personnel

(Full Score: 20 points)

Proportion of scientific and technological personnel in the total number of employees of the enterprise in the previous fiscal year

□ more than 30% (including 20 points)

□ 25% (inclusive) - 30% (16 points)

□ 20% (inclusive) - 25% (12 points)

□ 15% (inclusive) - 20% (8 points)

□ 10% (inclusive) - 15% (4 points)

□ below 10% (0 point)

R & D investment

(Full Score: 50 points)

The enterprise selects one of the two indicators (1) and (2) to score.

(1) Proportion of total R & D expenses in total sales revenue of the enterprise in the previous fiscal year

□ above 6% (inclusive) (50 points)

□ 5% (inclusive) - 6% (40 points)

□ 4% (inclusive) - 5% (30 points)

□ 3% (inclusive) - 4% (20 points)

□ 2% (inclusive) - 3% (10 points)

□ less than 2% (0 point)

(2) Proportion of total R & D expenses of enterprises in total cost expenses in the previous fiscal year

□ more than 30% (including 50 points)

□ 25% (inclusive) - 30% (40 points)

□ 20% (inclusive) - 25% (30 points)

□ 15% (inclusive) - 20% (20 points)

□ 10% (inclusive) - 15% (10 points)

□ below 10% (0 point)

Scientific and technological achievements

(Full Score: 30 points)

Category and quantity of intellectual property rights related to main products (or services) owned by the enterprise within the validity period (intellectual property rights shall be free from disputes or disputes)

□ one or more class I intellectual property rights (30 points)

□ 4 or more class II intellectual property rights (24 points)

□ 3 class II intellectual property rights (18 points)

□ 2 class II intellectual property rights (12 points)

□ 1 item of class II intellectual property (6 points)

□ no intellectual property rights (0 point)

地址:信阳市羊山新区新五大道66号 Email:xinyangzs303@126.com
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