
发布时间 2024-01-18|阅读


  1. 支持社会力量通过投资开发、产业共建、科技推广、文化教育、人才培养等各种途径和方式,支持革命老区振兴发展。
  2. 省产业发展类政府投资基金应当对革命老区符合条件的产业项目,给予优先支持。
  3. 省人民政府应当支持革命老区提升传统产业、培育新兴产业、布局未来产业,建设食品加工、纺织服装、生物医药、节能环保装备、电子信息、新能源新材料、家居等特色优势产业集群,推动大型项目、重点工程、新兴产业在符合条件的前提下优先向革命老区安排。建立革命老区重大项目审核绿色通道,加快核准审批进程。
  4. 对在重点革命老区投资兴办的企业,按照规定给予土地供给、规费减免等优惠政策。对重大产业项目加大用地保障力度,严格落实国家税收优惠政策。


  1. 支持信阳市申建中国(河南)自由贸易试验区开放创新联动区,建设保税物流中心,重点对接长江经济带发展,开展精准招商,提升产业链供应链稳定性和竞争力。
  2. 支持大别山革命老区做好利用外资工作,力争引进一批跨国公司地区性总部和研发机构、物流中心等总部型机构,符合条件的优先给予支持。


  1. 打造信阳市千亿级食品产业集群,重点提升信阳市电子信息产业集群水平,壮大信阳市医药产业规模。加快信阳市国家物流枢纽建设。支持信阳市创建国家创新型城市。



  1. 对重大工业项目(实际投资5亿元以上)优先供应土地,履行“三重一大”决策机制,土地出让底价可按国家确定的我市工业用地出让最低限价标准的70%执行。在项目用地范围外、工业园区范围内,提供规划可建商住的地块,按不超过项目工业用地总净地面积10%配建人才房。
  2. 落实结构性减税、小微企业税收优惠、高新技术企业固定资产加速折旧和研发费用加计扣除等税收优惠政策。
  3. 对进入全市规模以上工业企业税收额居前30位的企业,如当年工业增加值与税收增长均高于全市GDP增速,其高级管理人员按照个人当年缴纳所得税的50%予以计算奖励,每人每年最高不超过20万元,资金直接划入个人账户。
  4. 工业企业用地范围内的厂房及生产性配套用房,不纳入人防易地建设费用征收范围。全市工业园区范围内符合产业规划的各类生产性工业企业项目,其城市基础设施配套费标准统一按15元/平方米核收。
  5. 对工业企业用地范围内非商用且单独装表计量的企业办公楼、内部职工食堂、倒班用房用电执行居民生活用电价格。对符合能耗标准的重点先进制造业企业给予适当电费补贴。对企业自建双回路和双电源供电的,免收高可靠性供电费。
  6. 新增非居民用户管道燃气庭院管网设施建设费中包含的主干管网设施建设费在现有基础上降低30%。
  7. 在符合单位产值节水标准前提下,据实调整生产用水计划指标,避免征收企业单位生产用水超计划累进加价。

——第1-7条摘自《中共信阳市委 信阳市人民政府关于促进我市工业发展的意见》(信发〔2017〕18号)

  1. 对2018年年底前已批未供即用的招商引资工业项目用地,符合条件的可以协议出让方式补办用地手续,土地出让年期原则上以项目开工建设时点计算。
  2. 鼓励采取弹性年期出让、先租后让、租让结合、长期租赁等方式使用工业用地。实行新增工业用地(含生产性服务业用地)出让年期不超过20年+有条件续期的土地供应政策,土地出让起始价可按年期折算,出让期满,符合条件的可以协议方式办理续期手续。
  3. 建立“按标做地、明标供地、履标用地、对标管地”的“标准地”出让制度,将亩均投资强度、亩均税收、容积率、环境标准等控制性指标以及消防安全、配套设施等建设条件,纳入出让方案一次性公告。推行“标准地+代办制”、“标准地+告知承诺制”,实现“拿地即开工”。
  4. 在符合控制性详细规划的前提下,新型产业用地可复合、兼容利用,其中产业占地面积不低于70%、产业计容建筑面积不低于总计容建筑面积的80%。在符合法律、法规的基础上,允许对产业用房办理不动产分割登记和转移登记。
  5. 原土地使用人在不改变土地工业用途的前提下,利用地上地下空间适当提高容积率的,不再补缴土地出让价款。新上工业项目为政府鼓励类或重点扶持类的,可按照规定享受有关税收优惠政策。



  1. 对非公职人员引荐的工业项目,按项目投产后当年形成税收地方留成部分的10%进行奖励,并连续奖励三年;引荐的文化旅游和社会事业等其他项目,按形成税收地方留成部分的10%进行奖励。
  2. 对引进的新型业态项目及税收低、就业贡献大的项目,采取一事一议。


  1. 大力引进出口导向型生产企业、出口龙头企业,企业拓展信阳以外市场,财政贡献达到100万元以上的,企业所在地按照企业产品销往信阳市外税收增量本级部分的30%对企业进行奖补。
  2. 对新设立的先进制造业企业(世界500强、中国500强和国内行业龙头前10位的企业),形成实际固定资产投资达到5000万美元及以上、3亿美元及以上、6亿美元及以上的,经认定可分别给予2500万元、1.5亿元、3亿元人民币产业发展扶持资金。
  3. 对新迁入信阳市且第一年度纳税额超过500万元的企业总部,由所在地财政按当年纳税额本级分成部分的50%对企业进行事后奖补,次年起三年内,纳税额本级分成部分年度环比新增10%以上的,由所在地财政按该新增量的40%对企业进行事后奖补。
  4. 对第一年度纳税超过1000万元的总部企业购置一定商业地产作自用办公用房,由所在地财政按每平方米最高500元的标准给予一次性补助;租用办公用房的,由所在地财政按租赁市场指导价的最高30%给予1-3年的补助。
  5. 对把设在信阳市的分支机构改制为子公司的制造业企业,其在信阳市缴纳的增值税、企业所得税本级分成部分,总额达到300万元以上且年度环比新增10%以上的,在2年内可由所在地财政按该新增量的40%对企业进行事后奖补。
  6. 引导社会资本参与设立军民融合产业投资基金和军民融合产业孵化基金。凡新取得民参军“四证”的,一次性奖励100万元。

——第3-8条摘自《中共信阳市委 信阳市人民政府关于促进我市工业发展的意见》(信发〔2017〕18号)

  1. 对新设立的省外企业地区总部和功能性机构,经审核认定后,一次性给予不超过1000万元的奖励。
  2. 投资我省重点公益类的项目,资金已实际到位并形成固定资产1000万元的奖励50万元,形成资产每增加1000万元,增加奖励50万元。单个项目奖励资金最高不超过800万元。
  3. 对成功引进重大招商引资项目的中介机构或企业,项目到位资本金每5000万元给予10万元的奖励,单个项目奖励最高不超过100万元。



  1. 对新设立的消费金融公司、金融租赁公司等总部金融机构,市政府按照其实收资本的1%给予一次性开办补贴,最高奖励200万元。对新入驻的证券分支机构按照A、B、C类,市政府分别给予100万元、80万元、20万元的补助。对新入驻的有证券业务资质的会计师、税务师、律师、资产评估等金融中介服务机构,市政府给予一次性奖励5万元。
  2. 在主板、中小板、创业板实现成功上市的企业,市政府奖励200万元;对通过买壳、借壳成功上市的企业,将注册地迁至我市并将募集资金投资于我市的,市政府奖励200万元。在香港、新加坡、美国等境外市场主板实现成功上市的企业,市政府奖励150万元。在新三板成功挂牌的企业,市政府奖励100万元。
  3. 注册地在我市的上市公司以配股或增发方式实现再融资,每次融资市政府奖励30万元;募集资金80%以上投资于我市的,市政府按照实际投资资金的0.1%一次性奖励企业,最高奖励50万元。
  4. 对成功发行直接融资工具的企业,市政府按照其融资金额的0.1%给予一次性奖励,单项奖励不超过50万元。
  5. 对企业通过融资租赁方式实现融资的,市政府按照实际融资额的2%给予奖励,最高不超过20万元。
  6. 各类股权投资基金投资本地项目或企业的,由市政府按照投资额的1%给予一次性奖励,最高奖励50万元。



  1. 放宽外商设立投资性公司条件,将境外投资者申请前一年资产总额降为不低于2亿美元,境外投资者在中国境内已设立外商投资企业数量降为不低于5个。
  2. 对经认定为省级重大新型研发机构的外资研发机构,按照我省重大新型研发机构遴选和资助相关规定,给予最高500万元的奖补支持。
  3. 对国家级开发区主导产业引进外资、促进转型升级等项目用地予以倾斜支持,对外资重点项目所需建设用地指标予以优先保障。


  1. 鼓励外资投向高技术、高附加值服务业,经认定为技术先进型服务企业的外商投资企业,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税;发生的职工教育经费支出不超过薪金总额8%部分,准予在计算应纳税所得额时扣除,超过部分准予在以后纳税年度结转扣除。
  2. 对境外投资者从企业分配的利润直接投资于鼓励类投资项目,符合条件的实行递延纳税政策,暂不征收预提所得税。
  3. 对境外世界500强和行业龙头企业并购或参股我省企业的重大项目,鼓励实行“一事一议”政策支持。
  4. 对外商投资企业重大增资扩股项目在项目核准、备案、用地、环评等环节开辟“绿色”通道,由所在地政府采取“一事一议”方式予以支持。


  1. 重大招商引资项目实际到位资金1000万美元,奖励50万元人民币,每增加1000万美元,奖励资金增加50万元人民币。
  2. 对新设立的境外企业地区总部和功能性机构,经审核认定后,一次性给予不超过1000万元的奖励。


  1. 鼓励跨国公司设立地区总部和总部型机构,经认定的分别给予不超过1000万元和不超过500万元的一次性奖励支持,分3年按40%、30%、30%的比例发放。



  1. 通过“信阳英才计划”引进落地的国家最高科学技术奖获得者、“两院”院士领衔的创新创业团队,每个团队给予3000万-5000万元项目产业化资金资助;国家“千人计划”、省“百人计划”专家团队及同等层次创新创业团队,每个团队给予500万-1000万元项目产业化资金资助。对由领军型创新创业团队(人才)所主持的特别重大的科技项目,且对我市产业发展具有奠基性、战略性、支撑性作用的,实行“一事一议”,最高可获得1亿元项目产业化资金资助。
  2. 根据创新创业项目实际投资额度,经论证审批后,可由我市产业发展基金或创业投资基金等提供实际投资额20%左右的股权投资。创新创业项目成功吸引社会风险投资的,可由市产业发展基金或创业投资基金等提供10%-30%的跟进配套风险投资。创新创业项目进入中期或产业化初期,因流动资金不足申请融资的,由市担保机构给予最高500万元融资担保。对于创新性强、市场前景好的创新创业项目,经评审认定,创业初期3年内通过银行融资所付银行利息,由同级财政按照同期银行贷款基准利率全额补贴。
  3. 对“信阳英才计划”人才落地的项目,由项目落地方负责提供不低于300平方米、200平方米、100平方米的创业场所,3年内免租金。自行租赁办公用房的,3年内由项目落地方按市场价格给予租金补助。
  4. 对新认定的高新技术企业给予50万元奖励;对新认定的国家级和省级知识产权优势示范企业,分别给予30万元和10万元奖励;对新认定的国家级和省级创新型示范(试点)企业,分别给予50万元和20万元奖励;对承担国家重点研发计划项目给予奖励80万元。对获得国家或省部级重大科技奖项中的一、二、三等奖项的,给予国家或省部奖励金额50%的资金奖励;对新获得的中国专利奖优秀奖和金奖,分别给予20万元和50万元奖励。
  5. 对新认定(批准建设)的国家级和省级科创平台,分别给予50万元、20万元奖励。对新认定的国家级和省级众创空间分别给予50万元和20万元奖励。对牵头组建国家级和省级产业技术创新战略联盟的企业或科创平台,分别给予50万元、30万元奖励。
  6. “信阳英才计划”引进人才的配偶、子女以及父母、岳父母可以随迁;适龄子女优先解决入园需求、就近安排公办学校就读义务教育、同等条件下优先录取高中教育;定居且服务满5年后按层次分别给予80万、40万、20万元的购房补贴。


  1. 支持龙头企业敢于摘取“皇冠上的明珠”,对牵头承担国家科技重大专项和重点研发计划的企业单位,根据项目合同实施进展绩效,省财政按项目上年度实际国拨经费的3%-5%奖励研发团队,每个单位奖励最高500万元。
  2. 对一般企业,研发费用补助额最高100万元;对国家科技型中小企业、高新技术后备企业、省节能减排科技创新示范企业、建有省级研发平台企业,补助额最高200万元;对省瞪羚企业(科技小巨人企业)、建有国家级研发平台企业,补助额最高300万元;对省创新龙头企业,补助额最高400万元。支持中小微企业参加河南省创新创业大赛,对获奖项目给予最高50万元奖励。
  3. 对省外有效期内高新技术企业整体迁入我省的直接确认高新技术企业资格,并根据企业规模给予最高100万元的资金奖励。



  1. 设立市县支持返乡下乡创业专项基金,市县两级每年分别至少拿出1000万元和500万元,对发展前景好、带富能力强、社会效益好的返乡下乡创业项目择优进行扶持,投资比例不高于项目总投资的20%。
  2. 符合条件的返乡下乡创业人员,可申请最高不超过15万元的创业担保贷款;合伙经营或组织起来创业的可申请最高不超过150万元;小微企业可申请最高不超过300万元。
  3. 免收返乡下乡人员创业登记类、证照类等行政事业性收费。小规模纳税人免征增值税;小型微利企业年应纳税所得额不超过100万元部分减按25%、超过100万元不足300万元部分减按50%计入应纳税所得额,按20%税率缴纳企业所得税。
  4. 返乡下乡创业实体在基地(园区)内发生的物业管理、卫生、房租、水电等费用,3年内给予不超过实际费用50%的补贴,年补贴最高限额1万元。
  5. 对市评定的孵化功能完善、管理制度健全、孵化服务到位、孵化效果突出的返乡下乡创业示范园区,市财政给予一次性奖补7万元。每年开展一次返乡下乡创业示范项目和“创业之星”评选活动,市级示范项目和“创业之星”分别给予2万元、1万元一次性奖励。



  1. 将市级经济管理权限依法赋予产业集聚区,试行“一枚印章管审批”。
  2. 对新技术、新产品、新业态、新商业模式等,在名称核准、经营范围登记、住所(经营场所)限制和行业管理等方面包容审慎监管,为创业创新“留白”“松绑”。
  3. 试点实行企业投资项目承诺制,落实“容缺办理”“区域评估”“联合审验”等。
  4. 对全市重点项目、企业,实行市级领导分包联系、相关部门结对帮扶和首席服务员制度。


  1. 社会投资小型低风险产业类项目,建设工程规划许可阶段和施工许可阶段合并;实行建设工程设计方案(不含总平面图)、规划放线报告承诺制;功能单一、结构简单的不再进行施工图审查,依据承诺书形式审查后发放施工许可证;符合城乡规划的项目,无需开展水资源论证、洪水影响评价、节能评价、地震安全评价、地质灾害危险性评估等;除法定义务外,工业建筑项目及其生产性配套设施无需修建防空地下室和缴纳易地建设费。
  2. 社会投资小型低风险产业类项目实行一张表单申请、同步受理、并联办理、多测合一、联合验收。立项用地规划许可阶段办理时限不超过5个工作日,工程建设许可和施工许可阶段不超过7个工作日,竣工验收阶段办理时限不超过8个工作日,从获得土地到完成竣工验收备案审批时间不超过20个工作日。


  1. 全市企业开办环节确定为企业登记、印章刻制、申领发票3个环节,开办时间压缩至2个工作日内,其中,企业登记1个工作日内,印章刻制0.5个工作日内,初次申领发票0.5个工作日内,一次填报、一网通办、一窗办结。
  2. 简化涉税事项办理,企业初次申领发票无需提供银行开户信息。完善社保登记服务,设立登记同时填报企业参保信息,无需登录其他系统或平台。优化银行开户服务,企业可凭电子营业执照到银行机构任一网点办理相关业务,无需提供纸质营业执照。


  1. 推进规划用地“多评合一、多测合一、多审合一、多证合一”,合并办理建设项目规划选址意见书和用地预审,合并办理建设用地供应和建设用地规划许可,合并办理规划核实和土地核验,合并办理增减挂钩项目实施规划和征收土地申报审批。在各类产业园区统一开展土地勘测、压覆矿产、地质灾害三项评估,评估成果供落户园区项目免费使用。
  2. 落实网上预约、网上查询、网上办理,开通网上、微信、支付宝缴费等便企措施,完善“互联网+不动产登记+金融服务”的“政银合作”新模式。一般登记业务3个工作日内办结,抵押登记业务和企业之间存量非住宅房屋转移登记1个工作日内办结。做好小微企业免收不动产登记费告知承诺制。企业之间存量非住宅房屋买卖业务,不再进行网上签约,可持直接申请缴税及转移登记。允许高标准厂房在不改变功能和土地用途的前提下,按幢、层等固定界限为基本单元分割转让并登记。债权债务合同符合法律法规前提下,自然人、企业均可作为抵押权人办理不动产抵押登记。建设用地使用权连同地上建筑物、其他附着物可依法设立多个抵押权。划拨的国有建设用地使用权办理抵押登记无需进行审批。



  1. 符合条件的电子信息、智能装备制造企业在金牛物流产业集聚区内租赁厂房的,前三年租赁费全免,第四、第五年减半(先缴后补,1个月内补贴到位);无尘车间装修费用,按千级1000元/平方米、万级500元/平方米标准,以实际装修面积进行核算后给予补贴,补贴金额最高不超过1000万元。
  2. 对于新引进项目,根据项目规模、产值、税收及项目投产后正常生产所需,提供最高不超过实际固定资产投资额的15%的产业扶持资金(最高不超过3000万元,三年后收回或作为股权投资)并进行贴息,贴息期限三年。
  3. 对企业新购设备及原厂搬迁后仍在使用的设备进行补贴,新购设备一次性无偿补贴现值的20%,最高不超过1000万元;原有设备(近三年购置且具有一定先进性)一次性无偿补贴残值的15%,最高不超过300万元。
  4. 从企业投产之日起计算,企业缴纳的税收地方留成分得部分前三年100%奖励企业(先征后奖);上市公司董事会成员缴纳的个人所得税,按区级留成部分的80%奖励个人。
  5. 在境内主板、创业板、科创板实现上市的企业,区政府按首发募集金额给予0.5%的奖励,最高奖励1000万元;对在国内已上市企业将注册地迁至我区,并将募集资金50%投资于我区、正常经营且依法纳税的,区政府一次性奖励600万元。


  1. 支持工业企业自建厂房,优先保障项目用地,列入省、市重大招商项目的,其新增用地计划指标在年度用地计划中优先安排,外商投资企业同等适用。
  2. 投资不低于5000万元的工业生产型项目且投资强度、亩均税收达到省定标准的,自企业投产之日起,前两年按照对新区财政贡献的100%予以扶持,第三年至第五年按照对新区财政贡献的50%予以扶持。规模以上工业企业在新区租赁生产性用房给予8元/平方米/月的补贴,补贴期限为两年。对工业企业固定资产投资1亿元以上的,在技术改造、科技创新等方面,按项目实际发生贷款额度连续贴息三年,单个企业补贴累计不超过100万元。
  3. 对新入驻且登记注册在新区依法纳税的股份制银行、证券公司等金融机构总部及市级以上国有企业总部,一次性奖励20万元。世界500强、中国500强、大型央企、跨国公司等在新区设立省级以上总部和销售中心,符合条件的一次性奖励200万元。新入驻总部经济企业,当年财政贡献不低于100万元的,按照其对新区财政贡献20%等额的资金奖补。
  4. 对在新区新注册设立的外资企业或现有外商投资企业增资扩股、扩大生产规模,经认定的实际到位外资在1000万美元至2000万美元的,一次性奖励20万元人民币;2000万美元至5000万美元的,一次性奖励50万元人民币;5000万美元以上的,一次性奖励100万元人民币。
  5. 对注册登记新入驻的电子商务企业,年交易额1000万元到3000万元,且财政贡献不低于50万元的,给予租赁办公场地每平方米每天补贴0.5元;3000万元到5000万元、不低于200万元的,补贴1元;5000万元以上、不低于500万元的,补贴1.5元。
  6. 新入驻且登记注册在新区并依法纳税的商贸服务企业,自企业营业年度起当年对新区财政贡献不低于300万元的,第一年、第二年、第三年分别按照企业对新区财政贡献部分的30%、20%、10%额度奖励。


  1. 对新建企业,形成固定资产投资(不含代建部分)达到1亿元及以上,经认定可给予500万元产业发展扶持资金。对新迁入管理区且第一年度对地方财力贡献超过500万元的企业总部,按当年地方贡献部分的50%对企业进行事后奖补。
  2. 对符合主导产业的企业,被认定为国家高新技术企业的,一次性奖励50万元;被认定为省级工程研究中心、重点实验室的,一次性奖励30万元;在主板、中小板、创业板实现成功上市的企业,一次性奖励1000万元。




Summary of Investment Promotion Policies of Xinyang City


I. Regional strategic support policy

1. Support social forces to support the revitalization and development of old revolutionary areas through various channels and methods such as investment and development, industrial co-construction, technology promotion, cultural education, and personnel training.

  1. Provincial government investment funds for industrial development should give priority support to eligible industrial projects in old revolutionary areas.
  2. The Provincial People's Government should support the old revolutionary areas to upgrade traditional industries, cultivate emerging industries, deploy future industries, and build industrial clusters with special advantages such as food processing, textiles and clothing, biomedicine, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, electronic information, new energy and new materials, and home furnishings. Promote large-scale projects, key projects, and emerging industries to prioritize arrangements in the old revolutionary base areas on the premise that they meet the conditions. Establish a green channel for major project review in the old revolutionary base area, and speed up the process of review and approval.

4.For enterprises invested and established in key old revolutionary areas, preferential policies such as land supply and fee reductions and exemptions will be given in accordance with regulations. Increase land use security for major industrial projects, and strictly implement national tax preferential policies.

—Articles 1-4 are excerpted from “Regulations on the Promotion of the Revitalization and Development of Old Revolutionary Areas in Henan Province”

5. Support Xinyang City's application to build the China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Open and Innovation Linkage Zone, build a bonded logistics center, focus on the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, carry out precise investment promotion, and enhance the stability and competitiveness of the industrial chain supply chain.

6. Support the Dabieshan Revolutionary Zone in the utilization of foreign capital, and strive to introduce a group of multinational corporations' regional headquarters, R&D institutions, logistics centers and other headquarters-type institutions, and give priority to those who meet the conditions.

—Articles 5-6 are excerpted from“Main Points of Work in 2021 for the Department of Commerce of Henan Province to Support the Accelerated Revitalization and Development of the Old Revolutionary Zone in Dabie Mountain, Henan”

7. Build a 100-billion-level food industry cluster in Xinyang, focus on improving the level of Xinyang's electronic information industry cluster, and expand the scale of Xinyang's pharmaceutical industry. Speed up the construction of Xinyang City's national logistics hub. Support Xinyang City to create a national innovative city.

—Article 7 is excerpted from the“Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Development Plan of the Huai River Eco-economic Belt in Henan Province”(YZB[2019] No. 34)

II.Preferential policies for land taxes and fees

1. Prioritize the supply of land for major industrial projects (with an actual investment of more than 500 million yuan), and implement the "three important and one large" decision-making mechanism. The floor price of land transfer can be implemented at 70% of the minimum price limit for industrial land transfer in our city determined by the state. Outside the scope of the project land and within the scope of the industrial park, provide planned plots that can be built for commercial and residential use, and build talent housing not exceeding 10% of the total net area of the project's industrial land.

2. Implement tax incentives such as structural tax cuts, tax incentives for small and micro enterprises, accelerated depreciation of fixed assets of high-tech enterprises, and additional deductions for research and development expenses.

3. For enterprises that enter the city’s top 30 industrial enterprises above designated size in tax revenue, if the industrial added value and tax growth in the year are both higher than the city’s GDP growth rate, their senior managers will be rewarded based on 50% of the individual’s income tax paid in that year. The maximum per person per year is no more than 200,000 yuan, and the funds are directly transferred to the personal account.

4. Factory buildings and production supporting houses within the land used by industrial enterprises shall not be included in the scope of the collection of construction costs for relocation of civil air defense. For all types of production industrial enterprise projects within the city’s industrial parks that conform to the industrial planning, the urban infrastructure supporting fees will be collected at 15 yuan per square meter.

5. The residential electricity price shall be applied to the non-commercial and separately metered enterprise office buildings, internal staff canteens, and shift rooms within the scope of industrial enterprise land. Appropriate electricity subsidies will be given to key advanced manufacturing enterprises that meet energy consumption standards. High-reliability power supply fees are exempted for enterprises with self-built dual circuits and dual power supplies.

6. The construction cost of the main pipeline network facilities included in the construction cost of the newly added non-residential user pipeline gas courtyard pipeline network facilities is reduced by 30% on the existing basis.

7. Under the premise of meeting the water-saving standards of unit output value, adjust the production water plan indicators according to the actual situation, and avoid levying the progressive increase of the production water consumption of the enterprise unit that exceeds the plan.

8. For land used for investment invitation industrial projects that have been approved before the end of 2018 and are not ready for use, the land use procedures can be supplemented by agreement transfer if the conditions are met. The land transfer period is in principle calculated based on the start of the construction of the project.

9. Encourage the use of industrial land in flexible term transfer, lease first and transfer later, combined lease and lease, and long-term lease. Implementation of the new industrial land (including land for productive services) land supply policy that the transfer period does not exceed 20 years + conditional renewal, the starting price of land transfer can be converted according to the period, the transfer period expires, and eligible parties can be negotiated Way to go through the renewal procedures.

10. Establish a "standard land" transfer system of "land according to bids, land supply with bids, land used for bids, and land for bid management", and control indicators such as investment intensity per mu, tax revenue per mu, floor area ratio, environmental standards, etc. As well as construction conditions such as fire safety, supporting facilities, etc., are included in the one-time announcement of the transfer plan. Promote the "standard land + agency system", "standard land + notification and commitment system" to achieve "starting when land is acquired".

11. Under the premise of complying with the regulatory detailed planning, the new industrial land can be used in a composite and compatible manner, in which the industrial area is not less than 70%, and the industrial capacity building area is not less than 80% of the total capacity building area. On the basis of complying with laws and regulations, the registration of real estate division and transfer of industrial buildings is allowed.

12. If the original land user uses the above ground and underground space to appropriately increase the plot ratio without changing the industrial use of the land, he will no longer pay the land transfer price. New industrial projects that are government-encouraged or key-supported can enjoy relevant preferential tax policies in accordance with regulations.

—Articles 8-12 are excerpted from“Opinions of the People's Government of Henan Province on Promoting the Quality and Efficiency of Land Use in Industrial Cluster Areas to Promote the High-quality Development of County Economy”(Yuzheng [2020] No. 32), “Regarding the Issue of Land Use Promotion in Industrial Cluster Areas" Notice on the Interpretation of the Quality and Efficiency Policy”(Yubaiyuan Office) [2021] No. 4)

III. Financial incentive and guidance policy

1. Industrial projects recommended by non-public officials will be rewarded according to 10% of the tax revenue retained in the year after the project is put into operation, and will be rewarded for three consecutive years; other projects such as cultural tourism and social undertakings introduced will be awarded as tax revenue retained components. 10% of the rewards.

2. For the new type of business projects introduced and the projects with low taxation and large employment contribution, one case for one discussion shall be adopted.

—Article 1-2 is excerpted from“The Incentive Measures for Introducers of Investment Promotion Projects of Xinyang City”(Xinzheng [2017] No. 20)

3. Vigorously attract import and export-oriented production enterprises, leading export enterprises, and enterprises that expand markets outside Xinyang and have a financial contribution of more than 1 million yuan. The location of the enterprise shall be based on 30% of the tax increase of the enterprise’s products sold to Xinyang outside the city. Make rewards.

4. For newly established advanced manufacturing enterprises (the world's top 500, China's top 500, and the top 10 domestic industry leaders), the actual fixed asset investment will reach 50 million US dollars and above, 300 million US dollars and above, and 600 million US dollars. For those above, 25 million yuan, 150 million yuan, and 300 million yuan of industrial development support funds can be granted respectively.

5. For the headquarters of the newly moved to Xinyang City and the tax amount in the first year exceeds 5 million yuan, the local finance will pay 50% of the current year’s tax payment to the enterprise afterwards. The tax will be paid within three years from the following year. If the amount of this level is divided into parts that increase by more than 10% year-on-year, the local finance department will reward the enterprise afterwards according to 40% of the increase.

6. For headquarters companies that have paid more than 10 million yuan in the first year to purchase certain commercial real estate for their own use, the local finance will provide a one-time subsidy at a maximum of 500 yuan per square meter; if they rent office buildings, the local finance A subsidy of 1-3 years will be given at the highest 30% of the guiding price in the rental market.

7. For manufacturing enterprises that have restructured their branches in Xinyang into subsidiaries, the value-added tax and corporate income tax paid in Xinyang will be divided into parts at this level, with a total amount of more than 3 million yuan and an increase of more than 10% year-on-year If, within 2 years, the local finance can provide an ex post bonus to the enterprise based on 40% of the new increase.

8. Guide social capital to participate in the establishment of military-civilian integration industry investment funds and military-civilian integration industry incubation funds. Those who have newly obtained the "Four Certificates" for civilian participation in the army will receive a lump-sum reward of 1 million yuan.

—Articles 3-8 are extracted from the“Opinions of the Xinyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Xinyang Municipal People's Government on Promoting the Industrial Development of Our City”(Xin Fa [2017] No. 18)

9. For the newly established regional headquarters and functional organizations of enterprises outside the province, a one-time reward of no more than 10 million yuan will be given after verification and confirmation.

10. For investment in key public welfare projects in our province, the funds have actually been put in place and a fixed asset of 10 million yuan has been rewarded with 500,000 yuan. For every 10 million yuan increase in assets, an increase of 500,000 yuan will be rewarded. The maximum reward fund for a single project does not exceed 8 million yuan.

11. For intermediaries or enterprises that successfully introduce major investment promotion projects, a reward of 100,000 yuan per project capital in place is 50 million yuan, and the maximum reward for a single project does not exceed 1 million yuan.

——Articles 9-11 are excerpted from the“Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Investment Promotion of Henan Province” (Yucaimao [2018] No. 62)

IV. Supporting policies for listing and financing

1. For newly established consumer finance companies, financial leasing companies and other headquarters financial institutions, the municipal government will provide a one-time subsidy for the establishment of 1% of the actual paid-in capital, with a maximum reward of 2 million yuan. According to the categories A, B, and C of newly settled securities branches, the municipal government will provide subsidies of 1 million yuan, 800,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan respectively. For newly settled accountants, tax agents, lawyers, asset appraisers and other financial intermediary service institutions with securities business qualifications, the municipal government will give a one-time award of 50,000 yuan.

2. For companies that have successfully listed on the main board, small and medium-sized boards, and ChiNext, the municipal government will reward 2 million yuan; for companies that successfully go public through the purchase of shells and backdoors, they will move their registration to our city and invest the raised funds in our city. , The municipal government rewarded 2 million yuan. The municipal government will award 1.5 million yuan to companies that have successfully listed on the main board of overseas markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. For companies successfully listed on the New Third Board, the municipal government will reward 1 million yuan.

3. Listed companies registered in our city realize refinancing through allotment or additional issuance, and the municipal government will reward 300,000 yuan for each financing; if more than 80% of the raised funds are invested in our city, the municipal government will use 0.1% of the actual investment funds once. The maximum reward is 500,000 yuan.

4. For enterprises that successfully issue direct financing instruments, the municipal government will give a one-time reward based on 0.1% of their financing amount, with a single reward not exceeding 500,000 yuan.

5. For enterprises that realize financing through financial leasing, the municipal government will award 2% of the actual financing amount, up to a maximum of 200,000 yuan.

6. For all kinds of equity investment funds investing in local projects or enterprises, the municipal government will give a one-time reward based on 1% of the investment amount, with a maximum reward of 500,000 yuan.

—Articles 1-6 are excerpted from“Opinions of Xinyang Municipal People's Government on Accelerating the Use of Capital Market to Support Local Economic Development”(Xinzheng [2016] No. 44)

V. Foreign investment promotion policy

1. Relax the conditions for the establishment of investment companies by foreign investors, reduce the total assets of foreign investors to no less than US$200 million in the year prior to the application, and reduce the number of foreign investment enterprises established by foreign investors in China to no less than 5.

2. For foreign-funded R&D institutions that have been identified as major new-type R&D institutions at the provincial level, in accordance with the relevant regulations on the selection and funding of major new-type R&D institutions in our province, a maximum of 5 million yuan will be given as bonus support.

3. Provide preferential support for land use for projects such as the introduction of foreign investment in leading industries in national development zones and the promotion of transformation and upgrading, and give priority to guaranteeing the construction land indicators required for key foreign-funded projects.

 —Articles 1-3 are extracted from the“Notice of the People's Government of Henan Province on Actively and Effectively Utilizing Foreign Investment to Promote High-quality Economic Development”(Yuzheng [2018] No. 36)

4. Encourage foreign investment in high-tech and high-value-added service industries.Foreign-invested enterprises recognized as technologically advanced service enterprises will be taxed at a reduced tax rate of 15%; the incurred employee education expenditures shall not exceed 8% of the total salary , Allow deduction in the calculation of taxable income, and the excess part is allowed to be carried forward for deduction in future tax years.

5. For foreign investors who directly invest the profits distributed by enterprises in encouraged investment projects, the deferred taxation policy will be implemented if the conditions are met, and the withholding income tax will not be levied for the time being.

6. Encourage the implementation of the policy support of "one matter, one discussion" for major projects of overseas Fortune 500 and industry leading enterprises in mergers and acquisitions or equity participation in enterprises in our province.

7. Major capital increase and share expansion projects of foreign-invested enterprises have opened up "green" channels in the links of project approval, filing, land use, environmental assessment, etc., and the local government shall adopt the method of "one matter, one discussion" to support them.

—Articles 4-7 are extracted from the“Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Henan Province on Promoting the Growth of Foreign Investment”(Yuzheng [2018] No. 3)

8. The actual funds in place for major investment promotion projects are 10 million U.S. dollars, and the reward is 500,000 yuan. For every additional 10 million U.S. dollars, the reward fund will increase by 500,000 yuan.

9. The newly established regional headquarters and functional institutions of overseas enterprises will be awarded a one-time reward of no more than 10 million yuan after verification and approval.

—Articles 8-9 are excerpted from the“Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Investment Promotion of Henan Province”(Yucai Mao [2018] No. 62)

10. Encourage multinational companies to set up regional headquarters and headquarters-type organizations, and grant one-time reward support of no more than 10 million yuan and no more than 5 million yuan respectively, which will be distributed in the proportion of 40%, 30%, and 30% in 3 years. .

—Article 10 is taken from the“Interim Provisions on Encouraging Multinational Companies to Establish Regional Headquarters and Headquarters-type Organizations”(Yushang Asset Management [2019] No. 6)

VI. Policy for the introduction of scientific and technological talents

1. Through the "Xinyang Talents Program", an innovative and entrepreneurial team led by the winners of the country's highest science and technology award and academicians of the "two academies" introduced through the "Xinyang Talents Program", each team is given 30-50 million yuan in project industrialization funding; the national "thousand people" "Plan", the provincial "Hundred Talents Plan" expert team and the same level of innovation and entrepreneurship teams, each team will give 5 million to 10 million yuan project industrialization funding. For particularly important scientific and technological projects hosted by a leading innovation and entrepreneurship team (talents) that have a foundational, strategic and supportive role in the development of the city’s industry, the implementation of "one matter, one discussion" can earn up to 100 million yuan Funding for the industrialization of the project.

2. According to the actual investment quota of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, after verification and approval, the city's industrial development fund or venture capital fund can provide equity investment of about 20% of the actual investment. If an innovation and entrepreneurship project successfully attracts social venture capital, the municipal industrial development fund or venture capital fund can provide 10%-30% follow-up supporting venture capital. In the case of an innovation and entrepreneurship project entering the mid-term or early stage of industrialization, and applying for financing due to insufficient liquidity, the municipal guarantee agency shall provide a financing guarantee of up to 5 million yuan. For innovative and entrepreneurial projects with strong innovation and good market prospects, after review, it is determined that the bank interest paid through bank financing within 3 years of the initial start-up period will be fully subsidized by the same level of finance based on the benchmark bank loan interest rate for the same period.

3. For projects where the talents of the "Xinyang Talents Program" are implemented, the project location shall be responsible for providing entrepreneurial premises of no less than 300 square meters, 200 square meters, and 100 square meters, free of rent for 3 years. For those who rent office space on their own, the project will provide rental subsidies at market prices within 3 years.

4. A reward of 500,000 yuan will be given to newly recognized high-tech enterprises; 300,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan will be awarded to newly recognized national and provincial intellectual property advantage demonstration enterprises; newly recognized national and provincial level Innovative demonstration (pilot) enterprises will be awarded 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan respectively; 800,000 yuan will be awarded for undertaking national key research and development projects. For the first, second, and third prizes of major national or provincial science and technology awards, 50% of the national or provincial award amount will be awarded; for the newly won China Patent Award Excellence Award and Gold Award, 200,000 will be given respectively Yuan and 500,000 yuan reward.

5. The newly recognized (approved for construction) national and provincial science and technology innovation platforms will be rewarded with 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan respectively. 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan will be awarded to newly recognized national-level and provincial-level makerspaces respectively. 500,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan will be awarded to enterprises or science and technology innovation platforms that lead the establishment of national and provincial industrial technology innovation strategic alliances.

6. The spouses, children, parents, and parents-in-law of the talents introduced by the "Xinyang Talents Program" can move with them; children of school age will give priority to their admission needs, arrange nearby public schools for compulsory education, and give priority to high school education under the same conditions; settled and served full After 5 years, subsidies of 800,000, 400,000, and 200,000 yuan will be given to purchase houses according to different levels.

—Articles 1-6 are excerpted from the “Opinions of the Xinyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Xinyang Municipal People's Government on the Implementation of the "Xinyang Talent Plan" to introduce and cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents (teams)” (Xinfa [2017] No. 13)

7. Support leading enterprises to dare to take the "jewel in the crown", and for enterprises that take the lead in undertaking major national science and technology projects and key research and development plans, according to the progress performance of the project contract implementation, the provincial finance is based on 3% of the actual state allocated funds for the project in the previous year -5% reward R&D team, each unit rewards up to 5 million yuan.

8. For general enterprises, the maximum subsidy for R&D expenses is 1 million yuan; for national technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech reserve enterprises, provincial energy-saving and emission-reduction technological innovation demonstration enterprises, and enterprises with provincial-level R&D platforms, the maximum subsidy is 2 million yuan ; For provincial gazelle enterprises (small technology giant enterprises) and enterprises with national R&D platforms, the maximum subsidy amount is 3 million yuan; for provincial innovative leading enterprises, the maximum subsidy amount is 4 million yuan. Support small, medium and micro enterprises to participate in the Henan Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and award up to 500,000 yuan to the winning projects.

9. Directly confirm the qualifications of high-tech enterprises that move into our province as a whole within the validity period of high-tech enterprises outside the province, and give a financial reward of up to 1 million yuan according to the size of the enterprise.

—Articles 7-9 are excerpted from the“Notice of the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Printing and Distributing Ten Measures to Serve "Ten Thousands of People Helping Ten Thousand Enterprises" Activities”(Yuke [2021] No. 99)

VII.Return to the project promotion policy

1. Establish a special fund for supporting the return to the countryside to start a business at the city and county levels. At least 10 million yuan and 5 million yuan will be allocated each year at the city and county levels, which has good development prospects, strong ability to bring wealth, and good social benefits to return to the countryside to start a business. The project is supported by the best, and the investment ratio is not higher than 20% of the total investment of the project.

2. Eligible persons who return to the countryside to start a business can apply for a guaranteed loan of no more than 150,000 yuan; for a partnership or organization to start a business, they can apply for a maximum of 1.5 million yuan; small and micro enterprises can apply for a maximum of 300 yuan Ten thousand yuan.

3. Exemption of administrative fees for business registration, licenses and licenses for personnel returning to rural areas. Small-scale taxpayers are exempt from value-added tax; the annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises does not exceed 1 million yuan, and the portion of the taxable income that does not exceed 1 million yuan is reduced by 25%, and the portion of more than 1 million yuan and less than 3 million yuan is reduced by 50%. % Tax rate pays corporate income tax.

4. For the expenses of property management, sanitation, rent, water and electricity incurred in the base (park) by the entrepreneurial entity returning to the countryside, a subsidy not exceeding 50% of the actual cost will be given within 3 years, and the maximum annual subsidy will be 10,000 yuan.

5. The municipal finance will give a one-time bonus of 70,000 yuan to the return to rural entrepreneurship demonstration parks with complete incubation functions, sound management systems, incubation services in place, and outstanding incubation effects. Carry out once a year to return to the countryside to start a business demonstration project and "Entrepreneurship Star" selection activities, municipal demonstration projects and "Entrepreneurship Star" respectively give a one-time reward of 20,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan.

—Articles 1-5 are excerpted from“Xinyang City's 10 Policies and Measures to Further Support Returning to the Country to Start an Entrepreneurship to Promote Rural Revitalization”

VIII. Government service optimization policy

1. Grant the city-level economic management authority to industrial clusters in accordance with the law, and implement "one seal management approval" on a trial basis.

2. Tolerant and prudential supervision of new technologies, new products, new formats, new business models, etc., in terms of name approval, business scope registration, residence (business location) restrictions, and industry management, and “leave blank” and “relax” for entrepreneurial innovation .

3. Pilot implementation of a commitment system for enterprise investment projects, and implement "tolerant handling", "regional assessment", and "joint verification".

4. For the city's key projects and enterprises, the system of subcontracting contact with municipal leaders, paired assistance with relevant departments and chief attendant system shall be implemented.

—Articles 1-4 are excerpted from the“Xinyang City's Implementation Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment to Stimulate Effective Private Investment Vitality”(Xinzheng Office [2019] No. 10)

5. Social investment in small and low-risk industrial projects, the construction project planning permission stage and construction permission stage are merged; construction project design plan (excluding master plan), planning and release report commitment system; single function and simple structure will not be carried out Construction drawings are reviewed, and construction permits are issued after review in the form of a letter of commitment; projects that meet urban and rural planning do not need to carry out water resources demonstration, flood impact assessment, energy conservation assessment, earthquake safety assessment, geological disaster risk assessment, etc.; in addition to legal obligations, Industrial construction projects and their production supporting facilities do not need to build air defense basements and pay relocation construction fees.

6. Small-scale low-risk industrial projects of social investment shall implement one form application, simultaneous acceptance, parallel processing, integration of multiple tests, and joint acceptance. The time limit for the planning and approval phase of the project-use land shall not exceed 5 working days, the engineering construction and construction approval phase shall not exceed 7 working days, and the completion acceptance phase shall not exceed 8 working days, from land acquisition to completion of the completion acceptance filing No more than 20 working days.

—Articles 5-6 are extracted from the“Xinyang City Social Investment Small and Low-risk Industrial Project Approval Reform Implementation Plan”(Xinzheng Office [2020] No. 47)

7. The city’s enterprise establishment process is determined to be three links: enterprise registration, seal engraving, and invoice application. The start-up time is compressed to 2 working days, of which, enterprise registration is within 1 working day, and seal engraving is within 0.5 working day. , Within 0.5 working days of the initial invoice application, fill in one time, complete with one network, and complete with one window.

8. Simplify the handling of tax-related matters, and enterprises do not need to provide bank account opening information for the initial application of invoices. Improve the social security registration service, and fill in the company's insurance information at the same time as the establishment registration, without logging in to other systems or platforms. Optimize bank account opening services. Enterprises can use their electronic business licenses to handle related businesses at any branch of the banking institution without providing paper business licenses.

—Articles 7-8 are excerpted from "Opinions of Seven Departments including Xinyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on Continuously Deepening and Compressing Business Startup Time" (Xin Shi Jian [2020] No. 38)

9. Promote "multiple evaluations, multiple surveys, multiple reviews, and multiple certificates" for planned land use, combined to process construction project planning site selection opinions and land pre-review, and combined to process construction land supply and construction land planning permits , Combined planning verification and land verification, combined implementation planning of increase or decrease linked projects, and land acquisition declaration and approval. The three assessments of land survey, overlying minerals, and geological disasters will be carried out in various industrial parks, and the assessment results will be used for free for projects settled in the park.

10. Implement online appointments, online inquiries, online processing, and opening of online, WeChat, Alipay payment and other convenient measures to improve the new "government-bank cooperation" model of "Internet + real estate registration + financial services". The general registration business is completed within 3 working days, and the registration of the transfer of stock non-residential houses between the mortgage registration business and the enterprise is completed within 1 working day. Implement a notification and commitment system for small and micro enterprises to exempt real estate registration fees. The business of buying and selling existing non-residential houses between enterprises will no longer carry out online contracting, but can directly apply for tax payment and transfer registration. High-standard factory buildings are allowed to be transferred and registered as basic units based on fixed boundaries such as buildings and floors without changing their functions and land use. Under the premise that the creditor's rights and debt contracts comply with laws and regulations, natural persons and enterprises can act as mortgagee to register real estate mortgages. The right to use construction land, together with buildings and other attachments on the ground, may establish multiple mortgage rights in accordance with the law. The mortgage registration of the allocated state-owned construction land use right does not require approval.

—Articles 9-10 are excerpted from the "Notice of the Henan Provincial Department of Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing Ten Measures for Serving "Ten Thousands of People Help Ten Thousand Enterprises"" (Yu Natural Resources Development [2021] No. 40)

IX. The investment policy of the central city

1. Qualified electronic information and intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprises who lease factories in the Jinniu logistics industry cluster are free of rental fees for the first three years, and halved in the fourth and fifth years (pay first, then pay, subsidy within 1 month) In place); the decoration cost of the clean room shall be subsidized according to the standards of 1,000 yuan per square meter for 1,000 yuan and 500 yuan per square meter for 10,000 yuan, and the subsidy amount shall not exceed 10 million yuan after accounting for the actual decoration area.

2. For newly introduced projects, according to project scale, output value, tax and normal production requirements after the project is put into operation, provide up to 15% of the actual fixed asset investment amount of industry support funds (up to 30 million yuan, three years later Recovered or used as equity investment) and discounted interest for a period of three years.

3. Subsidies are provided for newly-purchased equipment and equipment still in use after the relocation of the original factory, a one-time free subsidy of 20% of the present value of the newly-purchased equipment, up to a maximum of 10 million yuan; original equipment (purchased in the past three years and has Certainly advanced) 15% of the residual value of a one-time gratuitous subsidy, up to a maximum of 3 million yuan.

4. Calculated from the day when the enterprise is put into production, the local tax paid by the enterprise will be 100% rewarded to the enterprise in the first three years (first collection and then reward); the personal income tax paid by the members of the board of directors of the listed company is 80% of the district-level retained part Reward individuals.

5. For companies listed on the domestic main board, growth enterprise board, and science and technology board, the district government will award 0.5% of the initial fundraising amount, with a maximum reward of 10 million yuan; for domestic listed companies, they will relocate their registration to our district, and If 50% of the raised funds are invested in our district, operating normally and paying taxes in accordance with the law, the district government will reward 6 million yuan in a lump sum.

—Articles 1-5 are extracted from the "Guiding Opinions on Policy Support for the Electronic Information Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Shihe District (for Trial Implementation)"(Shi Zheng [2021] No. 23)

—Articles 1-5 are extracted from the "Guiding Opinions on Policy Support for the Electronic Information Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Shihe District (for Trial Implementation)"(Shi Zheng [2021] No. 23)

6. Support industrial enterprises to build their own workshops and give priority to guaranteeing project land. If they are included in major provincial and municipal investment projects, their new land use plan indicators will be prioritized in the annual land use plan, and foreign-invested enterprises are equally applicable.

7. Industrial production projects with an investment of no less than 50 million yuan and the investment intensity and tax per mu meet the provincial standards, starting from the day the enterprise is put into production, 100% of the financial contribution to the new area will be supported in the first two years, and the third From the year to the fifth year, support will be provided according to 50% of the financial contribution to the new district. Industrial enterprises above designated size will be given a subsidy of 8 yuan/m2/month for renting production houses in the new area, and the subsidy period is two years. For industrial enterprises that have invested more than 100 million yuan in fixed assets, in terms of technological transformation and technological innovation, interest rates will be discounted for three consecutive years according to the actual loan amount of the project, and the total subsidy of a single enterprise will not exceed 1 million yuan.

8. A one-time award of 200,000 yuan will be given to the headquarters of financial institutions such as joint-stock banks, securities companies and state-owned enterprises above the municipal level that are newly settled and registered in the new area to pay taxes according to law. The world's top 500, China's top 500, large state-owned enterprises, multinational companies, etc. set up provincial-level or above headquarters and sales centers in the new district, and eligible one-time rewards of 2 million yuan. Newly settled headquarter economy enterprises with a financial contribution of not less than 1 million yuan in that year shall be compensated in accordance with the equivalent amount of 20% of the financial contribution of the new district.

9. For newly registered foreign-invested enterprises or existing foreign-invested enterprises in the new district to increase capital and shares, expand production scale, and the actual foreign investment in place is between US$10 million and US$20 million, a one-time award of 200,000 yuan will be given; 2000 For those from US$10,000 to US$50 million, a one-time reward of RMB 500,000; for those above US$50 million, a one-time reward of RMB 1 million.

10. For newly registered e-commerce companies with an annual transaction volume of 10 million to 30 million yuan and a financial contribution of not less than 500,000 yuan, a daily subsidy of 0.5 yuan per square meter for leased office space; 30 million yuan to For 50 million yuan and not less than 2 million yuan, a subsidy of 1 yuan; for 50 million yuan and more but not less than 5 million yuan, a subsidy of 1.5 yuan.

11. Newly settled, registered in the new district and taxed in accordance with the law of business service enterprises, since the business year of the new district’s financial contribution of no less than 3 million yuan, the first year, the second year, and the third year shall be based on the company’s 30%, 20%, and 10% of the financial contribution of the new district will be rewarded.

—Articles 6-11 are excerpted from "Preferential Measures for Investment Promotion in Yangshan New District" (Xin Yang Zhengwen [2021] No. 79)

12. For newly-built enterprises, the investment in fixed assets (excluding the part of agent construction) reached 100 million yuan and above, and 5 million yuan of industrial development support funds can be granted upon confirmation. For corporate headquarters that have newly moved into the management area and contributed more than 5 million yuan to the local financial resources in the first year, 50% of the local contribution of the year will be rewarded and supplemented afterwards.

13. For enterprises that meet the leading industries and are recognized as national high-tech enterprises, a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan; for those recognized as provincial engineering research centers and key laboratories, a one-time reward of 300,000 yuan; Companies that successfully go public on the board and the ChiNext will receive a one-time reward of 10 million yuan.

    —Articles 12-13 are excerpted from "Administrative Measures for Special Funds for Industry Guidance in Shangtianti Management Zone" (Tiantizheng [2020] No. 3)













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