中英文版-信阳市简化和规范投资项目审批流程实施方案(信政办〔2018〕59号 2018年5月21日)

发布时间 2021-11-26|阅读






坚持职权法定、应放尽放,梳理规范投资项目立项、报建、验收阶段可能涉及的 91 项审批事项,分类推进取消下放、缩小或明确实施范围、并联审批,进一步缩短办理时限,精简申报材料。精减事项。91 项审批事项中,取消 5 项,整合 32 项为 8 项;改为公共服务事项 1 项,改为征求部门意见 4 项,改为强制性审查或评估 10 项,不再列入审批事项,清理规范后审批事项减少为 47 项。

优化流程。承接省下放审批权限或委托行使审批 10 项,下放审批权限或委托行使审批 5 项,缩小或明确实施范围 16 项,实行并联办理 39 项,其中跨部门并联办理 35 项。

缩减时限。审批事项承诺时限压缩至法定时限 2/3 以内,其中,项目审批(核准)、用地预审、选址意见、建设用地规划许可、建设工程规划许可、建筑工程施工许可等重要节点审批事项承诺时限压缩至法定时限 1/2 以内。在满足审批条件的情况下,力争项目从立项到开工全过程审批时间压缩到 60 个工作日以内。



(1)承接省下放《政府核准的投资项目目录(河南省)》确定的项目审核(核准)权限。承接企业投资不涉及跨流域、跨省辖市、省直管县(市)的项目,以及燃气热电、背压式燃煤热电(含自备电站)项目、农林生物质热电站(含自备电站)项目、风电站项目、110 千伏及以下电网项目和产业集聚区局域电网 220 千伏电网项目、液化石油气接收、存储设施项目(不含油气田、炼油厂的配套项目)、垃圾发电项目核准权限;承接涉及燃气热电、背压式燃煤热电项目的热电联产规划审批权限。县(区)所属事业单位、人民团体(含与社会资本合作)投资建设的社会事业项目核准权限,下放到县(区)政府投资主管部门。(责任单位:市发展改革委)

(2) 承接省下放固定资产投资项目节能审查权限。年综合能源消费量 5000 吨标准煤以下、1000 吨标准煤及以上的固定资产投资项目节能审查管理权限,按项目隶属关系由市、县(区)级发展改革部门负责。年综合能源消费量不满 1000 吨标准煤且年电力消费量不满 500 万千瓦时的项目,以及国家发展改革委印发的《不单独进行节能审查的行业目录》规定的行业,不再单独进行节能审查。(责任单位:市发展改革委)

(3) 承接国家和省下放审批核准项目的规划选址意见书核发权限。不涉及跨地市和铁路、机场等具有区域影响力的项目选址意见书核发权限,由市城乡规划局做好相关对接、准备工作。(责任单位:市城乡规划局)

(4) 承接省下放的省管建设项目用地预审权限。省管权限建设项目用地预审权限,由市国土资源局做好相关对接、准备工作。(责任单位:市国土资源局)


(1) 下放政府投资项目审核(批)权限。除市属项目和国家明确审批权限的党政机关办公楼等少数项目外,其它项目均按项目隶属关系由县(区)政府投资主管部门征求相关行业主管部门意见后分别审批。(责任单位:市发展改革委)


(2) 下放项目招标方案审批(核准)权限。县(区)项目由同级项目审批(核准)部门审批(核准)招标方案。(责任单位:市发展改革委) (3)将企业投资项目备案由行政审批性备案改为企业告知性备案。国家明确实行备案管理的汽车投资项目备案权限下放至县(区)政府投资主管部门。(责任单位:市发展改革委)


将“建设项目水资源论证报告书审批”、“取水许可”2 项,合并为“取水许可”1 项。(责任单位:市水利局)


明确政府投资项目审批范围。对总投资 1000 万元以下的项目,直接编制、审批项目实施方案,不再审批项目建议书、可行性研究报告和初步设计,其中对点多、面广、单个项目投资 500 万元及以下的同类项目,可合并审批项目实施方案;对总投资 1000 万元及以上 5000 万元以下的项目,不再审批项目建议书,直接审批可行性研究报告和初步设计;对总投资 5000 万元及以上的项目,原则上应审批项目建议书、可行性研究报告和初步设计,其中对国家和省批准的国民经济和社会发展五年规划、专项规划、区域规划中已经明确的项目,改扩建项目以及建设内容单一、技术方案简单的项目,可以不审批项目建议书。(责任单位:市发展改革委)


(1) 政府投资项目可行性研究报告审批、招标方案审批、节能审查 3 项,由发展改革部门内部并联办理。(责任单位:市发展改革委)

(2) 企业投资项目核准、招标方案核准、节能审查 3 项,由发展改革部门内部并联办理。(责任单位:市发展改革委)

(3) 采用划拨方式供地的企业投资项目选址意见书核发、用地预审、取水许可等 3 项,跨部门并联办理。(责任单位:市城乡规划局、国土资源局、水利局按照职责分工负责)

(4) 政府投资项目选址意见书核发、用地预审、取水许可、航道通航条件影响评价审核 4 项,跨部门并联办理。(责任单位:市城乡规划局、国土资源局、交通运输局、水利局按照职责分工负责)



(1) 承接省下放建设项目环评审批权限。由市环境保护局按相关规定执行。(责任单位:市环境保护局)  

(2) 生产建设项目水土保持方案审批由项目审批或核准前办理改为项目开工前办理,不涉及跨流域、跨省辖市的生产建设项目水土保持方案审批,由市水利局按相关规定执行。(责任单位:市水利局)

(3) 承接省下放的省管项目、省重点项目施工许可审批权限,由市住房城乡建设局负责办理。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局)

(4) 承接省下放的涉及国家安全事项的建设项目审批权限,市国家安全局做好对接及相关承接工作。(责任单位:市国家安全局)


(1)取消下放政府投资项目初步设计审批权限。取消利用外国政府(金融组织)贷款项目、单纯购置性政府投资项目、总投资 1000 万元以下的政府投资项目的初步设计审批。将非市属政府投资项目初步设计按项目隶属关系下放到县(区)政府投资主管部门或行业主管部门审批。(责任单位:市发展改革委、水利局)

(2) 取消新型墙体材料专项基金征收、散装水泥专项资金征收、建设项目使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土许可 3 项事项。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局、发展改革委)

(3) 取消建设工程地震安全性评价报告审定审批事项。(责任单位:市地震局)



(1) 将“建设工程(含临时建设)规划许可证核发”、“历史文化街区、名镇、名村核心保护范围内拆除历史建筑以外的建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施审批”、“历史建筑实施原址保护审批”、“历史建筑外部修缮装饰、添加设施以及改变历史建筑的结构或者使用性质审批”4项,合并为“建设工程规划类许可证核发”1项。(责任单位:市城乡规划局、住房城乡建设局)

(2) 将“临时占用城市绿地审批”、“砍伐城市树木、迁移古树名木审批”2 项,合并为“工程建设涉及城市绿地、树木审批”1 项。(责任单位:市城市管理局)

(3) 将“占用、挖掘城市道路审批”、“依附于城市道路建设各种管线、杆线等设施审批”、“城市桥梁上架设各类市政管线审批”3 项,合并为“市政设施建设类审批”1 项。(责任单位:市城市管理局)

(4) 将“因工程建设确需改装、拆除或者迁移城市公共供水设施审批”、“拆除、移动城镇排水与污水处理设施方案审核”2 项,合并为“因工程建设需要拆除、改动、迁移供水、排水与污水处理设施审核”1 项。(责任单位:市城市管理局)

(5) 将“非防洪建设项目洪水影响评价报告审批"、“水工程建设规划同意书审核”、“河道管理范围内建设项目工程建设方案审批”、“国家基本水文测站上下游建设影响水文监测工程的审批”4 项,合并为“洪水影响评价审批”1 项。(责任单位:市水利局)

(6) 将“文物保护单位的保护范围内进行其他建设工程或爆破、钻探、挖掘等作业的许可”、“文物保护单位的建设控制地带内进行建设工程的许可”2 项,合并为“建设工程文物保护和考古许可”1 项。(责任单位:市文物管理局)


(1) 蓄滞洪区避洪设施建设审批,改为住房城乡建设部门征求水利部门意见。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局、水利局按照职责分工负责)

(2) 堤顶、戗台兼作公路审批,改为交通运输部门征求水利部门意见。(责任单位:市交通运输局、水利局按照职责分工负责)

(3) 贯彻国防要求意见、军事设施保护意见 2 项,改为征求军队有关部门意见。(责任单位:相关审批部门)


职业病危害预评价由建设单位在可行性论证阶段自行组织实施。公路建设项目施工图设计文件审查由项目法人组织有关专家或者委托有相应工程咨询或者设计资质的单位进行。将地震安全性评价、重大规划重点工程气候可行性论证、地质灾害危险性评估、人民防空工程施工图设计文件审查、防雷装置设计审核(房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程)、建筑工程施工图设计文件审查等 6 项委托或认定第三方机构实施,规范中介服务,破除行业、地区壁垒和部门垄断。(责任单位:市国土资源局、住房城乡建设局、城市管理局、交通运输局、卫生计生委、人防办、安全监管局、气象局、地震局等部门按照职责分工负责)


(1) 地震安全性评价。实施范围为:《河南省实施<地震安全性评价管理条例>办法》(河南省人民政府第 120 号令)规定范围。实施范围外的项目可不再开展地震安全性评价。(责任单位:市地震局)

(2) 重大规划、重点工程气候可行性论证。实施范围为:与气候条件密切相关的重大基础设施、公共工程和大型工程项目,重大区域性经济开发、区域农(牧)业结构调整项目,大型太阳能、风能等气候资源开发利用建设等项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展气候可行性论证。(责任单位:市气象局)

(3) 建筑工程施工图设计文件审查。实施范围为:房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程。实施范围外的项目可不再开展建筑工程施工图设计审查。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局、城市管理局)

(4) 职业病危害预评价。实施范围为:可能产生职业病危害的新建、扩建、改建建设项目和技术改造、技术引进项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展职业病危害预评价。(责任单位:市安全监管局)

(5) 建设工程消防设计审核。实施范围为:人员密集场所建设工程;国家机关办公楼、电力调度楼、电信楼、邮政楼、防灾指挥调度楼、广播电视楼、档案楼;单体建筑面积大于 4 万平方米或者建筑高度超过 50 米的公共建筑;地下单体建筑和建筑高度超过 50 米的居住建筑;城市轨道交通、隧道工程,大型发电、变配电工程;生产、储存、装卸易燃易爆危险物品的工厂、仓库和专用车站、码头,易燃易爆气体和液体的充装站、供应站、调压站。实施范围外的项目依法进行竣工验收消防备案抽查。(责任单位:市公安局)

(6) 非煤矿山、金属冶炼建设项目和用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目的安全设施设计审查。实施范围为:新建、改建、扩建的非煤矿山、金属冶炼建设项目和用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展安全设施设计审查。(责任单位:市安全监管局)

(7) 危险化学品建设项目安全条件审查。实施范围为:企业新建、改建、扩建的危险化学品生产、储存装置(设备)或伴有危险化学品产生的化学品生产装置(设备)的项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展安全条件审查。(责任单位:市安全监管局)


(8) 人民防空工程施工图设计文件审查。实施范围为:城市规划区内新建、改建、扩建和加固改造人防工程,其中,防空地下室施工图设计文件,只进行人防专项审查。(责任单位:市人防办)

(9) 防雷装置设计审核。实施范围为:油库、气库、弹药库、化学品仓库、烟花爆竹、石化等易燃易爆建设工程和场所,雷电易发区内的矿区、旅游景点或者投入使用的建(构)筑物、设施等需要单独安装雷电防护装置的场所,以及雷电风险高且没有防雷标准规范、需要进行特殊论证的大型项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展防雷装置设计审核。(责任单位:市气象局)

(10) 地质灾害危险性评估。实施范围为:在河南省地质灾害易发区内进行的工程建设项目。实施范围外的工程建设项目可不再开展地质灾害危险性评估。省国土资源厅负责划定河南省地质灾害易发分区图,并向社会公布,没有公布之前暂停实施。(责任单位:市国土资源局)

(11) 生产建设项目水土保持方案审批。实施范围为:在山区、丘陵区、风沙区以及水土保持规划确定的容易发生水土流失的其他区域开办可能造成水土流失的生产建设项目,由省水利厅牵头组织以县(区)为单位公布山区、丘陵区、风沙区以及水土保持规划确定的容易发生水土流失的其他区域的具体范围,没有公布范围前暂停执行。在水土保持方案已经批准并依法落实水土保持措施的城市规划区、开发区、产业集聚区内开办生产建设项目,免予办理水土保持方案审批手续。(责任单位:市水利局)

(12) 建筑工程施工许可。实施范围为:各类房屋建筑及其附属设施的建造、装修装饰和与其配套的线路、管道、设备的安装,以及城镇市政基础设施工程。实施范围外的建筑工程项目不再核发施工许可证。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局、城市管理局)


(1) 工程质量监督备案、安全施工措施备案、民用建筑节能设计审查备案、建设工程施工合同备案、建设工程中标通知书备案、建设工程监理合同备案、建筑工程施工许可 7 项,由行业管理部门内部并联办理。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局、城市管理局)

(2) 建设项目环境影响评价文件审批、入河排污口设置审核、生产建设项目水土保持方案审批、人民防空工程建设审批、危险化学品建设项目安全条件审查、防雷装置设计审核、临时占用林地审批等 24 项,跨部门并联审批。企业投资项目,上述事项与固定资产投资项目节能审查、航道通航条件影响评价审核 2 项,一并跨部门并联办理。(责任单位:市发展改革委、民委、公安局、环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、交通运输局、水利局、林业局、卫生计生委、安全监管局、人防办、气象局、文物管理局、档案局等部门按照职责分工负责)




1 .取消、承接的审批权限或委托行使审批3项

(1) 建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收改为项目建设单位自行验收。(责任单位:市环境保护局)

(2) 承接下放的省政府投资主管部门审批或核准的不涉及跨省辖市、省直管县(市)以上市行政区域的生产建设项目水土保持设施验收事项。(责任单位:市水利局)

(3) 承接下放的煤矿建设项目竣工验收事项。(责任单位:市发展改革委)





将“建设工程消防设计验收”、“建设工程竣工规划核实”、“生产建设项目水土保持设施验收”、“人民防空工程竣工验收备案”、“医疗机构放射性职业病危害建设项目竣工验收”、“防雷装置竣工验收”、“金融机构营业场所、金库安全防范设施工程验收”、“重大建设项目档案验收”、“建筑节能分部工程专项验收”、“房屋市政工程竣工验收备案”、“水利工程建设项目验收”、“航道养护工程交(竣)工验收”、“煤矿建设项目竣工验收”13 项,整合为“联合验收”1 项,由项目行业主管部门牵头会同有关部门组织实施。(责任单位:市发展改革委、公安局、住房城乡建设局、城市管理局、交通运输局、水利局、卫生计生委、安全监管局、人防办、档案局、气象局等部门按照职责分工负责)


(1) 建设项目安全验收评价。实施范围为:非煤矿矿山建设项目;生产、储存危险化学品(包括使用长输管道输送危险化学品,下同)的建设项目;生产、储存烟花爆竹的建设项目;金属冶炼建设项目;使用危险化学品从事生产并且使用量达到规定数量的化工建设项目(属于危险化学品生产的除外,下同);法律、行政法规和国务院、省政府规定的其他建设项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展建设项目安全验收评价。(责任单位:市安全监管局)


(2) 职业病危害控制效果评价。实施范围为:可能产生职业病危害的新建、扩建、改建建设项目和技术改造、技术引进项目。实施范围外的项目可不再开展职业病危害控制效果评价。(责任单位:市安全监管局)

(3) 建设工程消防设计验收:实施范围同消防设计审核。实施范围外的项目可不再开展消防验收。(责任单位:市公安局)





  • 建立区域评价机制。选择产业集聚区、主体功能区等开展区域评价试点,由政府组织编制土地勘测定界、地质灾害危险性评估、建设项目压覆矿产资源评估、地震安全性评价、节能评估、水土保持方案审查、气候论证、文物调查、地价评估、土地复垦方案等区域性专项评估、评审报告,5 年内有效(其中,地质灾害危险性评估报告 2 年内有效),落户该区域内的项目免费共享,降低企业投资成本。对开展规划环境影响评价并经审查的园区,入区项目环评可按照审查意见要求予以简化。政府在出让土地前,统一组织完成各类中介评估,以及通水、通电、通路、土地平整等工作,费用纳入土地出让金,实现“净地”出让。项目建设单位获得土地使用权后,由出让主体会同土地储备机构将各行业主管部门意见、地形图等材料移交至项目建设单位,原则上不再对企业建设项目进行重复评估。(责任单位:市国土资源局牵头负责,市发展改革委、环境保护局、城乡规划局、住房城乡建设局、水利局、文物管理局、地震局、气象局、供电公司等部门(单位)按照职责分工负责)


(三) 建立多规合一机制。建立国土资源、城乡规划、环境保护、文物保护、综合交通、水资源、文化旅游、社会事业、综合管线、人防、消防等多规划融合的“多规合一”信息联动平台,构建定位清晰、功能互补、统一衔接的多种规划协调机制。探索整合国土、规划两套坐标系为统一的坐标系统,建立以控制性详细规划和土地利用总体规划为基础,统筹布局各类专项设施用地的“一张图”平台,通过信息联动、开放共享,实现国土规划与相关专项规划的空间管理平台合一,形成各部门信息共享的建设信息管理平台。(责任单位:市国土资源局、城乡规划局牵头负责,市环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、交通运输局、水利局、旅游局、人防办、文物管理局等部门按照职责分工负责)

(四) 建立多评合一机制。先期整合由同一部门实施的多项技术性评估事项,逐步整合由不同部门实施的评估事项,实现项目同一审批阶段全部审批事项的“多评合一”。对同一部门的不同评估事项,原则上申请人只提交一次评审材料,对同一阶段不同部门的评估事项,依托投资项目在线审批监管平台或行政服务中心统一受理申请材料电子件和纸质件,相关部门同步开展评估。(责任单位:市发展改革委、市编办牵头负责,市国土资源局、环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、交通运输局、水利局、安全监管局、气象局、地震局、文物管理局等部门按照职责分工负责)

(五) 建立多图联审机制。选择部分县区试点开展设计方案及施工图联合审查。在投资项目实施阶段,由行政服务中心牵头建立联合咨询、协调、决策机制,统一接收申请材料,组织国土规划、住房城乡建设、水务、人防、公安消防、地震等多部门或审图机构以征求意见或召开联席会议等方式对项目的设计方案开展联合审查。审查通过后由行政服务中心统一出具联合审查意见,各部门依据审查意见,根据建设单位的申请分别核发行政许可文件。经联合审查确定的设计方案可作为建设项目后续实施建设、预售测量、竣工验收的依据。(责任单位:市住房城乡建设局牵头负责,市公安局、国土资源局、城乡规划局、交通运输局、人防办、气象局、地震局、文物管理局等部门按照职责分工负责)

(六) 推广企业投资项目承诺制试点。学习省自由贸易试验区企业投资项目承诺制试点经验,申报企业投资项目承诺制试点,健全事中事后监管体系,提升投资审批管理服务模式。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市公安局、商务局、住房城乡建设局、环境保护局、林业局、安全监管局、人防办、气象局、文物管理局按照职责分工负责)


  • 开展政府投资项目联审制试点。申报政府投资项目联审联批试点,探索建立以立项并联审批、报建联合评审、施工协同监管、竣工联合验收为核心的政府投资项目全流程审批监管机制,加快政府投资项目落地。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市公安局、国土资源局、环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、城市管理局、交通运输局、水利局、人防办、气象局、地震局、文物管理局等部门按照职责分工负责)



  • 提升审批管理服务水平。实行投资项目清单管理,梳理出台审批事项、办事指南、行政事业性收费 3 张清单,对社会公开并接受社会监督,实现“法无授权不可为”、“清单之外无权力”。建立主动告知审批事项制度,审批部门主动告知项目建设单位、施工单位及时办理项目开工前的立项、用地、规划、环评、节能、施工许可等开工建设必须符合的条件,各行业主管部门按要求主动开展相关审批工作。创新服务方式方法,探索通过项目代办、快递送达、信息推送等创新方式, 大程度利企便民。(责任单位:市发展改革委、国土资源局、环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、水利局等部门按照职责分工负责)


(三)加快推进投资项目在线联审。完善提升投资项目在线审批监管平台功能,加快在线平台与部门内部行政审批系统、业务审批系统的相互对接和信息共享。进一步落实项目代码制度,把 24 位项目代码作为项目建设周期唯一身份标识,各部门依据代码实行在线并联审批,归集项目相关审批、监管(处罚)、建设实施进展等重要信息,尽快实现全市投资项目审批“一窗受理、并联办理、限时办结、全程监管”。(责任单位:市发展改革委、行政服务中心牵头负责,市工业和信息化委、国土资源局、环境保护局、住房城乡建设局、交通运输局、水利局、林业局、人防办、气象局、地震局、文物管理局等部门按照职责分工负责)



(二) 强化改革落实。5 月底前,各牵头部门、责任部门要按照本方案明确的审批事项简化和规范表(附件 1)完成本领域审批事项清理调整,修订完善办事指南、操作方法、审批流程,报市编办、市发展改革委备案,并公告实施;市编办调整部门行政职权清单,实行审批事项清单管理,清单之外,一律不得实施审批。

(三) 强化考核评价。建立改革落实检查评估制度,纳入市委、市政府重点督查事项范围,定期开展监督检查,适时引入第三方评估机构,对改革成效进行评估考核。各县区各部门要主动开展跟踪指导和督促检查,及时总结经验,协调解决改革过程中出现的问题,重大问题上报市委、市政府。




Implementation plan for simplifying and standardizing the approval process of investment projects in Xinyang City


In order to implement the spirit of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Investment and Financing System", the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Investment and Financing System in Henan Province" and the "Implementation Plan for Simplifying and Standardizing Investment Project Approval Process in Henan Province", and further optimize the investment project approval process, Improve the efficiency of service supervision and formulate this plan.

I. General requirements

Carry out the reform requirements of streamlining administration, delegating powers and delegating management to optimize service, adhere to the combination of problem-oriented and goal-oriented, with the goal of improving the efficiency of project approval, focusing on streamlining matters, shortening time limits, online processing, and collaborative supervision, and focusing on promoting investment project approval Process optimization and reengineering, focus on promoting the innovation of approval management system, focus on promoting effective supervision of the whole process, and build a new investment project approval system with open and fair market, standardized and orderly approval, and efficient government services, and effectively solve the unconcentrated approval, unreasonable process, and approval Issues such as low timeliness will stimulate effective investment and expand space and provide support for the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society.

II. Simplify and optimize the approval process for investment projects

Adhere to the statutory powers and decentralization, sort out and standardize the 91 approval items that may be involved in the stage of investment project approval, construction application, and acceptance, and promote the cancellation of decentralization, narrowing or clarifying the scope of implementation, and parallel approval, further shortening the processing time limit, and streamlining the application materials .

Streamline matters. Among the 91 approval items, 5 were cancelled, and 32 items were integrated into 8; changed to 1 public service item, changed to solicit opinions from the department 4, changed to mandatory review or evaluation 10 items, and no longer included in the approval items. The approval items were reduced to 47 items after the clean-up of the specifications.

Optimize the process. Undertake the provincial delegation of approval authority or delegate the exercise of approval for 10 items, delegate the delegation of approval authority or delegate the exercise of approval for 5 items, narrow or clarify the scope of implementation of 16 items, implement 39 items in parallel, of which 35 items are handled in parallel across departments.

Reduce the time limit. The commitment time limit for approval items is compressed to less than 2/3 of the legal time limit, including project approval (approval), land use pre-review, site selection opinions, construction land planning permission, construction project planning permission, construction project construction permission and other important nodes. Within 1/2 of the legal time limit. In the case of meeting the approval conditions, strive to reduce the approval time for the entire process from project initiation to start of construction to less than 60 working days.

1.Project approval stage

Do a good job in undertaking the provincial delegation of approval (service) authority or entrusting the exercise of 4 approvals

(1) Undertake the project review (approval) authority determined by the provincial decentralized "Government Approved Investment Project Catalog (Henan Province)". The undertaking of enterprise investment does not involve projects that cross river basins, cross-provincial municipalities, and counties (cities) directly under the jurisdiction of the province, as well as gas-fired thermal power, back pressure coal-fired thermal power (including self-supplied power stations), and agricultural and forestry biomass thermal power stations (including self-supplied power stations). Power stations) projects, wind power station projects, 110 kV and below power grid projects, and 220 kV power grid projects for local power grids in industrial clusters, liquefied petroleum gas reception, storage facility projects (excluding oil and gas fields, oil refinery supporting projects), waste power generation Project approval authority; to undertake planning approval authority for combined heat and power projects involving gas-fired thermal power and back pressure coal-fired thermal power projects. The authority to approve social undertakings invested and constructed by public institutions and people's organizations (including cooperation with social capital) affiliated to the county (district) shall be delegated to the competent investment department of the county (district) government. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(2) Undertake the provincial decentralized energy conservation review authority for fixed asset investment projects. The management authority for energy conservation review of fixed asset investment projects with annual comprehensive energy consumption of less than 5,000 tons of standard coal and 1,000 tons of standard coal and above shall be the responsibility of development and reform departments at the city and county (district) level according to project affiliation. Projects with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of less than 1,000 tons of standard coal and an annual power consumption of less than 5 million kilowatt-hours, as well as industries specified in the "Catalogue of Industries Not Subject to Independent Energy Conservation Review" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, will no longer be subject to separate energy conservation reviews . (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(3) Undertake the authority to issue the planning and site selection opinions of the national and provincial decentralized approval projects. It does not involve the authority for the approval and issuance of opinion papers for projects with regional influence such as cross-regional cities, railways, and airports, and the Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Bureau shall do the relevant docking and preparation work. (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Bureau)

(4) To undertake the pre-examination authority for land use of provincial construction projects delegated by the province. The pre-examination authority for land use for construction projects with provincial management authority shall be done by the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources to do the relevant docking and preparation work. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources)

2. Cancel decentralized approval (service) authority or delegate the exercise of approval 3 items

(1) Decentralize the review (approval) authority of government investment projects. Except for a few projects such as municipal projects and the office buildings of party and government agencies whose authority has been clearly approved by the state, other projects are approved by the investment department of the county (district) government after soliciting opinions from the relevant industry authorities according to the project affiliation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(2) Decentralize the approval (approval) authority of the project bidding plan. County (district) projects are examined and approved (approved) by the project approval (approval) department at the same level. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(3) Change the filing of enterprise investment projects from administrative examination and approval filing to enterprise informative filing. The filing authority of automobile investment projects for which the state clearly implements filing management is delegated to the investment authority of the county (district) government. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

3. Integrate 2 items of standardized approval items into 1 item

Combine the 2 items of “construction project water resource demonstration report approval” and “water extraction permission” into 1 item of “water abstraction permission”. (Responsible unit: Municipal Water Resources Bureau)

4. Reduce or clarify the scope of implementation 1 item

Clarify the scope of approval for government investment projects. For projects with a total investment of less than 10 million yuan, directly prepare and approve project implementation plans. Project proposals, feasibility study reports and preliminary designs are no longer approved. Among them, there are many points, a wide range, and a single project investment of 5 million yuan or less. For similar projects, project implementation plans can be combined; for projects with a total investment of 10 million yuan and above 50 million yuan, no project proposals will be approved, and feasibility study reports and preliminary designs will be directly approved; for a total investment of 50 million yuan and above In principle, the project proposal, feasibility study report and preliminary design should be approved, including the five-year national economic and social development plans, special plans, and regional plans approved by the state and the province. For projects with a single construction content and simple technical solutions, project proposals may not be approved. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

5. Implement 8 items in parallel

(1) Three items of government investment project feasibility study report approval, bidding plan approval, and energy conservation review are handled in parallel by the development and reform department. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(2) Three items of enterprise investment project approval, bidding plan approval, and energy conservation review are handled in parallel by the development and reform department. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(3) Three items including the approval and issuance of the site selection opinion of the enterprise investment project that uses the allocation method, the pre-examination of land use, and the water-drawing permit shall be handled in parallel across departments. (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Land Resources Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

(4) 4 items of government investment project site selection opinions, pre-examination of land use, water extraction permission, and waterway navigation conditions impact assessment review were handled in parallel across departments. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Urban and Rural Planning, Bureau of Land and Resources, Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Water Resources in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

Project construction report stage

1. Do a good job in undertaking 4 items of provincial decentralized approval authority

(1) Undertake the environmental review and approval authority of provincial decentralized construction projects. The Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau shall implement it in accordance with relevant regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau)

(2) The approval of the water and soil conservation plan for production and construction projects shall be changed from before the project approval or approval to before the project starts. The approval of the soil and water conservation plan for production and construction projects that do not involve trans-basin or trans-provincial municipalities shall be implemented by the Municipal Water Resources Bureau in accordance with relevant regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Water Resources Bureau)

(3) The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is responsible for the approval authority for construction permits for provincial-managed projects and provincial key projects delegated by the province. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

(4) To undertake the approval authority of construction projects involving national security matters delegated by the province, the Municipal National Security Bureau will do a good job in docking and related undertaking work. (Responsible unit: Municipal State Security Bureau)

2. Cancel the decentralized approval authority or delegate the exercise of approval for 5 items

(1) Cancel the decentralized authority of preliminary design approval for government investment projects. Cancel the preliminary design approval for projects using foreign government (financial organization) loans, purely purchase government investment projects, and government investment projects with a total investment of less than 10 million yuan. The preliminary design of non-municipal government investment projects shall be delegated to the county (district) government investment authority or industry authority for approval according to the project affiliation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Water Resources Bureau)

(2) Cancel 3 items of special fund collection for new wall materials, special fund collection for bulk cement, and permission to use bagged cement in construction projects and on-site mixing concrete. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Development and Reform Commission)

(3) Cancel the review and approval items of the seismic safety evaluation report of construction projects. (Responsible unit: Municipal Earthquake Administration)

3. Integrate standard approval items from 17 to 6

(1) Approval of the "Construction Project (including Temporary Construction) Planning Permit Issuance", "Examination and Approval of the Demolition of Buildings, Structures or Other Facilities Except Historic Buildings within the Core Protection Area of Historical and Cultural Blocks, Famous Towns and Famous Villages", and "Historic Buildings" Implementation of the original site protection approval", "historical building exterior renovation and decoration, adding facilities, and changing the structure or use nature of the historical building approval" 4 items, combined into a "construction project planning permit issuance". (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

(2) Two items of "Approval of Temporary Occupation of Urban Green Space" and "Approval of Cutting Urban Trees and Relocation of Ancient and Famous Trees" were merged into one item of "Approval of Urban Green Space and Trees Involved in Project Construction". (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau)

(3) The three items of "Approval for Occupation and Excavation of Urban Roads", "Approval for Construction of Various Pipelines, Pole Lines and Other Facilities Attached to Urban Roads", and "Approval for Construction of Various Municipal Pipelines on Urban Bridges" were merged into "Municipal Facilities Construction" Category Approval" 1 item. (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau)

(4) Combining the two items "Approval of modification, demolition or relocation of urban public water supply facilities due to engineering construction" and "Plan review of demolition and removal of urban drainage and sewage treatment facilities" into "Demolition, modification, and relocation due to engineering construction." "Water supply, drainage and sewage treatment facilities audit" item 1. (Responsible unit: Municipal Urban Management Bureau)

(5) "Approval of flood impact assessment reports for non-flood control construction projects", "Approval of water engineering construction planning consent", "Approval of construction plans for construction projects within the scope of river management", "National basic hydrological monitoring station upstream and downstream construction impact hydrology 4 items of “Approval of Monitoring Projects” were merged into 1 item of “Flood Impact Assessment Approval”. (Responsible unit: Municipal Water Resources Bureau)

(6) Combine the two items of “permission for other construction projects or blasting, drilling, excavation, etc. within the protection scope of the cultural relics protection unit” and “permission for construction projects within the construction control zone of the cultural relics protection unit” to be merged into the “construction "Engineering cultural relics protection and archaeological permit" 1 item. (Responsible unit: Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics)

4. Changed to 4 inter-departmental consultations

(1) The approval of the construction of flood avoidance facilities in the flood storage and detention area was changed to the housing and urban-rural construction department to solicit opinions from the water conservancy department. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

(2) The top of the embankment and the platform are also used for highway approval, and the transportation department is changed to solicit the opinions of the water conservancy department. (Responsible unit: Municipal Transportation Bureau and Water Resources Bureau shall be responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

(3)To implement the two items of national defense requirements and opinions on the protection of military facilities, the opinions of relevant military departments will be solicited. (Responsible unit: relevant approval department)

5. Implement 8 items on their own, entrusted or recognized by a third-party agency

The pre-evaluation of occupational hazards shall be organized and implemented by the construction unit during the feasibility demonstration stage. The review of construction drawings and design documents of highway construction projects shall be conducted by relevant experts organized by the project legal person or commissioned by a unit with corresponding engineering consulting or design qualifications. Seismic safety evaluation, climate feasibility demonstration of major planned key projects, geological disaster risk assessment, civil air defense engineering construction drawing design document review, lightning protection device design review (house construction engineering and municipal infrastructure engineering), construction engineering construction drawings Design document review and other 6 commissioned or accredited third-party agencies to implement, standardize intermediary services, and break down industry and regional barriers and departmental monopolies. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Health and Family Planning Commission, Civil Defense Office, Safety Supervision Bureau, Meteorological Bureau, Seismological Bureau and other departments shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

6. Reduce or clarify the scope of implementation 12 items

(1) Seismic safety evaluation. The scope of implementation is as follows: "Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Earthquake Safety Evaluation in Henan Province" (Order No. 120 of the People's Government of Henan Province). Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out seismic safety evaluations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Earthquake Administration)

(2) Demonstration of climate feasibility for major planning and key projects. The scope of implementation is: major infrastructure, public engineering and large-scale engineering projects closely related to climatic conditions, major regional economic development, regional agricultural (livestock) structural adjustment projects, large-scale solar, wind and other climate resources development and utilization projects. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out climate feasibility demonstrations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Meteorological Bureau)

(3) Review of construction drawings and design documents of construction projects. The scope of implementation is: housing construction projects and municipal infrastructure projects. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out construction drawing design reviews. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau)

(4) Pre-evaluation of occupational hazards. The scope of implementation is: new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technological transformation and technology introduction projects that may cause occupational disease hazards. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out pre-evaluation of occupational hazards.(Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

(5) Review of fire protection design of construction projects. The scope of implementation is: construction projects for densely populated places; office buildings of state agencies, power dispatch buildings, telecommunications buildings, post buildings, disaster prevention command and dispatch buildings, radio and television buildings, archives buildings; single building area greater than 40,000 square meters or building height Public buildings over 50 meters; underground single buildings and residential buildings over 50 meters high; urban rail transit, tunnel engineering, large-scale power generation, transformation and distribution projects; factories that produce, store, and load inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, Warehouses and special stations, docks, filling stations, supply stations, and pressure regulating stations for flammable and explosive gases and liquids. Projects outside the scope of implementation shall be subject to random inspection of completion acceptance and fire protection records according to law. (Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau)

(6) Design review of safety facilities for non-coal mines, metal smelting construction projects, and construction projects for the production and storage of dangerous goods. The scope of implementation is: non-coal mines, metal smelting construction projects that are newly built, rebuilt, and expanded, and construction projects used for the production and storage of dangerous goods. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out safety facility design reviews. (Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

(7) Review of safety conditions for hazardous chemicals construction projects. The scope of implementation is: projects for the production and storage of hazardous chemicals (equipment) that are newly built, rebuilt, and expanded by enterprises, or the production of hazardous chemicals (equipment). Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out safety conditions review. (Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

(8) Review of construction drawings and design documents of civil air defense projects. The scope of implementation is: new construction, reconstruction, expansion and reinforcement of civil air defense projects in the urban planning area. Among them, the construction drawing design documents of the air defense basement are only subject to the special review of civil air defense. (Responsible unit: Municipal Civil Air Defense Office)

(8) Review of construction drawings and design documents of civil air defense projects. The scope of implementation is: new construction, reconstruction, expansion and reinforcement of civil air defense projects in the urban planning area. Among them, the construction drawing design documents of the air defense basement are only subject to the special review of civil air defense. (Responsible unit: Municipal Civil Air Defense Office)

(9) Design review of lightning protection device. The scope of implementation includes: oil depots, gas depots, ammunition depots, chemical warehouses, fireworks and firecrackers, petrochemicals and other flammable and explosive construction projects and sites, mining areas, tourist attractions, or buildings (structures) put into use in lightning-prone areas , Facilities and other places that require separate installation of lightning protection devices, as well as large-scale projects that have high lightning risk and do not have lightning protection standards and require special demonstrations. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out lightning protection device design reviews. (Responsible unit: Municipal Meteorological Bureau)

(10) Risk assessment of geological disasters. The scope of implementation is: engineering construction projects in areas prone to geological disasters in Henan Province. Engineering construction projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out geological disaster risk assessment. The Provincial Department of Land and Resources is responsible for delineating the geographical hazard-prone zoning map of Henan Province and publishing it to the public. The implementation will be suspended before it is announced. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources)

(11) Approval of water and soil conservation plans for production and construction projects. The scope of implementation is: to start production and construction projects that may cause soil erosion in mountainous areas, hilly areas, wind-sand areas, and other areas prone to soil erosion as determined by the water and soil conservation plan. The Provincial Water Resources Department will lead the organization to announce the mountainous areas on a county (district) basis. , Hilly areas, wind-sand areas, and other areas prone to soil erosion as determined by the water and soil conservation plan, the implementation will be suspended before the scope is announced. The establishment of production and construction projects in urban planning areas, development zones, and industrial clusters where the water and soil conservation plan has been approved and the water and soil conservation measures have been implemented in accordance with the law will be exempt from the approval procedures for the water and soil conservation plan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Water Resources Bureau)

(12) Construction permits for construction projects. The scope of implementation is: the construction, decoration and decoration of various types of houses and their ancillary facilities, and the installation of supporting lines, pipelines, and equipment, as well as urban municipal infrastructure projects. Construction permits will no longer be issued for construction projects outside the scope of implementation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau)

7. Implement 31 items in parallel

(1) Project quality supervision filing, safety construction measures filing, civil building energy-saving design review filing, construction project construction contract filing, construction project bid winning notice filing, construction project supervision contract filing, construction project construction permits 7 items, which shall be managed by the industry management department Internal parallel processing. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau)

(2) Approval of the environmental impact assessment documents of construction projects, review of the establishment of sewage outlets in the river, approval of water and soil conservation plans for production and construction projects, approval of civil air defense engineering construction, review of safety conditions for hazardous chemical construction projects, review of lightning protection device design, and temporary occupation of forest land Approval and other 24 items, cross-departmental parallel approval. For enterprise investment projects, the above-mentioned matters, the energy-saving review of fixed asset investment projects, and the review of the impact of navigation conditions on waterways, shall be handled in parallel across departments. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Civil Affairs Commission, Public Security Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Health and Family Planning Commission, Safety Supervision Bureau, Civil Defense Office, Meteorological Bureau, Cultural Relic Management Bureau, Archives and other departments shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

8. Standardize start-up management

Strengthen project start management in accordance with laws and regulations, unify and clarify the list of materials for construction permits, streamline approval requirements, and ensure that the procedures for project start are legal and complete, and the procedures are simplified to speed up completion. (Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

Completion acceptance stage

1. Cancellation, acceptance of approval authority or entrusted exercise of approval 3 items

(1) The completion acceptance of the environmental protection facilities of the construction project was changed to the self-acceptance of the project construction unit. (Responsible unit: Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau)

(2) To undertake the inspection and acceptance of water and soil conservation facilities for production and construction projects that do not involve trans-provincial cities, counties (cities) directly under the jurisdiction of the province and listed administrative regions that are approved or approved by the decentralized provincial government investment authority. (Responsible unit: Municipal Water Resources Bureau)

(3) To undertake the completion acceptance of decentralized coal mine construction projects. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

2. Implement 2 items by yourself, entrusted or recognized by a third-party agency

The evaluation of the control effect of occupational hazards is organized and implemented by the project unit itself. The safety acceptance evaluation of construction projects shall be carried out by a third-party agency entrusted or accredited by the project unit. (Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

3. 13 items for integrated approval items are 1 item

"Construction project fire protection design acceptance", "Construction project completion planning verification", "Production construction project soil and water conservation facility acceptance", "Civil air defense project completion acceptance filing", "Medical institution radioactive occupational disease hazard construction project completion acceptance", "Prevention "Acceptance of mine device completion", "Financial institution business premises, treasury safety protection facilities engineering acceptance", "Major construction project archives acceptance", "Special acceptance of building energy-saving sub-projects", "Completion acceptance filing of housing and municipal engineering", "Water conservancy engineering" The 13 items of "Construction Project Acceptance", "Waterway Maintenance Project Delivery (Completion) Acceptance", and "Coal Mine Construction Project Completion Acceptance" are integrated into one item of "Joint Acceptance", which will be organized and implemented by the competent department of the project industry in conjunction with relevant departments. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Public Security Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Health and Family Planning Commission, Safety Supervision Bureau, Civil Air Defense Office, Archives Bureau, Meteorological Bureau and other departments are responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities )

4. Reduce or clarify the scope of implementation 3 items

(1) Safety acceptance evaluation of construction projects. The scope of implementation includes: non-coal mine construction projects; construction projects for the production and storage of hazardous chemicals (including the use of long-distance pipelines to transport hazardous chemicals, the same below); construction projects for the production and storage of fireworks and firecrackers; metal smelting construction projects; hazardous use Chemical construction projects in which chemicals are produced and used in amounts up to the prescribed amount (except for hazardous chemical production, the same below); other construction projects specified by laws, administrative regulations, and the State Council and the provincial government. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out construction project safety acceptance evaluation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

(2) Evaluation of the control effect of occupational hazards. The scope of implementation is: new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technological transformation and technology introduction projects that may cause occupational disease hazards. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out occupational hazard control effect evaluation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau)

(3) Construction project fire protection design acceptance: the scope of implementation is the same as the fire protection design review. Projects outside the scope of implementation can no longer carry out fire protection acceptance. (Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau)

 Streamline the application materials for examination and approval items

Strictly follow the requirements of laws and regulations to further streamline the application materials for examination and approval. Except for the application materials required by laws and regulations, the project application unit shall not be required to provide other materials. For application materials that can be shared within the department or online, the application unit shall not be allowed to repeatedly provide or provide repeatedly. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Organization Office take the lead, and all relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

III.Innovative investment project approval management mode

Prioritize efficiency, innovate mechanisms, highlight key areas, key issues, and key links, innovate investment project approval management models, optimize and improve service efficiency, and enhance the sense of gain for investment entities.

  1. Establish a "regional evaluation" mechanism. Select industrial clusters, main functional areas, etc. to carry out regional evaluation pilots, and the government organizes the compilation of land survey boundaries, geological hazard risk assessment, construction project lapping mineral resources assessment, earthquake safety assessment, energy conservation assessment, water and soil conservation plan review, Regional special assessment and review reports such as climate demonstration, cultural relic investigation, land price assessment, land reclamation plan, etc., valid within 5 years (among which, the geological hazard risk assessment report is valid within 2 years). Projects settled in the area are shared free of charge, reducing enterprises cost of investment. For parks that have undergone a planned environmental impact assessment and have been reviewed, the environmental assessment of the projects entering the zone can be simplified in accordance with the requirements of the review opinions. Before the land transfer, the government organizes and completes various intermediary assessments, as well as water, electricity, access, land leveling, etc., and the cost is included in the land transfer fee to achieve "net land" transfer. After the project construction unit obtains the land use right, the transferor, in conjunction with the land reserve agency, will hand over the opinions of various industry authorities, topographic maps and other materials to the project construction unit. In principle, no repeated evaluation of the enterprise construction project will be carried out. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources takes the lead, and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Environmental Protection Bureau, Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Cultural Relics Administration, Seismological Bureau, Meteorological Bureau, Power Supply Company and other departments (units) follow Division of Responsibilities)
  2. Establish a "tolerant handling" mechanism. In accordance with the principle of “intervention in advance, parallel advancement, vertical connection, and timely conversion”, the approval departments for housing construction, planning, environmental protection, water conservancy, meteorology, civil air defense, and fire protection shall meet the basic requirements, complete the main application materials and meet the legal requirements, but not For approval items with lack of essential conditions or procedures, use the window period for various approval items to intervene in the relevant assessment and material review work in advance, and first issue the “unstamped” pre-review opinions, and after the relevant procedures are completed, The pre-review opinions are directly converted into approval procedures to further reduce the approval time and improve the approval efficiency. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Civil Air Defense Office, Meteorological Bureau and other departments are responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities)
  3. Establish a "multi-regulation integration" mechanism. Establish a "multi-plan integration" information linkage platform that integrates multiple plans such as land and resources, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, cultural relics protection, integrated transportation, water resources, cultural tourism, social undertakings, integrated pipelines, civil air defense, and fire protection, and builds a clear positioning, Multiple planning coordination mechanisms with complementary functions and unified convergence. Exploring to integrate the two sets of coordinate systems of the land and planning into a unified coordinate system, and establish a "one map" platform for coordinating the layout of various special facilities and land based on controlled detailed planning and general land use planning, through information linkage, open sharing , To realize the integration of the space management platform of land planning and related special planning, and form a construction information management platform for information sharing among various departments. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, Urban and Rural Planning Bureau take the lead, and the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Tourism Bureau, Civil Air Defense Office, Cultural Relics Administration and other departments are responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

   (4) Establish a "multiple evaluations in one" mechanism. Integrate multiple technical evaluation items implemented by the same department in advance, and gradually integrate the evaluation items implemented by different departments, so as to realize the "multi-evaluation unity" of all the items approved in the same approval stage of the project. For different evaluation items of the same department, in principle, the applicant only submits the evaluation materials once. For the evaluation items of different departments at the same stage, relying on the investment project online approval supervision platform or the administrative service center to uniformly accept the electronic and paper applications of the application materials. Departments conduct evaluations simultaneously. (Responsible unit: the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Organization Office take the lead, the Municipal Land and Resources Bureau, the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, the Water Conservancy Bureau, the Safety Supervision Bureau, the Meteorological Bureau, the Seismological Bureau, the Cultural Relics Administration, etc. The department is responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5) Establish a "multi-map joint review" mechanism. Select some counties and districts to carry out joint review of design schemes and construction drawings on a pilot basis. In the implementation stage of investment projects, the administrative service center will take the lead to establish a joint consultation, coordination, and decision-making mechanism, uniformly receive application materials, and organize national land planning, housing and urban-rural construction, water affairs, civil air defense, public security, fire protection, earthquake and other departments or map review agencies to solicit requests To conduct joint review of the design plan of the project by means of opinions or holding a joint meeting. After the review is passed, the administrative service center will issue a unified review opinion. Based on the review opinions, each department will issue administrative license documents according to the application of the construction unit. The design plan determined by the joint review can be used as the basis for the follow-up construction, pre-sale measurement, and completion acceptance of the construction project. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau takes the lead, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Land and Resources Bureau, Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Civil Defense Office, Meteorological Bureau, Earthquake Administration, Cultural Relics Administration and other departments are responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

(6) Promote pilot projects of the commitment system for enterprise investment projects. Learn from the pilot experience of the enterprise investment project commitment system in the Provincial Free Trade Pilot Zone, apply for the enterprise investment project commitment system pilot, improve the supervision system during and after the event, and improve the investment approval management service model. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Commercial Bureau, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Forestry Bureau, the Safety Supervision Bureau, the Civil Defense Office, the Meteorological Bureau, and the Cultural Relics Administration shall be responsible in accordance with the division of responsibilities)

(7) Carry out pilot projects of joint review system for government investment projects. Apply for pilot projects for joint review and approval of government investment projects, explore the establishment of a full-process approval and supervision mechanism for government investment projects with the core of parallel approval of projects, joint assessment of construction submissions, collaborative supervision of construction, and joint acceptance of completed projects, and accelerate the implementation of government investment projects. (Responsible unit: The Municipal Development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Civil Air Defense Office, Meteorological Bureau, Seismological Bureau, Cultural Relic Management Bureau and other departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

IV. improve the service supervision level of investment projects

Adhere to the combination of decentralization and management, optimize services, innovate service supervision methods, improve the supervision system during and after the event, build an investment project approval service system with full process coverage and full supervision, and ensure that projects are constructed in accordance with laws and regulations.

  1. Improve the service level of examination and approval management. Implement investment project list management, sort out and issue three lists of approval items, handling guidelines, and administrative fees, open to the public and accept social supervision, so as to realize "no law without authorization and no power beyond the list". Establish a system for proactively informing and approving matters. The approval department proactively informs the project construction unit and the construction unit to promptly handle the conditions that must be met before the project starts, such as project initiation, land use, planning, environmental assessment, energy saving, and construction permits, and the competent departments of various industries take the initiative as required Carry out relevant approval work. Innovate service methods and explore innovative methods such as project agency, express delivery, and information push to maximize convenience for the enterprise and the people. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Water Resources Bureau and other departments shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
  2. Strengthen supervision and management during and after the event. Further improve relevant rules and regulations, development plans, industrial policies, total volume control targets, total regional pollutant emissions, technical policies, access standards, etc., as the basis and important content of supervision, timely disclose the supervision results, and promote the standardization of supervision work. Standardization and openness. Make full use of the Internet and big data technology, relying on the province's credit platforms such as the online approval and supervision platform for investment projects and the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (Henan) to achieve effective supervision of "system + technology". Strengthen joint supervision, focus on the construction link and the completion and commissioning link, establish a supervisory linkage mechanism, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of project construction, and realize the legal start of the project and the orderly construction process. Take joint disciplinary measures against untrustworthy project units, and establish a long-term mechanism for punishment of dishonesty by "one place for dishonesty, and punishment for punishment". (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau and other departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
  3. Speed up the online joint review of investment projects. Improve the functions of the online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, and speed up the interconnection and information sharing between the online platform and the department's internal administrative approval system and business approval system. Further implement the project code system, use the 24-digit project code as the unique identification of the project construction cycle, and each department implements online parallel approval based on the code, collects important information about project-related approval, supervision (penalties), construction and implementation progress, and realizes city-wide investment as soon as possible Project approval "one-window acceptance, parallel processing, time-limited completion, and full supervision". (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Administrative Service Center take the lead, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Commission, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Civil Defense Office, Meteorological Bureau , Seismological Bureau, Cultural Relics Administration and other departments shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

V. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organization and leadership. Under the leadership of the municipal party committee and government, the municipal party committee’s comprehensive deepening reform leading group economic system reform special group is specifically responsible for organizing, guiding, coordinating and advancing the various work of investment project approval reforms. Each responsible department implements work responsibilities one by one in accordance with the division of responsibilities, and strengthens business guidance, policy support, and supervision and coordination for county and district work. The party committees and governments of all counties and districts should establish corresponding working mechanisms, study and formulate work plans and implementation rules for their regions, refine and optimize operating procedures, implement relevant policies, and organize their implementation carefully.

(2) Strengthen the implementation of reforms. Before the end of May, all leading departments and responsible departments shall complete the review and adjustment of the approval items in this field in accordance with the simplified and standardized list of approval items specified in this plan (Appendix 1), revise and improve the handling guidelines, operating methods, and approval procedures, and report to the Municipal Editing Office, The Municipal Development and Reform Commission filed for the record and announced the implementation; the Municipal Organization Office adjusted the administrative authority list of the department, and implemented the list of examination and approval items. Except for the list, no examination and approval were allowed.

(3) Strengthen the assessment and evaluation. Establish a reform and implementation inspection and evaluation system, incorporate it into the scope of key supervision items of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, carry out regular supervision and inspection, introduce a third-party evaluation agency at an appropriate time, and evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the reform. All counties and districts and departments should take the initiative to carry out follow-up guidance and supervision and inspection, sum up experience in a timely manner, coordinate and solve problems that arise in the reform process, and report major issues to the municipal party committee and municipal government.



Appendix:Simplified and standardized list of approval items for investment projects in Xinyang City


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