中英文-信阳市深化区域合作融入对接国家重大战略 三年行动方案(2023-2025年)

发布时间 2024-02-22|阅读
























1. 高标准建设淮河绿色生态走廊。持续开展国土绿化行动,同步推进水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林、固堤林和堤内防浪林、保育林及湿地建设,依法规范实施退耕还林还草,大力开展退养还滩还湿,串联沿线及周边城市生态隔离带、农田绿网和各类自然保护地,建设集防洪护岸、水源涵养、生物栖息、生态农业、文化旅游等功能为一体,人河城和谐统一的复合型绿色生态廊道。

2. 加强生态环境共保共治。深入打好蓝天保卫战,强化大气污染精准防治,加强PM2.5与臭氧协同控制,实施更为严格的污染物排放标准。推进“四水同治”“五水综改”,做好重点湖泊河流生态保护与修复,抓好河流断面点源、面源污染综合治理,确保地表水断面水质达到Ⅲ类标准,力争60%达到Ⅱ类标准;加快推进“智慧河湖”建设,开展河湖水系联通工程。强化土壤环境风险管控和治理修复,推进受污染耕地安全利用和治理修复。深化农业污染物治理,推进化肥农药零增长,开展农田残留地膜、农药化肥包装物等清理整治。加快建设城市医疗废弃物集中处理设施,健全县域医疗废弃物收集转运处置体系。

3. 加快推进省级生态产品价值实现试点市建设。加快建立生态产品价值核算、市场交易、考核评估制度,推进生态产品价值核算进监测、进规划、进考核、进决策,逐步完善生态保护补偿和生态环境损害赔偿政策制度,明确生态产品价值实现路径,打通“两山”转化通道。积极研究碳排放权、用能权、排污权、用水权等环境权益交易体系及融资工具。出台支持绿色企业、绿色项目在包装、认定、销售、品牌等方面政策。探索“两山转化”路径,建立完善生态产品价值实现机制,形成信阳经验模式。

4. 加快建设国家生态文明建设示范市。牢固树立“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,持续深入打好污染防治攻坚战,统筹推进山水林田湖草沙综合治理、系统治理、源头治理,在毗邻地区高质量发展中实现高水平保护。把碳达峰试点建设作为促进本地区经济社会发展全面绿色低碳转型的关键抓手,统筹谋划实施一批跨区域、跨流域重大工程项目。积极推动淮河保护立法工作,为承接黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展提供遵循。


1. 提高产业链现代化水平。实施集群培育行动,建立统筹规划、联动推进的市域产业集群培育机制,推动产业由集聚发展向集群发展全面提升。着力培育装备制造、绿色家居、电子信息、绿色食品、时尚纺织和生物医药六大主导产业,提高集群创新能力。加强产业链战略设计,制定重点产业链现代化提升方案,分产业链制定“四图谱”“六清单”和培育壮大三年行动方案,实施分类推进和动态调整。推行产业链链长和产业联盟会长“双长制”,坚定不移实施延链补链强链,系统整合产业发展要素,加快培育符合发展趋势,形成研发端、制造端、营销端、服务端协同发力、共生演进的产业体系。强化区域内龙头企业、高精尖企业、瞪羚企业的引领作用,积极培育一批“链主型”企业,以现有产业集群为依托,不断拓宽全流域产业合作发展供应链,联合推动产业链协作共建和优化升级,加快全流域产业链供应链良性循环发展,共同建成科技和制度创新双轮驱动、产业和城市一体化发展的合作廊道。

2. 加快区域科创中心建设。坚持创新引领,围绕高端装备、生物医药、电子信息、新材料等优势特色领域,争取新建5家省级以上高水平创新平台。实施智能制造引领工程,开展绿色工厂、绿色产品、绿色园区、绿色供应链对标活动,支持碳中和园区(工厂)试点示范项目建设,培育河南省绿色技术创新示范企业(基地)。提升信阳智慧岛市场化运营能力,依托智慧岛、高新区省级双创示范基地等平台开展双创带动就业、大中小企业融通创新、精益创业带动就业等专项计划,打造一批“专精特新”“瞪羚”“独角兽”企业。支持罗山县、固始县、息县、商城县先进制造业开发区申建省级开发区,形成开发区培育梯次队伍。探索在战略性新兴产业领域,争取实施一批中央引导地方科技发展资金项目、省市级重大科技项目、成果转化与产业化项目,助力我市企业转型升级、产品迭代升级,推动制造业向高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。强化跨行政区域协调联动,不断优化整合区域创新资源,联手推进产业技术创新,加强科技研发和成果转化合作,积极承接国家重大科技项目,联合打造技术交易中心和专利信息资源库。建立跨区域创新服务联盟,搭建中小企业公共服务平台网络,联合设立政府引导基金,支持科技型、成长型企业发展。

3. 加快构建现代能源产业体系。积极推进浉河区枫橡坝抽水蓄能电站纳入国家能源规划,支持豫东南高新区打造零碳示范产业园区,推进电氢醇固始示范项目及豫东南绿色能源装备制造产业园项目,加快推进源网荷储一体化项目建设及分布式电力市场化交易试点,支持潢川县农村能源革命试点县创建、支持明阳集团加快推进“千乡万村驭风行动”项目建设,支持潢川县农业生物秸秆、畜禽粪污制气资源化利用项目建设,构建绿色、零碳的现代化能源体系。加快推进陕煤信阳2×1000MW高效超超临界机组工程项目、罗山县屋顶光伏示范县、淮滨县“千乡万村驭风行动”和五岳抽水蓄能电站等项目建设。推动“风光火储”和“源网荷储”两个一体化项目和压缩空气储能项目落地实施,变能源由生产要素为产业带动,变能源弱市为能源强市。实施可再生能源替代行动,推动构建新型电力系统,积极在工业、交通、建筑和生活等领域实施电能替代,培育一批电能替代产业。实施重点行业领域节能降碳行动,推进绿色制造。推广节能“一站式”综合服务,做强智慧能源服务。积极推进公共机构综合能源管理试点,因地制宜选取一批政府机关单位做试点,探索综合能源管理新模式。

4. 全面开展绿色金融改革创新。扎实推进全市绿色金融改革创新工作,丰富绿色金融载体,创新绿色金融服务模式,在绿色金融标准体系、金融机构监管和信息披露要求、激励约束机制、产品和市场体系、国际合作等五个方面开展信阳实践,加快绿色金融改革创新试验区申建和气候投融资试点市建设工作。全面探索绿色信贷、绿色债券、绿色基金、绿色融资担保等创新业务,培育新的融资增长极。做大做优市绿色项目库,形成常态化报送和动态管理机制,不断提升绿色项目的谋划储备和融资包装能力,围绕项目争取绿色债券、绿色基金、绿色信贷等支持,夯实绿色金融发展基础。


1. 推动科技创新成果落地转化。全面落实新一轮京豫战略合作协议,深化与京津冀创新龙头企业合作交流,共建一批科技创新园区和成果转化基地,打通科技成果转化“最后一公里”。健全创新人才引进交流机制,加大柔性用才、项目引才力度,着力从京津冀地区引进一批具有国际一流水平、能够突破关键技术、带动产业快速发展、带来重大经济和社会效益的领军人才和创新团队。支持领军人才和创新团队在信阳设立拥有核心技术、配置核心科研团队的独立研发机构、分支机构、科学家工作站、重点实验室、创新联盟等,培育一批源头创新的新型科研机构。

2. 积极做好产业承接与交流合作。紧抓北京非首都功能疏解的发展机遇,围绕京津冀产业转移重点方向和我市产业发展需求,紧盯京津冀地区有疏解或投资意愿的产业企业信息,定期组织开展产业转移对接、主题招商和项目推介活动。支持我市骨干企业在5G、新一代人工智能、大数据、高端装备制造、生物医药、新材料、能源化工、节能环保等领域,与京津冀地区开展行业咨询、技术攻关、项目建设等合作。深化产业园区交流合作,打造具有全国影响力的产业合作示范园区。发挥铁路、公路、航空多式联运优势,合理布局以物流贸易、保税加工、配套加工、整机组装为主的产业合作园区,促进交通区位优势转化为产业经济优势。支持京津冀工商资本和现代农业企业到我市投资,建设绿色农产品生产基地。发展绿色有机农产品,开拓北京等地高端市场,拓宽销售渠道,提升信阳农特产品知名度,逐步建立粮食主销区和主产区长效合作机制。强化项目落地服务支撑,引导银行、基金、保险等金融服务机构加强对京津冀转出优质项目的对接,提供专业金融支持服务,实现转移企业“转得出、留得住、建得好”。

3. 强化教育医疗领域深度合作。持续深化高校结对合作关系,提升北京联合大学与信阳职业技术学院“一对一”合作水平,加强专业建设,培训师资队伍,推进优质教育资源共建共享。推进京津冀知名医疗机构与我市医疗机构建立合作机制,完善两地异地就医直接结算机制。支持京津冀健康养老企业来我市合作建设医养结合养生基地,参与健康养老基地运营管理。

4. 推动文化旅游跨区协同发展。支持京津冀文化旅游龙头企业与我市深化合作,积极争取开通旅游专列,共同举办文旅节会和展会,加强境内外文旅联动宣传,打造衔接豫京津冀、享誉国内外的旅游市场和独具特色旅游线路。支持与京津冀文化企业在文化创意、工业设计、动漫游戏等领域深化合作,支持京津冀知名文化企业和创意文化产业项目落户我市。整合地区间旅游信息资源,建立跨地区多媒体数据库,实现资源共享。建立健全旅游信息预报和发布制度,开发手机旅游信息查询系统,构建大容量、多通道的旅游信息高速公路,实现信息流与人流、物流和资金流同步流动。


1. 强化协同创新发展体系建设。坚持创新发展理念,充分发挥豫东南高新区、信阳高新区的平台优势,不断增强产业集聚能力。支持毗邻地区开发区以市场化方式,在园区联合开发建设、运营管理、干部交流、人才培训及产业发展等方面开展合作,建立合理的利益分配和激励机制。紧盯重点产业园区定位和企业投资方向,适时组织开展园区双向交流、专题推介洽谈等活动,带动和吸引更多企业投资,实现优势互补、互惠共赢,不断拓展毗邻地区合作的深度和广度。联合毗邻地区金融机构、企业、高校、科研院所和研究人员,建立政企产学研深度融合的创新体系,推进毗邻地区创新链与产业链对接,实现产业协同创新。支持固始县与六安市叶集区共同打造叶集—固始“一河两岸”生态优先绿色发展产业合作区,共建皖豫产业合作示范园。

2. 深化信阳与苏州对口合作。全面对标学习苏州市先进工作理念和体制机制,以市场化运作方式推动对口合作任务落地落实。将豫东南高新区、信阳高新区作为苏信合作主平台,支持豫东南高新区、信阳高新区与苏州相关开发区、经发区开展合作,通过开展异地孵化、发展“飞地经济”、合作共建园区等多种方式,建立创新共同体。常态化组织赴苏跟班学习,推动长三角一体化发展经验共享,探索构建信阳与苏州跨省域的一体化创新机制,建立健全公共资源统一信息发布和披露制度,积极融入长三角产权交易共同市场。复制借鉴苏州“一网通办”“一件事”改革等做法,与苏州开展政务服务“跨省通办”合作。探索与苏州建立一体化增减挂钩指标市场化配置机制,统一协调制定土地市场交易法规以及土地资源协调管理;在招商引资和人才招引等方面加强政策协同,建立统一规范的制度体系,形成人才、科技等要素自由流动的统一开放市场。

3. 积极承接重点领域产业转移。围绕省定协同打造中原—长三角经济走廊,服务支撑促进中部地区崛起战略,不断优化整合区域创新资源,探索“腾笼换鸟、凤凰涅槃”新路径,加快传统产业形态向现代产业集群转型。以明阳风电、同合车轮、开源环保、驭波科技、现代筑美、舜宇光学、浙商纺织、羚锐制药、文新茶叶等优势产业、龙头企业为依托,聚焦智能终端、纺织服装、家居建材、装备制造等重点行业,强化产业链招商、创新链招商、供应链招商,探索实行“长三角/粤港澳企业+信阳资源”“长三角/粤港澳市场+信阳产品”“长三角/粤港澳总部+信阳基地”“长三角/粤港澳研发+信阳制造”“长三角/粤港澳研发策源地+信阳创新应用场景”等新型合作模式。立足原材料基础、消费市场、劳动力资源优势,聚焦服装代加工、装备制造、农产品精深加工等细分领域,争取承接产业链条整体转移和关联产业协同转移。积极参加长三角开放平台联动合作论坛、粤港澳大湾区投资交流恳谈会等招商引资和承接产业转移活动,争取长三角和粤港澳地区平台经济头部企业在信阳设立地区性总部、区域运营中心、结算中心等,扶持产业带动性强、发展潜力大的本土平台企业提升竞争力。


1. 加快打造区域信息协作中心。发挥信阳区位优势,深入对接长江经济带国家战略,加快融入组团发展,以豫东南高新区、信阳高新区、信阳经开区、潢川经开区等各类产业园区为载体,探索飞地经济、伙伴园区合作开发,试点以入股方式实现生产要素优化配置、高效利用,拓展合作空间。紧抓华为、小米、云智声等一批龙头企业和知名研究机构落户我市的发展机遇,谋划建设区域性数据中心,推动新一代信息基础网络体系建设,加快5G规模部署,推进跨区域数据信息共享,创建交通、旅游、文化、环保等“智能+”应用场景。

2. 加快建设一体化基础设施网络。以提升内联外通水平为导向,强化门户枢纽功能,加快完善传统和新型基础设施,构建互联互通、管理协同、安全高效的基础设施网络。加强京港澳、大广、沿淮、沪陕、沿大别山通道运输服务组织能力,加快推进京港(台)通道阜阳至黄冈段前期工作,稳步开展南阳(襄阳)经信阳至合肥铁路前期工作,谋划建设信随高铁,加快推进沿大别山高速明港至鸡公山段、信阳至随州高速、阳新高速商城至豫鄂省界段等在建高速公路项目建设,积极构建中心城区和潢川两个综合交通运输枢纽;加快实施明港机场(二期)改扩建工程,开工建设潢川机场、商城通用机场,推动明港机场、潢川机场互为补充、错位发展。突出淮河在全省通江达海水运通道中的主轴功能,加快淮河干支线基础设施建设、港口功能提升和临港产业发展,构建安全畅通、绿色经济、智能高效的现代化内河航运体系。加强流域综合执法合作,建立流域治理体系,营造良好发展环境。

3. 加快产业一体化发展。通过投资合作等多种形式,与长江经济带、中原城市群等重要节点城市共建一批产业园区,积极开展装备制造、食品加工、纺织服装、生物产业等产业升级转移,聚焦新兴产业链关键环节,引进培育一批引领型高新技术企业。完善园区基础配套设施,强化项目促进服务,力争吸引长江经济带、中原城市群城市骨干企业迁移布点,实现全产业链高质量承接。提升信阳生产要素市场、消费市场,加快资本、数据、创新资源、商品、服务等与长江经济带、中原城市群重要节点城市的对接融入,通过一体化战略带动信阳经济社会整体的发展。建立长效合作机制,探索开展教育、文化、医疗、产业等多领域合作。加强与长江经济带、中原城市群的公共文化管理和服务人才培训交流,促进文化协同融合发展。发挥信阳农业品种更新、基地建设等方面优势,加大农超、农商对接力度,探索推动农特产品展销和流通的有效路径。强化中原文化、荆楚文化交流,引导、支持两地企业联合开发旅游资源,加强两地旅游宣传推介、旅游线路开拓等方面的合作,加强旅游标准、管理和服务对接,联合创建旅游品牌,打造旅游发展合作联盟。


1. 打造大别山区域文化中心。支持红色遗迹和红色文物保护工作,提升大别山精神影响力,加快红色文化传承创新,着力建设全国知名的红色文化传承区。创新办好信阳茶文化节,持续擦亮茶都名片。充分挖掘各县区根亲文化资源,高水平办好中原(固始)根亲文化节,打造以根亲文化为主的文化传播平台和海峡两岸交流示范基地,构建中原地区对外开放的窗口,建设全省根亲文化传承区。以更高水准办好信商大会、南湾开渔节、平桥区经典名篇朗诵会等一系列群众文化活动。实施文化数字化战略,健全现代公共文化服务体系,创新实施文化惠民工程。推广城市书房模式,提升城市书房设施功能,盘活全市公共文化场馆。实施非遗点亮计划,加快建设信阳市历史文化地名信息资源库和市县两级地名文化遗产保护名录,完善集非遗名录、传承人、展示传习馆、工坊、研学基地于一体的保护传承体系。积极打造美好信阳精品演艺体系,用文艺力量讲好信阳故事;培育壮大“美好信阳”新媒体矩阵,打造信阳特色文化IP。

2. 打造大别山区域旅游中心。推进浉河区、鸡公山管理区、南湾湖风景区“三区”融合、统筹发展,把自然生态优势转化为经济社会发展优势,联动加快平桥区、羊山新区文旅产业发展,做强文旅龙头和中心城区旅游,建设文旅文创融合发展先行区。积极创建大别山北麓全域旅游示范区,建设国家级旅游休闲城市。加速发展综合基础设施,推进“红色大别”一号旅游公路、沿大别山高速交旅融合服务区等重大项目建设。实施红色旅游品牌工程,建设大别山精神文化旅游带。实施精品旅游线路展示工程,以“两湖两山”区域、大别山1号旅游公路为中心,挖掘信阳红绿文旅资源,按照乡村游、研学游、康养游、茶乡游等主题,推出一批精品旅游线路。支持青年营地、北湖露营公园、大别山露营公园、星宿川沙滩营地、何家寨房车露营基地、洪山寨露营地等协同发展,培育户外露营新风尚。植入音乐节、户外装备展等业态,推动“露营+”成为新顶流,持续提升信阳露营基地影响力。创新发展自驾游、打卡游、康养旅游、体育旅游、医疗养生、城市度假、非遗体验等业态。立足“山哥茶妹”城市IP,结合红色信阳、山水信阳等特色,开发设计办公用品、生活用品等,推动发展全链条文创产业,设计、转化和推出一批“信阳伴手礼”。开展中餐美食地标城市创建,建立信阳菜“食材库”,培育信阳菜快餐连锁业态,推广信阳小馆公共品牌。实施品牌引领战略,加快推动标准、品牌、标识、防伪“四统一”,做大做强“信阳毛尖”区域公用品牌,开发打造“信阳红茶”“商城高山茶”等茶类区域公用品牌。

3. 打造大别山区域教育体育中心。鼓励区域内高校在优势特色学科、重点实验室、在线开放课程等方面深化合作,开展学分互认、教师互聘。依托国家学分银行信息平台,推动职业院校间实现课程互选、学分互认,促进专业课程、师资等优质教育资源共建共享。建立完善基础教育交流培训机制,深化中小学校际交流合作,联合开展科普教育活动。重点支持信阳职业技术学院高标准打造市域产教联合体,高质量建好“雷山匠谷”产教融合职教园区,加快推进信阳职业技术学院数智产教融合实训基地、平桥区公共实训基地扩建、北湖智慧教育园区、信阳航空职业学院扩建、信阳技师学院新校区等项目建设,推动产教良性互动、校企优势互补,创建产教融合型试点城市。实施“运动信阳”工程,加快市青少年体育训练基地及全民健身中心建设,推进“一校一场两馆”“一县(区)两场三馆”建设,完善15分钟健身圈。规划建设贴近社区、方便可达、全面开放的全民健身场地,推进改造新、旧小区体育场地设施。积极申办国家级和省级登山、自行车、徒步、广场舞等赛事,争创国家级和省级体育产业示范单位。设立信阳市体育产业发展引导资金,加快补齐体育产业短板,积极引进体育用品制造企业,扶持本土体育龙头企业,培育更多体育产业新业态。

4. 打造大别山区域医疗中心。推动优质医疗资源扩容下沉、均衡布局,持续提升医疗服务水平。积极打造大别山区域医疗中心,开展国家健康城市创建。建设3个省级区域医疗中心、20个市级区域医疗中心,建成市第五人民医院扩建工程和综合公共卫生应急服务指挥中心。推进市人民医院“三甲”创建,推进市妇幼保健院门诊综合楼、市儿童医院传染病区项目建设。推进11个县域紧密型医共体实现更深层次运营,推进县级综合医院、中医院、妇幼保健院和乡镇卫生院提质升级,实现县域医共体高层次运营和三级医院县域全覆盖。支持市县(区)中医医疗机构创新发展,提升中医重点专科能力。谋划推进市中医院选址新扩建,建设一批示范性基层中医馆,支持中心城区市眼科医院、市肛肠医院、精神病院等优势专科医院发展。鼓励医疗机构与高水平医院建立合作关系,实施远程会诊和医疗联合体模式,加强基层医疗服务能力建设。推动医院和政府通过组织专业培训班、开展学术交流活动、建立导师制度等方式,提高基层医疗人员的专业素养和技术水平。优化智慧医疗服务,不断改善患者就医体验、优化就医流程,打造慢病健康管理体系。

5. 打造大别山区域健康养老中心。实施居家社区养老“运营行动”,实施农村养老“上门行动”。积极推广“戴畈模式”“汪桥经验”,进一步健全完善四级养老服务体系,推动乡镇敬老院转型升级为区域综合养老服务中心,在满足集中供养需求的前提下向周边老年人开放,拓展定期探访、短期托养等综合性服务功能。谋划推进市中心医院南湾医养康养中心项目,加快省级医养结合示范机构建设,支持信阳圣德健康养老中心争创全国医养结合示范机构,支持有条件的医院、乡镇卫生院推进医养结合项目建设。依托鸡公山、南湾湖、出山店水库、汤泉池、董寨国家级自然保护区等生态资源,建设以休闲旅游、医疗康复、温泉度假、中药养生等为主题的健康养老养生服务基地,打造信阳特色康养产业链。


1. 高质量打造对外开放平台。加快推进信阳高新区物流快递分拨中心、信阳汇泽电子产业园、潢开区铁路专用线等项目建设,加强物流重点企业培育,加强与河南自贸区等高水平开放平台对接联系,积极创建河南自贸试验区创新联动区、跨境电商综合试验区、保税物流中心,培育发展一批特色产品出口基地,积极建设商贸服务型国家物流枢纽。全面推进信阳(淮滨)保税物流中心(B型)建设项目、信阳淮滨港“淮上云”智慧港口信息化平台项目等重点项目建设,助力淮滨临港经济区发展。加强淮滨港、固始港、息县港、花埠港与江淮流域港口“互联互通”建设,将淮滨县、固始县、息县、潢川县打造成淮河生态经济带重要节点城市和中原物流新枢纽,推进港口与豫鄂皖内陆腹地互动发展,深化与郑欧国际班列等大陆桥走廊沿线互动,扩大港口开放优势,实现“借港出海”,有效提升信阳市对外开放和经济辐射带动水平。

2. 积极发展开放型经济。实施外贸提升工程,加大外贸政策措施落实力度,做好外贸综合服务,积极发展跨境电商、服务贸易、服务外包等新业态新模式,对企业开拓市场、出口信保、贸易救济等进行支持,帮助企业降低运营交易成本和建立境外营销服务中心,扩大先进技术、设备、零部件、绿色农产品、高品质商品进口,提升对共建“一带一路”国家进出口总额。实施融入国内外会展网络工程,积极参加全国性综合展会和专业展会,精心组织信阳企业参加中国出口商品交易会、中国国际进口博览会、中国国际投资贸易洽谈会等展会,开展专题招商和推介活动。引进培育知名展会来信阳举办,通过专业展会搭建贸易洽谈和招商引资平台。引导优势企业全面主攻“一带一路”沿线市场,依托进口博览会、东盟博览会、亚欧博览会等平台,开辟优势产品线上“一带一路”,推动优势产业走出去。

3. 加快建设临空经济区。推动信阳明港机场与城市一体化发展,加快建设以航空物流、航空制造、航空服务为主导产业的临空经济区,招引国内知名航空、物流企业入驻,打造豫东南地区的航空经济增长极。依托信阳明港机场和周边交通优势,打造以航空物流为核心的现代物流产业园区,吸引国内外知名物流企业入驻;推动航空制造产业与汽车、电子信息等产业融合发展,培育一批具有自主知识产权和品牌影响力的航空制造企业;发展航空服务业,建设一批航空餐饮、航空商务、航空文化等特色项目。加强人才培养和引进,打造具有国际视野和专业技能的临空人才队伍,做大做强信阳航空职业学院。

4. 全力招商引资提质。坚持二分之一工作法,立足“1+1”产业定位,全面梳理重点招商项目,精准谋划招商项目,持续推进产业链式图、招商路线图、投资热力图“三图同绘”,开展“可视化”招商。围绕推进高质量发展、建设现代化产业体系、补链延链强链目标,将引进外资放在招商引资更加突出的位置,推动豫东南高新区纳入全省QFLP试点。发挥明阳风电、同合车轮、舜宇光学、鼎润科技、谷麦光电、黄国粮业、羚锐制药等龙头企业、链主企业带动作用,组建政商联合招商组,深入开展以商招商、上下游配套招商,吸引产业链上下游、供应链各环节、创新链相关方集聚。发挥招商引资企业主体作用,支持组建招商平台公司,积极发挥开发区及行业商协会的作用。借鉴政府资本招商“合肥模式”,积极发展基金招商新模式,依托基金谷建设,用好绿色产业投资基金,加快筹备设立战略性新兴产业培育基金,鼓励金融机构协助开展招商,鼓励行业龙头、优质企业等通过兼并重组、产权转让等方式吸引新企业、新业务落户,立足产业链,打造循环资金流。





Xinyang Municipal People's GovernmentAbout the issuance of Xinyang City to deepen regional cooperation, integration and docking 

Notice of the three-year Action Plan for National Major strategies (2023-2025)

 The people's governments of counties and districts, administrative districts, development zones and relevant departments of the municipal governments:

The Three-year Action Plan for Deepening Regional Cooperation and Integrating the National Major Strategy (2023-2025) has been agreed by the Municipal Government and is now printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

                                                                             Xinyang Municipal People's Government

                                                                                          On February 4,2024

Xinyang city deepened regional cooperation and integrates the national major strategy

Three-year Action Plan (2023-2025)

1. general requirement

(1) Guiding ideology

New era in jinping the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, fully implement the party's 20 spirit, adhere to xi jinping, general secretary of Henan important speech important instructions for the general program, always follow, total guidance, accurately grasp the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, anchor "two ensure", to the "top ten strategy", comprehensively deepen promote "1335" work layout. Focusing on major regional strategies such as the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, Seizing major development opportunities such as promoting high-quality development of the central region in the new era, supporting the revitalization and development of old revolutionary base areas in the new era, cooperation between Suzhou-Xin, and the construction of the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt, We will continue to strengthen cooperation in ecological protection, industry, economy and trade, scientific and technological innovation, education and medical care, We will accelerate the formation of a new mechanism for regional cooperation and development featuring strong overall planning, orderly competition, and green coordination; In ensuring high-quality construction of modern Xinyang, to ensure a high level of modernization Xinyang took a solid step, We will strive to achieve high-quality development through high-level cooperation.

(2) Basic principles

 Stand in the overall situation, active integration. Grasp the strategic opportunity of building a new development pattern, consider the future development of Xinyang in the overall situation of the regional development of the whole province, further improve the position, and think of problems and seek countermeasures with a vision of 30 years. Follow the law of economic development, give full play to the comparative advantages, integrate into the growth pole, cultivate the growth pole, and make Xinyang contribution to the implementation of the major national and provincial strategies and the service economy.

 The Government leads, and the market leads. We should combine the effective market with the competent government, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, fully stimulate the initiative and creativity of all types of market entities to integrate into major national strategies, and enhance the vitality of cooperation. We will comprehensively deepen the reform and innovation of regional cooperation systems and mechanisms, strengthen planning guidance and industry guidance, improve the service efficiency of trans-regional enterprises, and enhance the capacity for coordinated industrial development.

 Industry is the base, and the project is the king. Focusing on the medium, high-end and key links of the domestic cycle and the domestic and international cycle, we will vigorously promote cross-regional industrial division and cooperation, innovate industrial cooperation mechanisms, and jointly build a modern industrial system. We will focus on the construction of leading industrial ecosystems, cultivate industrial clusters and emerging industrial chains, take project construction as the fundamental starting point, strengthen regional win-win results, and support development projects.

Mutual benefit, joint contribution and shared benefits. We will promote major infrastructure development in a coordinated way, improve connectivity and modernization, build trans-regional comprehensive transport corridors, and guide the optimization of industrial distribution and division of labor and cooperation. We will break down regional segmentation and hidden barriers, and promote the formation of a unified, open market system with orderly competition. We will improve equal access to basic public services, and continue to enhance the people's sense of fulfillment and happiness.

(3) Overall objectives

 By 2025, the city to deepen regional cooperation, the implementation of national and provincial major strategy made significant achievements, connecting west, penetration of Nantong north hub channel advantage more prominent, innovation and leading industry ecological system basic formation, in undertaking industrial transfer, scientific and technological innovation, cooperation, talent exchange, ecological environmental protection work, public service sharing made substantial progress, dabie mountain old revolutionary base areas revitalization of the development, the huaihe river ecological economic belt construction, su letter counterpart cooperation and Yangtze river delta industry collaborative innovation sector development level is significantly improved, economic city construction of major strides, comprehensive strength to a new level.

 By 2035, the city's docking to carry out the national and provincial major regional development strategy system and mechanisms, further improve regional coordinated development level, transportation modernization, the infrastructure unicom, industrial system, kechuang resources joint, public service, ecological environment group league made greater progress, all-round open level greatly improved, open system, regional competitiveness and quality elements agglomeration ability, huenan Anhui provincial regional center city positioning has become increasingly significant.

—— Comprehensive strength to a higher level. The average annual growth rate of GDP was more than 1 percentage point higher than the provincial average level, and the gap between the main per capita indicators of economic and social development and the national average level was significantly narrowed. Major progress has been made in improving the quality and efficiency of industrial agglomeration areas, significant progress has been made in the cultivation of hundreds of billions of industrial clusters, and new breakthroughs have been made in the construction of regional central cities in Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces and the inland high-quality development pilot zone of the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt.

—— The ecological environment has been further improved. National spatial development protection pattern get continuous optimization, production mode more green low carbon cycle, way of life more civilized health environmental protection, ecological environment quality continues to improve, energy resources utilization efficiency, green water castle peak is the jinshan yinshan conversion channel further broaden, the dabie mountains (south) efficient ecological economic demonstration area construction new achievements, the central region of high quality development important ecological security barrier more stable.

—— Innovation and development will show greater progress. Actively integrated into the national strategy, promote connecting the Yangtze river economic belt, the Yellow River basin ecological protection and the development of high quality linkage collaborative area construction, enterprise innovation dominant position and leading role, research and development investment intensity increased significantly, improve innovation platform, innovative talents to speed up the gathering, innovation system mechanism more perfect, independent innovation ability significantly increased, digital economy development, innovative city construction made positive progress.

—— Greater progress was taken in reform and opening up. Reform in key areas and key links continued to deepen, the business environment was significantly improved, a high-standard market system was basically put in place, market players became more active, and a number of experience in Xinyang reform continued. The potential of domestic demand will be fully unleashed, the multi-tiered open platform system will be improved, a new system for a higher-level open economy will be basically in place, and an important regional connectivity comprehensive transport hub will be built.

—— The level of civilization has been further improved. Socialist core values is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, people's ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality, quality and physical and mental health quality improved obviously, public cultural service system and cultural industry system more perfect, the spiritual and cultural life increasingly rich, dabie mountain spiritual influence, "good man" Xinyang race to emerge, cultural tourism city construction made new achievements, basic built the national famous red cultural heritage area.

2. Key tasks

(1) With the Huaihe River Ecological Economic Belt as the link, we will build a green corridor for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin

1. Build a Huaihe River green ecological corridor with high standards. Continuous afforestation action, synchronous propulsion water conservation forest, water and soil conservation, windbreak and sand-fixation forest, solid dike and dike wave forest, conservation and wetland construction, in accordance with the implementation of returning farmland to forest and grass, vigorously raise beach also wet, series along and the surrounding city ecological barrier, farmland green network and all kinds of natural protected area, construction of flood control, water conservation, biological habitat, ecological agriculture, culture and tourism function, river city harmonious and unified compound green ecological corridor.

2. Strengthen the joint protection and governance of the ecological environment. We will work hard to keep our skies blue, strengthen the targeted prevention and control of air pollution, strengthen the coordinated control of PM2.5 and ozone, and implement stricter emission standards for discharging pollutants. Promote the "four water management" and "five water comprehensive reform", do the ecological protection and restoration of key lakes and rivers, pay attention to the comprehensive treatment of point source and non-point source pollution of river sections, ensure that the water quality of surface water sections and 60%; accelerate the construction of "smart rivers and lakes", and carry out the project of river and lake system connection. We will strengthen soil environmental risk control and remediation, and promote the safe use, treatment and remediation of contaminated arable land. We will deepen the treatment of agricultural pollutants, promote zero growth in chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and clean up and improve residual mulching film in farmland and packaging of pesticides and fertilizers. We will accelerate the construction of facilities for centralized treatment of urban medical waste, and improve the collection, transfer and disposal system of medical waste in counties.

3. Accelerate the construction of provincial-level pilot cities for realizing the value of ecological products. We will accelerate the establishment of the value accounting, market trading, assessment and evaluation system of ecological products, promote the value accounting of ecological products into monitoring, planning, assessment, and decision-making, gradually improve the policies and systems for ecological protection compensation and compensation for ecological environmental damage, clarify the path for realizing the value of ecological products, and open up the transformation channel of "two mountains". We will actively study carbon emission rights, energy use rights, emission rights, water rights and other environmental rights trading systems and financing tools. We will introduce policies to support green enterprises and green projects in packaging, identification, sales and brand. Explore the path of "two mountains transformation", establish and improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and form the Xinyang experience model.

4. Accelerate the development of a national demonstration city for promoting ecological progress. We will firmly uphold the concept that "clear waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver", continue to deepen the battle against pollution, and coordinate the comprehensive, systematic treatment of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes, grasslands, and sand, and at the source, so as to achieve high-level protection through high-quality development of adjacent areas. Take the pilot construction of carbon peak as the key to promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development in the region, and make overall planning and implementation of a number of major trans-regional and trans-basin projects. We will actively promote legislation on the protection of the Huaihe River to provide guidance for the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

(2) Comprehensively promote the green rise of industrial industry in Xinyang with the support of high-quality development in the new era

1. The industrial chain. We will implement the cluster cultivation action, establish a mechanism for cultivating urban industrial clusters with overall planning and joint promotion, and promote the comprehensive upgrading of industries from cluster development to cluster development. We will focus on cultivating six leading industries: equipment manufacturing, green home furnishing, electronic information, green food, fashion textile and biomedicine, and improve the innovation capacity of clusters. We will strengthen the strategic design of industrial chains, formulate plans for the modernization of key industrial chains, formulate "four maps" and "six lists" by industrial chains and a three-year action plan for cultivation and strengthening, and implement classified progress and dynamic adjustments. We will implement the "double long system" of industrial chain length and the president of industrial alliances, unswervingly extend the chain, strengthen the chain and strengthen the chain, systematically integrate industrial development elements, accelerate the cultivation of the development trend, and form an industrial system that integrates the research and development, manufacturing, marketing and service end. Strengthening regional leading enterprises, advanced enterprises, gazelle enterprise leading role, actively cultivate a batch of "chain main" enterprise, which is based on the existing industrial cluster, broaden the whole basin industry cooperation development of supply chain, jointly promote industrial cooperation and upgrading, accelerate the development of the whole basin industrial chain supply chain virtuous cycle, built science and technology and system innovation two-wheel drive, industry and urban integration development cooperation corridor.

2. Accelerate the construction of regional science and technology innovation centers. We will continue to lead by innovation, and strive to build five high-level innovation platforms at or above the provincial level, focusing on high-end equipment, biomedicine, electronic information, and new materials. We will implement the intelligent manufacturing leading project, carry out benchmarking activities for green factories, green products, green parks and green supply chains, support the construction of pilot demonstration projects in carbon neutral parks (factories), and cultivate green technology innovation demonstration enterprises (bases) in Henan Province. To improve the market-oriented operation capacity of Xinyang Smart Island, carry out special plans on platforms such as entrepreneurship and innovation, lean entrepreneurship and employment, and build a number of "specialized, special and new", "gazelle" and "unicorn" enterprises. We will support Luoshan, Gushi, Xixian, and Shangcheng advanced manufacturing development zones in applying for provincial development zones, and form a training team for development zones. In the field of strategic emerging industries, we will strive to implement a number of local science and technology development fund projects guided by the central government, major provincial and municipal level science and technology projects, and projects of achievement transformation and industrialization to help the city's enterprises transform and upgrade their products, and promote the development of manufacturing industry to be high-end, intelligent and green. We will strengthen cross-administrative regional coordination and linkage, constantly optimize and integrate regional innovation resources, jointly promote industrial technology innovation, strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological research and development and the transformation of achievements, actively undertake major national science and technology projects, and jointly build a technology trading center and patent information resource database. We will establish cross-regional innovation service alliances, set up a network of public service platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises, and jointly set up government guidance funds to support the development of technology-based and growing enterprises.

3. Accelerate the construction of a modern energy industrial system. Actively promote the shihe river maple oak dam pumped storage power station into the national energy planning, support and southeast high-tech zone build zero carbon demonstration industrial park, promote electric hydrogen alcohol solid beginning demonstration project and southeast green energy equipment manufacturing industrial park project, accelerate the source network charge storage integration project construction and distributed electricity market trading pilot, support HuangChuan County rural energy revolution pioneer, support MingYang group accelerate the "thousands of wan village yu wind action" project construction, support huangchuan county agricultural biological straw, livestock and poultry waste gas resource utilization project construction, build green, zero carbon modern energy system. Accelerate the construction of Shaanxi Coal Xinyang 21000MW high-efficiency ultra-supercritical unit project, Luoshan County rooftop photovoltaic Demonstration County, Huaibin County "Thousands of villages and Villages Wind control Action" and Wuyue Pumped storage power station and other projects. Promote the implementation of the two integrated projects of "scenery and fire storage" and "source network and load storage" and the compressed air energy storage project, change energy driven by production factors to industry, and change a weak energy city into a strong energy city. We will implement the action to replace renewable energy, promote the construction of a new type of power system, actively replace electric energy in the fields of industry, transportation, construction and living, and foster a number of electric energy replacement industries. We will implement campaigns to conserve energy and reduce carbon in key industries and sectors, and promote green manufacturing. We will promote "one-stop" comprehensive services for energy conservation and strengthen smart energy services. We will actively promote trials of comprehensive energy management in public institutions, select a number of government agencies and units to conduct trials in light of local conditions, and explore new models of comprehensive energy management.

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