
发布时间 2022-03-25|阅读



(一) 指导思想。以党的十八大和十八届六中全会以及习近平总书记关于人才工作的系列重要讲话精神为指导,全面贯彻落实省第十次党代会和市第五次党代会精神,充分发挥我市的生态和交通区位优势,坚持“差别竞争、重点突破、特色取胜”的工作思路,“引育结合、以引为主”的引才理念,引进和培育一批创新创业领军人才(团队),形成群贤毕至、人才辈出、以才兴市的生动局面,为推进“一市一区三枢纽” 和“五个信阳”建设提供强有力的人才支撑和智力保障。

(二) 目标任务。围绕我市“十三五”期间重点发展的电子信息、新型建材、绿色食品、现代物流、现代家居、医药制造等产业,以及现代金融、旅游、健康养老等高成长性服务业,依托信阳国家级保税物流中心、国家级高新技术产业园区和三所本科院校,13 个产业集聚区,以及各类科技创新平台,实施“信阳英才计划”。5年内,引进培育 10 个领军型创新创业团队,20名具有国际化视野、拥有核心自主知识产权的领军型创新创业人才和科技创新创业企业家,300 名(个)拥有掌握核心技术、具有较强创新创业能力的高层次创新创业人才(团队)。


引育对象重点是:具有创新创业能力,拥有自主知识产权,技术成果国内外领先或填补国内空白,初步具备实现产业化的条件,能够引领相关产业发展,带技术、带项目、带资金、带成果来信阳创新创业的领军人才(团队)。主要包括以下人才(团队):(一)领军型创新创业团队(人才)。领军型创新创业团队带头人(领军型创新创业人才)一般为某一领域的开拓人、奠基人,在相关领域达到国际或国内先进水平,在同行中具有重要的创新地位和学术影响;对某一领域发展有过重大贡献的著名科学家;拥有自主知识产权的可产业化的科技成果或发明专利,且技术成果为国际先进或填补国内空白,并具有较好产业化开发潜力,对我市经济社会有巨大贡献及引领作用的领军型人才。团队核心成员须有 3人以上。

(二) 科技创新创业企业家。拥有核心技术和自主知识产权,至少拥有 1项与主营业务相关的发明专利,技术水平在行业中处于领先地位,具有市场潜力并处于中试或产业化阶段,为业内普遍认可的领军型人才。本人在信阳创办科技型企业,企业注册资本不少于 100 万元人民币(不含技术入股),或在信阳与他人联合创办科技型企业,本人所持股权不低于 30%。

(三) 高层次创新创业人才(团队)。人才(团队带头人)一般为在某一领域造诣较深,拥有关键技术和重要科技成果,在同行中具有重要的创新地位或学术影响;符合我市产业发展方向,拥有自主知识产权或关键技术,能够实现产业化并具有市场前景,为业内普遍认可的创新创业型人才,特别是具有较强的创新创业能力,拥有海外创业经验的青年归国人才,或符合我市发展需求,拥有良好发展前景,能带动我市某一领域科技进步、产业升级的创新创业人才。对信阳产业发展急需、社会贡献较大、现行人才目录难以界定的“偏才”和“专才”,经市人才工作领导小组组织专家或第三方评审认定后,享受相应的人才政策。



(一) “引育项目+引育资金+引育人才”方式。利用网络、报纸大力宣传“信阳英才计划”,发挥市县在外商会、联谊会的平台作用,吸引和激励优秀人才(团队)到信阳创新创业,实现招商引资和招才引智同步。责任主体:以各县区党委、政府和管理区、开发区党委,市委、市政府在外商会、联谊会为主。引育措施:引育责任主体根据本地优势产业、特色产业,积极与有创新创业意愿的人才(团队)对接,做好动员、引进到创新创业项目研发、孵化、产业化等各个环节的服务保障工作。

(二) “产业需求+现场引才+成果转化”方式。根据产业发展需求,定期赴高校、科研机构、大型企业和人才比较集中的城市,现场识才、引才。责任主体:以市委组织部协同市发改委、市科技局、市人社局、市工信委、市商务局等相关职能部门为主。引育措施:每年由市人才工作领导小组统一组织,引育责任主体组团赴高校、科研机构、大型企业和人才比较集中的城市,有针对性地现场动员优秀人才(团队)到我市创新创业,并对创新创业项目的先进性、创新性和可行性归口提出评审意见。

(三) “一事一议、一人一策”方式。对我市急需的资本运作、金融创新服务等领域人才,可由用人单位申报,采取





1.对创新创业领军团队,按不同层次给予项目产业化资金资助。国家最高科学技术奖获得者、“两院”院士领衔的创新创业团队,每个团队给予 3000 万—5000 万元项目产业化资金资助;国家“千人计划”、省“百人计划”专家团队及同等层次创新创业团队,每个团队给予 500 万—1000 万元项目产业化资金资助。市级以上其他创新创业团队,每个团队给予 100 万—300 万元项目产业化资金资助。


3.对科技创新创业企业家给予 200 万元项目产业化资金资助。

4.对高层次创业人才(团队),给予 100 万元项目产业化资金资助;全职引进的高层次创新人才(团队),给予 50 万元项目研发资金资助。

5.对由领军型创新创业团队(人才)所主持的特别重大的科技项目,且对我市产业发展具有奠基性、战略性、支撑性作用的,实行“一事一议”,最高可获得 1亿元项目产业化资金资助。


1.股权投资支持:根据创新创业项目实际投资额度,经论证审批后,可由我市产业发展基金或创业投资基金等各类政府引导基金提供实际投资额 20%左右的股权投资。

2.跟进投资支持:创新创业项目成功吸引社会风险投资的,可由市产业发展基金或创业投资基金等各类政府基金提供 10%—30%的跟进配套风险投资,原则上最高不超过500万元。

3.贷款担保支持:创新创业项目进入中期或产业化初期,因流动资金不足申请融资的,由市担保机构给予最高 500 万元的融资担保。 4.贷款贴息支持:对于创新性强、市场前景好的创新创业项目,经评审认定,创业初期 3年内通过银行融资所付银行利息,由同级财政按照同期银行贷款基准利率全额补贴。对中小微高新技术企业获得银行资金支持的,市财政给予贴息支持,贴息利率为同期银行贷款基准利率的 20%(含),每户企业年贴息额最高不超过 10万元。


对“信阳英才计划”人才落地的项目,由项目落地方负责提供分别不低于 300 平方米、200 平方米、100 平方米的创业场所,3 年内免租金。自行租赁办公用房的,3 年内由项目落地方按市场价格给予租金补助。需要生产性建设用地的,按照工业用地标准优先供地。





1.支持“信阳英才计划”人才所领办创办的企业争创高新技术企业、知识产权优势示范(强企备案)企业、创新型示范(试点)企业等。对新认定的高新技术企业给予 50 万元的奖励;对新认定的国家级和省级知识产权优势示范(强企备案)企业,分别给予 30 万元和 10 万元的奖励;对新认定的国家级和省级创新型示范(试点)企业,分别给予 50 万元和 20 万元的奖励;对新认定的省级创新龙头企业给予 20万元的奖励,对新认定的省级节能减排科技创新示范企业给予 10 万元的奖励;对新认定的省级中药现代化科技创新示范企业(基地),给予 10 万元的奖励。对经备案的河南省科技型中小企业给予倾斜支持。对承担国家重点研发计划项目给予奖励 80 万元,承担科技型中小企业创新基金项目给予奖励 10万元。

2.支持“信阳英才计划”人才申报各类科技奖项,提高市级奖励标准。对获得国家或省部级重大科技奖项中的一、二、三等奖项的,给予国家或省(部)奖励金额 50%的资金奖励。对获得的发明专利、科技含量较高的实用新型和外观设计授权专利,分别给予每件 5000 元、1000 元和 500 元的一次性奖励,对涉外授权专利给予每件2万元的一次性奖励;对新获得的省政府专利奖一等奖和特等奖,分别给予 10 万元和 20 万元的奖励;对新获得的中国专利奖优秀奖和金奖,分别给予 20 万元和 50万元的奖励。


地方标准的第一起草单位,分别给予 20万元、10 万元奖励。


 1.支持“信阳英才计划”人才与高新技术企业、高等院校、科研机构开展产学研合作,创建重点实验室、工程实验室、工程研究中心、制造业创新中心、企业技术中心、工程技术研究中心,以及院士工作站和博士后科研工作站(研发基地、流动站)等各类科技创新平台。对新认定(批准建设)的国家级和省级科技创新平台,分别给予 50 万元、20 万元的奖励;对新认定的省级科技创新团队,给予 10 万元奖励。同一级别的研发平台不重复奖励,省级以上补足差额。

2.支持建设众创空间。对认定的国家级和省级众创空间分别给予 50 万元和 20 万元奖励。鼓励众创空间等孵化载体引进专业化、高层次运营团队,对自有孵化资金投资在孵企业,财政按照不高于投资额的 20%给予补贴或跟投。

3.支持协同创新。支持“信阳英才计划”人才按照“风险共担、利益共享”的原则,牵头组建电子信息、新型建材创新联盟等一批对支柱产业发展有重大影响的区域技术联盟、创新联盟和标准联盟,形成融科研、服务、人才输送、投资于一体的产业链关系。对牵头新组建国家级和省级产业技术创新战略联盟的企业或科技创新平台,分别给予 50 万元、




机构和企业以转让或许可职务科技成果等方式获得收益的,可按不低于 50%、最高 100%的比例奖励科研负责人、骨干技术人员等重要贡献人员和团队。

2.鼓励领办、创办科技型企业,经评估或协商,允许 “信阳英才计划”人才以科技成果、知识产权和专利技术等无形资产按注册资本最多 100%的比例作价入股。研发团队将个人收益直接用于创办企业或投入受让企业所形成的股权收入,在形成现金收入后,按国家有关政策缴纳个人所得税。


(一) 培优激励。定期组织“信阳英才计划”人才到清华大学等著名高校学习、到行业领军企业深造等,促使他们知识常新、成果常有。优先推荐申报国家“千人计划”、“万人计划”、“国务院政府特殊津贴专家”和省“百人计划”等市以上重点人才计划;优先推荐参加省管专家、省杰出专业技术人才等优秀人才评选。对荣获中原学者、专有知识产权等高端创新人才及团队的,给予 10 万元奖励;荣获省创新型企业家的,给予 20 万元奖励。建立拔尖人才绿色通道,有突出贡献的人才可随时进入市级拔尖人才队伍。

(二) 岗位激励。建立领导干部联系“信阳英才计划” 人才制度,并将“信阳英才计划”人才纳入市、县智库。协调驻信阳高校、科研院所提供兼职教授、研究员等兼职岗位。(三)职称激励。“信阳英才计划”人才评聘专业技术职务时,不受单位结构比例和岗位限制;对符合条件的海外归国高层次人才,可直接考核认定高级专业技术职务;引进后作出较大贡献且符合条件的,可按规定破格晋升专业技术职务。对领办创办企业 3年以上的企业家,通过对企业经营管理情况、纳税、社保、就业、环保、安全生产等进行考核,可直接认定高级经济师资格。


(一) 家庭安置。“信阳英才计划”引进人才的配偶、子女以及父母、岳父母可以随迁。配偶在原单位属公务员或事业单位在编在岗人员的,由人事和编制部门在空编单位协调调动工作。

(二) 子女入学。“信阳英才计划”人才的适龄子女,需入幼儿园的,优先解决入园需求;接受义务教育的,按照就近入学原则优先安排在公办学校就读;接受高中教育的,参加河南省统一组织的高中阶段教育招生考试,在同等条件下优先录取。

(三) 住房保障。支持各地建设专家公寓或人才周转房,

按照“人进房住、人走房收”的原则安排无偿使用。“信阳英才计划”人才在我市定居且服务满 5 年后需购置商品房的,对领军型创新创业人才、科技创新创业企业家、高层次创新创业人才,分别给予 80万、40万、20 万的购房补贴。

(四) 社会保险和医疗保障。“信阳英才计划”人才申报养老保险时,原有符合政策规定的工作年限视同缴费年限;在市、县区重点医疗卫生机构开设“绿色通道”,为“信阳英才计划”人才提供优质医疗服务,并建立健康档案。


(一) 工作机制。“信阳英才计划”引进培育创新创业人才(团队)工作在市委、市政府领导下,由市人才工作领导小组统一组织实施。市委组织部发挥好牵头抓总作用,市发改委、市科技局、市人社局、市工信委、市商务局等相关职能部门发挥识才引才育才职能,市财政局做好相关资金的核发和监管工作,县区和管理区、开发区围绕本地优势产业、特色产业、新兴产业谋划引才育才重点,做好申报工作,各相关单位要密切配合,形成工作合力。

(二) 评审程序。在全市范围内注册创办或合办企业引育的创新创业人才(团队),均可申报“信阳英才计划”。实行常年受理申报,每半年集中组织评审一次,具体要求以公告为准。特别急需的人才项目,可即报即审。申报评审认定程序为:发布公告,县区和管理区、开发区以及市直相关单位组织申报和审核推荐,初步技术评审,综合评审,市委常委会确定人选,项目资助。

(三) 考核评价。市委组织部牵头组织市发改委、市财政局、市科技局、市人社局、市工信委、市商务局等市直有关部门,加强对“信阳英才计划”执行情况的跟踪了解和绩效评估,及时研究调整政策措施,提高财政资金使用绩效。将实施“信阳英才计划”引进培育创新创业领军人才(团队)工作纳入各县区和管理区、开发区人才目标责任制考核体系,层层压实工作责任。

(四) 退出机制。坚持以用人单位为主体,强化人才发挥作用情况的考核,规范用人单位与人才之间的契约行为,运用市场化的手段评价、激励人才。委托第三方对人才(团队)创新创业项目完成情况进行考核评价,对履职较好、经费使用规范、产业带动效果明显的,予以奖励;对发挥作用不明显的,调整或取消对其的相关激励政策;对存在违法乱纪、品行不端等行为的,取消相关待遇。各县区和管理区、开发区可结合实际,制定本地引进培育创新创业人才扶持政策。



Opinions of Xinyang Municipal Committee of the CPC and Xinyang Municipal People's Government on implementing the "Xinyang talent plan" to introduce and cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents (teams)

   In order to deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the city with talents, attract and gather more high-level talents to innovate and start businesses in our city, and comprehensively improve the talent competitiveness, scientific and technological competitiveness and industrial competitiveness of our city, we hereby put forward the following opinions on the introduction and cultivation of various innovative and entrepreneurial talents (teams) in the implementation of the "Xinyang talent plan".

Guiding ideology, objectives and tasks

Guiding ideology. To introduce and cultivate a group of leading talents (teams) for innovation and entrepreneurship, so as to form a vivid situation of talents coming to the city, talents emerging in large numbers and prospering the city with talents, so as to provide strong talent support and intellectual guarantee for promoting the construction of "one city, one district, three hubs" and "five Xinyang".

 Target task. Focusing on the electronic information, new building materials, green food, modern logistics, modern home, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries, as well as high growth service industries such as modern finance, tourism, health and elderly care, relying on Xinyang national bonded logistics center, National High-tech Industrial Park, three undergraduate colleges and 13 industrial clusters, And various scientific and technological innovation platforms to implement the "Xinyang talent plan".Within 5 years, introduce and cultivate 10 leading innovation and entrepreneurship teams, 20 leading innovation and entrepreneurship talents and scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship entrepreneurs with international vision and core independent intellectual property rights, and 300 (teams) high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talents (teams) with core technology and strong innovation and entrepreneurship ability.

2 Introduction object

The key targets of education are: leading talents (teams) with innovation and entrepreneurship ability, independent intellectual property rights, leading or filling domestic gaps in technical achievements at home and abroad, preliminarily meeting the conditions for industrialization, leading the development of relevant industries and bringing technology, projects, funds and achievements to Xinyang for innovation and Entrepreneurship.It mainly includes the following talents (teams):

 (1) leading innovation and entrepreneurship team (talents).Leaders of leading innovation and entrepreneurship teams (leading innovation and entrepreneurship talents) are generally pioneers and founders in a certain field, have reached the international or domestic advanced level in relevant fields, and have important innovation status and academic influence in their peers; Famous scientists who have made great contributions to the development of a certain field;It is a leading talent with independent intellectual property rights who can industrialize scientific and technological achievements or invention patents, whose technological achievements are internationally advanced or fill the domestic gap, have good industrialization development potential, and have made great contributions to and played a leading role in the city's economy and society.There must be more than 3 core members of the team.

(2)Scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship.With core technology and independent intellectual property rights, at least one invention patent related to the main business, the technical level is in a leading position in the industry, has market potential and is in the pilot test or industrialization stage. It is a leading talent generally recognized in the industry.I establish a science and technology enterprise in Xinyang with a registered capital of no less than 1 million yuan (excluding technology shares), or jointly establish a science and technology enterprise with others in Xinyang with an equity of no less than 30%.

(3)High level innovative and entrepreneurial talents (team).Talents (team leaders) generally have deep attainments in a certain field, have key technologies and important scientific and technological achievements, and have important innovation status or academic influence in their peers;It is in line with the industrial development direction of our city, has independent intellectual property rights or key technologies, can realize industrialization and has market prospects. It is an innovative and entrepreneurial talent generally recognized in the industry, especially young returnees with strong innovation and entrepreneurship ability and overseas entrepreneurship experience, or meets the development needs of our City and has good development prospects,Innovative and entrepreneurial talents who can drive the scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading in a certain field of our city.

The "talents" and "professionals" who are urgently needed for the development of Xinyang Industry, make great contributions to society and are difficult to define in the current talent catalogue will enjoy the corresponding talent policies after being reviewed and identified by experts or a third party organized by the municipal talent work leading group.

3 Education methods and responsible subjects

Explore the ways of "education projects + education funds + talent introduction", "industrial demand + on-site talent introduction + achievement transformation", and mobilize the strength of the whole society to do a good job in talent introduction and education.

(1)The mode of "education projects + education funds + talents".Use the Internet and newspapers to vigorously publicize the "Xinyang talent plan", give full play to the platform role of municipal and county chambers of Commerce and fraternity abroad, attract and encourage excellent talents (teams) to innovate and start businesses in Xinyang, and realize the synchronization of investment attraction and talent attraction.

Main body of responsibility: mainly the party committees and governments of counties and districts, the party committees of management zones and development zones, and the foreign chambers of Commerce and associations of municipal Party committees and municipal governments.

Education introduction measures: the main body responsible for education introduction shall, according to the local advantageous industries and characteristic industries,

Actively connect with talents (teams) with the intention of innovation and entrepreneurship, and do a good job in the service guarantee of mobilization and introduction to the R & D, incubation, industrialization and other links of innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

(2) The mode of "industrial demand + on-site talent introduction + achievement transformation".According to the needs of industrial development, regularly go to universities, scientific research institutions, large enterprises and cities with concentrated talents to identify and introduce talents on site.

Main body of responsibility: the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee cooperates with relevant functional departments such as the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of science and technology, the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security, the Municipal Commission of industry and information technology, and the Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

The measures of attracting children: the organization of leading group of city talents work is organized annually, and the main responsibility groups are sent to universities, research institutes, large enterprises and talents concentrated cities. We aim to mobilize excellent talents to innovate and start business in our city, and put forward the evaluation opinions on the advanced nature, innovation and feasibility of innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

(3)"One matter, one discussion, one person, one policy" approach. For the talents in capital operation, financial innovation services and other fields urgently needed by our city, the employing unit can declare and take measures

Research and introduction of "one matter, one discussion, one person, one policy".

4 Financial support

The innovation and entrepreneurship projects of "Xinyang talent plan" enjoy the following financial support:

(1)Project industrialization fund

1. For the leading team of innovation and entrepreneurship, the project industrialization fund shall be given according to different levels.For the innovation and entrepreneurship team led by the winner of the national highest science and Technology Award and academicians of the two academies, each team will be given a project industrialization fund of 30-50 million yuan;The national "thousand talents plan", the provincial "hundred talents plan" expert team and the innovation and entrepreneurship team at the same level will be given a project industrialization fund of 5-10 million yuan for each team.For other innovation and entrepreneurship teams above the municipal level, each team will be given a project industrialization fund of 1-3 million yuan.

2. Leading innovative and entrepreneurial talents shall be supported according to different types. Among them, the leading entrepreneurial talents will be given 4 million yuan of project industrialization support fund, and the leading innovative talents introduced full-time will be given 2 million yuan of project R & D support fund

3. 2 million yuan of project industrialization fund will be given to scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship entrepreneurs.

4. For high-level entrepreneurial talents (teams), 1 million yuan of project industrialization fund will be given;For the full-time introduction of high-level innovative talents (teams), 500000 yuan of project R & D fund will be given.

5. For the particularly important science and technology projects presided over by the leading innovation and entrepreneurship team (talents), which play a foundational, strategic and supporting role in the industrial development of our city, the "one case, one discussion" will be implemented, and the project industrialization fund of up to 100 million yuan can be obtained.

(2) Financial support

1. Equity investment support: according to the actual investment amount of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, after demonstration and approval, the city's industrial development fund or venture capital fund and other government guided funds can provide equity investment of about 20% of the actual investment amount.

2. Follow up investment support: for innovation and entrepreneurship projects that successfully attract social venture capital, 10% - 30% follow-up supporting venture capital can be provided by various government funds such as Municipal Industrial Development Fund or venture capital fund, with a maximum of 5 million yuan in principle.

3. Loan guarantee support: if an innovation and entrepreneurship project enters the medium-term or initial stage of industrialization and applies for financing due to insufficient working capital, the municipal guarantee institution shall provide a financing guarantee of up to 5 million yuan.

4. Loan interest discount support: for innovation and entrepreneurship projects with strong innovation and good market prospects, it is reviewed and determined that the bank interest paid through bank financing in the first three years of entrepreneurship shall be fully subsidized by the finance at the same level according to the benchmark bank loan interest rate in the same period.For small, medium-sized and micro high-tech enterprises that have obtained bank financial support, the municipal finance will give discount support, and the discount interest rate is 20% of the benchmark interest rate of bank loans in the same period (inclusive), the maximum annual discount amount of each enterprise shall not exceed 100000 yuan.

(3)Market rent support for innovation and Entrepreneurship

For the projects of "Xinyang talent plan" talent landing, the place where the project is located shall be responsible for providing entrepreneurial places of no less than 300 square meters, 200 square meters and 100 square meters respectively, and rent free within 3 years.For those who rent office space by themselves, the project location will give rent subsidies according to the market price within 3 years.Where productive construction land is needed, priority shall be given to land supply in accordance with the standards for industrial land.

(4) Collaborative support

The talent innovation and entrepreneurship project of "Xinyang talent plan" settled in the industrial agglomeration area, science and Technology Park and incubator of our city can not only enjoy the municipal policies, but also enjoy the relevant preferential policies of the industrial agglomeration area, science and Technology Park and incubator.

5 Development support

(1) Scientific and technological innovation support

1. Support the enterprises led and founded by the talents of "Xinyang talent plan" to strive for high-tech enterprises, intellectual property advantage demonstration (strong enterprise filing) enterprises, innovative demonstration (pilot) enterprises, etc.A reward of 500000 yuan shall be given to the newly recognized high-tech enterprises;The newly recognized national and Provincial Intellectual Property Advantage demonstration (strong enterprise filing) enterprises will be rewarded with 300000 yuan and 100000 yuan respectively;The newly recognized national and provincial innovative demonstration (pilot) enterprises will be rewarded with 500000 yuan and 200000 yuan respectively;The newly recognized provincial innovation leading enterprises will be rewarded with 200000 yuan, and the newly recognized provincial energy-saving and emission reduction scientific and technological innovation demonstration enterprises will be rewarded with 100000 yuan;A reward of 100000 yuan will be given to the newly recognized provincial demonstration enterprise (base) of modern scientific and technological innovation of traditional Chinese medicine.We will give preferential support to the filed scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises in Henan Province.RMB 800000 will be awarded for undertaking national key R & D plan projects and RMB 100000 will be awarded for undertaking scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprise innovation fund projects

2. Support the talents of "Xinyang talent plan" to apply for various science and technology awards and improve the municipal award standards.For those who have won the first, second and third class of major national or provincial science and technology awards, 50% of the national or provincial (ministerial) award amount shall be given.For the obtained invention patents, utility models with high scientific and technological content and authorized patents for design, a one-time reward of 5000 yuan, 1000 yuan and 500 yuan will be given respectively, and a one-time reward of 20000 yuan will be given for each foreign-related authorized patent;The newly obtained first prize and special prize of the provincial government patent award will be rewarded with 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan respectively;The newly obtained Excellence Award and gold award of China Patent Award will be rewarded with 200000 yuan and 500000 yuan respectively.

3. Support the enterprises led and founded by the talents of "Xinyang talent plan" to participate in the formulation of standards.Take charge of the development and participate in the drafting of national standards, industrial standards and provincial standards. The first drafting unit of local standards will be rewarded with 200000 yuan and 100000 yuan respectively.

(2) Platform construction support

1. Support the talents of "Xinyang talent plan" to carry out industry university research cooperation with high-tech enterprises, colleges and universities and scientific research institutions, and create key laboratories, engineering laboratories, engineering research centers, manufacturing innovation centers, enterprise technology centers, engineering technology research centers, academician workstations and postdoctoral research workstations(R & D bases, mobile stations) and other scientific and technological innovation platforms. Newly recognized (approved for construction) national and provincial scientific and technological innovation platforms will be rewarded with 500000 yuan and 200000 yuan respectively; newly recognized provincial scientific and technological innovation teams will be rewarded with 100000 yuan. R & D platforms at the same level will not be rewarded repeatedly, and the difference will be made up at or above the provincial level.

2. Support the construction of maker spaces. Reward the recognized national and provincial maker spaces with 500000 yuan and 200000 yuan respectively. Encourage incubation carriers such as maker spaces to introduce professional and high-level operation teams. For enterprises with their own incubation funds to invest in incubated enterprises, the financial department shall give subsidies or follow-up investment at no more than 20% of the investment amount.

3. Support collaborative innovation. Support the talents of the "Xinyang talent plan" to take the lead in establishing a number of regional technology alliances, Innovation Alliances and standard alliances that have a significant impact on the development of pillar industries, such as electronic information and new building materials innovation alliances, in accordance with the principle of "risk sharing and benefit sharing", so as to form an industrial chain relationship integrating scientific research, services, talent transportation and investment. Enterprises or scientific and technological innovation platforms that take the lead in establishing new national and provincial industrial technological innovation strategic alliances will be rewarded with 500000 yuan and 300000 yuan respectively.

(3) Equity and dividend incentives

1.Encourage enterprises to implement equity and dividend incentives for talents of "Xinyang talent plan" who have made outstanding contributions to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. If universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises in Xinyang obtain income by means of transferring or licensing job-related scientific and technological achievements, they can reward important contributors and teams such as scientific research leaders, backbone technicians and so on at a proportion of not less than 50% and up to 100%.

2.Encourage to lead and establish scientific and technological enterprises, and allow the "Xinyang talent plan" after evaluation or negotiationTalents take shares in intangible assets such as scientific and technological achievements, intellectual property rights and patented technology at the proportion of up to 100% of the registered capital. The R & D team directly uses their personal income for the equity income formed by starting an enterprise or investing in the transferee enterprise. After forming cash income, they pay personal income tax according to relevant national policies.

6、 Honor incentive

(1) Cultivate talents and motivate them. Regularly organize talents of "Xinyang talent program" to study in famous universities such as Tsinghua University and further study in leading enterprises in the industry, so as to promote their knowledge and achievements. Give priority to recommending and applying for the national "thousand talents plan", "ten thousand talents plan", "experts with special government allowance of the State Council" and the provincial "hundred talents plan"And other key talent programs at or above the municipal level; give priority to recommending to participate in the selection of excellent talents such as provincial management experts and provincial outstanding professional and technical talents. Those who have won the high-end innovative talents and teams such as Central Plains scholars and proprietary intellectual property rights will be rewarded with 100000 yuan; those who have won the provincial innovative entrepreneurs will be rewarded with 200000 yuan. Establish a green channel for top talents, and talents with outstanding contributions can enter at any timeEnter the municipal top talent team.

(2) Post incentive: establish a talent system for leading cadres to contact the "Xinyang talent plan", and include the talents of the "Xinyang talent plan" into municipal and county think tanks. Coordinate the provision of Part-time Posts such as professors and researchers in Colleges and universities and scientific research institutes in Xinyang.

 (3) Title Incentive. "Xinyang talent plan"The evaluation and employment of talents for professional and technical posts are not limited by the proportion of unit structure and posts; qualified overseas returned high-level talents can be directly assessed and recognized as senior professional and technical posts; those who have made great contributions and meet the conditions after introduction can be promoted to professional and technical posts in accordance with the regulations. Entrepreneurs who have led the establishment of enterprises for more than 3 years can be evaluated through the enterprise operation and management, tax payment, social security, employment, environmental protection, safety production, etc. can be directly recognized as senior economist.

7、 Service guarantee

(1) Family placement. The spouses, children, parents and parents in law of talents introduced in the Xinyang talent plan can move with them. If the spouses are civil servants in the original unit or on-the-job personnel in public institutions, the personnel and staffing departments shall coordinate the transfer in the empty staffing unit.

(2) The school-age children of "Xinyang talent plan" talents who need to enter kindergartens give priority to the needs of entering kindergartens; those who receive compulsory education are given priority to study in public schools according to the principle of nearby enrollment; those who receive high school education are given priority to participate in the high school education enrollment examination uniformly organized by Henan Province under the same conditions.

(3) Housing security. Support the construction of expert apartments or talent turnover houses in various places,

According to the principle of "people live in the house, people walk in the house and receive" for free. If the talents of "Xinyang talent plan" need to purchase commercial houses after settling down in our city and serving for five years, 800000, 400000 and 200000 house purchase subsidies will be given to leading innovation and entrepreneurship talents, scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship entrepreneurs and high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talents respectively.

(4) Social insurance and medical security. When applying for endowment insurance, the original working years in line with the policy shall be regarded as the payment years; a "green channel" shall be opened in key medical and health institutions at the municipal, county and district levels to provide high-quality medical services for the talents of the "Xinyang talent plan" and establish health records.

8、 Working measures

(1) Working mechanism. "Xinyang talent plan" introduces and cultivates innovative and entrepreneurial talents (teams)Under the leadership of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, the work is uniformly organized and implemented by the municipal talent work leading group. The Organization Department of the municipal Party committee plays a leading and general role, the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Bureau of science and technology, the Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security, the Municipal Commission of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other relevant functional departments play a role in talent introduction and education, and the Municipal Bureau of finance does a good job in the verification, issuance and supervision of relevant funds, counties, districts, management areas and development zonesFocus on local advantageous industries, characteristic industries and emerging industries, plan the key points of talent introduction and education, and do a good job in the application. All relevant units should cooperate closely to form a joint force.

(2) Review procedures. Innovative and entrepreneurial talents (teams) registered and founded or jointly run enterprises in the city can apply for the "Xinyang talent plan"The application shall be accepted all the year round, and the review shall be organized once every half a year. The specific requirements shall be subject to the announcement. The talent projects in urgent need can be reported and reviewed immediately. The identification procedures of application and review are as follows: announcement, declaration, review and recommendation organized by counties, districts, management areas, development zones and relevant units directly under the municipal government, preliminary technical review, comprehensive review, determination of candidates by the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, and project evaluationHelp.

(3) Assessment and evaluation. The Organization Department of the municipal Party committee takes the lead in organizing the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the municipal human resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Commission of industry and information technology, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other relevant departments directly under the municipal government to strengthen the tracking, understanding and performance evaluation of the implementation of the "Xinyang talent plan", timely study and adjust policies and measures to improve the performance of the usea of financial funds. The "Xinyang talent plan" will be implementedThe introduction and cultivation of leading talents (teams) for innovation and entrepreneurship shall be incorporated into the talent target responsibility system assessment system of counties, districts, management zones and development zones, and the work responsibilities shall be compacted at all levels.

(4) Exit mechanism. We should take the employer as the main body, strengthen the assessment of the role of talents, standardize the contractual behavior between the employer and talents, use market-oriented means to evaluate and motivate talents, and entrust a third party to evaluate talents (teams)Assess and evaluate the completion of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and reward those who perform their duties well, use funds in a standardized manner and have obvious industrial driving effect; adjust or cancel the relevant incentive policies for those who do not play an obvious role; cancel the relevant treatment for those who violate the law and discipline and conduct misconduct.

All counties, districts, management areas and development zones can formulate local support policies for the introduction and cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in combination with their actual conditions.

(this document shall be sent to the county level)


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