为进一步贯彻落实《河南省市场监督管理局等七部门关于持续深化压缩企业开办时间的意见》(豫市监〔2019〕251号)、《河南省市场监管局等六部门关于开设企业注销“一网通”网上服务专区推进企业注销便利化工作的意见》(豫市监〔2019〕258 号)和《信阳市优化营商环境工作领导小组办公室关于印发<2020 年信阳市优化营商环境专项工作方案>的通知》(信营商办〔2020〕 1号)文件精神,推进我市企业开办和企业注销全程网上办理,打造“一网、一门、一次”服务模式,持续深化压缩企业开办和企业注销时间,进一步优化信阳市营商环境,市市场监管局、发展改革委、公安局、人力资源和社会保障局、中国人民银行信阳市中心支行、税务局、政务服务和大数据管理局提出如下意见:
(一) 全面推行企业开办、企业注销“一网通”网上服务平台。利用河南政务服务网上搭建的河南省企业开办、企业注销“一网通”网上服务平台,与相关部门现有业务系统实现对接。开办企业只需通过平台填写一份申请表格、提交一次数据,即可实时查询办理进度,一次办结。市场监管部门完成企业登记后,公安部门和税务部门同步并联办理印章刻制和申领发票相关审核。通过平台实现数据信息实时推送和共享利用,大幅削减办理时间,切实具备“一次填报、一网通办、限时办结、即时回馈”的企业开办线上服务能力。将电子营业执照作为企业在网上办理企业登记、印章制作、社保登记等相关业务的合法有效身份证明和电子签名手段,推动企业领用电子营业执照。(市政务服务和大数据局、市场监管局、公安局、税务局、人社局负责)
(二) 全面建立企业开办、企业注销“一窗通”线下服务专区。在各级政府的行政服务大厅建立企业开办综合窗口,将原先分设的企业登记、印章刻制、申领发票、社保登记等窗口资源进行整合,实行“前台综合受理、后台分类审批、统一窗口出件” 的企业开办线下服务模式。设置引导帮办服务区,积极引导前来窗口的申请人通过企业开办、企业注销“一网通”网上服务平台进行网上申请。鼓励有条件的地方大力推行办件寄递、证票自助打印等服务。(市政务服务和大数据局负责)
(三) 进一步优化企业登记和企业注销服务。充分发挥企业登记、企业注销全程电子化的领先优势和带动作用,做好系统衔接,推动提高企业开办和企业注销全程网上办理率。取消名称预先核准,实行名称自主申报与设立登记合并办理。统一规范公司章程、股东会决议等标准格式参考范本,供申请人自主选择、免费使用。积极落实“马上办、网上办、就近办、一次办”要求,鼓励有条件的地方推行“同城通办”“银行网点代办”等便利化举措,进一步提升企业登记服务效能。(市市场监管局负责)
(四) 全面实行经营场所申报承诺制。企业、农民专业合作社和个体工商户在内的所有市场主体住所(经营场所)实行申报承诺制度,具体要求参照《河南省工商行政管理局关于在全省试行企业住所(经营场所)申报承诺制度的通知》(豫工商〔2018〕 35 号)、《河南省市场监管局关于做好应对疫情影响加大对个体工商户扶持力度有关工作的通知》(豫市监办〔2020〕60号)。各县、区要统筹考虑城乡综合管理需要和企业、农民专业合作社、个体工商户创业就业的现实需求,建立完善市场主体经营场所负面清单管理制度,及时向社会公布本地区禁止登记经营的场所区城和限制性条件清单。(市市场监管局负责)
(六) 进一步规范印章刻制服务。利用河南省印章业信息系统服务功能,实现通过微信小程序、手机APP、微信公众号等形式办理网上刻章业务,确保用章单位能够在线选择本地区所有公章刻制企业、了解刻制价格、进行网络支付。严格落实国务院明令取消公章刻制审批的政策规定,不得以任何形式要求用章单位自行办理公章刻制备案,对于落实不到位、变相进行审批的予以严肃查处。各地公安部门科学规划本地公章刻制企业数量,既要合理布局促进良性竞争,又要防止盲目发展导致恶性竞争。积极引导公章刻制价格趋于合理,严禁指定公章刻制企业刻制公章,避免形成隐形垄断。(市公安局负责)
(七) 进一步简化涉税事项办理。严格落实《关于进一步推进“多证合一”工商共享信息运用工作的通知》(税总函〔2017〕402号),强化企业登记、企业注销信息共享应用。大力推行电子发票应用,在重点行业和有使用需求的纳税人中加大电子发票推行力度。通过对接河南省电子税务局,进一步简并流程、提速审批,实现线上申请、线上核验,现场一次办结。企业只进行初次申领发票操作的,无需提供银行开户信息。实行税务注销分类处理,企业完成税务注销后,将清税信息实时推送至企业注销“一网通”网上服务专区,加快注销办理速度。(市税务局负责)
(八) 进一步完善社保登记服务。全面推行社保登记经办服务网上办理,简化整合办事环节、办事材料,实现企业在办理设立登记时,即可同时填报企业参保信息、职工参保信息等信息,无须另行登录其他系统或平台。健全数据应用和反馈机制,提升共享信息使用率,在企业在线填报并确认企业参保信息、职工参保信息等信息后,通过跨部门信息共享和部门内部数据流转同步办理企业社保登记,并将办理结果及时通过平台反馈企业。企业在市场监管部门办理注销登记后,对没有拖欠社会保险费用且不存在职工参保关系的企业进行社会保险登记注销,并将信息反馈至企业注销“一网通”网上服务专区供申请人查询。(市人社局负责)
(九) 进一步优化银行开户服务。积极做好信阳市各银行业金融机构与企业开办、企业注销“一网通”网上服务平台的对接。申请人在填报企业登记信息的同时,自主选择联网银行机构作为拟开户银行。企业登记完成后,通过平台将企业电子营业执照及其他相关信息推送给该银行机构。该银行机构审核通过并为企业开立基本存款账户后,将基本存款账户名称和账户账号等信息反馈平台用于完善相关涉税事项的采集。企业可凭电子营业执照到该银行机构任一网点办理相关业务,无需提供纸质营业执照。(人行信阳市中心支行负责)
(一) 加强组织领导。压缩企业开办和企业注销时间工作要在各级政府统一领导下,由市场监管局牵头,各部门分工落实推进,进一步强化部门间协调配合。各地、各有关部门要高度重视,切实加强组织领导,及时研究制定本地、本部门的时间表和路线图,明确目标任务,落实责任分工,做好人、财、物、信息技术等保障工作。
(二) 强化宣传培训。通过多种方式和途径,全方位、多角度宣传推广企业开办和企业注销“一网通”网上服务平台和全程电子化登记形式,宣讲压缩企业开办时间和企业注销相关政策,及时解答热点、难点问题,营造良好社会氛围。加大业务培训力度,认真落实“一次性告知”等服务制度,对于提交材料中不符合法律法规要求的内容要提供电子或书式告知单并留档备查。
Opinions of seven departments including Xinyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on continuously deepening the reduction of the time for establishment and deregistration of enterprises
All counties and districts market supervision administrations, development and reform commissions, public security bureaus, human resources and social security bureaus, taxation bureaus, government services and big data administrations, relevant units in management areas and development zones, and counties (districts) of the People’s Bank of China ) Branch:
In order to further implement “the opinions of seven departments including Henan market supervision and administration on continuously deepening and reducing the start-up time of enterprises” (YushiJian [2019] No.251), “the opinions of six departments including Henan market supervision and administration on opening an online service zone for enterprise cancellation of "one Netcom" and promoting the facilitation of enterprise cancellation” (YushiJian [2019] No.258), and “The spirit of the notice of the office of Xinyang leading group for optimizing the business environment on printing and distributing the special work plan for optimizing the business environment in Xinyang in 2020” (Xinying business office [2020] No.1) promotes the online handling of the whole process of enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation in our city, and creates a "one network, one door, one time" service model, continue to deepen the reduction of the time for business establishment and business cancellation, and further optimize the business environment of Xinyang City, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Development and Reform Commission, the Public Security Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, The People's Bank of China Xinyang City Center Sub-branch, Taxation Bureau, Government Service and Big Data Administration made the following opinions:
1、General requirements
Starting from June 1, 2020, the city’s enterprise start-up process will be defined as three links: business registration, seal engraving, and invoice application. The application for social security registration is merged into the business registration link. Utilize the "One Netcom" online service platform for enterprise establishment and enterprise deregistration in Henan Province to promote the entire online process of enterprise establishment and enterprise deregistration, and realize the reduction of the city's enterprise establishment time to within 2 working days, of which, within 1 working day of enterprise registration, the seal is engraved Within 0.5 working days of the system, 0.5 working days of the initial invoice application; the time for general deregistration of enterprises is compressed to one working day. Encourage qualified places to further reduce the time for establishment and cancellation of enterprises under the premise of ensuring the quality of work.
2、Key tasks
(1)We will fully implement the "one Netcom" online service platform for enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation. We will use the Henan government affairs service network to set up and cancel "one Netcom" in Henan Province The online service platform is connected with the existing business systems of relevant departments. To start an enterprise, you only need to fill in an application form and submit data once through the platform, you can query the processing progress in real time and complete it at one time. After the market supervision department completes the enterprise registration, the public security department and the tax department handle the seal engraving and invoice application related review in parallel. The data can be realized through the platformReal time push, sharing and utilization of information, greatly reduce the processing time, and truly have the functions of "one-time filling, one network, time limited completion and real-time feedback"E-business license will be used as a legal and effective means of identification and electronic signature for enterprises to handle business related to online business such as enterprise registration, seal making and social security registration, so as to promote enterprises to obtain e-business license. (responsible for municipal government service and big data Bureau, market supervision bureau, public security Bureau, Taxation Bureau and human resources and Social Security Bureau)
(2) A "one window" offline service area for enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation shall be established in an all-round way. A comprehensive window for enterprise start-up shall be established in the administrative service hall of governments at all levels to integrate the original window resources such as enterprise registration, seal engraving, invoice application and social security registration, and implement "comprehensive reception at the front desk, classified approval at the back desk and unified window output". Set up a guidance assistant service area to actively guide the applicants who come to the window to apply online through the "all China Netcom" online service platform for enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation. Encourage qualified places to vigorously promote services such as mail delivery and self-service printing of certificates and tickets. (in the charge of the municipal government affairs service and big data Bureau)
(3)We will further optimize the services of enterprise registration and enterprise cancellation. We will give full play to the leading advantages and driving role of the whole process of electronic enterprise registration and enterprise cancellation, do a good job in system connection, and promote the improvement of the online handling rate of the whole process of enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation. We will cancel the pre-approval of names, and implement the combined handling of independent name declaration and establishment registration. We will uniformly standardize the articles of association and the resolutions of the shareholders' meetingAnd other standard formats for applicants to choose and use free of charge. Actively implement the requirements of "immediate, online, nearby and one-time", and encourage places with conditions to implement facilitation measures such as "all in one city" and "bank outlet agency", so as to further improve the efficiency of enterprise registration service. (in the charge of the municipal market supervision bureau)
(4) Fully implement the declaration and commitment system for business premises. The declaration and commitment system is implemented for the residences (business premises) of all market entities, including enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives and individual industrial and commercial households. For specific requirements, refer to the notice of “Henan Administration for Industry and Commerce on Piloting the declaration and commitment system for enterprise residences (business premises) in the whole province” (Yu Gong Shang [2018] No. 35)\Notice of “Henan provincial market supervision bureau on doing a good job in dealing with the impact of the epidemic and increasing support for individual industrial and commercial households “(Yu Shi Jian ban [2020] No. 60). All counties and districts shall take into account the needs of comprehensive urban and rural management and the actual needs of enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives and individual industrial and commercial households for entrepreneurship and employment, establish and improve the negative list management system of market entities' business sites, and timely publish to the public the list of sites, districts and restrictive conditions prohibited from registration and operation in their own regions. (the municipal market supervision bureau is responsible)
(5) further implement the measures of enterprise's cancellation reform. Take the "Internet plus government service" means, implement the requirements of the enterprise's cancellation and facilitation reform, support enterprises to cancel the "Netcom" online service area through the enterprise, release the information on the announcement of the creditor's rights and the record information of the public liquidation group free of charge in the national enterprise credit information publicity system, and when the registration is cancelled, the enterprise will no longer submit the record notice., newspaper samples and other materials to increase the function of enterprises canceling the announcement of simple cancellation and submitting the application for simple cancellation again after meeting the conditions. (in the charge of the municipal market supervision bureau)
(6)Further standardize the seal engraving service. The Henan seal industry information system service function is adopted to carry out online engraving business through WeChat small program, mobile phone APP and WeChat official account. It ensures that the chapter units can choose all the official seal engraving enterprises, solve the price and pay the network on line. Strictly enforce the State Council's order to cancel the official seal and make the examination and approval.According to the policy of the people's Republic of China, it is not allowed to require the seal using unit to handle the official seal engraving filing by itself in any form, and those who fail to implement it in place and conduct examination and approval in a disguised form shall be seriously investigated and dealt with. Local public security departments shall scientifically plan the number of local official seal engraving enterprises, not only make a reasonable layout to promote benign competition, but also prevent blind development from leading to vicious competition. They shall actively guide the price of official seal engraving to be reasonable,It is strictly forbidden to designate enterprises to carve official seals to avoid the formation of invisible monopoly. (the Municipal Public Security Bureau is responsible)
(7)Further simplify the handling of tax related matters. Strictly implement the notice on further promoting the use of "multiple certificates in one" industrial and commercial shared information (Shuizonghan [2017] No.402), strengthen the information sharing application of enterprise registration and enterprise cancellation. Vigorously promote the application of electronic invoices, and strengthen the implementation of electronic invoices among key industries and taxpayers with use needs. Through docking with Henan Electronic Taxation Bureau, further simplify the process and speed up the examination and approval, so as to realize online application, online verification and one-time completion on site. Enterprises only apply for invoices for the first time, there is no need to provide bank account opening information. Tax cancellation shall be handled by classification. After the enterprise completes tax cancellation, the tax clearing information shall be pushed to the "all China Netcom" online service area in real time to speed up the cancellation process. (the Municipal Taxation Bureau is responsible for)
(8)We will further improve the social security registration service. We will fully implement the online handling of social security registration services, simplify and integrate the handling links and materials, so that enterprises can fill in the enterprise insurance information, employee insurance information and other information at the same time when handling the establishment registration without logging in to other systems or platforms. We will improve the data application and feedback mechanism, and improve the utilization rate of shared information,After the enterprise fills in and confirms the enterprise insurance information, employee insurance information and other information online, the enterprise social security registration shall be handled simultaneously through cross departmental information sharing and internal data flow, and the handling results shall be fed back to the enterprise through the platform in time. After the enterprise cancels the registration with the market supervision department, the enterprise shall cancel the registration for the enterprise that has not defaulted on the social insurance expenses and has no employee insurance relationshipThe bank shall cancel the social insurance registration and feed back the information to the enterprise cancellation "all China Netcom" online service area for the applicant's inquiry. (in charge of the municipal human resources and Social Security Bureau)
(9)We will further optimize bank account opening services. We will actively do a good job in the establishment and cancellation of all banking financial institutions and enterprises in XinyangConnection of online service platform. While filling in the enterprise registration information, the applicant independently selects an online banking institution as the bank to open an account. After the enterprise registration is completed, the enterprise e-business license and other relevant information are pushed to the banking institution through the platform. After the banking institution passes the examination and opens a basic deposit account for the enterprise, the name and account of the basic deposit account are displayedAccount number and other information feedback platforms are used to improve the collection of relevant tax related matters. Enterprises can handle relevant business at any outlet of the banking institution with electronic business license without providing paper business license. (PBOC Xinyang City Center Sub-branch is responsible)
3、 Safeguard measures
(1)Strengthen organizational leadership. The work of reducing the time for enterprise start-up and enterprise cancellation should be under the unified leadership of governments at all levels, led by the market supervision bureau, the division of labor among various departments should be implemented and promoted, and inter departmental coordination and cooperation should be further strengthened. All localities and relevant departments should attach great importance to it, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, timely study and formulate local and departmental timetables and road maps, and clarify objectives and tasksImplement the division of responsibilities and do the guarantee work of good people, finance, materials and information technology.
(2)Strengthen publicity and training. Through a variety of methods and channels, comprehensive and multi-angle publicity and promotion of the “One Netcom” online service platform and full-process electronic registration form of enterprise opening and enterprise cancellation, preaching the reduction of enterprise establishment time and enterprise cancellation related policies, and timely answering hot and difficult questions. Create a good social atmosphere. Intensify business training, earnestly implement service systems such as "one-off notification", and provide electronic or book notification forms for content that does not meet the requirements of laws and regulations in the submitted materials and keep them on file for future reference.
(3) Seriously investigate accountability. Strengthen efficiency monitoring, use technical means to track and analyze online business records, comprehensively check corporate files, report and criticize behaviors such as overtime completion and failure to notify at once, and hold them accountable. Unblock the channels for enterprise complaints and reports, and seriously investigate and deal with inaction and disorderly actions. In areas where there are many complaints from enterprises and the problem is serious, the first evaluation will be cancelled, the reform pilots will be granted, and the incentive policy qualifications will be granted.