中英文-信阳市人民政府办公室 关于印发信阳市国民经济和社会发展 第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标纲要 实施中期评估报告的通知

发布时间 2024-03-29|阅读


《〈信阳市国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三 五年远景目标纲要〉实施中期评估报告》已经市人大常委会审议通过,现印发给你们,并就做好相关工作部署如下。

一、努力拼搏争取完成规划目标任务。针对中期评估发现的 问题和时序进度未达预期的指标,抢抓“ 十四五” 后半程冲刺期, 结合本单位本部门实际对照工作建议,采取行之有效的措施,全力以赴争取更好成绩。

二、全面深入推进“1335” 工作布局。抢抓各级各类政策机遇, 抓牢抓实手中工作,锻长板补短板扬优势,推动“ 1335 ”走深走实、高质量发展迈上新台阶。

三、聚焦重点抓住关键解难点激活力。坚持发展是第一要务, 积极转方式、调结构、提质量、增效益, 培育良好产业生态,高  质量推进项目建设,推动经济稳中向好。加大力度支持就业创业, 优化城市空间布局和功能结构,  加快基本公共服务均等化进程, 切实保障和改善民生,提升城镇化发展质量。加强统筹协调和政  策引导, 提升群众消费能力和消费意愿。科学推进国土绿化,厚植高质量发展生态底色。






“ 十四五” 以来, 在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在市人大及 其常委会的监督支持下,全市上下全面贯彻落实省委、市委历次 全会暨经济工作会议部署,锚定“ 两个确保” 、对标 “ 十大战略”, 深入推进“1335” 工作布局,  以中国式现代化引领信阳现代化,树 牢“创新拼搏当前锋” 工作导向,奋力谱写“ 两个更好” 绚丽篇章, 为新时代中原更加出彩贡献信阳力量。目前,  受国际环境更趋复 杂严峻和三年疫情冲击明显的超预期影响, 经济下行压力明显增 大, 市委、市政府坚持稳字当头、稳中求进,坚定不移推进供给 侧结构性改革,出台实施稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施,部署稳 住经济大盘工作,《纲要》实施情况总体较好,经济社会发展呈现平稳增长、结构优化、质量提升的态势。


《纲要》提出的 22 项主要指标包含 7 项约束性指标和 15 项  预期性指标。 7 项约束性指标中, 劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限、 单位地区生产总值能源消耗降低、单位地区生产总值二氧化碳排放降低、城市空气质量优良天数比率、地表水达到或好于Ⅲ类水体比例、粮食综合生产能力等 6 项指标均达到或超过预期进度; 森林覆盖率指标完成情况低于预期。  15 项预期性指标中,全员  劳动生产率增长、研发经费投入增长、每万人口拥有发明专利量、 居民人均可支配收入增长、城镇新增就业人数、城镇登记失业率、 每千人口拥有执业(助理)医师数、每千人口注册护士数、基本  养老保险参保率、人均预期寿命等 10 项指标基本达到预期或超  过预期进度;  地区生产总值增速、常住人口城镇化率、社会消费  品零售总额增长、每千人口拥有 3 岁以下婴幼儿托位数等 4 项指  标完成情况低于预期,数字经济核心产业增加值占地区生产总值比重指标省、市均无法统计,故暂未掌握。


具体体现在以下 10 个方面。

一是推进创新驱动发展,创新体系建设成果丰硕。创新能力 持续增强,2021-2022 年新增“ 专精特新” 中小企业 69 家, 高新技 术企业总数达到 234 家,国家科技型中小企业首次突破 500 家, 新增 1 个院士工作站、  5 家河南省中原学者工作站、  2 家国家博 士后科研工作站和 10 家河南省博士后创新实践基地。创新平台 体系不断完善,  组建国家级科技创新平台载体 13 家,新增 1 个 国家级高新区、  2 个省级高新区、  1 个国家农业科技园区、  2 个 省级农业科技园区。今年 10 月, 信阳“ 智慧岛” 入选省政府“ 智慧岛” 名单。创新生态不断优化,  2022 年全市财政科技支出同比增32%,全市有效发明专利拥有量 886 件,同比增加 17.97%研发经费投入强度增长量排名全省第 4

二是全面升级产业体系, 新旧动能转换步伐加快。新型工业  化稳步推进,2022 年全市规上工业增加值同比增长 3.2% ,实施  “1+1” 产业布局,  绿色家居、绿色食品、智能制造、时尚纺织、  电子信息、生物医药六大主导产业涉及规上工业企业 1205 家,   占全市规上工业企业总数的 84% ,实现总营业收入 1925 亿元。   实施“信商回归” 工程,成立招商专班,明阳智慧能源、杭萧钢构、 阳光集团、正大集团等一批头部企业相继落户。现代服务业蓬勃  发展,  全市服务业增加值年均增长 4.93%,成功举办预制菜品牌  发布会和产业发展论坛,认定省级“ 平安商场”12 家、省级“ 绿色  商场”2 家、省级品牌消费集聚区 5 家, 获批“ 河南老字号” 企业达  到 16 家,建成信阳百家商业大型物流配送中心冷链物流项目。  数字经济健康发展,电子商务进农村综合示范县在全市实现八县  全覆盖、贫困村全覆盖,建成“5G+工业互联网平台”,推动近 6000  家企业上云, 45 个工业园区实现 5G 信号全覆盖,  信阳市政务数据共享平台接入单位 48 家,累计数据交换 9.4 亿次。

三是强化内外协同联动,区域开放格局初步形成。经济循环 加速畅通,长三角一体化发展取得新成效,与苏州市建立对口合 作关系, 成立了苏信对口合作推进办、驻苏州联络处等,开通信阳始发直达苏州的高铁,2022年与苏州共签约项目68个, 合同金额超百亿。成功召开淮河生态经济带第4次省际联席会议和城市    合作市长会商会,取得丰硕成果。豫东南高新技术产业开发区建    设高标准启动,成立豫东南高新投资集团,50亿元规模的战略性    新兴产业投资基金进入实操投资阶段,出台《豫东南高新区招商    引资项目引荐人奖励办法(试行)》, 重奖引荐市域外投资者来豫    东南高新区投资兴业,开工建设信阳师范大学理工学院(一期)、 人才公寓(一期)、中小企业孵化园、大数据产业园、科创中心    等项目。  有效投资持续扩大,  坚持“ 项目为王” ,2020年至2023    年,省重点项目数量、总投资、年度计划投资年均增长分别为73%60% 129% 。全市新增实施第九期“ 三个一批” 项目 183个,总投    资 1795亿元, 分别居全省第 13位。高速公路通车里程居全省第    一方阵,普通干线公路、农村公路通车里程均居全省第2位,内    河水运通航总里程居全省第 1位, G312线、G107线绕信阳市区段    一级公路试通车,明港机场二期改扩建工程稳步推进。全市在建    水利项目投资规模超过360亿元, 7个项目纳入省重点推进25项水    利工程, 出山店水库建成投用,大别山革命老区引淮供水灌溉工    程、袁湾水库等重大项目建设顺利推进,淮滨港实现通江达海。   低碳高效能源体系加快构建,陕煤电力中部“ 两个一体化” 能源示    范基地、淮滨县“ 千乡万村”驭风行动试点工程等超百亿项目开工    建设,光山五岳抽水蓄能电站项目稳步推进。对外开放全面拓展,信阳保税仓库正式获批挂牌,信商大会、茶文化节、根亲文化节等已经成为信阳对外开放重要平台和品牌。

四是坚持全面深化改革,发展动力活力充分释放。全市市场  主体突破54.7 万户, 同比增长22.04% 。市场化法治化国际化营商  环境打造有序推进, 《信阳市政务服务条例》正式施行,  信阳营  商环境进入全省第二方阵。  “ 放管服效” 改革纵深推进,  “ 三集中  三到位” 全面推进,  “ 一门一窗一网一次” 改革基本实现。常态化  开展“ 万人助万企” 活动, 建成信阳市企业码服务平台。全市城市  信用监测排名稳步提升,位列全国前百名、全省第一方阵;市公  共信用信息平台和门户网站、  “ 信易贷” 平台荣获省辖市“ 示范平  台网站” 和“ 特色平台” 称号,信阳市成功创建第四批社会信用体  系建设示范区。消费持续扩容提质,改造完成胜利路商业步行街、 万达城市广场等商圈,成功打造沉浸式、体验式消费场景。2023  119 日,首届大别山电商文化节暨信阳大别山青创中心成立仪式在信阳电商小镇举行,标志着我市电商产业发展迈上了新台阶。

五是大力实施乡村振兴战略,“ 三农” 基础不断夯实。粮食安 全根基不断稳固,持续加强耕地保护,2022年全年全市粮食种植 面积 1261.06 万亩,超额完成省定 1254 万亩粮食生产任务。粮食 产量连续多年保持在550 万吨以上,粮食仓储规模稳定保持在 1200万吨以上。  农业质量效益和竞争力稳步提高,   打造“食尚信 阳, 道地食材” 品牌,建成全国绿色食品原料标准化生产基地 112万亩, 信阳毛尖品牌价值多年稳居全国前三名,省级现代农业产业园已覆盖9个县区,数量位居全省前列。  乡村建设行动全面实  施,“ 十百千万” 工程全面启动,农村公共服务基础设施提档升级, 信阳获评省美丽乡村示范市,新县获评省农村人居环境整治先进县,多项“信阳模式”“信阳经验”在全国全省推广。

六是推进新型城镇化建设,城乡融合发展加快推进。制定《信  阳市城乡人居环境综合治理条例》, 从法治层面为城乡人居环境  综合整治提升行动提供“硬核” 护航和法治支撑。中心城区龙头带  动作用持续增强,城市空间布局不断优化,“ 三网同构” 加速推进, 四水同治加快实施,成功入选全国首批系统化全域推进海绵城市  建设示范城市。火车站南北广场竣工投用,新三十六大街等断头  路建成通车,  全市拆墙透绿 1500 多处, 受到群众广泛好评。城乡  融合发展取得积极进展,城乡基本公共服务呈现均等化态势,中  小学教师“ 县管校聘” 管理改革与校长教师交流轮岗联动实施,城乡医院“ 等额对调” 对口帮扶实现全覆盖。

七是树立文化建设新标杆,文化软实力全面提升。文明素养  持续提升, 持续开展主题教育活动,开展文明科室、文明职工、 文明家庭宣传评选,全市行政村“ 一约四会” 实现全覆盖。文化事  业大力发展,  7个空间入选全国最美公共文化空间,  数量全省第  一,加强红色资源开发保护宣传,打造全国知名红色文化传承区。 文化旅游业繁荣发展,组建文旅投资集团, 打造博客小街青年文创中心,鸡公山景区成功创建国家5A级旅游景区,成功举办茶文化节和根亲文化节。

八是创建绿色发展新示范,生态宜居环境加速形成。大别山  生态安全屏障体系逐步筑牢夯实,  构建市县乡村四级林长体系, 加快推进生态廊道建设,5个县区成功纳入国家重点生态功能区。 淮河生态经济带绿色发展先行区建设迈出坚实步伐,成功入选国  家首批气候投融资试点市(省内唯一), 成功争创全省生态产品  价值实现试点城市,新县成为全省碳达峰试点县,推动静脉产业  园建设。污染防治攻坚战持续打好,  空气质量稳居全省第一, 国  省控断面水质均值达标率 100% ,全市实现生活垃圾 “ 零填埋” 目标,今年 10月我市成功创建国家生态文明建设示范区。

九是着力增进民生福祉,人民生活获得感显著增强。人才教 育培养不断深化,高质量教育体系加快建设,成立信阳高中教育 集团等5个教育集团,  11年蝉联全国地级市招飞之首,全力推进 “ 雷山匠谷”建设。 基本公共服务体系进一步完善,  “ 人人持证、  技能河南”建设超额完成省定目标,投入运营首个双创中心,实 行 16条青年友好措施,社会保障制度体系不断完善。健康信阳全 面实施,三级医院增至14家, 急诊急救“ 五大中心” 实现市县全覆 盖, 县域紧密型医共体进入高质量运营,“戴畈模式”“ 汪桥经验”得到广泛推广。

十是统筹发展和安全,社会治理效能持续提升。社会风险防范加强,政治安全持续稳定,公共安全保障能力全面提高,全市无较大安全生产事故发生。社会治理能力不断提升,基层治理“H” 型数字平台初步搭建, “ 王” 字型治理架构激活基层源动力,实现了治理体系和治理能力的“ 同频共振” 。社会治理方式不断优化,群众满意度大幅提升。

二、 《纲要》实施面临的主要问题和挑战


一是国际产业竞争格局深刻调整增加外部环境不确定性。全 球产业链不确定性、不稳定性呈增强趋势,技术封锁和贸易保护 主义对国内制造业深度融入全球产业链、供应链体系构成严重威 胁。长期来看, 中美贸易摩擦将对人民币汇率稳定、国内资本市 场、投资者及企业家信心、消费者心理预期等都带来较大冲击, 影响国内实体经济发展。同时,  制造业回流发达国家、迁入新兴 国家,全球产业链供应链加速重构,对国内制造业形成“ 两头挤压” 的严峻形势。

二是第四次工业革命推动生产要素配置方式深刻变革。第四  次工业革命背景下,人工智能、区块链、云计算、  5G 和大数据  等新一代信息技术的快速发展与融合, 智能制造、工业互联网、 无人工厂、共享经济、平台经济、创意经济、新零售等新模式新  业态持续涌现,原有相对封闭的生产流程、服务业态和价值创造  模式将进一步被革新。信阳数字经济发展质量不高,产业规模相对较小,缺乏行业龙头。

三是区域竞争态势日趋激烈,不进则退、慢进亦退。信阳市作为典型的省际边缘城市,处于中原城市群、武汉城市圈、皖江 经济带的中间,距离都在 300 公里左右,  交通区位优势尚未完全 转变成枢纽经济优势。在国家新一轮长三角区域一体化发展、长 江经济带发展、黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展等区域重大战略 背景下, 面临被进一步边缘化的危险。信阳市一方面面临被周边 郑州市、武汉市、合肥市进一步虹吸的压力,  另一方面面临周边 相邻的驻马店、南阳、阜阳等同属于鄂豫皖边缘区城市的“ 区域中心城市” 竞争。

四是欧盟碳关税将形成新的贸易壁垒。2023 10 1  日起, 欧盟碳边境调节机制正式进入试运行阶段,欧盟开始征收“碳关  税” 。购买欧盟的碳排放配额或支付相应的关税会增加中国企业  出口产品到欧盟的成本,导致中国企业尤其是高碳排放行业企业  的竞争力下降,迫切需要企业加快低碳产品和技术研发、强化碳  核算及认证方面的能力建设,通过改变生产方式等举措来降低碳排放,提升国际市场竞争力。



信阳原有比较优势“ 人口红利” 正在减弱,  “ 人才红利” 尚未形成。 第七次全国人口普查结果显示,信阳市人口净流出 279 万人, 约 占其户籍人口的 30.5%,人口净流出居全省第二位。人口外流导 致资金、技术、数据等要素的大量外流,进一步降低了信阳的要素集聚能力。同时,人口老龄化问题突出。


信阳作为传统农业大市,工业化基础薄弱,  主导行业增长动力不 足, 市场竞争力地位不高,  带动作用弱。战略性新兴产业规模偏 小, 对高质量发展的支撑作用弱。主导产业特别是新兴产业领域 头部企业较少,缺乏国内知名的百强制造企业,导致产业集群发 展缺少“驱动核心”。服务业发展整体水平不高、支撑不足、有“ 虚 化” 苗头,专业化和高端化的生产性服务业发展相对不足,  一定 程度上制约了作为实体经济重要基础的高端制造业的发展。一产 大而不强,农业现代化生产程度低、粮食加工转化率低、农副产 品加工企业链条短、产品附加值不高,农业综合效益没有得到充分发挥。

三是科技创新能力不强, 科技成果转化水平低。

与河南省其 他地市相比, 信阳市高新技术企业的数量、质量和培育总量都有 待提高。河南制造业 100 强中,信阳仅两家(华英、羚锐)。企  业创新主体地位不强,不少企业对技术创新关注不够,知识产权 的转化运用不强,拥有自主知识产权的核心技术不多,重大基础 研究和产业前瞻领域的突破不多。产学研用利益驱动机制不畅, 高校、科研院所科技成果转化动力不足,企业技术创新和科技成果产业化对接途径未有效打通。

四是信用体系不完善, 信用支撑力度薄弱。

目前我市有资质 的第三方信用服务机构仅 1 家,且对我市实际及行业特点开发有针对性的特色应用产品积极性不高,征信机构规模小、服务与产品种类少、信息获取难度大,难以满足中小企业对征信产品和服   务的需求。中小企业普遍存在信用记录不完善或信用缺失的问题, 政府性融资担保机构资本实力整体较弱,未能有效发挥融资增信作用。


信阳中心城 区新型基础设施不完善、公共服务质量不高、服务业没有形成规 模, 经济内聚合能力差、对县域拉动作用不够。信阳市城区位于 信阳西部,  进一步降低了对固始、商城等县域的辐射力。中心城 区独自对冲中原城市群、皖江城市带、武汉城市圈、长三角城市群的虹吸效应,信阳成为国内经济循环的节点城市困难较大。


以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落  实党的二十大精神, 胸怀“ 两个大局”,锚定“ 两个确保”、对标“ 十  大战略” ,持续深入推进 “1335” 工作布局,紧抓构建新发展格局  战略机遇、新时代推动中部地区高质量发展政策机遇,与最优者  对标、与最强者比拼、与最快者赛跑,发扬拼搏精神、奋斗精神, 推动经济社会发展质量更高、效益更好、速度更快,  探索中国式  现代化信阳模式,肩负起新时代赋予的新使命,建设新发展格局  中的重要支点城市, 加快打造“ 两个更好” 示范区、美好生活目的地,为新时代中原更加出彩贡献信阳力量。

(一)明确三大定位, 积极融入和服务新发展格局

1.  充分发挥“枢纽”优势,加快建设鄂豫皖省际区域中心城市

加快建设区域经济中心。加快产业蓄能、创新驱动、交通畅  联、区域协调、民生提质,  打造创新创业之城, 着力建设青年友  好型城市。巩固扩大信阳在鄂豫皖区域中心城市竞争中的优势, 推动构建鄂豫皖省际毗邻地区协同发展带、大别山省际交界区域  特色经济协作区,吸引产业向信阳转移、要素向信阳集聚、人才  向信阳流动。坚持创新引领, 以产业升级为方向, 以提升核心竞  争力为目标,  强化数字赋能,  积极培育新能源、新材料、先进制  造、电子信息等战略性新兴产业,积极培育未来产业,  加快形成  新质生产力。聚焦主导产业,加快企业技术中心、重点实验室、 中试基地、技术创新中心等研发机构和创新平台建设,整合科技  创新资源,构建政产学研金服用一体化创新体系。依托物流业发  展, 推动商贸金融、创新服务、文化创意、技术咨询等产业聚集, 建设生产性服务业生态圈。以豫东南高新区、信阳高新技术产业  开发区、信阳经济技术开发区、潢川经济开发区等各类产业园区  为载体, 探索飞地经济、伙伴园区合作模式,试点以入股方式实  现生产要素优化配置、高效利用。加快建设区域交通中心。大力  发展淮河航运,  统筹航道建设、港口建设、产业培育,  积极谋划  建设淮河航运重大项目,加快构建信阳淮河“ 一干六支”“ 一港九  区” 战略布局。加快淮河(信阳段)航道整治与疏浚工程建设,  提升航道等级;把淮滨中心港打造成为全市临港经济发展的先行  区,加强淮滨港、固始港、息县港与江淮流域港口“ 互联互通”建设, 打造“ 豫货出海集散地、豫非贸易直通港”,推进港口与豫鄂皖内陆腹地互动发展,深化与郑欧国际班列等大陆桥走廊沿线    互动。加快推进进港专用铁路线、多式联运骨干通道建设,完善    管道、传输廊道等基础设施建设,推动信阳市区、潢川县打造“ 空    铁公水” 综合性交通枢纽。加快高速公路“13445” 工程建设,  加强    京港澳、大广、沿淮、沪陕、沿大别山通道运输服务组织能力。   全力推动南信合高铁、京港台高铁阜阳至黄冈段开工建设,谋划    建设信随高铁;  加快推进沿大别山高速高速明港至鸡公山段等 7    条在建高速公路项目建设。加快实施明港机场(二期)改扩建工    程, 开工建设潢川机场、商城通用机场,推动明港机场、潢川机    场互为补充、错位发展。依托交通枢纽优势,大力发展高铁经济、  临港经济、临空经济、流动经济、枢纽经济。加快物流枢纽建设,  推进淮滨港国际多式联运枢纽(公路港)、大别山公铁联运港智    慧物流平台、潢川开发区大别山铁路货运综合物流园、冷链物流    园等重点项目建设,推进淮滨、潢川区域物流枢纽和固始县物流    节点建设。加快建设区域技术转移转化中心。培育和发展一批专    业化技术转移机构,不断完善区域技术转移服务体系建设,加快    承接科技成果转移转化。围绕高端装备、生物医药、电子信息、   新材料等优势特色领域,争取新建 5 家省级以上高水平创新平台。 实施智能制造引领工程,开展绿色工厂、绿色产品、绿色园区、   绿色供应链对标活动,支持碳中和园区(工厂)试点示范项目建    设,培育河南省绿色技术创新示范企业(基地)。依托智慧岛、高新区省级双创示范基地,开展双创带动就业、大中小企业融通创新、精益创业带动就业等专项计划,打造一批“ 专精特新”“ 瞪  羚”“ 独角兽” 企业。支持罗山、固始、息县、商城县先进制造业  开发区申建省级高新区。探索元宇宙、未来人居、新能源等产业  领域, 争取实施一批中央引导地方科技发展资金项目、省市级重  大科技项目、成果转化与产业化项目。  

加快建设区域文化中心。 加快长征国家主题公园项目建设,支持红色遗迹保护和红色文物  活化工作;  加强红色基因库建设,  加快红色文化传承创新,着力  建设全国知名的红色文化传承区。进一步转变办节观念、拓展办  节思路、创新办节方法,拓展第 31 届信阳茶文化节成效,持续  擦亮茶都名片。充分挖掘各县区根亲文化资源,高水平办好中原  根亲文化节,吸引海内外姓氏宗亲、专家学者到信阳寻根谒祖、 投资兴业、交流研讨,打造以根亲文化为主的文化传播平台和海  峡两岸交流示范基地,建设全省根亲文化传承区。以更高水准办  好信商大会、河南徒步大会(西河)、南湾开渔节、平桥区经典  名篇朗诵会、茶歌茶舞大赛、乡村“ 村晚” 等一系列群众文化活动。 挖掘信阳民歌、罗山皮影、光山花鼓戏、信阳毛尖炒制技艺、商  城丝弦锣鼓、嗨子戏、大鼓书等非物质文化遗产资源,运用动漫、 影视剧、游戏等数字化手段,  推动地方传统文化创造性转化、创  新性发展。挖掘“ 电竞文化” 的正向价值,  树立年轻新潮的城市形  象、叫响青春活力的城市品牌。深入挖掘地域文化,  大力发展线  上线下一体化、在线在场相结合的数字文化消费场景。以“ 政企智融”模式打造“ 两个更好”城市书屋,推进城市书屋改造升级,

盘活全市公共文化场馆。实施非遗点亮计划,加快建设信阳市历  史文化地名信息资源库和市县两级地名文化遗产保护名录,完善  保护传承体系。积极争取国家级体育、艺术赛事在信阳举办。打  造美好信阳精品演艺体系,培育壮大“ 美好信阳” 新媒体矩阵。加  快建设区域消费中心。高质量推进信用信阳建设,引导市场主体  诚信经营,  着力打造城市消费“ 放心圈”。加快推进信阳高新区物  流快递分拨中心、信阳汇泽电子产业园等项目建设,加强物流重  点企业培育, 加强与河南自贸区等高水平开放平台对接联系,积  极创建河南自贸试验区创新联动区、跨境电商综合试验区、保税  物流中心,培育发展一批特色产品出口基地,积极建设商贸服务  型国家物流枢纽。开展中餐美食地标城市创建,  建立信阳菜“ 食  材库” ,推动信阳菜标准化、产业化、品牌化发展,培育信阳菜  快餐连锁业态,推广信阳小馆公共品牌。实施品牌引领战略,加  快推动标准、品牌、标识、防伪“ 四统一”,做大做强“ 信阳毛尖”“ 信  阳红” 区域公用品牌, 开发打造“信阳白茶”“信阳黑茶”“ 商城高山  茶” 等茶类区域公用品牌。打造信阳青年营地、青年茶场、羊山   里、北湖文旅融合基地、顾岗未来社区等年轻社交场景,培育扩  大夜经济体量。加力促进健康养老、文化旅游、居民出行、会展、 体育、餐饮等服务消费,支持开展省际旅居养老合作。常态化参  加或举办国际消费季、消费促进月、豫鉴美食、老字号嘉年华等  形式多样的促消费活动。加快实施首店引进、新品首发等专项行动,推动品牌消费。支持企业申报认定“ 绿色商场”“ 品牌消费集聚区”“ 河南老字号” ,支持胜利路步行街、万达城市广场等商圈  内特色小店、商场、老字号等打造沉浸式、体验式新消费场景, 构建“ 时尚商圈” ;大力发展无人超市、线上线下一体化商店、智  慧餐厅、智慧书店、在线定制、即时配送等新消费业态。加快建  设区域教育中心。 加大投入力度,强化学前教育优质普惠发展、 深化义务教育优质均衡发展、促进高中教育优质特色发展,加快  雷山匠谷建设,支持高等教育内涵全面发展。强力推进职业教育  起高峰,以创建产教融合型试点城市为抓手,抓实“ 产教融合” , 抓好“ 专业布局”,抓牢“技能提升”。加快建设区域医疗康养中心。 推动优质医疗资源扩容下沉、均衡布局,持续提升医疗服务水平, 积极打造大别山区域医疗中心,开展国家健康城市创建。建设 3  个省级区域医疗中心、6 个市级区域医疗中心,建成市第五人民  医院扩建项目和市综合公共卫生应急服务指挥中心。推进全市医  疗卫生重点项目建设,实施“便民就医少跑腿” 七大举措、  “ 提升  医疗服务” 十大举措。发展公办养老机构和普惠型养老服务,打  造“ 嵌入式” 综合养老服务中心,引导专业运营团队,  加入社会资  本投入, 提供多样化、个性化服务。依托鸡公山、南湾湖、汤泉  池等生态资源,  建设以休闲旅游、医疗康复、温泉度假、中药养  生等为主题的健康养老养生服务基地。建好数字枢纽。聚焦资源  数字化、数字产业化、产业数字化,构筑信息产业平台,建成服  务全市乃至大别山区域的标杆性工业互联网平台。加快交通数据信息共享共用,构建以市级平台为枢纽,覆盖和连接各县区的综合交通大数据中心的架构体系。加快布局算力等新型基础设施建   设, 加快 5G 网络深度覆盖, 重点推进信阳人工智能计算服务中   心、信阳云灾备基地等项目建设,加快推动城市信息模型( CIM ) 基础平台建设。抢抓全国数据统一大市场机遇,抢先布局数据要   素产业, 支撑、带动和培育数字经济和平台经济发展;拓宽数字   经济应用领域,加大数字经济在各领域的渗透和应用;发挥产业   链链长制的牵引作用,持续拓展智能化应用场景覆盖面。推动企   业数据资源向数据资产转变,大力发展专业化、个性化数据服务, 推动计算能力不断跃升、人工智能算法模型不断演变、数据要素价值不断释放。

2.  充分发挥“ 生态”优势,加快建设大别山(豫南)高效生态经济示范区

建设豫南高效生态经济示范区是省委交给信阳探索实践、创  新发展的重要任务, 要抢抓“双碳” 目标带来的机遇, 以自然生态  优势作为产业特色和经济优势的基础,以传统产业绿色化改造为  突破点,  以资源节约集约利用为切入点,推广“ 绿电” 生产, 推动  能源结构、产业结构和生活方式绿色转型,构筑绿色制造体系, 推进绿色产品认证,形成由清洁生产企业组成的循环经济产业体  系, 促进产业生态化和生态产业化,打造绿色低碳高质量发展的  新动能,培育转型发展的新优势。打造生态价值实现国家示范区。 加快建立生态产品价值核算、市场交易、考核评估制度,推进生态产品价值核算进监测、进规划、进考核、进决策, 逐步完善生态保护补偿和生态环境损害赔偿政策制度明确生态产品价值实  现路径, 打通“ 两山” 转化通道。积极研究碳排放权、用能权、排  污权、用水权等环境权益交易体系及融资工具。出台支持绿色企  业、绿色项目在包装、认定、销售、品牌等方面政策。推进新县  着重开展生态产品价值转化试点工作,支持潢川生态产品价值试  点示范建设,形成信阳经验模式。  加快构建现代能源产业体系。 支持豫东南高新区进行源网荷储一体化项目建设及分布式电力  市场化交易试点,支持明阳集团加快推进“ 千乡万村驭风行动” 项目建设,构建绿色、零碳的现代化能源体系。加快推进陕煤信  阳 2×1000MW 高效超超临界机组工程项目、淮滨县“ 千乡万村驭  风行动”和五岳抽水蓄能电站等项目建设,推动“风光火储” 和“ 源  网荷储” 两个一体化项目和压缩空气储能项目落地实施,变能源  由生产要素为产业带动,变能源弱市为能源强市。实施可再生能  源替代行动,  积极在工业、交通、建筑和生活等领域实施电能替  代。实施重点行业领域节能降碳行动,推广节能“ 一站式” 综合服  务。积极推进公共机构综合能源管理试点,因地制宜选取一批政  府机关单位做试点, 探索综合能源管理新模式。全面开展绿色金  融改革创新。扎实推进绿色金融改革创新三年行动,创建国家绿  色金融改革创新试验区。在绿色金融标准体系、金融机构监管和  信息披露要求、激励约束机制、产品和市场体系、国际合作等五  个方面开展信阳实践,加快大别山(信阳)绿色金融示范区的申建和国家气候投融资试点市的建设工作。深化绿色金融产品和服务创新, 形成绿色信贷、绿色保险、绿色基金等多种绿色金融产 品协同的绿色金融产品线,扩大信贷投放,持续提升存贷比。围 绕绿色金融支持大别山(信阳)北麓生态产品价值实现、支持淮 河(上游)生态经济带建设、引领绿色现代产业创新发展先行和 助推豫东南高新区打造零碳示范产业园四个特色路径,建立绿色 金融政策标准体系和专营体系,创新十种以上绿色金融产品。做 大做优市绿色项目库,形成常态化报送和动态管理机制,不断提 升绿色项目的谋划储备和融资包装能力。加强生态环境保护。深 入打好蓝天保卫战,  全面加强扬尘污染、移动源污染、工业源污 染综合治理, 奋力实现空气质量全域二级达标。鼓励各县区借鉴 新县经验,加快推进“ 智慧河湖”建设,开展河湖水系联通工程; 深入推进“ 五水综改”,做好重点湖泊河流生态保护与修复,抓好 河流断面点源、面源污染综合治理,确保地表水断面水质达到 III 类标准,  力争 60%达到 II 类标准。加快实施河南省鄂豫大别山 区水土保持与生态修复项目,扎实推进河南省信阳市淮河上游国 土绿化试点示范项目和河南省信阳市森林防火高风险区综合治 理工程建设项目实施,加快推进百万亩国储林建设计划,落实好 “林长+ 三长(公检法) ”“林长+科技特派员” 工作机制。以农村生 活污水治理、农药化肥减量化使用和农业面源污染治理为重点, 深入实施土壤改良计划。坚持山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统 治理,  完善环境风险常态化管理体系,加快建设国家生态环境应急实训基地。

3.  充分发挥“ 前沿”优势,加快建设长三角大湾区产业协同创新区

立足信阳独特区位,紧抓南信合、京港台高铁建设机遇,  找  准与长三角一体化、粤港澳大湾区等国家战略的结合点,深化与  国家战略对接,重点对接长三角一体化发展,以“ 产业+科创” 为  牵引, 深化交流合作,深入开展营商环境建设短板弱项对标提升  行动, 激发内生动力和发展活力, 以思想观念的大解放、体制机  制的大变革推动承接产业转移的大突破,实现交通联通、产业贯  通、创新融通、要素协同。深化信阳与苏州对口合作。贯彻落实  豫苏两省政府印发的《信阳市苏州市对口合作实施方案  ( 2022-2026 年)》,全面对标学习苏州市先进工作理念和体制机  制, 推动对口合作任务落地落实。支持豫东南高新区与苏州相关  开发区、经发区开展合作,通过开展异地孵化、发展“ 飞地经济”、 设立伙伴园区等多种方式,合作建立创新共同体。常态化组织赴  苏跟班学习, 全面开展各领域互通考察交流,探索构建信阳与苏  州跨省域的一体化创新机制,建立健全公共资源统一信息发布和  披露制度,积极融入长三角产权交易共同市场。探索与苏州建立  一体化增减挂钩指标市场化配置机制,统一协调制定土地市场交  易法规以及土地资源协调管理;在招商引资和人才招引等方面加  强政策协同,  建立统一规范的制度体系,形成人才、科技等要素  自由流动的统一开放市场。深化与长三角大湾区产业合作。积极参加“ 长江三角洲城市经济协调会” 等活动, 将信阳打造为中原—长三角经济走廊的重要节点城市。以明阳风电、万华无醛、同合 车轮、现代筑美、舜宇光学、浙商纺织、羚锐制药等龙头企业为  依托, 聚焦智能终端、纺织服装、家居建材、智能制造等重点行 业,强化产业链招商、创新链招商、供应链招商, 探索实行“ 长 三角企业+信阳资源”“ 长三角市场+信阳产品”“ 长三角总部+信阳 基地”“ 长三角研发+信阳制造”“ 长三角研发策源地+信阳创新应 用场” 等新合作模式。按照“ 抓龙头、带配套” 思路,聚焦服装代 加工、农机智能制造、农产品深加工等细分领域,  引进长三角大 湾区地区实力企业, 争取承接产业链条整体转移和关联产业协同  转移。积极参加河南—长三角产业对接活动、长三角开放平台联 动合作论坛等招商引资和承接产业转移活动,争取长三角地区平 台经济头部企业在信阳设立地区性总部、区域运营中心、结算中 心等。支持固始县与六安市叶集区共同打造“ 叶集— 固始‘ 一河两 岸 ’生态优先绿色发展产业合作区” ,共建豫皖产业合作示范园。 扎实推进淮河生态经济带建设。  学习借鉴“ 长江绿色生态廊道” 生态修复做法,高标准建设淮河绿色生态走廊,推动建立流域上  下游生态保护补偿、资源开发补偿、损害赔偿等省际利益平衡机  制,加快构建“ 生态优先、多式联运、产业联动、城镇聚集、绿  廊创建、品质提升” 的淮河生态经济带新发展格局。与沿淮 28 个 市(县)共同建立淮河生态经济带高质量发展专家委员会和专家  库, 共同争取国家立项和重大专项资金支持。推动设立淮河生态经济带发展专项资金,积极参与淮河流域园区合作联盟,打造区域性绿色金融中心和生态产品交易中心。谋划建设淮河流域综合   治理与可持续发展示范区。将淮滨县、固始县、息县打造成淮河   生态经济带重要节点城市和中原物流新枢纽,合理布局配建货场, 扩大港口开放优势,实现“借港出海” 。加快豫东南高新区建设。聚焦大健康、智能制造、信息技术 3 个主导产业,以打造“零碳园区” 为目标,加快布局科创总部、科技服务中心、创智孵化、科教园区、制造园区等功能分区,着力推进新基建、新技术、新 材料、新装备、新产品、新业态“ 六新” 突破,着力推动产业链、创新链、供应链、要素链、制度链“ 五链” 耦合,着力强化与长三角城市群、粤港澳大湾区的对接链接,着力构建创新、产业、金融、人才、开放、资源环境、基础设施、公共服务“八大”体系, 加快建设成为在全国有较强竞争力、创新引领力、辐射带动力的高能级高新区,将其打造成为信阳高质量发展的增长极、全省开发区改革的试验田、中部地区连接长三角大湾区的桥头堡、苏信合作的主平台。


1.  深化改革创新,实现思想观念新突破

持续深化国资国企改革。加快国有经济布局优化和结构调整, 进一步完善国资国企“ 品” 字型架构体系、运营机制,推动市属国   资国企做好储备四类人才、建设基金岛(谷)等 6 件大事。以“ 党   建引领、资本运营、绩效激励” 为基础,建立健全国资国企市场化、系统化、协同化高质量发展体系。进一步完善“ 六定” 改革试点工作, 全面提升企业治理现代化水平。强化国有企业主责主业 管理, 完善中国特色现代企业制度,加强业务培训,着力提高干 部队伍专业化能力。 扎实推进开发区改革。 坚持“全市一盘棋”, 进一步强化统一管理,高质量完成开发区总体发展规划编制,确 保国土空间规划、生态环保规划、永久基本农田等精准衔接。持 续深化“ 三化三制” 改革,全面推行“ 管委会+公司” 管理模式,调 整优化开发区属地政府与开发区管委会的关系,下放审批权限,强化开发区经济发展主责主业,推行“ 一枚印章管审批”,实行“ 扁 平化”“ 大部门制” 管理,实现办事不出区。高水平布局建设一批 产业转型示范开发区,  推行“运营公司+产业基金” 招商,创新“ 例 会+首席服务员”服务手段,实施开发区土地利用综合评价,促进 节约集约高效用地。实施开发区“ 亩均论英雄” ,大力推进 “ 承诺 制+标准地” 改革,力争实现拿地即开工。打造一流创新生态。推 进以新型研发机构为方向的科研机构改革, 优化重点项目“揭榜 挂帅” 、项目经费使用 “包干制”“赛马制” 、PI 制等组织方式,扩大高等院校、科研机构、科研人员自主权,探索赋予科研人员职 务科技成果所有权或长期使用权,激发创新活力。建立健全以政 府投入为引导、企业投入为主体、社会资本广泛参与的多元化科 技创新投入体系,强化各类科技惠企政策宣传落实。建立科研事 业单位中长期绩效评价制度,充分发挥绩效评价在财政拨款、科 技计划项目立项、科技人才推荐、绩效工资总量核定等方面的激励约束作用。加强项目谋划。  持续树牢“ 项目为王、结果导向”理念,围绕人民对美好生活的向往、  党中央及国务院决策部署、 各级各类规划、政府资金支持方向、金融工具、试点示范、十大  战略、重大战略机遇、  “1335” 工作布局、  “1+1” 产业布局等十个  方面, 高质量做好项目谋划储备。聚焦国家“ 十四五” 规划 102 项  重大工程、省“ 十四五” 规划 51 项重大工程实施,坚持超前谋划、 加强储备、主动对接、强化监管,积极向国家、省对口部门争取  各类专项资金支持。坚持前瞻性思维超前谋划项目,突出产业升 级、淮河生态经济带发展革命老区振兴、持续增进民生福祉等重  点领域, 不断提高项目储备质量。分类有序推进重大项目谋划储  备和建设实施,形成“储备一批、开工一批、建设一批、竣工 一批” 的滚动接续机制。

2.  强服务提效能,实现营商环境新突破

对标苏州,  真心实意服务企业,  真抓实干服务群众,真帮实 建服务基层,  营造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境,推动 营商环境进入全省第一方阵。加强市场主体服务。高度关注中小 微企业发展,  落实落细各级各类优惠政策,切实帮助解决其生产 经营面临的困难。打造升级版“ 万人助万企” ,实行 “ 一企一策”, 提供全所有制、全规模、全生命周期的兜底式服务。严格规范涉 企执法检查行为,探索建立中小微企业发展保护机制,进一步落 实市场准入负面清单制度,持续推行信用监管和包容审慎监管等 制度, 打造“ 无事不扰、有事服务” 的政府服务品牌。大力培育企业家精神,发挥优秀企业家示范带动作用。建设企业公共服务平台,加大对个体工商户扶持力度。  常态化组织助企纾困周例会, 抓好“ 两清一兑” ;建设集约高效的水、电、路、气、暖、给排水  系统,保障企业生产需求;推进标准厂房建设,实现企业“ 拎包  入驻”;完善“标准地” 出让,盘活闲置低效工业用地,力争实现“ 拿  地即开工” ;落实减税降费政策,加强政策、资金、土地、用能、 人力等企业要素保障。持续完善知识产权保护体系,建立我市企  业知识产权质押融资需求项目库和“ 白名单”双向推送机制。全面  提升中介服务保障。有序开放投资审批中介服务市场,引入市场  竞争机制, 以优质中介服务助推投资项目提速、降本、增效。依  法加强对中介服务机构的失信惩戒,推进中介服务标准化、规范  化建设。积极引进国内外知名中介服务机构,培育一批知名度高、 公信力强、具有较强竞争力的规划咨询、投资咨询、审批代理等  中介服务品牌机构。鼓励组建中介机构服务联合体,重塑中介集  成服务新模式。积极发挥行业协会和中介机构作用,提供产品研  发、质量检测、教育培训、电子商务等服务,建立企业间分工协  作机制。完善中介服务机构信用等级评价机制,加强守信联合激  励和失信联合惩戒。推进政务服务提质提速。强化政府对基本公  共服务供给的兜底责任, 推动建立亲清政商关系。统一编制市、 县行政许可事项清单,建立完善惠企政策“ 免审即享” 清单发布机  制, 加强“双随机、一公开” 监管, 推动企业开办和投资项目建设  极简审批。复制借鉴苏州“ 一网通办”“ 一件事” 改革等先进工作做法, 与苏州开展政务服务“跨省通办” 合作, 让企业赴信享受与苏州市“ 无差别” 的营商环境。积极推进电子营业执照跨区域、跨部 门、跨领域应用, 提高企业开办全程电子化登记率;加快推进“信 阳人工智能计算中心” 项目建设,建设市级开办企业“ 一网通办” 平台。健全完善市县区“ 一体化” 信用平台, 迭代升级市公共信用 信息平台和门户网站基础设施,加强涉企信用信息归集共享。深 入推进基层便民服务体系建设。加快推进优化归并全市政务服务 便民热线,依托 24 小时“12345 政务服务便民热线”,着力解决群 众反映的难点、热点、堵点问题。统筹协调区域资源, 落实好住 房、落户、医疗、社保、子女教育、税收优惠、创业辅导等绿色 服务通道;完善市县乡村四级便民服务体系,加快基层便民服务 场所建设,  推动公共教育、劳动就业、社会保险、医疗卫生、养 老服务、社会服务、户籍管理等领域群众经常办理且基层能有效  承接的政务服务事项,以委托受理、授权办理等方式下沉至乡镇  便民服务中心集中受理办理。探索“ 一件事一次办” 延伸乡村。提 升“全程网办” 比率, 持续推进“ 数字适老”,推动线上线下功能互补、无缝衔接。

3.  强化党建统领, 实现社会治理新突破

持续统筹推进党建引领基层治理现代化。推动“ 王” 字型治理  架构实体运行、协调运行、规范运行,健全四级联动指挥体系。 完善“H” 型数字平台,  确保上下贯通、执行有力。坚持党建引领, 以“ 五星” 支部创建为抓手,健全党委领导、政府主导、企业主体、社会组织和公众共同参与的基层治理体系。常态化开展“ 支部联支部” 活动,抓住关键环节,推进组织共建、队伍共带、产业共    促、服务共做、新风共树、实事共办,切实将党建优势转化为治    理效能。扎实开展“饺子宴”、三星文明户、文明家庭等群众性创    评活动, 深入推进移风易俗,大力弘扬时代新风。推进社会治理    创新。健全基层社会服务管理结构,形成多元参与、协同善治的    社会治理格局。通过“ 民事民议、民事民办、民事民管” ,充分调    动居民群众的积极性、主动性、创造性, 形成在党组织和政府领    导下的自治、法治、德治有机融合格局。将大数据、区块链、人    工智能等现代科技与社区治理深度融合,打造线上社区,建好诉    求矛盾一站式接收、解决“ 大管家”,让居民遇事“ 小事不出网格、  大事不出社区” ,实现精细化的治安防控体系建设和社区服务保    障。加强基层应急管理。以积极推进信阳市本质安全能力建设为    主线, 不断强化底线思维,推动安全生产责任落实。推进专项整    治三年行动巩固提升阶段工作,抓好危险化学品、非煤矿山、工    贸等重点领域专项治理,强化安全生产监管执法。加快豫南(信    阳)区域性综合应急救援保障基地建设,科学布局市级库、县级    库和乡镇存储点,构建市、县、乡三级应急物资储备网络。完善    市级应急管理总指挥部综合协调机制,加强应急预案演练和评估。 加快建设应急产业园区,推进安全应急产业和安全应急科技高质    量融合发展。防范化解重大社会风险。持续关注和防范银行等金    融机构发生系统性金融风险。持续推广“ 房票” 制度, 防范化解问题楼盘风险, 推动房地产业向新发展模式平稳过渡。加强基层关键少数面对重大舆情时的法治处置能力,常态化开展“ 六防六治”, 集中专项治理重复信访积案,加大对“ 钉子案” 的化解力度。制定    安全生产专项整治三年行动接续措施,确保全市无较大安全生产    事故发生。开展全民参保攻坚行动,进一步扩大社会保险覆盖面,加强社会保险基金预警管理和风险评估监控体系建设。


1.  着力产业绿色崛起, 打造现代化产业体系

培育产业发展新生态。围绕主导产业和特色产业,创新推进  模式, 建立“ 十个一” 工作机制:聘请一个专业研究机构,制定一  个发展规划, 绘制一套产业链供应链图谱,成立一个市场化专业  运营公司, 出台一套支持政策,设立一支专项产业发展基金,建  好一个服务载体(产业园),培育一批龙头企业,建立一个产业  联合会(联盟),成立一个工作专班。深化“ 万人助万企” 活动,   严格落实“周一见” 机制, 分类解决重点企业面临问题,加快推动  各项惠企政策“ 免申即享” 。以 “链长制” 为抓手, 积极构建全产业  链生态;  聚焦“ 上下游”,构建大中小企业融通创新机制,建立产  业研究院、创新联盟、创新联合体等,推动产业链各主体及环节  衔接紧密;促进大中小企业创新链、产业链、供应链、数据链、 资金链、服务链、人才链全面融通,  通过政策引领、机制建设、 平台打造,推动形成多主体融通创新生态。着力培育重点产业链。 围绕六大主导产业,按照“ 化点为珠、串珠成链”“ 一群多链、聚链成群” 的方式,重点培育先进钢铁材料产业链、绿色家居产业链、新型显示产业链(群)、光电元器件产业链(群)、新能源装  备产业链、节能环保装备产业链、生物医药产业链(群)、绿色   食品产业链(群)、预制菜产业链(群)、纺织服装产业链、户外  用品产业链(群)等 11 个重点产业链(群),牵引全市制造业实  现链式发展、集群发展、融合发展,一体推进短板产业补链、优  势产业延链、传统产业升链、新兴产业建链。推行“链长制” ,培  育引进一批头部企业、“链主” 企业, 提升本地配套率,增强产业  链稳定性和竞争力。坚持创新驱动和数字赋能,积极培育新能源、 新材料、先进制造、电子信息等战略性新兴产业和氢能与储能、 前沿新材料、未来网络、生命健康、数据智能等未来产业。全力  招商引资。  立足“1+1” 产业定位,坚持通盘谋划和目标聚焦,持  续推进“ 三图同绘”,各县编制“ 一县一图”“ 一链一表”“ 一业一策”, 开展“ 可视化” 招商, 加大电商物流、金融服务、数字经济等优质  生产性服务业招商引资力度。推进专业招商抓龙头,发挥明阳风  电、同合车轮、舜宇光学、羚锐制药等龙头企业、链主企业带动  作用, 组建政商联合招商组,深入开展以商招商、上下游配套招  商, 吸引产业链上下游、供应链各环节、创新链相关方集聚。发  挥招商引资企业主体作用,成立招商子公司,注重市场化招商促  进投资机会和培育产业生态,发挥开发区及行业商协会的作用, 支持组建招商平台公司。借鉴政府资本招商“合肥模式”,积极发  展基金招商新模式。依托基金谷建设,用好绿色产业投资基金,加快筹备设立战略性新兴产业培育基金,鼓励金融机构协助开展招商。加强上市企业培育。深入实施信阳市企业上市倍增三年行 动, 聚焦“ 两高六新”、专精特新“ 小巨人”、省级“ 专精特新”“ 单项 冠军”“ 独角兽”“ 瞪羚” 等企业,全面深入挖掘上市后备资源,建 立上市后备企业走进证券交易所常态化交流机制。支持混改试点 企业上市,加强对拟上市企业的培育和辅导,落实企业上市分阶段奖励政策。

2.  着力花园城市建设, 全面推动城市扩容提质

提升中心城区辐射带动作用。加快建设城市路网、绿网、水  网,三网融合同构山水城市;统筹城市有机更新与重点片区开发, 持续抓好“ 一带三区” 建设, 高质量打造浉河景观带,加快建设高  铁 CAZ 片区商务中心、人居科学城、职教新城等;建设美好人  才公寓、美好公共空间,打造更多年轻场景;加快城市有机更新  和海绵化改造,不断强化中心带动和示范作用。坚持人性化管理, 支持“ 外摆经济”,让城市更具烟火气。深化户籍制度改革,加快  城镇基本公共服务常住人口全覆盖。加快推进以县城为重要载体  的城镇化建设。提升县城产业承载和配套服务功能,增强重点镇  集聚功能。支持潢川县建设“ 四区两枢纽” ,支持光山县建设 “ 四  个强县、  一个家园” ,推动潢川县、光山县与豫东南高新区高效  协同,打造新的增长极。大力发展固始副中心,  支持建设“ 一心  五区”。支持罗山县实施“ 生态立县、工业强县、文旅兴县、农业  稳县” 主导战略。支持新县打造全国知名的红色文化根据地,持续提升县城承载力。支持商城县城提质改造,打造全国知名的全域旅游示范区。支持息县建设以淮河新区为引领的幸福美好家园。 支持淮滨建设港、产、城多元融合的内陆临港经济示范区。深化    城市精细治理。  强化系统集成、推动数字赋能,  构建“城市预警    中心、数据分析中心、运行指挥中心” 为主体的信阳市城市运行    管理服务平台,建设智慧城市。打造“ 蓝绿交织、清新明亮、水    城共融” 的江淮地区海绵城市建设“ 信阳模式” ,提升韧性城市建    设水平。推进城区“ 网格化”“路长制” 等管理全覆盖,  完善城市精    细化治理标准规范,优化监督考核模式。围绕国际花园城市、青    年发展型城市、全国文明城市建设,  聚焦城市管理突出问题开展    专项整治,建设一批宜居、宜业、宜乐、宜游的城市精细化管理    示范区。推进未来社区建设。大力推进信阳市美好未来社区试点    项目建设, 围绕人本化、生态化、数字化,实现公共服务优质共    享和项目综合价值提升。在全市范围内推广未来社区项目建设试    点经验, 全域推进未来社区建设,以高品质生活、高性价比房价,  提升对人才的吸引力和社会活力;推动乡村未来社区成为乡村振    兴在最小社会单元探索集成改革与发展的平台,全面突破行政地    理边界、大力推动城乡要素自由流动、激发乡村人居环境“ 稀缺资源”价值。

3.  着力乡村振兴扛旗, 加快农业农村现代化

扛稳粮食安全重任。深入推进“ 藏粮于地、藏粮于技”,扎实 推进高标准农田建设,加强耕地质量保护和提升,推广使用高产优质种子,大力发展高效节水灌溉,  提升耕种收综合机械化率,面提升粮食生产防灾减灾能力,鼓励发展适度规模经营,确保    粮食产量保持在 110 亿斤以上。加快大别山革命老区引淮供水灌    溉工程、大型灌区续建配套与现代化改造、袁湾水库、白果冲水    库等重点水利项目建设。  强化示范引领。  大力实施乡村振兴“ 十    百千万” 工程, 建设宜居宜业和美乡村。探索建设一批未来乡村,   努力把乡村振兴示范区打造成为推进城乡融合、一二三产业融合、 五个振兴协同发展的示范载体。扎实开展乡村建设行动,抓好农    村人居环境整治,推动示范引领村、生态宜居村、整治达标村全    面示范引领乡村振兴,探索一条可复制、可推广的乡村振兴有效    路径。 高质量发展现代农产品加工业。因地制宜发展“ 一县 一    业”“ 一乡一特”“ 一村一品” ,推进品牌培育、品种培优、品质提升, 利用畜禽、水产、苗木花卉、小果花生、双低油菜、优质水    稻等特色农产品优势, 培育一批规模化、标准化、无公害的原料    基地, 开展原材料基地认证。支持农产品加工企业和新型农业经营主体发展保鲜、储藏、分级、包装等加工设施设备,建立“ 龙 头企业+基地”“ 龙头企业+合作社+基地” 等生产经营模式,做优农    产品产地初加工、做强农产品精深加工,加快推进特色农副产品    加工业发展壮大。加大对产业链条长、辐射带动面广、市场竞争    力强的农产品加工龙头企业的扶持力度,做大做强做优特色农产品加工业品牌。发展壮大乡村特色产业。推进油茶、茶叶优势区 建设,加快“ 两茶一菜” 四化工程,支持浉河区建设“ 中国绿茶产业数字化总部基地” ,大力推动茶叶、油茶、信阳菜品牌化、标准化、基地化、数字化发展,构建完整产业链。发挥生态资源优 势, 注重耕地保育与立体种养、山地果(茶)园建设、农牧结合 与循环利用、庭院经济与合理开发、设施农业与规范管理,着力 建设一批绿色生产基地与宜居美丽村庄。加快健全高效生态农业 全产业链标准体系,推动新型农业经营主体按标准生产。培育壮 大乡村旅游、休闲农业、文化体验、健康养老、电子商务等新产 业新业态,  推动乡村一二三产业融合发展。深化农村改革。深化 农村承包地“ 三权分置” ,支持发展农业生产全环节社会化服务。 深化农村集体“ 三资” 管理专项整治行动, 创新农村集体经济运行 新机制, 支持农村集体经济开放创新发展。稳步推进国家试点县 新县农村宅基地改革工作,加快推进国家农村综合改革试验区各项任务。

4.  着力交旅文创出彩,实现“ 快进慢游深体验”

坚持规划引领。推进浉河区、鸡公山管理区、南湾湖风景区  “ 三区” 融合、统筹发展,联动加快平桥区、羊山新区文旅产业发展, 做强文旅龙头和中心城区旅游,建设文旅文创融合发展先行  区。依据“ 统筹谋划、融合推进,政府引导、多方参与,突出特  色、因地制宜,整体推进、示范带动” 的原则,打造一批龙头景区、精品线路, 县区打造各具特色的文旅品牌。积极创建大别山  北麓全域旅游示范区, 建设国家级旅游休闲城市。加快交旅融合  发展。强化“ 快进慢游深体验”,构建便捷高效的“ 快进” 交通网络,完成交通项目投资 160 亿元以上。完善通景公路旅游交通标识,推动每个县区打造至少一条交旅融合示范路,形成旅游风景廊道。 高质量建设、高水平运营游客服务中心。加速发展融合基础设施,持续推进“ 红色大别” 一号旅游公路、信阳市 5G+智慧公交建设、沿大别山高速交旅融合服务区等重大项目建设。打造“ 四好农村路” 升级版,形成“ 路河相伴、路林相依” 的生态彩链。建设一批集观光休闲于一体的主题公路,真正实现“ 一路一风景、 一村 一幅画、一县一特色” 。推动文旅融合品牌化发展。打造“ 红色文化    +绿色生态+数字科技” 新模式,实施红色旅游品牌工程, 建设大别山精神文化旅游带。深入推进大别山百家主题民宿示范工程建设,全面打造“ 大别原乡 · 旅居信阳” 民宿品牌,支持重点旅游县    区创建星级饭店。打造乡建博览园“老家水乡”。支持鄂豫皖苏区    首府、西九华山创建国家 5A 级旅游景区。推动鸡公山、南湾湖、  黄柏山、金刚台、灵山寺等特色旅游景区提质发展。实施精品旅    游线路展示工程, 以“ 两湖两山” 区域、大别山 1 号旅游公路为中心, 推出一批精品旅游线路,争创一批夜间文旅消费集聚区、旅    游休闲街区、省级旅游度假区、文化产业示范园区等文旅品牌。   大力发展文化旅游新业态。紧紧围绕茶文化节和根亲文化节两个    重要节会,集中发力造势,持续掀起“ 人造洪峰”,引燃文旅热潮。支持青年营地、北湖露营公园、大别山露营公园等协同发展,放大茶、菜、水品牌效应,做好“ 千湖市” 的水上文章,  创新发展水    上娱乐、运动项目,  用“ 深体验” 拉动文旅经济。植入音乐节、户外装备展等业态,推动“ 露营+” 成为新顶流。创新发展自驾游、打卡游、康养旅游、体育旅游、医疗养生、城市度假、非遗体验 等业态。鼓励各县区因地制宜发展特色夜经济。推动鸡公山 5A 级景区提档升级,开发跨区域的文化和旅游年票、联票等,强化 游客留存撬动外溢效应。推进文旅文创融合发展。全力打造集博 物馆聚落、文化商业街、文创艺术工作室等为一体的博客小街文 创主题街区,  支持旅游景区、博物馆、文化馆、图书馆结合实际 开发各具特色的文创产品。立足“ 美好生活看信阳”城市品牌 Logo 和“ 山哥茶妹”城市 IP,结合红色信阳、山水信阳等特色,开发设 计办公用品、生活用品等,  推动发展全链条文创产业,设计、转化和推出一批“信阳伴手礼”。

5.  着力品质生活引领,增强社会发展凝聚力

健全就业公共服务体系。  推进招才引智和“ 万名学子回归工  程” ,举办高等院校、科研院所招才引智对接会、高端人才洽谈  会等活动;  聘请“校园引才特使”,吸引高校毕业生来信阳就业创  业。创新实践“公共就业创业服务+” 新模式, 搭建双向优选平台, 开辟绿色通道,持续抓好“ 本地留才” 。推进实施 “ 返乡就业创业  计划” 暨“ 雁归来工程” ,建设大别山(信阳)人力资源服务产业  园, 打造“ 一站式” 人才综合服务平台。依托新县涉外、淮滨电焊  等传统优势劳务资源, 加强技能人才培训,探索推广一条本地培  训、外出就业、回乡创业的农民工成功之路。建设高质量教育体  系。推动学前教育普惠发展,做大做强市百花幼教集团、市直幼教集团, 扩大中心城区公办学前教育资源供给。推进县域内义务教育城乡之间、学校之间优质均衡发展,启动县域普通高中发展  提升行动计划,推进义务教育优质均衡先行县(区)创建工作, 改善乡村办学条件。高质量建好“ 雷山匠谷” 产教融合职教园区, 加快推进平桥区公共实训基地扩建、北湖智慧教育园区、信阳航 空职业学院扩建、信阳技师学院新校区等项目建设,推动产教良 性互动、校企优势互补。 加强公共文体服务。  实施“ 运动信阳” 工程,加快市青少年体育训练基地及全民健身中心建设,推进“ 一 场两馆”“ 一县(区) 两场三馆” 建设, 完善 15 分钟健身圈。加强 体育公园、山地户外公共营地、登山道、徒步道、骑行道等户外 运动场地设施建设,增加水上运动、冰雪运动设施供给。积极申 办国家级和省级登山、半马、自行车、徒步、广场舞等赛事,  争 创国家级和省级体育产业示范单位。设立信阳市体育产业发展引  导资金, 加快补齐体育产业短板,培育更多体育产业新业态。完 善健康养老服务体系。 支持市县(区)中医医疗机构创新发展, 提升中医重点专科能力,谋划推进市中医院选址新建。鼓励医疗 机构与高水平医院建立合作关系,实施远程会诊和医疗联合体模  式, 加强基层医疗服务能力建设。推动医院和政府通过组织专业  培训班、开展学术交流活动、建立导师制度等方式,提高基层医 疗人员的专业素养和技术水平。优化智慧医疗服务,打造慢病健 康管理体系。推进市人民医院“ 三甲” 创建, 加快市妇幼保健院门 诊综合楼、市儿童医院传染病区项目建设。推进省级医养结合项目建设, 支持信阳圣德健康养老中心争创全国医养结合示范机构支持有条件的医院、乡镇卫生院推进医养结合项目建设。实施居 家社区养老“运营行动”,实施农村养老“ 上门行动”。积极推广“ 戴 畈模式”“ 汪桥经验” ,进一步健全完善四级养老服务体系,推动 乡镇敬老院转型升级为区域综合养老服务中心,在满足集中供养 需求的前提下向周边老年人开放,拓展定期探访、短期托养等综合性服务功能。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              信阳市人民政府办公室 2024 1 15  日印发

Xinyang Municipal People's Government Office About the issuance of Xinyang City's national economy and social development The 14th Five-year Plan and the Outline of the 2035 Year Vision goals  Notification of the implementation of the interim assessment report

The people's governments of counties and districts, administrative districts, development zones and departments of municipal governments:

 The interim Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Second Third Five Long-term Plan for Xinyang National Economic and Social Development has been deliberated by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress Pass, now printed and distributed to you, and on the relevant work deployment is as follows.

1. Work hard to complete the planning goals and tasks. In view of the problems found in the mid-term evaluation and the indicators that the schedule did not meet the expected requirements, we should seize the second half of the 14th Five-year Plan, and take effective measures based on the actual work suggestions of the unit and department To strive for better results.

2. We will comprehensively and deepen the layout of the 1335 work. Seize the policy opportunities at all levels, firmly grasp the actual work, strengthen the long board and promote the advantages, and promote the "1335" to go deep Real-estate and high-quality development has reached a new level.

3. Focus on the key points to solve the difficult activation force. We will ensure that development is the top priority, actively transform the growth model, adjust the economic structure, improve quality, and increase efficiency, foster a sound industrial ecology, promote high-quality project construction, and promote steady and positive economic growth. We will step up efforts to support employment and business startups, improve the spatial distribution and functional structure of cities, accelerate the process of providing equal access to basic public services, effectively ensure and improve people's wellbeing, and improve the quality of urbanization development. We will strengthen overall planning, coordination, and policy guidance to enhance people's consumption capacity and willingness to spend. Scientific promotion of land greening, thick Plant a high-quality development of ecological background color.

                                                                                     Xinyang Municipal People's Government Office

                                                                                                                   On January 15,2024

Xinyang city national economic and social development of the 14th five-year plan And the medium-term implementation of the long-term vision outline appraisal report

1. Overall situation of the implementation of the Outline

 Since "difference", under the correct leadership of the CPC municipal committee and municipal government, under the supervision and support of the municipal and its standing committee, the whole city fully implement the provincial party committee, municipal party committee of all previous session and economic work conference deployment, anchor, the "two ensure", the "ten strategy", deepening "1335" work layout, with Chinese modernization leading Xinyang modernization, tree prison "innovation struggle when forward" work guidance, strive to write "two better" beautiful chapter, for the new era of central plains more brilliant Xinyang power. At present, the international environment more complex and three years outbreak impact more than expected, economic downward pressure increased significantly, municipal party committee and municipal government adhere to the word pledge, seek improvement in stability, unswervingly promote the supply side structural reform, implementation of steady economic policy package and the measures, the deployment of steady economic market work, the outline implementation is generally good, economic and social development Now steady growth, structural optimization, quality improvement trend.

(1) The main indicators are basically in line with expectations

The 22 main indicators proposed in the Outline include seven binding indicators and 15 expected indicators. Among the seven binding targets, the average length of education of the working-age population, lower energy consumption per unit of regional GDP, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of regional GDP The ratio of days with good urban air quality, surface water reached or better than water Six indicators, including body proportion and comprehensive grain production capacity, all reached or exceeded the expected progress; the forest coverage index was lower than expected. Of the 15 prospective indicators, The growth of total labor productivity, r & d spending growth, invention patents per million population, per residents, urban employment, urban registered unemployment rate, the number of practicing (assistant) physicians per thousand population, registered nurses per thousand population, basic endowment insurance participation rate, average life expectancy basically meet the expected or exceed the expected progress; regional GDP growth, permanent population urbanization rate, total retail sales of consumer goods, per thousand population with infants under 3 years of age 4 indicators lower than expected, The added value of the core industries of the digital economy accounts for the regional GDP The proportion index of the province and the city can not be counted, so it has not yet been mastered.

(2) Key tasks and major projects have made good progress Specifically reflected in the following 10 aspects.

First, we promoted innovation-driven development and achieved fruitful results in building an innovation system. Innovation ability continues to enhance, 2021-2022 new 69 "specialization, new" small and medium-sized enterprises, the total number of high-tech enterprises reached 234, national small and medium-sized enterprise first breakthrough 500, a new academician workstation, five central plains scholars workstation, two national postdoctoral research workstation and 10 postdoctoral innovation practice base in Henan province. The innovation platform system has been continuously improved, and 13 national science and technology innovation platform carriers have been established, and one national-level high-tech zone, two provincial-level high-tech zones, one national agricultural science and technology park, and two provincial agricultural science and technology parks have been added. In October this year, Xinyang "wisdom Island", was selected as the provincial government " wisdom List of islands ". The innovation ecology has been continuously optimized, and in 2022, the city's financial expenditure on science and technology has increased year-on-year Long 32%, the city owned 886 valid invention patents, an increase of 17.97% year on year,The increase of r & d investment intensity ranked the fourth in the province.

 Second, we comprehensively upgraded the industrial system, and accelerated the pace of replacing old growth drivers with new ones. New industrialization steadily advance, in 2022, the city's industrial added value rose 3.2% year on year, the implementation of "1 + 1" industry layout, green household, green food, intelligent manufacturing, fashion textile, electronic information, biological medicine six leading industries involving industry on 1205, accounting for 84% of the total number of industrial enterprises in the city, realize the total operating income of 192.5 billion yuan. The implementation of the "letter business return" project, the establishment of investment special class, Mingyang Smart energy, Hangxiao Steel Structure, Sunshine Group, Zhengda Group and a number of top enterprises have settled down. Modern service industry is booming, the added value of the city's service industry grew by an average of 4.93%, the success of prefabricated brand, conference and industry development BBS, provincial "peace mall" 12, provincial "green mall" 2, provincial brand consumption agglomeration area five, approved "Henan old" enterprises reached 16, built Xinyang hundred large commercial logistics distribution center cold chain logistics project. With the healthy development of digital economy, e-commerce in rural comprehensive demonstration counties have fully covered eight counties and poor villages, built "5G + industrial Internet platform", promoted nearly 6,000 enterprises on the cloud, 45 industrial parks have achieved full coverage of 5G signals, and the number of government affairs in Xinyang City According to the 48 access units of the sharing platform, the total data exchange of 900 million times.

Third, we strengthened internal and external coordination and linkage, and a pattern of regional opening-up took shape. The economic cycle has been accelerated and unimpeded, and new achievements have been made in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in the city. The cooperative relationship has been established with Suzhou, and the Cooperation Promotion Office and the Liaison Office in Suzhou have been established to open communication Direct high-speed railway from Yang to Suzhou, signed a total of 68 projects and contract fee with Suzhou in 2022 More than 10 billion. The 4th Inter-provincial Joint Conference of Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt and the Chamber of mayors' Association of Urban Cooperation were successfully held, with fruitful results. Henan southeast high-tech industrial development zone construction of high standard start, set up southeast high-tech investment group, 5 billion yuan of strategic emerging industries investment fund into the field investment stage, introduced the southeast high-tech zone investment project referral reward method (trial) ", heavy referral outside investors to yu southeast high-tech zone investment, construction of Xinyang normal university institute of technology (phase I), talent apartment (phase I), small and medium-sized enterprise incubators, big data industrial park, kechuang center, etc. Effective investment continues to expand, adhere to the "project is king", from 2020 to 2023, the average annual growth of the number of provincial key projects, total investment and annual planned investment will be 73%, 60% and 129% respectively. The city implemented the ninth phase of 183 "three batches" projects, with a total investment of 179.5 billion yuan, ranking first and third in the province. The mileage of expressways ranks the first in the province, the mileage of ordinary trunk roads and rural roads ranks the second in the province, the total mileage of inland waterway navigation ranks the first in the province, the G312 and G107 lines around Xinyang city are opened to traffic, and the second phase reconstruction and expansion project of Minggang Airport is progressing steadily. The investment scale of water conservancy projects under construction in the city has exceeded 36 billion yuan, 7 projects have been included in 25 provincial key water conservancy projects, Chishandian Reservoir has been completed and put into use, the construction of major projects such as the irrigation project and Yuanwan Reservoir has been promoted smoothly, and the river reaches the sea. The construction of a low-carbon and efficient energy system has been accelerated. The construction of more than 10 billion yuan projects, including the central "two integrated" energy demonstration base of Shaanxi Coal and Power, and the "thousands of townships and Ten Thousand Villages" pilot project in Huaibin County, has been started. The Guangshan Wuyue Pumped storage power station project has been steadily promoted. Opening up to the outside world,Xinyang bonded warehouse was officially approved for listing, the letter business conference, tea culture festival, root pro culture festival Xinyang has become an important platform and brand to open to the outside world.

 Fourth, we continued to comprehensively deepen reform and fully unleash the driving force of development. In the city's market, the main body exceeded 547,000, with a year-on-year growth of 22.04%. The market-oriented and law-based international business environment has been promoted in an orderly manner. The Xinyang Regulations on Government Services has been formally implemented, and the business environment in Xinyang has entered the second square in the province. We deepened the reform to improve regulation, improve services, comprehensively promoted the "three centralized, three in place", and the reform of "one door, one window, one network, one network" was basically implemented. The activity of "ten thousand people to help ten thousand enterprises" was carried out on a regular basis, and the enterprise code service platform in Xinyang city was built. The municipal credit monitoring ranking has steadily improved, ranking the top 100 in China and the first in the province; the municipal public credit information platform, portal website and "credit idai" platform have won the titles of "demonstration level, Taiwan website" and "characteristic platform" of the provincial cities, and Xinyang has successfully established the fourth batch of social credit system construction demonstration area. Consumption has continued to expand and improve its quality, renovate Shengli Road Commercial Pedestrian Street, Wanda City Plaza and other business districts, and successfully created immersive and experiential consumption scenes. On November 9,2023, the first Dabie Mountain E-commerce Culture Festival and Xinyang Dabie Mountain Youth Innovation Center was established Style held in Xinyang e-commerce town, marking the development of the city's e-commerce industry to a new level.

Fifth, we vigorously implemented the rural vitalization strategy, and strengthened the foundation for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. The foundation of food security has been consolidated, and the protection of cultivated land has been continuously strengthened. In 2022, the municipal grain planting area was 12.610,600 mu, exceeding the provincial grain production task of 12.54 million mu. Grain output has remained above 5.5 million tons for many years, and the scale of grain storage has remained above 12 million tons. Agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness have been steadily improved, building the brand of "food shang Xinyang, authentic food materials", and building the national green food raw material standardized production base 112 Ten thousand mu, Xinyang Maojian brand value for many years in the top three in the country, provincial modern agricultural production The park has covered 9 counties and districts, the number of the top in the province. The rural construction action was fully implemented, the "ten million" project was fully launched, the rural public service infrastructure was upgraded, Xinyang was rated as the provincial beautiful rural demonstration city, and Xinxian County was awarded as the provincial advanced rural living environment improvement County, a number of "Xinyang model"  "Xinyang experience" in the whole province to promote.

 Sixth, we will promote a new type of urbanization and accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural areas. The Regulations on the Comprehensive Management of Urban and Rural Living Environment in Xinyang City was formulated to provide "hardcore" escort and legal support for the comprehensive improvement of urban and rural living environment from the rule of law level. The leading role of the central urban area has been continuously enhanced, the urban spatial layout has been continuously optimized, the "three network isomorphism" has been accelerated, the implementation of the four water governance has been accelerated, and it has been successfully selected as one of the first systematic demonstration cities for the promotion of sponge city construction. The north and south square of the railway station was completed and put into use, the new 36th Street and other broken roads were completed and opened to traffic, and more than 1500 places in the city, which was widely praised by the masses. Positive progress has been made in the integrated development of urban and rural areas, equalizing basic public services in urban and rural areas. The management reform of "county management and school employment" for primary and secondary school teachers and the exchange and rotation have been jointly implemented among principals and teachers Township hospitals "the equal amount of adjustment" matching assistance to achieve full coverage.

Seventh, to set up a new benchmark for cultural construction, and comprehensively improve the cultural soft power. Civilized quality continues to improve, theme education activities continue to be carried out, and civilized departments, civilized workers, civilized family publicity and selection are carried out, and the "one about the four meetings" of administrative villages in the city achieve full coverage. Cultural undertakings have been vigorously developed, and seven Spaces have been selected as the most beautiful public cultural space in China, ranking the first in the province. We will strengthen the development and protection of red resources, and build a national well-known red culture inheritance area. Cultural tourism prosperity and development, the establishment of cultural tourism investment group, to create a blog small street youth culture Innovation center, Jigong Mountain Scenic Spot has been successfully established as a national 5A level tourist attraction, and successfully held tea Cultural festival and Genqin culture festival.

 Eighth, we will set new demonstrations for green development, and accelerate the formation of an ecological and livable environment. The ecological security barrier system in the Dabie Mountains has been gradually strengthened, a four-level forest chief system has been established in cities, counties and villages, and the construction of ecological corridors has been accelerated, etc. Five counties and districts have been successfully included in the national key ecological function zones. Solid progress has been taken in the construction of the green development pilot zone of Huaihe River Ecological Economic Belt. It was successfully selected as the first batch of national pilot cities for climate investment and financing (the only one in the province), successfully striving to realize the value of ecological products in the province. Xinxian County has become the pilot county of the province for carbon peak, and promoted the construction of vein industrial park. The battle of pollution prevention and control continues to improve, the air quality ranks first in the province, the average water quality of national and provincial controlled sections reaches the standard of 100%, and the city realizes the "zero landfill" of household garbage Standard, in October this year, our city successfully created the national ecological civilization construction demonstration area.

Ninth, we worked hard to improve people's wellbeing, and people's sense of life increased significantly. Talent education and training have been deepened, the construction of high-quality education system has been accelerated, and five education groups including Xinyang High School Education Group have been established. In 11 years, it has been the first place in China, and the construction of "Leishan Maker Valley" has been vigorously promoted. The basic public service system has been further improved, the construction of "everyone with certificates and skills" has exceeded the provincial target set, the first entrepreneurship and innovation center has been put into operation, 16 youth-friendly measures have been implemented, and the social security system has been continuously improved. Health Xinyang has fully implemented, the number of tertiary hospitals to 14, "five centers" for emergency treatment, realizing the full coverage of cities and counties, the county compact medical community has entered high-quality operation, "Daifan mode" and "Wangqiao experience" It has been widely promoted.

Tenth, we coordinated development and security, and the effectiveness of social governance continued to improve. Social risk prevention Fan strengthened, political security continued stable, public security guarantee capacity comprehensively improved, the whole city  No major production safety accidents have occurred. The social governance capacity has been continuously improved, the "H" digital platform for grassroots governance has been initially built, and the "king" governance structure has activated the source power of the grassroots level, realizing the "same frequency resonance" of the governance system and governance capacity. Social governance mode has been continuously improved,People's satisfaction has increased significantly.

2. The major problems and challenges faced in the implementation of the Program

(1) Externally, the problems and risks and challenges faced

 First, the profound adjustment of the international industrial competition pattern increases the uncertainty of the external environment. Uncertainty and instability of the global industrial chain are increasing, and technology blockade and trade protection pose a serious threat to the deep integration of the domestic manufacturing industry into the global industrial chain and supply chain system. In the long run, the trade friction between China and the United States will have a great impact on the stability of the RMB exchange rate, the domestic capital market, the confidence of investors and entrepreneurs, and the psychological expectations of consumers, and affect the development of the domestic real economy. At the same time, the manufacturing industry returned to developed countries and emerging countries, and the restructuring of the global industrial chain and supply chain accelerated, squeezing the domestic manufacturing industry Pressure " of the grim situation.

 Second, the fourth Industrial Revolution has promoted profound changes in the way that factors of production are allocated. Under the background of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, chain blocks, cloud computing, 5G and big data of a new generation of information technology, rapid development, and fusion, Internet industry, intelligent manufacturing, no factory, sharing economy, platform economy, creative economy, new retail new model, forms continue to emerge, the original relatively closed production process, service form and value creation mode will be further innovation. Xinyang digital economy development quality is not high, the industrial scale phase For the smaller, the lack of the industry leader.

Third, regional competition is increasingly fierce, not to advance is to retreat, slow to retreat. Xinyang City As a typical inter-provincial edge city, it is located in the middle of the Central Plains urban agglomeration, Wuhan City circle and Wanjiang Economic Belt, with a distance of about 300 kilometers, and its transportation location advantage has not been completely transformed into the hub economic advantage. Under the background of the new round of regional integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, China is facing the danger of being further marginalized. On the one hand, Xinyang city is facing the pressure of further siphon by the surrounding Zhengzhou, Wuhan and Hefei, on the other hand, facing the surrounding neighboring Zhumadian, Nanyang and Fuyang, which belong to the marginal areas of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Central City " competition.

 Fourth, the EU carbon tariffs will form new trade barriers. From October 1,2023, the EU's carbon border regulation mechanism officially entered the trial operation stage, and the EU began to impose "carbon tariff". Buy eu carbon quotas or pay the corresponding tariffs will increase the cost of Chinese enterprises exports to the eu, lead to Chinese enterprises especially high carbon emissions industry, declining competitiveness, an urgent need to speed up the low carbon products and technology research and development, strengthen carbon, accounting and certification capacity building, by changing the mode of production, and other measures to reduce carbon Emissions, to enhance the competitiveness in the international market.

(2) Problems and risks and challenges that we are faced with from their own point of view

First, the scarcity of human resources is due to the outflow of young population and the accelerated aging of the population. Xinyang's original comparative advantage "demographic dividend" is weakening, "talent dividend" has not yet been formed. The results of the seventh national census show that the net outflow of population of Xinyang city is 2.79 million, accounting for about 30.5% of its registered population, and the net outflow of population ranks the second in the province. The outflow of population leads to a large outflow of capital, technology, data and other factors, which further reduces the demand of Xinyang.Plain gathering ability. At the same time, the problem of population aging is prominent.

Second, we face profound challenges in advancing a new type of industrialization and building a modernized industrial system. As a traditional agricultural city, Xinyang has a weak foundation for industrialization, insufficient growth power of the leading industry, low market competitiveness, and a weak driving role. The scale of strategic emerging industries is small and weak in supporting high-quality development. There are few leading enterprises in leading industries, especially in emerging industries, and the lack of domestic well-known top 100 manufacturing enterprises, which leads to the lack of "driving core" in the development of industrial clusters. The overall level of development and development of the service industry is not high, the support is insufficient, and there are signs of "deficiency". The development of specialized and high-end producer services is relatively insufficient, which to some extent restricts the development of high-end manufacturing as an important foundation of the real economy. The primary production is large but not strong, the agricultural modernization production degree is low, the conversion rate of grain processing is low, the agricultural by-product, the product processing enterprises chain is short, the added value of products is not high, and the comprehensive agricultural benefits have not been satisfiedDivide play.

 Third, the capacity for scientific and technological innovation is not strong, and the level of transformation of scientific and technological achievements is low. Compared with other cities in Henan Province, the quantity, quality and total amount of high-tech enterprises in Xinyang City need to be improved. Among the top 100 manufacturing industries in Henan, Xinyang has only two (Huaying, LingRui). The dominant position of enterprises in innovation is not strong, many enterprises do not pay enough attention to technological innovation, the transformation and application of intellectual property rights is not strong, there are few core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and few breakthroughs in major basic research and industrial foresight. The mechanism for driving the interests of enterprises, universities, research institutes and research institutes is not smooth, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is insufficient, and enterprises make technological innovation and technological success Fruit industrialization docking way has not been effectively opened through.

Fourth, the credit system is not perfect, and the credit support strength is weak. At present, there is only one qualified third-party credit service agency in our city, and it has developed the actual and industrial characteristics of our city.Targeted characteristic application products are not high in enthusiasm, credit investigation agencies are small in scale, service and production With few varieties and difficult to obtain information, it is difficult to meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises for credit investigation products and services. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally have the problem of imperfect credit record or lack of credit, and the overall capital strength of government financing guarantee institutions is relatively weak, failing to effectively play the financing credit enhancementact on.

 Fifth, the development of new urbanization is unbalanced, inadequate and of low quality. The new infrastructure of Xinyang central urban area is not perfect, the quality of public service is not high, the service industry has not formed a scale, the aggregation capacity within the economy is poor, and the driving effect on the county is not enough. Xinyang city is located in the west of Xinyang, further reducing the radiation force to Gushi, Shangcheng and other counties. The central city alone hedge the Central Plains city group, Wanjiang city belt, Wuhan city circle, the Yangtze River Delta city With the siphon effect of the group, Xinyang is more difficult to become the node city of the domestic economic circulation.

3. Next step work suggestions

 Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Fully implement the Party's 20th guiding principles, Mind the "two big picture", Anchoring the "two guarantees" and benchmarking the "ten strategies", We will continue to deepen the "1335" work layout, Seizing the strategic opportunities for building a new development pattern and the policy opportunities for promoting high-quality development in the central region in the new era, Against the best, compete with the best, race against the fastest, Carry forward the spirit of fighting spirit, We will promote economic and social development with higher quality, better efficiency and faster speed, Exploring the Chinese-style modern Xinyang model, To shoulder the new mission entrusted by the new era, To build an important fulcrum city in the new development pattern, We will accelerate the development of "two better" demonstration zones for a better life Land, for the new era of the Central Plains more outstanding contribution to Xinyang strength.

(1) Clarify the three major positioning, and actively integrate into and serve the new development pattern

1. Give full play to the advantages of "hub" and accelerate the construction of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces We will accelerate the development of regional economic centers. We will move faster to store industrial energy, drive innovation-driven development, facilitate transportation, coordinate regional areas, and improve people's livelihood. We will build a city for innovation and entrepreneurship, and build a youth-friendly city. Consolidate and expand the advantages of Xinyang in the competition of the central city of Hubei, Henan and Anhui, promote the construction of the coordinated development zone of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces and the characteristic economic cooperation area, attract industries to transfer to Xinyang, elements gather to Xinyang, and talents flow to Xinyang. We will continue to lead by innovation, pursue industrial upgrading, and enhance core competitiveness, strengthen digital empowerment, actively foster strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced systems, manufacturing and electronic information, actively foster future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces. Focusing on leading industries, we will accelerate the construction of research and development institutions and innovation platforms such as enterprise technology centers, key laboratories, pilot pilot bases, and technology innovation centers, integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, and build an integrated innovation system of government, industry, university, research and financial services. Relying on the development of the logistics industry, we will promote the agglomeration of trade and finance,innovative services, cultural creativity, technical consulting and other industries, and build an ecosystem of producer services. Taking various industrial parks such as southeast Henan high-tech Zone, Xinyang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Xinyang Economic and technological development Zone and Huangchuan Economic development Zone as the carrier, we explore the cooperation mode of enclave economy and partner park, and pilot the optimal allocation and efficient utilization of production factors by means of investment. We will accelerate the construction of regional transportation centers. We will vigorously develop the shipping of the Huaihe River, coordinate waterway construction, port construction and industrial cultivation, actively plan the construction of major shipping projects of the Huaihe River, and accelerate the construction of the strategic layout of "one trunk, six branches" and "one port and nine districts" of the Xinyang Huaihe River. Accelerate the construction of waterway regulation and dredging project of Huaihe River (Xinyang Section), improve the grade of waterway; build the central port of the city, and strengthen the "interconnection" between Huaibin Port, Gushi Port, Xixian Port and ports in the Jianghuai Basin Construction, build "Henan goods to sea distribution center, Henan trade direct port", promote the port and Henan.

The inland hinterland of Hubei and Anhui will interact and develop, and deepen the interaction with the land bridge corridor such as Zhengzhou-Europe International freight train. Accelerate the construction of special railway lines and backbone channels of multimodal transport, improve the construction of infrastructure such as pipelines and transmission corridors, and promote Xinyang urban area and Huangchuan County to build a comprehensive transportation hub of "air, rail and water". We will speed up the "13445" expressway construction, and strengthen the transportation service organization capacity of the Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao, Dalian and Guangzhou, the Huai River, Shanghai-Shaanxi and the Dabie Mountains. To promote the construction of Nanjing-Xinhe high-speed railway and Fuyang to Huanggang, and plan the construction of high-speed railway; accelerate the construction along the Dabie Mountain Expressway from Minggang to Jigong Mountain. Accelerate the implementation of the Minggang airport (phase II) renovation and expansion project, start the construction of Huangchuan airport, mall general airport, promote the Minggang airport, Huangchuan airport complement each other, dislocation development. Relying on the advantages of transportation hub, vigorously develop high-speed rail economy, port economy, airport economy, mobile economy and hub economy. Accelerate the construction of logistics hub, promote the construction of key projects such as Huaibin Port international multimodal transport hub (highway port), Dabie Mountain rail and rail combined transport port smart logistics platform, Huangchuan Development Zone Dabie

Mountain Railway freight comprehensive logistics park, cold chain logistics, park and so on, and promote the construction of Huaibin, Huangchuan regional logistics hub and Gushi County logistics node. We will accelerate the development of regional technology transfer and transformation centers. We will foster and develop a number of specialized technology transfer institutions, constantly improve the regional technology transfer service system, and accelerate the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Focusing on high-end equipment, biomedicine, electronic information, new materials and other advantages, we will strive to build five high-level innovation platforms at or above the provincial level. We will implement the intelligent manufacturing leading project, carry out benchmarking activities for green factories, green products, green parks, and green supply chains, support the construction of pilot demonstration projects in carbon neutral parks (factories), and cultivate green technology innovation demonstration enterprises (bases) in Henan Province. Relying on the wisdom island,

Provincial-level demonstration bases for mass entrepreneurship and innovation in high-tech zones will promote employment through mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and integrate large, small and medium-sized enterprises Special plans for innovation, lean entrepreneurship and other employment initiatives, to create a number of "specialized, special and new", "gazelle" and "unicorn" enterprises. We will support luoshan, Gushi, Xixian and Shangcheng advanced manufacturing development zones in applying for provincial high-tech zones. We will explore industries such as universe, future human settlements and new energy, and strive to implement a number of funding projects for the central government, major provincial and municipal major science and technology projects, and achievements transformation and industrialization projects. 

We will accelerate the development of regional cultural centers. Accelerate the construction of the Long March National Theme Park project, support the protection of red relics and the activation of red cultural relics; strengthen the construction of red gene bank, accelerate the inheritance and innovation of red culture, and strive to build a nationally famous red culture inheritance area. Further change the concept of running festivals, expand the idea of running festivals, innovate the method of running festivals, expand the effect of the 31st Xinyang Tea Culture Festival, and continue to polish the name card of the tea capital. We will fully tap the cultural resources of all counties and districts, hold the Cultural Festival of Central Plains at a high level, attract relatives, experts and scholars from home and abroad to Xinyang to seek their roots, invest in business, exchange and discussion, build a cultural communication platform and cross-strait exchange demonstration base with the main culture, and build a cultural inheritance area of the province. A series of mass cultural activities, such as trust and Business Conference, Henan Walking Conference (Xihe), Nanwan Fishing Festival, Pingqiao District classic recitation, tea song, tea and dance competition, and rural "village evening". Explore intangible cultural heritage resources such as Xinyang Folk songs, Luoshan shadow play, Guangshan Flower Drum Opera, Xinyang Maojian frying techniques, Mall, gongs and drum books, and use digital means such as animation, film and TV series, and games to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of local traditional culture. Explore the positive value of "e-sports culture", establish a young and trendy city image, and sound the city brand of youthful vitality. Further explore the regional culture, and vigorously develop the digital cultural consumption scene of online and offline integration and online presence.

To " government and enterprise Smart integration "model to build" two better " urban libraries, promote the transformation and upgrading of urban libraries,revitalize the city's public cultural venues. We will implement the lighting plan for the intangible cultural heritage, accelerate the construction of the Xinyang historical and cultural place names information resource database and the cultural heritage protection list of place names at the city and county levels, and improve the protection and inheritance system. Actively strive for national sports and art events held in Xinyang. Create a beautiful Xinyang boutique performing arts system, and cultivate and expand the "beautiful Xinyang" new media matrix. We will accelerate the development of regional consumption centers. Promote the construction of credit Xinyang with high quality, guide market subjects to operate in good faith, and strive to build a "safe circle" of urban consumption. Accelerate the Xinyang high-tech zone logistics express distribution center, Xinyang meet ze electronic industrial park project construction, strengthen logistics key enterprises, strengthen and Henan free trade area and other high level open platform docking, actively create Henan free trade area innovation linkage area, cross-border electricity comprehensive experimental zone, bonded, logistics center, to develop a batch of characteristic product export base, actively build trade service national logistics hub. To establish the landmark city of Chinese food, establish the "food material library" of Xinyang cuisine, promote the standardization, industrialization and brand development of Xinyang cuisine, cultivate the fast food chain business of Xinyang cuisine, and promote the public brand of Xinyang Small restaurant. Implement the brand leading strategy, accelerate the promotion of standards, brand, logo, anti-counterfeiting "four unification", expand and strengthen "Xinyang Maojian", "Xinyang Red" regional public brands, develop and build "Xinyang white tea", "Xinyang dark tea", "mall mountain tea" and other tea regional public brands. Build young social scenes such as Xinyang Youth Camp, Youth Tea Farm, Yangshan Mountain, Beihu Culture and Tourism Integration Base, and Gugang Future Community, and cultivate and expand the volume of night economy. We will further promote consumption of services such as health, elderly care, cultural tourism, residential travel, exhibitions, sports, and catering, and support inter-provincial cooperation on elderly care. Regular in or hold international consumption season, consumption promotion month, Yujian food, time-honored carnival and other forms of consumption promotion activities. Accelerate the implementation of the first store introduction, new product launch and other special travel

Move, promote brand consumption. Support enterprises to declare and identify "green shopping malls" and " brand consumption set Ju District "and" Henan time-honored brand ", support Shengli Road Pedestrian Street, Wanda City Plaza and other characteristic shops, shopping malls and old brands to create immersive and experiential new consumption scenes, and build" fashion business circle "; vigorously develop unmanned supermarkets, online and offline integrated stores, smart restaurants, smart bookstores, online customization, instant distribution and other new consumption formats. We will accelerate the development of regional education centers. 

We will increase investment, strengthen the high-quality and inclusive development of preschool education, deepen the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, promote the high-quality and characteristic development of senior high school education, accelerate the construction of Leishan Maker Valley, and support the all-round development of higher education. We will vigorously promote the peak of vocational education, with the establishment of pilot cities of industry and education as the starting point, focus on the "integration of industry and education", the "professional layout", and the "skill improvement". We will accelerate the construction of regional medical and health care centers. We will promote the expansion and balanced distribution of quality medical resources, continue to improve the level of medical services, actively build a Dabie Mountain regional medical center, and build a national healthy city. Three provincial regional medical centers and six municipal regional medical centers have been built, and the expansionproject of the Fifth People's Hospital and the municipal comprehensive public health emergency service command center have been built. We promoted the construction of key medical and health projects in the city, implemented seven measures of "convenient for the people and less medical visits" and ten measures of "improving medical services". We will develop public old-age care institutions and inclusive old-age care services, build "embedded" comprehensive elderly care service centers, guide professional operation teams, join social capital input, and provide diversified and personalized services. Relying on ecological resources such as Jigong Mountain, Nanwan Lake and Tangquan Pool, we will build a health and health care service base with the themes of leisure tourism, medical rehabilitation, hot spring vacation, traditional Chinese medicine health and so on. 

Build good digital hubs. Focusing on the digitalization of resources, digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, we will build an information industry platform, and build a benchmark industrial Internet platform serving the whole city and even the Dabie Mountain region. Speed up traffic data Information sharing and sharing, to build a municipal platform as the hub, covering and connecting all counties and districts

The architecture system of the transportation big data center. We will accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as computing power, accelerate the deep coverage of 5G networks, focus on the construction of projects such as Xinyang AI Computing Service Center and Xinyang Cloud Disaster Recovery Base, and accelerate the construction of urban Information Model (CIM) infrastructure platform. Seize the market opportunity of national data unification, layout the data factor industry, support, drive and cultivate the development of digital economy and platform economy; broaden the application field of digital economy, increase the penetration and application of digital economy in various fields; play the leading role of industrial chain long system, and continuously expand the coverage of intelligent application scenarios. Promote the transformation of enterprise data resources to data assets, vigorously develop professional and personalized data services, and promote the continuous leap of computing power, the continuous evolution of artificial intelligence algorithm models, and data elements Value is constantly being released.

2. Give full play to the "ecological" advantages and speed up the construction of Dabie Mountain (southern Henan)

State economy demonstration area The construction of efficient ecological economy demonstration area in southern Henan is an important task assigned to the provincial Party Committee to explore, practice and innovate development, To seize the opportunities brought about by the "double-carbon" goal, Taking natural ecological advantages as the basis of industrial characteristics and economic advantages, Taking the green transformation of traditional industries as the breakthrough point, With the economical and intensive use of resources as the entry point, Promote the production of "green electricity", We will promote the green transformation of the energy structure, industrial structure and lifestyles, Build a green manufacturing system, Promote green product certification, Form a circular economy industrial system composed of cleaner production enterprises, Promoting the ecological industry and ecological industrialization, To create new drivers of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, We will foster new advantages for transformation and development. Build a national demonstration zone for ecological value realization. 

We will accelerate the establishment of value accounting, market trading, and assessment systems for ecological products to promote product growth State product value accounting into monitoring, into planning, into assessment, into decision-making, gradually improve students The policy and system of state protection compensation and compensation for ecological and environmental damage should clarify the path of realizing the value of ecological products, and open up the transformation channel of "two mountains". We will actively study carbon emission rights, energy use rights, emission rights, water rights and other environmental rights trading systems and financing tools. We will introduce policies to support green enterprises and green projects in packaging, identification, sales and brand. Promote the new county to focus on the ecological product value transformation pilot work, support the huangchuan ecological product value pilot demonstration construction, form the Xinyang experience model. We will accelerate the establishment of a modern energy industry system. Support southeast Henan High-tech Zone to carry out the construction of source network, load and storage integration project and the pilot project of distributed power market trading, support Mingyang Group to accelerate the construction of "thousands of townships and thousands of villages" project, and build a green and zero-carbon modern energy system. Accelerate the shan coal Xinyang 21000MW efficient ultra-supercritical unit project, huaibin county "wan village yu wind action" and wuyue pumped storage power station project construction, promote "scenery fire storage" and "source network load storage" two integration projects and compressed air energy storage project implementation to the ground, energy by production factors for industry, become weak energy city for energy city.

We will implement renewable energy replacement initiatives and actively implement electric energy replacement in areas such as industry, transportation, construction and life. We will implement a campaign to save energy and carbon reduction in key industries and sectors, and promote one-stop comprehensive services for energy conservation. We will actively promote trials of comprehensive energy management in public institutions, select a number of government agencies and units to conduct trials in light of local conditions, and explore new models of comprehensive energy management. We will comprehensively carry out reform and innovation in green finance. We will make solid progress in the three-year campaign for green finance reform and innovation, and establish national pilot zones for reform and innovation in green finance. Carry out Xinyang practice in the green financial standard system, supervision and information disclosure requirements of financial institutions, incentive and restraint mechanism, product and market system, and international cooperation, and accelerate the application of Dabie Mountain (Xinyang) Green Finance Demonstration Zone Construction and the construction of the national climate investment and financing pilot cities. We will deepen green financial products and peace services

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