中英文-信阳市优化营商环境激发民间有效投资活力实施方案 (信政办〔2019〕10号 2019年3月21日)

发布时间 2021-11-26|阅读


(信政办〔2019〕10号 2019年3月21日)

为进一步优化营商环境,激发民间资本投资活力和创业创新潜力,建设现代化经济体系,促进信阳经济高质量发展,根据《国务院办公厅关于进一步激发民间有效投资活力促进经济持续健康发展的指导意见》(国办发〔2017〕79 号)和《河南省人民政府办公厅关于优化营商环境激发民间有效投资活力的实施意见》

(豫政办〔2018〕43 号),结合我市实际,制定本方案。



(一) 支持民间资本进入重点领域。全面推行市场准入负面清单制度,禁止设置限制性的附加条件、歧视性条款和准入门槛。支持民间资本进入清单以外的行业和领域,并享受同等的准入标准和优惠政策。建立稳定合理的投资回报机制,支持民营企业通过组建联合体、成立混合所有制公司、设立投资基金等方式,参与投资规模大、运营期限长、工程技术复杂的基础设施项目建设。加快完善医疗卫生服务体系规划,为社会办医预留空间。支持社会力量举办、运营高水平全科诊所,建立专业协作团队为居民提供医疗、公共卫生、健康管理等签约服务。支持社会力量深入专科医疗等细分服务领域,发展专业化服务,培育特色优势,打造具有竞争力的品牌服务机构。支持公立医院根据规划和需求,与社会力量合作举办新的非营利性医疗机构。各有关部门要切实落实社会办医疗机构在技术职称考评、人才培养等方面与公立医疗机构享受同等待遇的相关政策。支持民办养老机构发展,取消养老机构设立许可。深化非营利性养老机构登记制度改革,允许养老机构依法依规设立多个服务网点,实现规模化、连锁化、品牌化运营。通过购买服务、减免租金、综合奖补、教师交流培训等方式,支持普惠性民办幼儿园发展。落实土地、税收、信贷等方面优惠政策和社保政策,支持民办普通高中发展。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市财政局、市教育体育局、市民政局、市人力资源和社会保障局、市卫生健康委按照职责分工负责)

(二) 支持民间资本参与项目。细化落实 PPP 项目操作流程,建立 PPP 项目实施方案联审机制,积极落实推进“多评合一、统一评审”工作模式,提高审查审批效率。在制定 PPP 政策、编制 PPP 规划、确定 PPP 项目实施方案时,注重听取民营企业的意见,充分吸收采纳民营企业的合理建议。畅通民间资本参与建设项目的信息渠道,对民间资本主导或参与的 PPP 项目,鼓励开通前期工作办理等 “绿色通道”。依法择优选择社会资本,同等条件下鼓励选择民间资本或民资参与的联合体。适时选择回报机制明确、运营收益潜力大、前期工作成熟的优质 PPP 项目,通过多种方式向民营企业大力推介,支持民间资本股权占比高的社会资本方参与。重点向民营企业推介以使用者付费为主的特许经营类项目,审慎推介政府付费类 PPP 项目,防范地方政府债务风险。针对不同 PPP 项目投资规模、合作期限、技术要求、运营管理等特点,采取多种方式积极支持民间资本参与,充分发挥民营企业创新、运营等方面的优势。对商业运营潜力大、投资规模适度、适合民间资本参与的 PPP 项目,积极支持民间资本控股,提高项目运营效率。对投资规模大、合作期限长、工程技术复杂的项目,鼓励民营企业相互合作,或与国有企业、外商投资企业等合作,通过组建投标联合体、成立混合所有制公司等方式参与,充分发挥不同企业比较优势。鼓励民间资本成立或参与投资基金,将分散的资金集中起来,由专业机构管理并投资 PPP 项目,获取长期稳定收益。(责任单位:市发展改革委、市财政局按照职责分工负责) 



(一) 进一步落实简政放权。全面贯彻落实国家、省关于深化“放管服”改革的各项重点任务,进一步精简行政职权事项,将市级部分经济管理权限依法赋予产业集聚区。深化和扩大相对集中行政许可权改革试点,鼓励有条件的县区进行相对集中行政许可权改革试点,整合优化审批服务机构和职责,试行“一枚印章管审批”。进一步精简审批程序和申请材料,进一步精简行政职权事项,压缩办理时间,持续开展清理各项证明、盖章环节和中介服务事项工作。建立健全各项清单管理制度,对行政权力事项清单和中介服务事项清单进行规范和动态调整。对企业开办、纳税、施工许可、不动产登记等事项,研究出台专项工作方案。对承接、取消、下放的行政审批事项持续开展跟踪评估,加强对上沟通衔接和对下指导培训,确保基层接得住、办得好。全面推进审批服务便民化, 大限度地减少企业和群众跑腿次数,打造


(二) 进一步落实商事制度改革。纵深推进“多证合一”改革,实行“一表申请、一窗受理、一网归集”工作模式,深化部门间信息共享和业务协同,全面实现企业登记全程电子化和使用电子营业执照。进一步扩大改革试点范围,扎实推进“照后减证”,着力破解“办照容易办证难”“准入不准营”等突出问题,按照直接取消审批、审批改为备案、实行告知承诺、优化准入服务等四种方式,统筹推进“证照分离”和“多证合一”改革。对新技术、新产品、新业态、新商业模式等,在名称核准、经营范围登记、住所(经营场所)限制和行业管理等方面加强制度供给,包容审慎监管,为创业创新“留白”“松绑”。简化企业注销流程,对领取营业执照后未开展经营活动、申请注销登记前未发生债权债务或已将债权债务清算完结的企业实行简易注销程序,对个体工商户按照全国统一部署实行简易注销程序,建立企业注销网上服务专区,实现企业注销“一网”服务。(责任单位:市委编办、市市场监督管理局、市司法局按照职责分工负责)

(三) 进一步落实投资审批制度改革。推进“互联网+政务服务”,全面推动省新版投资项目审批流程在线运行,加快推进 “一网通办”前提下的“ 多跑一次”改革,推动企业和群众办事线上“一网通办”、线下“只进一扇门”、现场办理“ 多跑一次”,深入推进审批服务标准化,按照 “三级十同”标准,全面规范行政审批服务事项的工作规程和服务指南。加快与各部门各县区行政审批系统、建筑市场监管公共服务平台等对接融合,实行统一代码、统一身份认证、业务协同办理,实现“平台之外无审批”。在信阳高新区等区域试点实行企业投资项目承诺制,待积累经验后复制推广,落实“容缺办理”“区域评估”“联合审验” 等专项改革,简化优化关键环节审批程序。定期清理核查民间投资项目报建审批情况,优化报建审批服务流程。完善企业投资项目核准备案管理和事中事后监管制度,充分落实企业投资自主权。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市政务服务和大数据管理局、市住房和城乡建设局、市自然资源和规划局、市生态环境局、市城市管理局、市水利局、市林业和茶产业局、市交通运输局、市人防办、市文化广电和旅游局等按照职责分工负责)

(四) 进一步提高综合监管服务水平。围绕市场监管、交通、农业等重点领域推进综合执法体制改革,探索建立适应我市市情和经济社会发展要求的行政执法体制。建立涉企检查备案制度,规范对民营企业执法行为,及时公开企业违法违规信息和检查执法结果,接受群众监督。对全市重点项目、企业,实行市级领导分包联系、相关部门结对帮扶和首席服务员制度,认真摸清企业问题,帮助企业解决难题,做到“四到位”,即惠企政策宣传到位、企业问题收集到位、问题跟踪解决到位、监督政策落实到位,当好惠企政策宣传员、项目手续代办员、企业问题协管员、发展环境监督员。依托河南公共信用信息平台、国家企业信用信息公示系统(河南)、信阳市公共信用信息平台,整合归集各地、各部门、各行业协会商会等方面的企业信用信息,完善企业信用记录和诚信档案,并通过“信用信阳”“信用河南”“国家企业信用信息公示系统(河南)”向社会公示并提供信用查询。加强联合奖惩,着力构建激励诚信、惩戒失信和奖惩协同三大机制,推动实现政府、社会共同实施跨地区、跨部门、跨领域守信联合激励和失信联合惩戒,全面建立以信用为核心的新型市场监管体制,促进市场主体依法诚信经营。(责任单位:市委编办、市工业和信息化局、市发展改革委、市市场监督管理局、国家税务总局信阳市税务局、市住房和城乡建设局、市城市管理局、市自然资源和规划局、市农业农村局按照职责分工负责)



(一)开展大数据信用融资试点工作。依托社会信用体系与大数据融合发展试点省建设,推动我市“信豫融”应用服务项目试点市建设,探索政府引导、市场运作、信息共享、风险分担、合作多赢的企业信用融资新模式,以中小企业为服务主体,以大数据技术和企业信用信息为基础,以政府性融资担保为支撑,推行中小微企业信用贷款试点工作,建立“信用+银行+担保”的中小微企业信用融资生态环境,提高民营企业对金融服务的可得性、便利性和满意度,创造良好的信用融资环境。整合共享税收、工商、质检、安全生产、环保等领域企业信用信息大数据,推动 “银税互动”受惠企业由纳税信用 A 级拓展至 B 级,加大“税易贷”“税融通”“税银通”“信易贷”等信用贷款投放力度。(责任单位:市金融工作局、市发展改革委、市市场监督管理局、国家税务总局信阳市税务局、人行信阳市中心支行、信阳银保监分局按照职责分工负责)(二)开展收益权质押融资工作。实施小微企业应收账款融资三年专项行动,加强对应付账款较多企业、供应链核心企业、大型零售企业的宣传培训工作,引导供应链核心企业提高供应链管理意识,以增强供应链粘度,稳步扩大对小微企业融资规模。推广政府采购合同融资模式,鼓励中小企业在签署政府采购合同前明确融资需求,在签署合同时注明收款账号等融资信息;督促政府采购部门及时在中国政府采购网依法公开政府采购合同等信息,推动各类金融机构以合同收益为担保扩大对供应商企业融资。推广“专利贷”等知识产权质押融资产品,落实对专利权质押融资的奖补政策,加快探索知识产权股权化、证券化,充分发挥知识产权增信增贷作用,推动风险补偿、补贴贴息等各类知识产权质押融资扶持政策向民营企业倾斜,降低融资成本。完善银行、保险、担保、基金等多方参与的知识产权质押融资风险分担机制,分担融资风险。鼓励金融机构优化授信管理和服务流程,创新开展排污权、收费权、特许经营权、购买服务协议预期收益等收益权质押融资业务。(责任单位:市金融工作局、市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市财政局、市科技局、人行信阳市中心支行、信阳银保监分局按照职责分工负责)

(三) 落实创新创业融资支持政策。发挥省、市战略性新兴产业、现代服务业、中小企业发展等产业投资基金引导作用,促进天使投资、创业投资、股权投资基金集聚发展,扩大对种子期、初创期民营企业的股权投资。探索设立“信阳市创新创业基金”,增加创新创业投资资本供给,引导社会资本投向科技型企业,鼓励“孵化器+投资”模式支持双创企业,促进众创空间、孵化器等双创机构快速发展。鼓励有条件的县、区发起设立民营经济产业发展基金,促进主导产业、特色产业发展,支持民营企业自主创新和转型升级。支持商业银行发行“双创”金融债券,为民营企业提供债贷组合、投贷结合、保贷联动等综合性金融服务。加快促进科技与金融深度融合,引导金融机构有针对性创新产品和服务;尽快设立“信阳市科技金融引导专项资金”,大力推广“科技贷”等科技金融业务,引导社会资本投资科技创新创业,助力科技型中小微企业发展壮大。支持有条件的民营企业发行创新创业公司债券、“双创”专项债务融资工具和“双创”孵化专项债券。(责任单位:市金融工作局、市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市财政局、市科技局、人行信阳市中心支行、信阳银保监分局按照职责分工负责)

(四) 健全融资协调服务机制。建立政府银行企业合作长效机制,分领域、分行业组织民营企业与金融机构专项融资对接活动。梳理一批前期工作成熟、有融资需求的项目清单,提供给银保监部门,由银保监部门推荐给各大政策性银行、商业银行、保险、基金公司,银行和保险、基金公司按照市场化原则自主审贷,依法合规加大融资支持力度。抓紧出台鼓励银行业金融机构对民营企业加大信贷支持力度,不盲目停贷、压贷、抽贷、断贷的政策措施,防止对民营企业随意减少授信、抽贷、断贷等“一刀切”





(一) 减轻企业税费负担。全面落实“营改增”政策,以及国家降低制造业、交通运输业、建筑业等行业增值税税负、小微企业和高新技术企业减免税、企业研发费用税前加计扣除等税收优惠政策,简化办理程序,积极推进网上办税为主、自助和其他社会办税为辅、实体办税服务大厅兜底的办税模式。进一步加大网上办税推广力度,引导纳税人离厅办税,让纳税人多走“网路”,少走“马路”。严格落实国家和省取消、停征、免征、降低收费项目政策,切实降低企业缴费负担,优化纳税服务,确保企业应享尽享各项税收优惠政策。全面实施行政事业性收费、政府性基金、涉企收费和各类涉企保证金目录清单管理,并在网上进行常态化公示。清理涉企经营服务性收费,规范行业协(商)会收费行为,严禁强制或变相强制企业缴费,严禁供电、供热、供气、供水等垄断企业违规向市场主体收取接入费、碰口费等。强化市场价格监管,规范涉企收费行为。按照“双随机、一公开”原则,开展涉企收费专项检查,切实落实减税降费政策。(责任单位:市财政局、市发展改革委、市科技局、国家税务总局信阳市税务局按照职责分工负责)

(二) 降低企业要素成本。遵循电力市场交易规则,推进产业集聚区售电服务和市增量配电业务改革试点全覆盖,鼓励有条件地方扩大用气大户直供规模,降低企业用能成本。全面推广工业用地弹性出让制度,优先保障产业集聚区、开发区多层标准厂房建设用地指标,在符合规划、不改变用途的前提下允许提高存量工业用地土地利用率和容积率,鼓励盘活闲置低效用地,降低企业用地成本。完善 低工资标准调整机制,阶段性适当降低企业社保、住房公积金缴费比例,合理控制用工成本。合理设定超计划(定额)用水量标准,支持工业节水先进技术的推广和应用,降低企业用水成本。落实“绿色通道”等惠民政策,继续实施高速公路分时段差异化收费政策,组织开展铁路运输货物运价和货运涉企收费、非路产专用线代运营代维修和代维护收费情况专项清理,降低企业物流成本。清理不必要的资金“通道”“过桥” 环节,规范担保、评估、登记等中介机构收费,降低企业融资成本。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市自然资源和规划局、市人力资源和社会保障局、市水利局、市交通运输局、市金融工作局、人行信阳市中心支行、信阳银保监分局按照职责分工负责)

(三) 清理各类拖欠资金。 按照“谁拖欠、谁偿还”和“谁收取、谁返还”的原则,落实资金清偿责任。经核实认定属政府拖欠的工程款和物资采购款,各县(区)人民政府,管理区、开发区和市直有关部门应在 2019 年底前偿还到位。继续清理建设领域违规设立、收取的投标保证金、履约保证金、工程质量保证金和农民工工资保证金。定期统计建设领域四类保证金缴交情况,对发现的违规设立、收取的四类保证金及时予以纠正。从立项审批、资金拨付、项目实施等环节加强规范管理,建立长效监管、综合治理机制,清理与规范并重,从源头上防止新的拖欠款产生。(责任单位:市财政局牵头负责,市住房和城乡建设局、市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市人力资源和社会保障局等按职责分工负责)。

(四) 提升人才发展精细服务。创新柔性招才引智机制,深入实施“信阳英才计划”重大人才工程。落实完善吸引、留住、激发人才的政策措施,为高层次人才在医疗、社会保险、住房、配偶安置、子女入学等方面提供保障,支持民营企业引进一批创新引领型人才和团队。引导民营企业加强高层次人才队伍建设,培育技术型人才、高级蓝领,开辟跨境电子商务、共享经济、大数据、云计算等新经济新业态新模式“高精尖缺”人才引进专门通道。进一步强化技术技能人才校企联合培养模式,为中小微企业提供继续教育、技能培训等服务,缓解人才结构性矛盾。(责任单位:市人力资源和社会保障局牵头负责,市工业和信息化局、市教育体育局、市科技局、市卫生健康委、市住房和城乡建设局按照职责分工负责)

(五) 强化企业经营法治保障。完善多元化商事纠纷解决机制,推进“一站式”纠纷解决服务平台建设,适时筹建我市商事调解中心。依法平等保护各类产权,严格落实保护产权政策,补齐产权制度建设短板,依法打击侵害民营企业权益的各类违法行为。加强知识产权文化建设,开展知识产权保护专项行动,持续加大对专利、注册商标、商业秘密等方面侵权假冒行为的打击力度。推进和完善企业法律顾问工作机制,充分发挥企业法律顾问在经营管理中的法律审核把关、重大事项的法律服务和监督作用,提高企业依法经营、依法管理的能力和水平,为企业持续健康稳定发展提供法治保障。(责任单位:市司法局、市商务局、市科技局、市市场监督管理局按照职责分工负责)



(一) 激发企业家创新创业活力。营造尊重、鼓励、保护企业家干事创业的社会氛围,激发企业家创新活力和创业动力。落实民营企业家队伍建设工程,5 年内培养 5 名以上领军型民营企业家、20 名以上引领型青年企业家、100 名以上示范型中小微民营企业家。落实企业成长促进行动,分类建立重点培育清单和扶持优惠政策,支持个体工商户新转为小微企业、小微企业新升为规上企业、规上企业加快上市或挂牌。搭建企业家与政府之间交流平台,建立健全民营企业家代表列席市委、市政府研究涉及企业、行业发展等重大决策会议制度,推动企业家之间、企业家与政府之间加强合作、共谋发展,带动新生代企业家创业创新。加强对民营企业家的正面宣传,提高企业家地位,建立企业家荣誉制度,按照有关规定对在建设现代化经济体系、企业转型发展工作中成绩突出的企业家和其他非公有制经济人士给予表彰,对特别突出的可以授予市级劳动模范荣誉称号。(责任单位:市委组织部、市委统战部、市工业和信息化局、市人力资源和社会保障局、市工商联、市总工会按照职责分工负责)

(二) 提升民营企业技术创新能力。实施研发投入提升专项行动,全面落实企业研发财政补助等普惠性政策,鼓励民营企业加大研发投入。实施大中型工业企业市级以上研发机构全覆盖工程,建设一批创新引领型平台和机构,打造一批创新引领型民营企业。大力推动“四主体一联合”新型研发平台(机构)建设,鼓励民营企业积极对接中科院、双一流高校、央企研究机构等大院名校,开展多要素、多样化的产学研合作。探索建立民营企业参与军品生产的准入标准,引导优势民营企业与军工企业进行分工协作,加速军民融合产业园区建设,以航天精工为依托,推动社会化表面热处理中心建设,提高军转民高科技产品的加工能力;依托优质农产品资源和成熟物流体系,积极参与军需物资供应与配送。加快发展技术产权交易,完善技术转移服务体系,缩短科技成果转化周期,提高科技型企业投资回报水平。高质量推动以中电光谷 OVU 创客星为代表的一批双创基地建设,孵化培育一批新兴产业企业。(责任单位:市科技局牵头负责,市发展改革委、市财政局、市教育体育局、市工业和信息化局按照职责分工负责)

(三) 推进民间投资产业转型升级。着力实施“六大行动”,大力支持民营经济参与我市转型发展。落实《中国制造 2025 信阳行动纲要》,支持民营企业参与实施省重点产业转型发展专项方案。强化规划政策引导,鼓励民间资本投向智能制造装备、电子信息、新能源、节能环保、军民融合、数字经济、大健康等领域,支持民营经济深度参与我市“传统产业提质”行动,强力推动打造千亿级食品工业、纺织服装等产业集群。落实大数据产业发展三年行动计划,加快市级大数据平台建设,引导和支持民营企业进入大数据、物联网、共享经济、人工智能等领域。鼓励民间资本参与农业多元化投资,参与现代农业产业园、科技园、创业园建设,支持农业“互联网+”“旅游+”“生态+”等新产业新业态发展。引导返乡下乡人员在农村创业创新。扶持发展农民合作社、家庭农场等新型农业经营主体,促进一二三产融合发展。鼓励引导社会资本下乡,培养更多新型经营主体,参与农村电商、农产品深加工等新产业、新业态发展和现代农业园区、农产品加工集聚区建设,加快培育一批特色鲜明、知名度高的农产品品牌和农业龙头企业,发挥好带动作用。推动民营企业技术改造,开展“智能制造引领”行动,积极争取省先进制造业资金,实现规模以上民营企业完成新一轮绿色化改造、智能化改造和技术改造。积极帮助民营企业争取省工业和信息化转型升级专项资金、省政府投资基金等。(责任单位:市发展改革委牵头负责,市工业和信息化局、市农业农村局按照职责分工负责)



(一) 健全政策协调机制。加强纵向精准对接和横向协调配合,建立健全涉及企业、行业发展的重大政策征求相关企业意见协调机制,科学审慎研判拟出台政策的预期效果和市场反应,合理保持政策的稳定性、连续性,稳定民营企业投资预期。在制定市场准入、产业发展、招商引资、招标投标、政府采购、经营行为规范、资质标准等涉及市场主体经济活动的规章、规范性文件和其他政策措施时,保障民营企业等各类市场主体公平参与市场竞争,要做到同等条件下优先支持本地企业参与。严格执行政府采购各项制度规定,严禁采购人、采购代理机构在采购文件中设置不合理条件限制或排斥民营企业,着力营造民营企业参与政府采购公平竞争的市场环境。建立促进民间投资政策落实情况跟踪问效机制,全面梳理国家和省、市已出台的鼓励民间投资政策措施,逐项检查各项政策措施在本地区、本领域落实情况,每半年召开一次民营企业家座谈会,邀请企业家进行评价,新闻媒体公开报道,确保各项政策措施落地见效,增强民营企业获得感。(责任单位:市委统战部、市工商联按照职责分工负责)

(二) 健全投资服务体系。落实涉企政策信息集中公开和推送制度,利用实体政务大厅、网上政务服务平台、移动客户端、服务热线等载体平台,及时发布国家和省产业政策、投资政策、发展规划、项目需求等信息,科学引导民间资本投向。围绕经济运行态势和宏观政策取向,加大政策解读力度,主动解疑释惑,帮助民营企业准确把握政策意图。健全民营企业联系服务机制,及时帮助民营企业解决项目建设、生产经营等方面的困难。建立民营经济统计体系,完善统计口径和分类标准,定期发布民营经济发展报告。(责任单位:市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市统计局按照职责分工负责)

(三) 加强政务诚信建设。建立健全守信践诺机制,制定政府承诺事项备案制度,把各级政府及责任人承诺履诺情况纳入年度考核评价内容。认真履行与民营企业签订的合法合规协议或合同,不得以政府换届、相关责任人更替等理由拒不执行,严禁“新官不理旧账”等行为。对因国家利益、公共利益或其他法定事由需要改变政府承诺和合同约定的,严格依照法定权限和程序进行,并对相关企业和投资人的财产损失依法予以补偿。持续开展政务失信专项治理,加大对政府拖欠工程款、拒不履行政府所作的合法合规承诺等行为的查处力度,对造成政府严重失信违约行为的主要负责人和直接责任人依法依规追究责任。(责任单位:市发展改革委、市财政局、市人力资源和社会保障局等按照职责分工负责)

(四) 构建“亲”“清”新型政商关系。健全市级领导联系民营企业制度,市级领导要经常深入联系企业,调研或听取企业生产经营情况的汇报,及时帮助协调解决企业存在的困难和问题;市有关单位负责人要根据职能职责,帮助解决民营企业存在好汇报衔接工作;要邀请民营企业家为信阳发展献计献策,定期通报工作开展情况。建立政企常态化沟通机制,在研究制定涉企政策、法规、改革、规划时,注重听取民营企业家的意见,充分吸收采纳民营企业家的合理建议。深入开展企业周边环境专项治理,进一步加大扫黑除恶力度,坚决查处滥用行政权力排除和限制竞争的行为,严厉打击强揽工程、恶意敲诈、恶意竞争等行为,保障项目建设和企业经营。开展营商环境示范创建,加大对典型经验和成功做法的宣传推广力度。(责任单位:市工商联、市监察委、市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市市场监督管理局等按照职责分工负责)





Implementation plan for optimizing business environment to stimulate private effective investment vitality in Xinyang City

(Xinzhengban [2019]No.10  March 21, 2019)

In order to further optimize the business environment, stimulate private capital investment vitality and entrepreneurship and innovation potential, build a modern economic system and promote the high-quality development of Xinyang economy, according to “the guiding opinions of the general office of the State Council on further stimulating private effective investment vitality and promoting sustained and healthy economic development” (GBF[2017] No.79) and “Implementation opinions of the general office of Henan Provincial People's Government on optimizing the business environment and stimulating the vitality of private effective investment”(YZB [2018] No.43), this plan is formulated in combination with the actual situation of our city.

1、 We will strive to expand the field of private investment, create a fair and just access environment, and enhance the vitality of private capital.

Adhere to the principle of "non prohibition, quasi prohibition and equal treatment", establish fair and transparent market access rules, increase the opening of infrastructure, public services and other fields, innovate the investment and operation mode, and strive to expand the development space of private capital.

(1)We will support private capital to enter key areas. We will fully implement the negative list system for market access, and prohibit the setting of restrictive additional conditions, discriminatory terms and access thresholds. We will support private capital to enter industries and fields outside the list and enjoy the same access standards and preferential policies. We will establish a stable and reasonable investment return mechanism and support private enterprises through the formation of consortiaEstablish mixed ownership companies and investment funds to participate in the construction of infrastructure projects with large investment scale, long operation period and complex engineering technology. Accelerate the improvement of the planning of medical and health service system and reserve space for social medical services. Support social forces to hold and operate high-level general clinics and establish professional cooperation teams to provide medical, public health and health services for residents. Contract signing services such as health management. Support social forces to go deep into the subdivided service fields such as specialized medical treatment, develop professional services, cultivate characteristic advantages, and build competitive brand service institutions. Support public hospitals to cooperate with social forces to set up new non-profit medical institutions according to planning and needs. All relevant departments should earnestly implement the examination of technical titles of social run medical institutionsIn terms of evaluation, personnel training and other related policies, we will enjoy the same treatment as public medical institutions. We will support the development of private elderly care institutions and cancel the establishment license of elderly care institutions. We will deepen the reform of the registration system of non-profit elderly care institutions and allow elderly care institutions to set up multiple service outlets in accordance with laws and regulations, so as to realize large-scale, chain and brand operation. Through the purchase of services, rent reduction and comprehensive management. We will support the development of inclusive private kindergartens by means of awards and subsidies, teacher exchange and training, implement preferential policies on land, tax, credit and social security, and support the development of private ordinary high schools.(Responsible unit: the municipal development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Bureau of finance, the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the Municipal Bureau of civil affairs, the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security and the Municipal Health Commission are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(2)Support the participation of private capital in projects. Refine and implement the operation process of PPP projects, establish a joint review mechanism for PPP project implementation plans, and actively implement and promote the "integration of multiple evaluations and unified review"Work mode and improve the efficiency of review and approval. When formulating PPP policies, preparing PPP plans and determining PPP project implementation plans, pay attention to listening to the opinions of private enterprises, fully absorb and adopt the reasonable suggestions of private enterprises. Unblock the information channels for private capital to participate in construction projects, and encourage the handling of preliminary work for PPP projects led or participated by private capital"Green channel"Social capital shall be selected according to the law, and private capital or consortia with private capital participation shall be encouraged under the same conditions. High quality PPP projects with clear return mechanism, high operating income potential and mature preliminary work shall be selected at the right time, which shall be vigorously promoted to private enterprises through various ways, and social capital parties with high equity proportion of private capital shall be supported to participate. Emphasis shall be placed on promoting to private enterprisesFor franchising projects that are mainly paid by investors, carefully recommend government paid PPP projects to prevent local government debt risks. According to the characteristics of different PPP projects, such as investment scale, cooperation period, technical requirements and operation management, we take various ways to actively support the participation of private capital and give full play to the advantages of private enterprises in innovation and operation. There is great potential for commercial operation and investmentPPP projects with appropriate investment scale and suitable for private capital participation, actively support private capital holding and improve project operation efficiency. For projects with large investment scale, long cooperation period and complex engineering technology, private enterprises are encouraged to cooperate with each other, or with state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises, and participate by establishing bidding consortia and mixed ownership companies,Give full play to the comparative advantages of different enterprises. Encourage private capital to establish or participate in investment funds, centralize scattered funds, manage and invest in PPP projects by professional institutions, and obtain long-term stable income. (responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission and Municipal Finance Bureau are responsible for division of work according to their responsibilities)

2. Speed up administrative examination and approval, create a convenient and efficient examination and approval environment, and improve the efficiency of private investment services

We will further promote the reform of "decentralization, management and service", deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, accelerate the transformation of government functions, innovate the mode of supervision and service, constantly improve the efficiency and service quality of examination and approval, and effectively reduce the institutional transaction cost of private investment.

(1)We will further streamline administration and delegate power. We will fully implement the national and provincial guidelines on deepening "decentralization, management and service"The key tasks of the reform include further streamlining administrative functions and powers, and giving some municipal economic management powers to industrial clusters according to law. We will deepen and expand the pilot reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing rights, encourage counties and districts where conditions permit to carry out the pilot reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing rights, integrate and optimize the examination and approval service institutions and responsibilities, and try out the "one seal for examination and approval"We will further streamline the examination and approval procedures and application materials, further streamline the matters of administrative authority, reduce the processing time, and continue to clean up various certification, sealing links and intermediary service matters. We will establish and improve various list management systems, standardize and dynamically adjust the list of administrative authority matters and intermediary service matters. We will also make adjustments to the start-up, tax payment, construction permit and intermediary service matters of enterprisesWe will study and issue a special work plan for real estate registration and other matters. We will continue to track and evaluate the administrative examination and approval matters undertaken, cancelled and delegated, strengthen communication and connection between the top and the bottom, and provide guidance and training to the bottom, so as to ensure that the grass-roots units can accept and do well. We will comprehensively promote the convenience of examination and approval services, greatly reduce the number of errands by enterprises and the masses, and build a harmonious society. The approval service mode of "wide entry, fast handling, strict management, convenience and openness".(Responsible units: the editorial office of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal Bureau of government affairs service and big data, and the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of market supervision and administration, the State Administration of Taxation, Xinyang Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, and the Municipal Bureau of natural resources and planning are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(2)We will further implement the reform of the commercial system. We will deepen the reform of "integration of multiple certificates", implement the working mode of "one form application, one window acceptance and one network collection", deepen information sharing and business coordination among departments, and fully realize the electronization of the whole process of enterprise registration and the use of electronic business licenses. We will further expand the pilot scope of reform and solidly promote the "reduction of certificates after licensing", strive to solve the prominent problems such as "it is easy to handle licenses but difficult to handle licenses" and "access is not allowed to operate", and comprehensively promote the "separation of licenses" and "integration of multiple licenses" in four ways: directly canceling approval, changing approval to filing, implementing notification and commitment, and optimizing access servicesReform. For new technologies, new products, new business formats and new business models, we will strengthen the system supply in terms of name approval, business scope registration, residence (business place) restrictions and industry management, tolerate prudent supervision, and "leave blank" and "loosen the binding" for entrepreneurship and innovationSimplify the enterprise cancellation process, implement simple cancellation procedures for enterprises that have not carried out business activities after receiving the business license, have not incurred creditor's rights and debts before applying for cancellation registration, or have completed the liquidation of creditor's rights and debts, implement simple cancellation procedures for individual industrial and commercial households in accordance with the unified national deployment, and establish a special online service area for enterprise cancellation to realize the "one network" of enterprise cancellation.(responsible units: the editorial office of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal Bureau of market supervision and administration and the Municipal Bureau of justice shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(3)We will further reform of the investment approval system. Promote Internet plus government services, and comprehensively promote the online operation of the new version of the investment approval process in the province, and accelerate the "multi run" reform under the premise of "one network through offices", and promote the "online business" of enterprises and the masses, and "one door only" under the line, and "run more" once again., further promote the standardization of examination and approval services, and comprehensively standardize the working procedures and service guidelines for administrative examination and approval services in accordance with the "three levels and ten sameness" standard. Accelerate the docking and integration with administrative examination and approval systems of various departments, counties and districts and public service platforms for construction market supervision, implement unified code, unified identity authentication and business collaborative handling, so as to realize "no examination and approval outside the platform"In Xinyang high tech Zone and other regions, the enterprise investment project commitment system will be implemented on a pilot basis, copied and popularized after accumulating experience, and the "tolerance handling", "regional evaluation" and "joint verification" will be implemented. And other special reforms, simplify and optimize the approval procedures for key links. Regularly clean up and verify the application and approval of private investment projects, optimize the application and approval service process. Improve the approval and filing management of enterprise investment projects and the supervision system during and after the event, and fully implement the autonomy of enterprise investment.(responsible unit: the municipal development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Administration of government services and big data, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, the Municipal Bureau of natural resources and planning, the Municipal Bureau of ecological environment, the municipal urban administration, the Municipal Bureau of water resources, the Municipal Bureau of forestry and tea industry, the Municipal Bureau of transportation, the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office, the Municipal Bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(4)We will Further improve the service level of comprehensive supervision. We will promote the reform of comprehensive law enforcement system in key areas such as market supervision, transportation and agriculture, explore the establishment of an administrative law enforcement system that meets the requirements of the city's situation and economic and social development, establish an enterprise related inspection and filing system, standardize the law enforcement behavior of private enterprises, timely disclose the information on enterprise violations and check the results of law enforcement, and accept the group. Public supervision. For key projects and enterprises in the city, the system of subcontracting contact of municipal leaders, pairing assistance of relevant departments and chief waiter shall be implemented to seriously find out enterprise problems, help enterprises solve problems, and achieve "four in place"That is to say, we should publicize preferential policies, collect enterprise problems, track and solve problems, supervise the implementation of policies, and be a good propagandist of preferential policies, agent of project procedures, coordinator of enterprise problems and supervisor of development environment. Relying on Henan public credit information platform and national enterprise credit information publicity system (Henan) Xinyang public credit information platform integrates and collects enterprise credit information from all localities, departments, industry associations and chambers of Commerce, improves enterprise credit records and integrity archives, and passes the "credit Xinyang", "credit Henan" and "national enterprise credit information publicity system (Henan)"Publicize to the public and provide credit inquiry. Strengthen joint rewards and punishments, strive to build three mechanisms of encouraging integrity, punishing dishonesty and coordinating rewards and punishments, promote the government and society to jointly implement cross regional, cross departmental and cross field joint incentives for trustworthiness and joint punishment for dishonesty, comprehensively establish a new market supervision system with credit as the core, and promote market players to operate in good faith according to law.(responsible units: the editorial office of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of market supervision and administration, the State Administration of Taxation, Xinyang Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, the municipal urban administration, the Municipal Bureau of natural resources and planning, and the Municipal Bureau of agriculture and rural development)

3、 Focus on the capacity-building of financing services, create a flexible and diversified financing environment, and help the private economy improve quality and efficiency

We will explore the development of credit financing, Inclusive Finance and "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" financial models, innovate financial products and services, improve the financing coordination service mechanism, and guide all kinds of financial institutions and financial markets to increase financial support for private capital.

  1. Carry out the pilot work of big data credit financing. Relying on the construction of pilot provinces for the integration of social credit system and big data, promote the "credit, Yurong" of our city. Build pilot cities for application service projects, explore a new model of enterprise credit financing with government guidance, market operation, information sharing, risk sharing and win-win cooperation, take small and medium-sized enterprises as the service subject, take big data technology and enterprise credit information as the basis, and take government financing guarantee as the support, promote the pilot work of credit loans for small and medium-sized and micro enterprises, and establish a "credit + Bank + guarantee"Create a good credit financing environment for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, improve the availability, convenience and satisfaction of private enterprises with financial services, and create a good credit financing environment. Integrate and share the big data of enterprise credit information in the fields of Taxation, industry and commerce, quality inspection, safety production and environmental protection, promote the expansion of "bank tax interaction" beneficiary enterprises from tax credit grade A to grade B, and increase "tax easy loan""Tax financing", "tax Yintong", "Xinyi loan" and other credit loans. (responsible units: Municipal Financial Work Bureau, municipal development and Reform Commission, municipal market supervision and Administration Bureau, State Administration of Taxation, Xinyang Taxation Bureau, Central Branch of the people's Bank of China, Xinyang banking and insurance regulatory branch are responsible according to their respective responsibilities)
  2. Carry out usufruct pledge financing. Implement a three-year special action on accounts receivable financing for small and micro enterprises, strengthen publicity and training for enterprises with large accounts payable, core enterprises in the supply chain and large retail enterprises, guide core enterprises in the supply chain to improve their awareness of supply chain management, so as to enhance the viscosity of the supply chain and steadily expand the financing scale for small and micro enterprises. Promote government procurement contract financingThe financing model encourages small and medium-sized enterprises to clarify their financing needs before signing government procurement contracts, and indicate the collection account and other financing information when signing contracts; urges government procurement departments to timely disclose government procurement contracts and other information in accordance with the law on the China government procurement network, and promotes various financial institutions to expand financing for supplier enterprises with contract income as guarantee. The "patent loan" is promotedAnd other intellectual property pledge financing products, implement the reward and subsidy policy for patent pledge financing, accelerate the exploration of intellectual property equity and securitization, give full play to the role of intellectual property in increasing credit and loans, promote various intellectual property pledge financing support policies such as risk compensation, subsidy and interest discount to private enterprises, and reduce financing costs. Improve banking, insurance, guarantee and fundParticipate in the intellectual property pledge financing risk sharing mechanism to share financing risks. Encourage financial institutions to optimize credit management and service processes, and innovate and carry out income right pledge financing businesses such as emission rights, charging rights, franchise rights and expected income from purchase service agreements.(responsible units: Municipal Bureau of finance, municipal development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, Municipal Bureau of finance, Municipal Bureau of science and technology, Xinyang central sub branch of the people's Bank of China and Xinyang banking and insurance regulatory branch shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(3) We will implement the financing support policies for innovation and entrepreneurship. We will give full play to the guiding role of provincial and municipal industrial investment funds for strategic emerging industries, modern service industries and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the agglomeration and development of angel investment, venture investment and equity investment funds, expand equity investment in private enterprises in the seed stage and start-up stage, and explore the establishment of "Xinyang innovation and entrepreneurship fund", increase capital supply for innovation and entrepreneurship investment, guide social capital to invest in science and technology enterprises, and encourage "Incubator + investment"The model supports mass entrepreneurship and innovation enterprises and promotes the rapid development of mass entrepreneurship and innovation institutions such as space and incubators. Counties and districts where conditions permit are encouraged to initiate the establishment of private economic industry development funds, promote the development of leading industries and characteristic industries, support independent innovation, transformation and upgrading of private enterprises, and support commercial banks to issue "mass entrepreneurship and innovation"Financial bonds provide private enterprises with comprehensive financial services such as debt loan combination, investment loan combination and guarantee loan linkage. Accelerate the deep integration of science and technology and finance, and guide financial institutions to innovate products and services; establish the "Xinyang science and technology finance guidance special fund" as soon as possible and vigorously promote the "science and technology loan"And other scientific and technological financial businesses, guide social capital investment in scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and help the development and growth of scientific and technological small, medium and micro enterprises. Support qualified private enterprises to issue innovative and entrepreneurial corporate bonds, special debt financing instruments for "entrepreneurship and innovation" and special bonds for "Entrepreneurship and innovation" incubation.(responsible units: Municipal Bureau of finance, municipal development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, Municipal Bureau of finance, Municipal Bureau of science and technology, Xinyang central sub branch of the people's Bank of China and Xinyang banking and insurance regulatory branch shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(4) Improve the financing coordination service mechanism. Establish a long-term mechanism for government bank enterprise cooperation, and organize special financing docking activities between private enterprises and financial institutions in different fields and industries. Sort out a number of project lists with mature preliminary work and financing needs, and provide them to the banking and insurance regulatory department, which will recommend them to major policy banks, commercial banks, insurance, fund companies and banksBanks, insurance and fund companies independently review loans in accordance with the market-oriented principle, and increase financing support in accordance with laws and regulations. We will promptly introduce policies and measures to encourage banking financial institutions to increase credit support to private enterprises, and do not blindly stop, suppress, withdraw and cut off loans, so as to prevent "one size fits all" reduction of credit, withdrawal and cut off loans to private enterprises. Establish an incentive mechanism linking the performance appraisal of financial institutions with the credit supply of small and micro enterprises, modify and improve the implementation measures for due diligence exemption, and actively promote the "bank tax interaction", commercial banks are encouraged to rely on tax credit information to innovate credit products, promote the interconnection of tax and banking information, and alleviate the financing problems of enterprises. Financial institutions are urged to resolutely cancel and investigate all kinds of illegal handling fees, reduce other expenses in the financing process and reduce financing costs.(responsible units: Municipal Bureau of finance, municipal development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of finance, Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, Xinyang central sub branch of the people's Bank of China, Xinyang banking and insurance regulatory branch, State Administration of Taxation and Xinyang Taxation Bureau)

4、 Focus on the guarantee of production factors, create a loose and orderly business environment, and enhance the competitiveness of private investment

Adhere to the combination of burden reduction and the construction of the rule of law, establish a long-term mechanism to reduce costs, strengthen the guarantee of talent services, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market subjects according to law, promote the efficient allocation of production factors, and constantly improve the vitality and competitiveness of private investment.

(1) Reduce the tax burden on enterprises. Fully implement the "replacing business tax with value-added tax"Policies, as well as the state's preferential tax policies such as reducing the value-added tax burden in manufacturing, transportation, construction and other industries, tax reduction and exemption for small and micro enterprises and high-tech enterprises, and pre tax addition and deduction of enterprise R & D expenses, simplify the handling procedures, and actively promote the tax handling mode dominated by online tax handling, supplemented by self-help and other social tax handling, and revealed in the entity tax handling service hallWe will strengthen the promotion of tax handling on the Internet, guide taxpayers to leave the office for tax handling, and let taxpayers take more "Internet" and less "road"We will strictly implement the national and provincial policies on abolishing, suspending, exempting and reducing fees, effectively reduce the payment burden of enterprises, optimize tax services, and ensure that enterprises enjoy all kinds of preferential tax policies. We will fully implement the management of administrative fees, government funds, enterprise related fees, and the list of all kinds of enterprise related deposits, and make regular publicity on the Internet. We will clean up the enterprises involvedIt is strictly prohibited to force or force enterprises to pay fees in disguised form. It is strictly prohibited for monopoly enterprises such as power supply, heat supply, gas supply and water supply to collect access fees and interface fees from market entities in violation of regulations. It is necessary to strengthen market price supervision and standardize the charging behavior of enterprises involved. According to the principle of "double random and one public"In principle, carry out special inspection on enterprise related charges and earnestly implement the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction. (responsible units: Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal development and Reform Commission, municipal science and Technology Bureau, State Administration of Taxation, Xinyang Taxation Bureau shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(2)Reduce the cost of enterprise factors. Follow the trading rules of the power market, promote the full coverage of the pilot reform of power sales services and urban incremental distribution business in industrial clusters, encourage places where conditions permit to expand the scale of direct supply of large gas users, and reduce the cost of enterprise energy use. Comprehensively promote the flexible transfer system of industrial land, give priority to ensuring the land index for the construction of multi-storey standard plants in industrial clusters and development zones,On the premise of conforming to the plan and not changing the use, it is allowed to improve the land utilization rate and plot ratio of the stock of industrial land, encourage the revitalization of idle and inefficient land, and reduce the land use cost of enterprises. Improve the adjustment mechanism of low wage standard, appropriately reduce the payment proportion of enterprise social security and housing provident fund in stages, and reasonably control the labor cost. Reasonably set exceeding the plan (quota)Water consumption standards, support the promotion and application of advanced industrial water-saving technologies, reduce water use costs for enterprises, and implement the "green channel"And other policies to benefit the people, continue to implement the differentiated charging policy of expressways in different periods, organize and carry out a special clean-up of the freight rates of railway transportation goods and freight related enterprise charges, and the charges for the operation, maintenance and maintenance of non road special lines, so as to reduce the logistics costs of enterprises. Clean up unnecessary capital "channels" and "bridges"Link, standardize the charges of intermediary institutions such as guarantee, evaluation and registration, and reduce the financing cost of enterprises. (responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of natural resources and planning, Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security, Municipal Bureau of water resources, Municipal Bureau of transportation, Municipal Bureau of financial work, Xinyang central sub branch of the people's Bank of China and Xinyang banking and insurance regulatory branch are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(3) Clean up all kinds of arrears.Implement the responsibility of fund repayment in accordance with the principles of "who defaults, who pays" and "who collects, who returns".After verification, all county (District) people's governments, administrative zones, development zones and relevant departments directly under the municipal government shall repay the project funds and material procurement funds in arrears by the government before the end of 2019.We will continue to clean up the bid security, performance security, project quality security and migrant workers' wage security illegally established and collected in the construction field.Regularly count the payment of four types of deposits in the construction field, and timely correct the four types of deposits found to be established and collected in violation of regulations.Strengthen standardized management from the aspects of project approval, fund allocation and project implementation, establish a long-term supervision and comprehensive treatment mechanism, pay equal attention to clean-up and standardization, and prevent new arrears from the source.(responsible unit: the Municipal Bureau of finance takes the lead, and the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security are responsible according to the division of responsibilities).

(4)Improve the fine service of talent development.Innovate the flexible talent recruitment mechanism and deeply implement the major talent project of "Xinyang talent plan".We will implement and improve policies and measures to attract, retain and stimulate talents, provide protection for high-level talents in medical treatment, social insurance, housing, spouse placement and children's enrollment, and support private enterprises to introduce a number of innovative leading talents and teams.Guide private enterprises to strengthen the construction of high-level talent team, cultivate technical talents and senior blue collar workers, and open up a special channel for the introduction of "high-quality and top-notch talents" in new economic and new business models such as cross-border e-commerce, sharing economy, big data and cloud computing.Further strengthen the school enterprise joint training mode of technical and skilled talents, provide continuing education, skill training and other services for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and alleviate the structural contradiction of talents.(responsible unit: the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security takes the lead, and the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the Municipal Bureau of science and technology, the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5)Strengthen the legal guarantee of enterprise operation. Improve the diversified commercial dispute resolution mechanism, promote the construction of "one-stop" dispute resolution service platform, and timely prepare to build the commercial mediation center of our city.We will protect all kinds of property rights equally according to law, strictly implement the policy of protecting property rights, make up for the shortcomings in the construction of the property rights system, and crack down on all kinds of illegal acts infringing on the rights and interests of private enterprises according to law.We will strengthen the construction of intellectual property culture, carry out special actions for intellectual property protection, and continue to crack down on infringement and counterfeiting of patents, registered trademarks and trade secrets.We will promote and improve the working mechanism of enterprise legal advisers, give full play to the role of enterprise legal advisers in legal examination and control in operation and management, legal services and supervision on major matters, improve the ability and level of enterprise operation and management according to law, and provide legal guarantee for the sustainable, healthy and stable development of enterprises.(responsible units: Municipal Bureau of justice, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of science and technology and Municipal Bureau of market supervision and Administration)

5、Strive to improve the innovation and entrepreneurship environment, create an open and inclusive innovation environment, and promote the transformation and development of private enterprises

Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, improve the innovation incentive mechanism, fully release the innovation and entrepreneurship potential of private enterprises, form an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem with benign interaction between government, enterprises and society, and accelerate the transformation and development of private enterprises with innovation.

(1)Stimulate entrepreneurs' innovation and entrepreneurial vitality.Create a social atmosphere that respects, encourages and protects entrepreneurs' entrepreneurship, and stimulate entrepreneurs' innovation vitality and entrepreneurial motivation.We will implement the project of building a contingent of private entrepreneurs and cultivate more than 5 leading private entrepreneurs, more than 20 leading young entrepreneurs and more than 100 demonstration small, medium and micro private entrepreneurs within five years.We will implement the action to promote enterprise growth, establish a list of key cultivation and support preferential policies by category, support the new transformation of individual industrial and commercial households into small and micro enterprises, the new promotion of small and micro enterprises into above designated enterprises, and speed up the listing or listing of above designated enterprises.Build a communication platform between entrepreneurs and the government, establish and improve the system for representatives of private entrepreneurs to attend major decision-making meetings of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government on research related to enterprise and industry development, promote cooperation and seek common development among entrepreneurs and between entrepreneurs and the government, and drive the entrepreneurship and innovation of the new generation of entrepreneurs.We will strengthen the positive publicity of private entrepreneurs, improve their status, establish an entrepreneur honor system, commend entrepreneurs and other non-public economic figures who have made outstanding achievements in building a modern economic system and enterprise transformation and development in accordance with relevant regulations, and award the honorary title of municipal labor model to those who have made outstanding achievements.(responsible units: the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee, the United Front Work Department of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security, the Municipal Federation of industry and Commerce and the Municipal Federation of trade unions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(2) Improve the technological innovation ability of private enterprises.We will implement special actions to increase R & D investment, fully implement inclusive policies such as financial subsidies for enterprise R & D, and encourage private enterprises to increase R & D investment.We will implement the full coverage project of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises and R & D institutions above the municipal level, build a number of innovation leading platforms and institutions, and create a number of innovation leading private enterprises.Vigorously promote the construction of a new R & D platform (institution) of "four subjects and one combination", encourage private enterprises to actively connect with famous universities such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, double first-class universities and research institutions of central enterprises, and carry out multi-element and diversified industry university research cooperation.Explore the establishment of access standards for private enterprises to participate in military production, guide advantageous private enterprises to carry out division of labor and cooperation with military enterprises, accelerate the construction of military civilian integration industrial park, promote the construction of socialized surface heat treatment center based on Aerospace Precision Industry, and improve the processing capacity of military to civilian high-tech products;Relying on high-quality agricultural product resources and mature logistics system, actively participate in the supply and distribution of military supplies.We will accelerate the development of technology property transactions, improve the technology transfer service system, shorten the transformation cycle of scientific and technological achievements, and improve the return on investment of scientific and technological enterprises.Promote the construction of a number of mass entrepreneurship and innovation bases represented by CLP Optical Valley ovu maker star with high quality, and incubate and cultivate a number of emerging industrial enterprises.(responsible unit: the Municipal Bureau of science and technology takes the lead, and the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of finance, the Municipal Bureau of education and sports and the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(3) We will promote the transformation and upgrading of private investment industries.Focus on the implementation of the "six actions" and vigorously support the participation of private economy in the transformation and development of our city.Implement the made in China 2025 Xinyang action plan and support private enterprises to participate in the implementation of the special plan for the transformation and development of provincial key industries.Strengthen the guidance of planning and policies, encourage private capital to invest in intelligent manufacturing equipment, electronic information, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, military civilian integration, digital economy, great health and other fields, support the private economy to deeply participate in the action of "improving the quality of traditional industries" in our City, and strongly promote the creation of 100 billion level food industry, textile and garment and other industrial clusters.Implement the three-year action plan for the development of big data industry, accelerate the construction of municipal big data platform, and guide and support private enterprises to enter big data, Internet of things, sharing economy, artificial intelligence and other fields.We should encourage private capital to participate in diversified agricultural investment, participate in the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks, science parks and pioneering parks, and support the development of new industries and new formats such as "Internet plus", "tourism +", "ecology +".Guide people returning to the countryside to start businesses and innovate in rural areas.Support the development of farmers' cooperatives, family farms and other new agricultural business entities, and promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.Encourage and guide social capital to go to the countryside, cultivate more new business entities, participate in the development of new industries and new formats such as rural e-commerce and deep processing of agricultural products, and the construction of modern agricultural parks and agricultural product processing clusters, accelerate the cultivation of a number of agricultural product brands and agricultural leading enterprises with distinctive characteristics and high popularity, and play a leading role.Promote the technological transformation of private enterprises, carry out the action of "intelligent manufacturing leading", actively strive for provincial advanced manufacturing funds, and realize the completion of a new round of green transformation, intelligent transformation and technological transformation of private enterprises above designated size.Actively help private enterprises strive for provincial special funds for industrial and information transformation and upgrading, provincial government investment funds, etc.(responsible unit: the municipal development and Reform Commission takes the lead, and the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology and the Municipal Bureau of agriculture and rural areas are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

6、 We will strive to improve government governance, create a stable and transparent government environment, and boost the confidence of private capital investment.

Innovate the government management service mode, improve the government service awareness and ability, strengthen the construction of government integrity, build a new relationship between government and business, strengthen the overall planning and coordination of policies, and stabilize the expectation of private investment market.

(1) We will improve policy coordination mechanisms.Strengthen vertical precise docking and horizontal coordination, establish and improve the coordination mechanism for soliciting the opinions of relevant enterprises on major policies related to the development of enterprises and industries, scientifically and prudently study and judge the expected effect and market response of the proposed policies, reasonably maintain the stability and continuity of the policies, and stabilize the investment expectations of private enterprises.When formulating rules, normative documents and other policies and measures related to the economic activities of market subjects such as market access, industrial development, investment attraction, bidding, government procurement, business code of conduct and qualification standards, we should ensure that private enterprises and other market subjects participate in market competition fairly, and give priority to local enterprises under the same conditions.Strictly implement various systems and regulations of government procurement, prohibit purchasers and procurement agencies from setting unreasonable conditions in procurement documents to restrict or exclude private enterprises, and strive to create a market environment for private enterprises to participate in fair competition in government procurement.Establish a follow-up mechanism for the implementation of policies to promote private investment, comprehensively sort out the national, provincial and municipal policies and measures to encourage private investment, check the implementation of various policies and measures in this region and field one by one, hold a forum for private entrepreneurs every half a year, invite entrepreneurs to evaluate and report publicly by the news media, so as to ensure the implementation and effectiveness of various policies and measures,Enhance the sense of gain of private enterprises.(responsible units: the United Front Work Department of the municipal Party committee and the Municipal Federation of industry and commerce are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(2)Improve the investment service system.Implement the centralized disclosure and push system of enterprise related policy information, and timely release national and provincial industrial policies, investment policies, development plans, project needs and other information by using carrier platforms such as entity government hall, online government service platform, mobile client and service hotline, so as to scientifically guide private capital investment.Focus on the economic operation situation and macro policy orientation, strengthen policy interpretation, take the initiative to solve doubts and help private enterprises accurately grasp the policy intention.Improve the contact service mechanism of private enterprises, and timely help private enterprises solve the difficulties in project construction, production and operation.Establish a statistical system for the private economy, improve the statistical caliber and classification standards, and regularly publish reports on the development of the private economy.(responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology and Municipal Bureau of Statistics)

(3)Strengthen the construction of government integrity. Establish and improve the mechanism of keeping promises, formulate the filing system of government commitments, and incorporate the commitment performance of governments at all levels and responsible persons into the annual assessment and evaluation.Conscientiously perform the legal compliance agreements or contracts signed with private enterprises, and shall not refuse to implement them on the grounds of the change of government and the replacement of relevant responsible persons. It is strictly prohibited to "ignore old accounts by new officials".If it is necessary to change the government commitment and contract agreement due to national interests, public interests or other legal reasons, it shall be carried out in strict accordance with the legal authority and procedures, and the property losses of relevant enterprises and investors shall be compensated according to law.We will continue to carry out the special treatment of government dishonesty, strengthen the investigation and punishment of the government's arrears of project funds and refusal to fulfill the legal and compliance commitments made by the government, and investigate the main responsible persons and persons directly responsible for serious government dishonesty and breach of contract in accordance with the law.(responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal human resources and Social Security Bureau, etc. shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(4)Build a new type of political and business relationship between "Qin" and "Qing". Improve the system for municipal leaders to contact private enterprises. Municipal leaders should often contact enterprises in depth, investigate or listen to reports on the production and operation of enterprises, and timely help coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in enterprises;The person in charge of relevant municipal units shall, according to their functions and responsibilities, help solve the problems of good reporting and connection in private enterprises;Private entrepreneurs should be invited to offer suggestions for the development of Xinyang and regularly inform the work. Establish a normalized communication mechanism between government and enterprises, pay attention to listening to the opinions of private entrepreneurs and fully absorb and adopt the reasonable suggestions of private entrepreneurs when studying and formulating enterprise related policies, regulations, reforms and plans.We will carry out in-depth special treatment of the surrounding environment of enterprises, further strengthen the fight against underworld and evil, resolutely investigate and deal with the abuse of administrative power to eliminate and restrict competition, and severely crack down on forced engineering, malicious extortion and malicious competition, so as to ensure project construction and enterprise operation.Carry out the establishment of business environment demonstration, and strengthen the publicity and promotion of typical experience and successful practices.(responsible units: Municipal Federation of industry and commerce, municipal supervision commission, municipal development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, Municipal Bureau of market supervision and administration, etc. shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

All county (District) governments, administrative zones (development zones) and relevant departments directly under the municipal government should deeply understand the importance and urgency of promoting the healthy development of private investment, earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, strengthen organizational leadership, improve working mechanisms, and improve the service level and work efficiency of private enterprises;We should strengthen coordination and cooperation, timely formulate work implementation plans for the local, system and field, refine objectives and responsibility decomposition, strengthen coordination, linkage, communication and cooperation, form joint efforts, and ensure that all decisions and arrangements are implemented in place; we should strengthen supervision and inspection and strengthen the tracking and monitoring of the implementation of policies, measures and special actions.




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