【33】 外商投资企业设立登记提交材料规范
◆ 变更名称的,应当向其登记机关提出申请。申请名称超出登记机关管辖权限的,由登记机关向有该名称核准权的上级登记机关申报。
◆ 变更住所的,提交变更后住所的合法使用证明。外商投资企业跨登记机关管辖办理地址变更的,须先办理迁移登记。涉及外商投资准入特别管理措施的外商投资企业跨登记机关、审批机关办理地址变更的,还须在办理迁移登记、地址变更登记时提供审批机关的批复和批准证书副本1。
◆ 变更法定代表人的,根据公司章程的规定提交原任法定代表人的免职证明和新任法定代表人的任职证明及身份证明复印件。
◆ 减少注册资本的,应提交刊登减资公告的报纸报样及债务清偿报告或债务担保证明。
◆ 股份有限公司以公开发行新股方式或者上市公司以非公开发行新股方式增加注册资本的,还应当提交国务院证券监督管理机构的核准文件。
◆ 变更经营范围的,申请登记的经营范围中有法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定必须在登记前报经批准的项目,应提交相应的前置审批文件或证件。经营范围中属于法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定须经批准的项目被吊销、撤销许可证或者其他批准文件,或者许可证、其他批准文件有效期限届满的,应当自吊销、撤销许可证、其他批准文件或者许可证、其他批准文件有效期届满之日起30日内申请变更登记或依法办理注销登记。
◆ 变更股东的,应提交股权转让协议、依法经其他投资方同意转让的声明、股权受让方的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明以及外商投资企业法律文件送达授权委托书。如经人民法院依法裁定划转股权的,应当提交人民法院的裁定书。
◆ 变更投资者名称或姓名的,应提交法定登记机关出具的准予投资者名称变更的证明文件。外方投资者的名称变更证明文件应经其本国主管机关公证送我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。如其本国与我国没有外交关系,则应当经与我国有外交关系的第三国驻该国使(领)馆认证,再由我国驻该第三国使(领)馆认证。某些国家的海外属地出具的文书,应先在该属地办妥公证,再经该国外交机构认证,最后由我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者的名称变更应当按照专项规定或协议依法提供当地公证机构的公证文件。
◆ 以上各项涉及其他登记事项变更的,应当同时申请变更登记,按相应的提交材料规范提交相应的材料。
5. 涉及外商投资准入特别管理措施的企业在办理名称、住所、注册资本、经营期限、经营范围、股东以及企业类型变更登记时,还应提交审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)。
◆ 董事/联合管理委员会委员、监事、经理备案。提交原任职人员的免职文件和新任职人员的任职文件及身份证明复印件。
◆ 非公司外商投资企业分支机构备案。非公司外资企业增设、撤销分支机构的,应提交依法作出的决议或决定,其中撤销分支机构还应提交分支机构登记机关出具的注销证明。如法律、法规及国家市场监督管理总局规章规定设立、撤销分支机构需经审批的,应提交审批文件原件或有效复印件。
◆ 外商投资的公司清算组备案。提交依法作出的决议或决定。
◆ 不涉及登记事项的章程修改备案。提交法定代表人签署的章程修正案或修改后的章程,和企业依法作出的决议或决定。涉及外商投资准入特别管理措施的企业还应提交审批机关的批复。
◆ 更换境外投资者法律文件送达接受人。提交《外商投资企业法律文件送达授权委托书》(申请表格中填写即可)和被授权人的主体资格证明复印件或自然人身份证明复印件。
3.“依法作出的决议或决定” 指根据《中外合资经营企业法》、《中外合作经营企业法》、《外资企业法》规定以及企业章程作出的决议或决定,决议或决定的内容与所申请的事项应当一致。对于外商投资的公司,还应当符合《公司法》的有关规定。
5.项目合同(金融、保险类外国(地区)企业无需提交)。从事合作开发石油、承包工程、承包或接受委托经营管理的外国(地区)企业所提供的合同(摘要 )中应明确其从事生产经营活动的总费用。
1.根据国家有关法律、法规和《外国 (地区) 企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法》等规定,外国企业申请在中国境内从事生产经营活动适用本规范。
1.根据国家有关法律、法规和《外国 (地区) 企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法》等规定,在中国境内从事生产经营活动的外国企业申请变更登记(备案)适用本规范。
4. 登记证、代表证。
5. 公章。
1.根据国家有关法律、法规和 《外国 (地区) 企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法》等规定,在中国境内从事生产经营活动的外国企业申请注销登记适用本规范。
Specification for submission of registration materials for enterprises with foreign investment
1、 Specification for submission of registration materials for enterprises with foreign investment
[33] specification for submission of registration materials for the establishment of enterprises with foreign investment
1.Application for company registration (filing) (to be filled in by foreign-invested companies) / application for registration (filing) of non corporate foreign-funded enterprises (to be filled in by non corporate foreign-invested enterprises).
2.Articles of association and contract (the contract is only provided by non company foreign-invested enterprises applying for establishment in accordance with the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations).The articles of association and contract shall be the original signed by the legal representatives or authorized persons of all investors and sealed by all investors. If the investor is a natural person, it shall be signed by himself.Enterprises involving special administrative measures for foreign investment access shall submit the articles of association and contracts approved by the examination and approval department.
3.Investor's subject qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate.The Chinese investor shall submit a copy of the business license / public institution legal person registration certificate / social organization legal person registration certificate / private non enterprise unit certificate stamped with the official seal of the unit as the subject qualification certificate;The subject qualification certificate or identity certificate of a foreign investor shall be notarized by its domestic competent authority and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.The subject qualification certificate or identity certificate of investors in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall provide notarized documents of local notarial institutions in accordance with special provisions or agreements.
4.Copies of appointment documents and identity certificates of legal representatives, directors / members of the joint management committee, supervisors and managers (appointment documents of directors submitted by foreign-invested companies and appointment documents of directors or members of the joint management committee submitted by non company foreign-invested enterprises).
5.Legal use certificate of domicile (business place).
6.The minutes of the general meeting of shareholders shall be submitted for the joint stock limited company initiated and established, and the minutes of the establishment meeting shall be submitted for the joint stock limited company established by public offering.(it can be submitted in combination with Item 4)
7.Where a joint stock limited company established by public offering issues shares to the public, the original or valid copy of the approval document issued by the securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall be submitted.
8.Credit certificate of foreign investors (only provided by non company foreign-invested enterprises).The capital credit certificate shall be issued by the financial institution that has business dealings with the foreign investor.
9.Approval documents of the examination and approval authority (official reply and copy 1 of the approval certificate) (only provided by enterprises involved in Special Administrative Measures for foreign investment access).
10.A copy of the approval document or license (only for the enterprises whose business scope for registration has the items that must be reported for approval before registration as stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council).
1.In accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations, these specifications are applicable to the application for the establishment of foreign-invested limited liability companies, foreign-invested joint stock limited companies and non company foreign-invested enterprises.
[34] specification for submission materials of change registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises
1.Application for company registration (filing) (to be filled in by foreign-invested companies) / application for registration (filing) of non corporate foreign-funded enterprises (to be filled in by non corporate foreign-invested enterprises).
2.Resolutions or decisions made according to law.It refers to the resolutions or decisions made in accordance with the provisions of the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures, the law on foreign capital enterprises and the articles of association of the enterprise. The contents of the resolutions or decisions shall be consistent with the matters applied for.Companies with foreign investment shall also comply with the relevant provisions of the company law.
3.Amendment to the articles of association or amended articles of association, contract amendment or amended contract signed by the legal representative (contract amendment or amended contract is only submitted by non company foreign-invested enterprises).
4.Supporting documents related to the change.
◆ if the name is changed, an application shall be submitted to its registration authority.If the name applied for exceeds the jurisdiction of the registration authority, the registration authority shall report to the higher registration authority with the right to approve the name.
◆ if the domicile is changed, the legal use certificate of the changed domicile shall be submitted.If an enterprise with foreign investment changes its address beyond the jurisdiction of the registration authority, it must first go through relocation registration.If a foreign-invested enterprise involving special administrative measures for foreign investment access goes through address change with the registration authority and the examination and approval authority, it shall also provide the reply of the examination and approval authority and a copy of the approval certificate when going through relocation registration and address change registration.
◆ if the legal representative is changed, the removal certificate of the original legal representative and the copy of the employment certificate and identity certificate of the new legal representative shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association.
◆ if the registered capital is reduced, the newspaper sample publishing the capital reduction announcement and the debt repayment report or debt guarantee certificate shall be submitted.
◆ where a joint stock limited company increases its registered capital by means of public offering of new shares or a listed company increases its registered capital by means of non-public offering of new shares, it shall also submit the approval documents of the securities regulatory authority under the State Council.
◆ if the business scope is changed, the business scope applied for registration includes the items that must be submitted for approval before registration according to laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council, and the corresponding pre-approval documents or certificates shall be submitted.If the license or other approval documents for projects within the business scope that are subject to approval as stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council are revoked or revoked, or the validity period of the license or other approval documents expires, the license, other approval documents or licenses shall be revoked or revoked fromApply for change registration or cancel registration according to law within 30 days from the expiration of the validity of other approval documents.
◆ if the shareholder is changed, the equity transfer agreement, the statement of consent to the transfer by other investors according to law, the subject qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate of the equity transferee and the power of attorney for service of legal documents of foreign-invested enterprises shall be submitted.If the people's court makes a ruling on the transfer of equity according to law, a written ruling of the people's court shall be submitted.
Among them, the Chinese investor shall submit a copy of the business license / public institution legal person registration certificate / social organization legal person registration certificate / private non enterprise unit certificate stamped with the official seal of the unit as the subject qualification certificate;The subject qualification certificate or identity certificate of a foreign investor shall be notarized by its domestic competent authority and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.The subject qualification certificate or identity certificate of investors in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall provide notarized documents of local notarial institutions in accordance with special provisions or agreements.
◆ if the investor's name or name is changed, the supporting documents issued by the legal registration authority approving the change of the investor's name shall be submitted.The certificate of name change of a foreign investor shall be notarized by its competent authority and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.For the name change of investors in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the notarial documents of local notarial institutions shall be provided in accordance with the special provisions or agreements.
◆ if the above items involve changes in other registered items, they shall apply for change registration at the same time, and submit corresponding materials according to the corresponding material submission specifications.
5. When handling the registration of changes in name, domicile, registered capital, business term, business scope, shareholders and enterprise type, enterprises involving special administrative measures for foreign investment access shall also submit the approval documents of the examination and approval authority (reply and copy 1 of the approval certificate).
6.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.These specifications are applicable to the application for change of registration by foreign-invested companies or non company foreign-invested enterprises established in accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.
2.When applying for multiple changes (filing) at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
3.A joint stock limited company does not need to register the change of shareholders.
[35] specification for filing and submission materials of Foreign-invested Enterprises
1.Application for company registration (filing) (to be filled in by foreign-invested companies) / application for registration (filing) of non corporate foreign-funded enterprises (to be filled in by non corporate foreign-invested enterprises).
2.Supporting documents of filing matters.
◆ directors / members of the joint management committee, supervisors and managers for filing.Submit the removal documents of the original employees and the copies of the employment documents and identity certificates of the new employees.
◆ filing of branches of non company foreign-invested enterprises.Where a non company foreign-capital enterprise adds or cancels a branch, it shall submit the resolution or decision made according to law, and the cancellation certificate issued by the branch registration authority shall also be submitted for the cancellation of the branch.If laws, regulations and rules of the state market supervision and administration require approval for the establishment and cancellation of branches, the original or valid copy of the approval document shall be submitted.
◆ the liquidation group of a foreign-invested company shall put on record.Submit resolutions or decisions made according to law.
◆ amendment and filing of articles of association not involving registration items.Submit the amendment or amended articles of association signed by the legal representative, and the resolutions or decisions made by the enterprise according to law.Enterprises involving special administrative measures for foreign investment access shall also submit the reply of the examination and approval authority.
◆ change the recipient of legal documents of foreign investors.Submit the power of attorney for service of legal documents of foreign-invested enterprises (fill in the application form) and the copy of the principal qualification certificate of the authorized person or the copy of the identity certificate of natural person.
3.Where laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council stipulate that the filing items must be submitted for approval, the relevant approval documents or copies of the license shall be submitted.
4.Copy of business license.
1.These specifications shall apply to foreign-invested companies or unincorporated foreign-invested enterprises established in accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.Among them, this code applies to the dissolution of the company in accordance with Article 180 of the company law and the filing of members of the liquidation group in accordance with Article 42 of the regulations on the administration of company registration.Where a company enters bankruptcy proceedings upon the ruling of the people's court, these specifications shall not apply.
2.Relevant materials may be submitted together with the application for filing and relevant change registration.When applying for multiple changes (filing) at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
3."Resolution or decision made according to law" refers to the resolution or decision made in accordance with the provisions of the Chinese foreign equity joint venture law, the Chinese foreign contractual joint venture law, the foreign capital enterprise law and the articles of association of the enterprise. The content of the resolution or decision shall be consistent with the matters applied for.Companies with foreign investment shall also comply with the relevant provisions of the company law.
[36] specification for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of enterprises with foreign investment
1.Application for cancellation of enterprise registration.
2.Resolutions or decisions made according to law.It refers to the resolutions or decisions made in accordance with the company law of the people's Republic of China, the law of the people's Republic of China on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law of the people's Republic of China on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures, the law of the people's Republic of China on foreign capital enterprises and the articles of association. The contents of the resolutions or decisions shall be consistent with the matters applied for.If the court decides to dissolve or go bankrupt, and the administrative organ orders to close down, revoke the business license or revoke the establishment license, it shall submit the ruling documents of the court and the decision of the administrative organ ordering to close down, revoke the business license or revoke the establishment license respectively.If the company registration authority cancels the company establishment registration according to law due to violation of the relevant provisions of the regulations on the administration of company registration, the decision of the company registration authority to cancel the company establishment registration shall be submitted.
3.Enterprises involving special administrative measures for foreign investment access shall submit the approval documents approved by the original examination and approval authority for cancellation.If the business term has expired, the court decides to dissolve or go bankrupt, and the administrative organ orders it to close down, revoke its business license, revoke its establishment license or revoke the company's establishment registration, it is not necessary to submit it.
4.Liquidation report filed and confirmed according to law.
5.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
6.Official seal (only submitted by non company foreign-invested enterprises).
1.This code is applicable to the application for cancellation of registration by foreign-invested companies or non company foreign-invested enterprises established in accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.
2.If an enterprise that does not involve the Special Administrative Measures for foreign investment access applies for simple cancellation of registration, it is not necessary to submit the materials in Items 2, 3 and 4, and it is necessary to submit the letter of commitment for simple cancellation of all investors (the enterprise with the end of compulsory liquidation shall submit the ruling of the people's court to terminate the compulsory liquidation procedure, and the enterprise with the end of bankruptcy procedure shall submit the ruling of the people's court to terminate the bankruptcy procedure).
2、 Specification for submission of registration materials for branches of enterprises with foreign investment
[37] specification for submission of materials for establishment registration of branches of Foreign-invested Enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.Legal use certificate of domicile (business place).
3.Copies of approval documents or permit certificates.Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the establishment of a branch requires the approval of the examination and approval department, and there are items in the business scope of the branch that must be reported for approval before registration according to laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council, the approval documents of the examination and approval authority and the approval documents or copies of the license certificate related to the pre license shall be submitted.
4.Notification letter from the original registration authority (only provided by branches of (non company) foreign-invested enterprises).
5.Resolutions or decisions made by affiliated enterprises according to law (only provided by branches of (non company) foreign-invested enterprises).
6.Copy of the business license of the affiliated enterprise (stamped with the seal of the affiliated enterprise).
7.Articles of association of affiliated companies (only provided by branches of foreign-invested companies).
1.This specification is applicable to the application for the establishment of branches of foreign-invested limited liability companies, branches of joint stock limited companies and branches of foreign-invested enterprises (non companies) in accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.
[38] specification for submission of materials for change registration of branches of enterprises with foreign investment
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.Resolutions or decisions made by affiliated enterprises according to law (only provided by branches of non company foreign-invested enterprises).
3.Supporting documents related to the change.
◆ to change the name of a branch, an application shall be submitted to its registration authority.If the name applied for exceeds the jurisdiction of the registration authority, the registration authority shall report to the higher registration authority with the right to approve the name.
◆ if the business place (address) is changed, the legal use certificate of the changed business place (address) shall be submitted.
◆ change the business scope. If the business scope applied involves pre-approval, the original or valid copy of the relevant license shall be submitted.
◆ change the person in charge, and submit the employment documents and copies of ID cards of the person in charge of the branch (paste the copy of ID card and sign the confirmation of appointment and removal information in the application).
◆ if a branch is applied for change due to the change of the registered items of the affiliated enterprise, a copy of the change certificate of the affiliated enterprise shall also be submitted.
4.Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that changes in the business premises, persons in charge, business term and business (business) scope of a branch must be reported to the relevant departments for approval, the approval documents shall be submitted.
5.Copy of the business license of the affiliated enterprise (stamped with the seal of the affiliated enterprise).
6.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.This code is applicable to the application for change registration of branches of foreign-invested companies and branches of non company foreign-invested enterprises established in accordance with the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.
2.When applying for multiple changes at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
[39] specification for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of branches of Foreign-invested Enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.The approval document of the examination and approval authority. It is only applicable to the branches that shall submit the approval document of the examination and approval authority in case of cancellation as stipulated by laws and regulations.
3.The resolution or decision made by the affiliated enterprise according to law refers to the resolution or decision made in accordance with the provisions of the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures, the law on foreign capital enterprises and the articles of association of the enterprise. The content of the resolution or decision shall be consistent with the matters applied for and the reasons for cancellation shall be indicated. For the branch of a foreign-invested company, it shall also comply withRelevant provisions of the company law of the people's Republic of China. If a branch is ordered to close down or revoke its business license according to law, it shall submit the decision of the administrative organ ordering the closure or revoking its business license. For a company with foreign investment, it shall also comply with the relevant provisions of the company law of the people's Republic of China.
4.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
5.Official seal (only submitted by branches of non company foreign-invested enterprises).
1.This code is applicable to the application for cancellation of registration by branches of foreign-invested companies and branches of non company foreign-invested enterprises established in accordance with the company law, the law on Chinese foreign equity joint ventures, the law on foreign funded enterprises, the law on Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and other laws and regulations.
3、 Specification for submission of registration materials for foreign invested partnership enterprises and branches
[40] specification for submission of registration materials for the establishment of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of partnership enterprise.
2.Legal use certificate of domicile (business place).
3.Subject qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate and residence certificate of all partners.
If the Chinese partner is a natural person, a copy of the identity card shall be submitted; if the Chinese partner is a legal person or other organization, a copy of the business license / registration certificate of public institution legal person / registration certificate of social organization legal person / certificate of private non enterprise unit stamped with the official seal of the unit shall be submitted as the proof of the subject qualification; the proof of the subject qualification of foreign partners or the identity of natural personsCertificates and overseas residence certificates shall be notarized by the competent authorities of the country and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication. If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, they shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country with diplomatic relations with China, and then by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that third countryThe documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory, authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally sent by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that countryCertification by the local notary office. For the subject qualification certificate or identity certificate and overseas residence certificate of partners in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the notarized documents of the local notary office shall be provided in accordance with the special provisions or agreements. If a foreign partner has a residence in China, it may submit a domestic residence certificate without notarization and certification.
4.Confirmation of subscribed or paid in capital contribution by all partners. Where a partner makes a capital contribution in kind, intellectual property rights, land use rights or other property rights, and the price is determined through consultation by all partners, the confirmation of negotiated price determination signed by all partners shall be submitted to the enterprise registration authority; if the price is evaluated by a legal evaluation institution entrusted by all partners, it shall be registered with the enterpriseThe foreign general partner shall submit the foreigner's employment license to the enterprise registration authority in case of labor contribution.
5.Credit certificate, i.e. capital credit certificate, is only applicable to the case where the foreign partner is a general partner and is issued by a financial institution that has business dealings with the foreign partner.
6.Partnership agreement signed by all partners.
7.The statement signed by all partners in line with the industrial policy for foreign investment. The statement signed by all partners in line with the industrial policy for foreign investment shall list its business scope and explain that each project belongs to the project name and category of the catalogue for the guidance of foreign investment industries.
8.Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the establishment of a special general partnership requires the submission of professional qualification certificates of partners, corresponding certificates shall be submitted. It is only applicable to the establishment of a special general partnership by professional service institutions that provide paid services to customers with professional knowledge and expertise as stipulated by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council.
9.Pre approval documents or certificates refer to the approval documents or copies of license certificates or license certificates related to pre approval, which are applicable to the industries in the business scope of foreign-invested partnership enterprises that are subject to approval before registration as stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and the State Council.
1.This code is applicable to the application for the establishment of foreign-invested partnership enterprises in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
[41] specification for submission of materials for change registration of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of partnership enterprise.
2.A change decision signed by all partners or the persons agreed in the partnership agreement. The contents of the decision shall be consistent with the matters applied for.
3.An amendment to the partnership agreement or an amended partnership agreement signed by all partners (except those who are legally agreed to sign by all partners).
4.Supporting documents related to the change.
◆ to change the name, an application shall be submitted to its registration authority.If the name applied for exceeds the jurisdiction of the registration authority, the registration authority shall report to the higher registration authority with the right to approve the name.
◆ if the main business place is changed, the use certificate of the changed main business place shall be submitted.If a foreign-invested partnership enterprise moves beyond the jurisdiction of the original enterprise registration authority, it shall apply to the enterprise registration authority at the place where it moves in for change registration;If the enterprise registration authority at the place of relocation accepts the application, the original enterprise registration authority shall transfer the registration files to the registration authority at the place of relocation.
◆ when changing the executive partner or appointed representative, a copy of the identity certificate of the new executive partner or appointed representative shall be submitted.If the partnership enterprise changes the executive partner or appointed representative without modifying the partnership agreement, it is not necessary to submit the amendment to the partnership agreement or the revised Partnership Agreement and the change decision to modify the partnership agreement.If the new managing partner is a foreign enterprise, Chinese legal person or other organization, the power of attorney and copies of identity certificates of its appointed representative shall also be submitted.If the executive partner's appointed representative changes, the power of attorney of the successor representative shall also be submitted.
◆ in case of changing the business scope, an explanation in line with the industrial policy for foreign investment signed by all partners shall be submitted.The statement shall list its business scope and state the name and category of each project in the catalogue for the guidance of foreign investment industries.If there are laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the State Council that need to be approved before registration, explain the approval.If the approval of pre license is involved, the approval document or copy of license certificate related to pre license shall also be submitted.
◆ if the change of enterprise type involves the change of other registered items, the change registration shall be applied at the same time, and the corresponding materials shall be submitted according to the corresponding submission format specifications.Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the establishment of a special general partnership requires the submission of professional qualification certificates of partners, corresponding certificates shall be submitted.The type of partnership is "general partnership" or "special general partnership" or "limited partnership".
◆ to change the name of a partner, the certificate of change of the partner's name issued by the legal registration authority shall be submitted.The certificate for the change of the name of the foreign partner's enterprise shall be notarized by the competent authority of his country and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.For the change of the names of partners in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the notarial documents of local notarial institutions shall be provided in accordance with the special provisions or agreements.Where a partner's name or other registered items are changed, the signature of the relevant application document shall be notarized by a Chinese legal notary office.
◆ to change the domicile of a partner, supporting materials for the change of domicile shall be submitted.The foreign partner's overseas residence change certificate shall be notarized by the competent authority of his country and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.For the change of domicile of partners in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, notarial documents of local notarial institutions shall be provided in accordance with special provisions or agreements.If a foreign partner has a domicile in China, he may submit a certificate of domestic domicile without notarization.
◆ if the liability mode of partners is changed, if the foreign partner is changed from a limited partner to a general partner, the credit certificate shall also be submitted.The mode of liability is "unlimited liability" or "special general partner liability" or "limited liability".
◆ to change the amount of subscribed and paid in capital contributions, the confirmation of all partners on the subscribed capital contributions of each partner shall be submitted. If the partners make capital contributions in kind, intellectual property rights, land use rights or other property rights, and the price is determined through negotiation by all partners, the negotiation Confirmation signed by all partners shall be submitted;If all partners entrust a legal appraisal institution to appraise the price, the appraisal certificate issued by the legal appraisal institution shall be submitted.Where a foreign general partner contributes capital by labor services, it shall submit an employment permit for foreigners to the enterprise registration authority.
◆ for the change of partnership, the subject qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate and residence certificate of the new partner, the confirmation letter of all partners on the subscribed or paid in capital contribution of the new partner and the power of attorney for service of legal documents of foreign-invested enterprises shall be submitted.
Among them, if the Chinese new partner is a natural person, a copy of the identity certificate shall be submitted, and the original shall be submitted for verification;If the Chinese new partner is a legal person or other organization, a copy of the business license / institution legal person registration certificate / social organization legal person registration certificate / private non enterprise unit certificate stamped with the official seal of the unit shall be submitted as the subject qualification certificate;The subject qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate and overseas residence certificate of a new foreign partner shall be notarized by its domestic competent authority and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication.If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.The subject qualification certificate or identity certificate of new partners in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall provide notarized documents of local notarial institutions in accordance with special provisions or agreements.If a new foreign partner has a domicile in China, he may submit a certificate of domestic domicile without notarization.
Where a partner makes a capital contribution in kind, intellectual property, land use right or other property rights, and the price is determined through consultation by all partners, a letter of Confirmation signed by all partners shall be submitted;If all partners entrust a legal appraisal institution to appraise the price, the appraisal certificate issued by the legal appraisal institution shall be submitted.
If the new foreign partner is a general partner, it shall also submit a credit certificate, that is, a capital credit certificate issued by a financial institution that has business dealings with the foreign partner.
If the original partner is assigned part or all of the property shares in the partnership, the property transfer agreement shall also be submitted.
◆ in case of withdrawal and change, the confirmation of all partners on the subscribed or paid in capital contribution of each partner shall be submitted.
5.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.This code is applicable to the application for change registration of foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
2.When applying for multiple changes (filing) at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
3.In case of any change in the registration items such as the executive partner, the type of partnership enterprise, the name or title of the partner, the way of assuming responsibility, the amount of capital contribution subscribed or actually paid, the time limit for payment, the way of capital contribution and the way of evaluation, the signature of the relevant application document shall be notarized by a notarial institution prescribed by Chinese law.
[42] specification for filing and registration materials of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1. Application for registration (filing) of partnership enterprise.
2.Documentary evidence of filing related matters.
◆ for the record of the recipient of legal document service of foreign partners, the power of attorney for legal document service of foreign-invested enterprises shall be submitted (fill in the information in the application).
◆ for the record of Liquidator (change), the list of liquidators signed by all partners shall be submitted.
◆ for the amendment and filing of the partnership agreement that does not involve the registered items, the amendment to the partnership agreement or the amended partnership agreement signed by all partners or the personnel agreed in the partnership agreement shall be submitted.
3.Copy of business license.
1.This code is applicable to the filing application of foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
2.When applying for multiple changes (filing) at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
[43] specification for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for cancellation of enterprise registration.
2.The cancellation decision signed by all partners or the personnel agreed in the partnership agreement.
3.The liquidation report signed by all partners shall specify the completed tax and customs payment procedures.
4.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.This code is applicable to the application for cancellation of registration of foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
2.If the enterprise is ruled bankrupt by the people's court, ordered to close down by the administrative organ, revoked or cancelled, it shall also submit the bankruptcy ruling of the people's court, ordered to close down by the administrative organ, and the business license of the foreign-invested partnership enterprise is revoked or cancelled according to law.
3.For the application for simple cancellation of registration, it is not necessary to submit the materials in Items 2 and 3, but to submit the letter of commitment for simple cancellation and simple cancellation of all investors (the enterprise with the end of compulsory liquidation shall submit the ruling of the people's court to terminate the compulsory liquidation procedure, and the enterprise with the end of bankruptcy procedure shall submit the ruling of the people's court to terminate the bankruptcy procedure).
[44] specification for submission of materials for establishment registration of branches of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.The letter of decision on the establishment of a branch signed by all partners refers to the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration and the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established in China by foreign enterprises or individualsProvisions and the decision made in the partnership agreement. The content of the decision shall be consistent with the matters applied for.
3.Legal use certificate of domicile (business place).
4.The pre-approval documents or certificates refer to the approval documents or copies of license certificates or license certificates related to pre-approval, which are applicable to foreign-invested partnership enterprises whose business scope has projects that must be reported for approval before registration according to laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the State Council.
5.A copy of the business license of the partnership (stamped with the seal of the partnership).
1.This code is applicable to the application for the establishment of branches by foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
[45] specification for submission of materials for change registration of branches of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.The letter of decision made by the affiliated enterprise according to law refers to the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership registration and the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of the establishment of partnership enterprises in China by foreign enterprises or individualsProvisions and the decision made in the partnership agreement. The content of the decision shall be consistent with the matters applied for.
3.Supporting documents of changes.
◆ if the name is changed, an application shall be submitted to the registration authority. If the applied name exceeds the jurisdiction of the registration authority, the registration authority shall report to the higher registration authority with the right to approve the name.
◆ when changing the business place, the legal use certificate of the changed business place shall be submitted.
◆ for the change of business scope, if laws, administrative regulations or decisions of the State Council stipulate that the change registration of business scope of branches must be submitted to relevant departments for approval, the approval documents shall be submitted; if the business scope involves pre-approval, the original or valid copy of relevant permission shall be submitted.
◆ to change the person in charge of a branch, the power of attorney signed by all partners or the appointment and removal decision made according to the partnership agreement and the copy of the person in charge's identity certificate shall be submitted (just paste the copy of ID card and sign and confirm the appointment and removal information in the application).
◆ in case of applying for branch change due to the change of registered items of the affiliated partnership, a copy of the business license of the affiliated partnership shall also be submitted.
4.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.This code is applicable to the application for branch change registration (filing) of foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of foreign enterprises or individuals establishing partnership enterprises in China and other laws and regulations.
2.When applying for multiple changes at the same time, only one copy of the same material needs to be submitted.
[46] specification for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of branches of foreign-invested partnership enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of branches, branches of unincorporated persons and business units.
2.The letter of decision made by the affiliated enterprise according to law refers to the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership registration and the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of the establishment of partnership enterprises in China by foreign enterprises or individualsWhere a branch is ordered to close down or revoke its business license according to law, it shall submit the decision of the administrative organ ordering the closure or revocation of its business license.
3.If a paper business license has been obtained, the original and duplicate of the business license shall be returned.
1.This code is applicable to the cancellation of branches applied by foreign-invested partnership enterprises established in accordance with the partnership law of the people's Republic of China, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprise registration, the measures of the people's Republic of China for the administration of partnership enterprises established by foreign enterprises or individuals in China and other laws and regulations.
4、 Specification for submission of registration materials for foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China
[47] specification for submission of materials for business registration of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China
1.Application for registration (filing) of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China.
2.Approval documents of the examination and approval authority.
3.Legal business operation certificate of foreign (regional) enterprises. The legal business operation certificate of foreign (regional) enterprises shall be notarized by their competent authorities and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication. If their country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country with diplomatic relations with China, and then sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that third countryCertification by the embassy. The documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then certified by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally certified by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country. The legal business certificate of enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be provided with the notarized documents of the local notarial institution in accordance with the special provisions or agreements.
4.Letter of introduction issued by the Chinese partner (financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises do not need to submit).
5.Project contracts (financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises do not need to submit). The contract (Abstract) provided by foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in cooperative oil development, contracting projects, contracting or entrusted operation and management shall specify the total cost of their production and operation activities.
6.The credit certificate of foreign (regional) enterprises (financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises do not need to submit). It shall be issued by the financial institution that has business dealings with the enterprise.
7.Letter of appointment of the chairman or general manager of a foreign (regional) enterprise to the person in charge.
8.Capital verification report (only submitted by financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises).
9.Articles of association of foreign (regional) enterprises and list of members of the board of directors (only submitted by financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises).
10.Legal use certificate of domicile (business place).
1.In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the measures for the administration of the registration of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China, these specifications shall apply to foreign enterprises applying for production and business activities in China.
[48] specification for submission of materials for change registration (filing) of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China
1.Application for registration (filing) of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China.
2.The approval document of the examination and approval authority and the letter of introduction issued by the Chinese partner. Financial and insurance foreign (regional) enterprises do not need to submit the letter of introduction from the introducing unit.
3.Supporting documents of change (filing) related matters.
◆ for name change, provide the certificate of name change of foreign (regional) enterprises. The certificate of name change of foreign (regional) enterprises shall be notarized by their competent authorities and sent to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country for authentication. If their country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country with diplomatic relations with China, and then sent by the Chinese Embassy in that third country(consulate) certification. Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country. For the certificate of name change of enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, notarized documents of local notary institutions shall be provided according to special regulations or agreements.
◆ change the address (business place) and provide the legal use certificate of the changed address (business place).
◆ change the person in charge, and provide the appointment and removal documents of the person in charge and the copy of the identity certificate of the new person in charge.
◆ change the business scope and provide new project contracts. Foreign (regional) financial and insurance enterprises do not need to submit; the new project contract (Abstract) provided by foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in oil and mineral resources exploration, development and production, contracting projects, contracting or entrusted operation and management shall specify the period of production and operation activities and the total cost.
◆ for foreign (regional) enterprises that change the operation period, carry out exploration, development and production of mineral resources in China, and enter the production period, provide the confirmation letter of production and operation activities.
◆ to change the amount of funds, foreign (regional) financial and insurance enterprises shall provide capital verification reports.
◆ add a branch for filing and provide a copy of the branch's business license.
4.The original and duplicate of the business license shall be submitted for change registration, and the copy of the business license shall be submitted for filing registration.
1.In accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the measures for the administration of the registration of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China, these specifications shall apply to the application for change registration (filing) by foreign enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China.
[49] specifications for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities in China
1.Application for registration (filing) of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in business activities in China.
2.Approval documents of the competent department of the project.
3.Liquidation report. It shall be submitted by foreign (regional) financial and insurance enterprises, including the explanations announced during the liquidation period.
4. Registration certificate and representative certificate.
5. official seal.
1.In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the measures for the administration of the registration of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business operations in China, these specifications shall apply to the application for cancellation of registration by foreign enterprises engaged in production and business operations in China.
5、 Specification for submission of registration materials of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises
[50] specification for submission of materials for establishment registration of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises.
2.The proof of domicile of a foreign (regional) enterprise and the legal business certificate with a duration of more than 2 years refer to the subject qualification certificate or other relevant business certificates issued by the relevant departments of the country or region where the foreign (regional) enterprise is located.
3.Articles of association or organizational agreement of foreign (regional) enterprises.
4.Authorization or certification documents for authorized signatories issued by foreign (regional) enterprises.
5.Appointment documents of chief representative and representative of foreign (regional) enterprises.
6.Credit certificate issued by financial institutions that have business dealings with foreign (regional) enterprises.
7.Resume and identification of chief representative and representative.
8.Legal use certificate of the representative office's place of residence.
9.Approval documents of the approval authority. Where the business activities of a representative office are subject to approval as required by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, approval shall be obtained.
1.According to the regulations on the administration of the registration of permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises and other provisions, these specifications shall apply to the application of a foreign enterprise to establish an office engaged in non-profit activities related to the business of the foreign enterprise in China.
2.The documents in Items 2 to 6 shall be certified by the notary office of the country or region to which the foreign enterprise belongs and its competent authority, and by the embassy or consulate of the people's Republic of China in that country (or in charge of that region).If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.The notarization and certification of relevant documents of enterprise representative offices in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be handled in accordance with the current provisions.
3.When establishing representative offices engaged in profit-making activities in accordance with the provisions of international treaties and agreements concluded or acceded to by China, corresponding documents shall also be submitted in accordance with the law.
4.For the registration of the establishment of a representative office, foreign (regional) enterprises shall make an announcement to the public on the media designated by the registration authority.
[51] specification for submission of materials for change registration (filing) of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises.
2.Supporting documents of change (filing) related matters.
◆ change the name of the representative office, provide the legal business certificate of the foreign (regional) enterprise for more than 2 years and the credit certificate issued by the financial institution that has business dealings with the foreign (regional) enterprise.The legal business certificate shall be issued by the relevant department of the country or region where the foreign (regional) enterprise is located to prove the entity qualification or other relevant business existence of the enterprise for more than 2 years.
◆ if the residence is changed, provide the legal use certificate of the residence.
◆ change the chief representative or record the representative, fill in the information form of the Chief Representative / representative of the Permanent Representative Office of foreign (regional) enterprises, and provide the appointment and removal documents of the Chief Representative / representative and the identity certificate and resume of the new Chief Representative / representative.
◆ for the change of residence period, provide copies of legal business certificates and credit certificates of foreign (regional) enterprises that have existed for more than 2 years.The legal business certificate shall be issued by the relevant department of the country or region where the foreign (regional) enterprise is located to prove the entity qualification of the enterprise or other relevant business existence for more than 2 years;For the credit certificate, the original capital credit certificate issued by the financial institution that has business dealings with the foreign (regional) enterprise shall be submitted.
◆ change of name and domicile of foreign (regional) enterprises.A certificate issued by the legal registration authority of the country (region) where the foreign (regional) enterprise is located approving the change of name and domicile.
◆ foreign (regional) enterprises have the right to sign for the record, and provide the authorization or certification documents issued by foreign (regional) enterprises for the right to sign.
◆ record the responsibility form, capital (assets) and business scope of foreign (regional) enterprises, and provide supporting documents of changes in the responsibility form, capital (assets) and business scope of foreign (regional) enterprises.
3.Approval documents of the approval authority.Where approval is required by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council, approval shall be obtained.A foreign (regional) enterprise shall apply to the registration authority for change registration within 30 days from the date of approval. If it applies for change registration within the time limit, the foreign (regional) enterprise shall report to the approval authority to confirm the effectiveness of the original approval document or submit it for approval separately.
4.Handle the change registration, submit the registration certificate, handle the filing registration, and submit the copy of the registration certificate.For the change of chief representative, the representative certificate shall also be submitted.
1.In accordance with the regulations on the administration of the registration of permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises and other provisions, these specifications shall apply to the application for change registration (filing) of non-profit activities related to the business of foreign enterprises established by foreign enterprises in China.
2.The certificate of change in Item 2 involving a foreign (regional) enterprise shall be certified by the notary office and its competent authority in the country or region to which the foreign enterprise belongs, and by the embassy or consulate of the people's Republic of China in that country (or in charge of that region).If the country has no diplomatic relations with China, it shall be certified by the embassy (consulate) of the third country with diplomatic relations with China in that country, and then certified by the embassy (consulate) of China in that third country.Documents issued by overseas territories of some countries shall be notarized in the territory first, then authenticated by the foreign diplomatic institution, and finally authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country.The notarization and certification of relevant documents of enterprise representative offices in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be handled in accordance with the current provisions.
3.If the representative office changes, the foreign (regional) enterprise shall make an announcement to the public on the media designated by the registration authority.
[52] specification for submission of materials for cancellation of registration of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises
1.Application for registration (filing) of permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises.
2.Tax registration cancellation certificate of representative office.
3.Certificates issued by the customs and foreign exchange departments.It refers to the certificate issued by the customs and foreign exchange departments that the relevant matters have been cleared or the representative office has not gone through the relevant procedures.
4.Documents approved by the original approval authority for cancellation.
5.Registration certificate and representative certificate.
1.In accordance with the regulations on the administration of the registration of permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises and other provisions, these norms shall apply to the application for cancellation of registration of non-profit activities related to the business of foreign enterprises established by foreign enterprises in China.