
发布时间 2022-04-12|阅读

第一章 总则

第一条 为深化行政审批制度改革,推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》和《信阳市全面深化改革实施意见》(信改发〔2018〕3 号)文件精神,结合信阳实际,特制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称投资建设项目联合审批,是指建设工程领域涉及两个以上部门实施的行政审批服务事项,按照“前期辅导、一门受理、抄告相关、同步审批、限时办结”的办理模式,从受理到办结实行“一条龙”审批。

第三条 建设工程项目联合审批的范围:市级权限内的政府投资建设项目和企业投资建设项目。

第四条 投资建设项目联合审批的部门:发改委、国土局、城管局、规划局、住建局、环保局、人防办、安全监管局、气象局、水利局、公安消防支队、文物局、地震局等部门,根据项目审批和行政服务事项的调整适时调整参加部门。建设项目审批部门按照联合审批工作程序,明确分管领导,确定窗口首席代表为联络员,负责协调单位及时按要求参加联合审批并出具办理意见,保证联合审批工作有序实施。

第五条 在市行政服务中心设立建设工程综合服务窗口,具体的职责是:统一受理联合办理事项的申请;通过联合审批管理系统向审批单位抄送受理材料;负责组织召开联审会议、联合审图、联合踏勘;负责对各联办阶段的审批服务进行监督问效;负责统一送达办理结果。

第六条 投资建设项目联合审批实行“缺席默认制”。无故缺席联合审批会议和现场勘察,或参加不发表意见,视为同意联合审批意见,并承担相关责任。

第七条 投资建设项目联合审批实行“容缺办理”。对基本条件具备、主要材料齐全,但次要条件或手续欠缺,可以先行受理,并进入审批程序,办事群众和企业只需在相应时间内补齐相应材料即可。


第二章 工作流程

第九条 投资建设项目联合审批分为五个阶段,即项目立项、用地审批、规划报建、施工许可、竣工验收。每阶段按以下程序进行。

(一) 前期辅导。建设工程综合服务窗口组织有关部门,对申请单位审批注意事项进行辅导,书面一次性告知项目建设阶段内提供的资料。

(二) 一门受理。建设工程综合服务窗口受理申请后,组织联合审批单位有关人员对材料进行初步审查,统一向申请人出具审查反馈意见,并出具受理通知书,明确承诺时限。

(三) 抄告相关。建设工程综合服务窗口对受理的事项,根据实际情况确定实行抄告制或联审制。实行抄告制的,通过中心联合审批系统向具体审批单位发送联办通知,移送相关资料;实行联审制的,由建设工程综合服务窗口召集联审会议,进行联合审查。

(四) 同步审批。实行抄告制的审批事项,各相关窗口收到建设工程综合服务窗口通知后,及时进行同步审批,并将审批结果抄告建设工程综合服务窗口。实行联审制的审批事项,由建设工程综合服务窗口确定联审会议时间,及时召集相关单位联审,必要时可通知申请人参加会议。一般事项当场办结,特殊情况不能当场办结的限时办结。需要现场勘察的,由建设工程综合服务窗口组织联合勘察。联审会议形成会议纪要,印发各相关参加单位。

(五) 限时办结。各审批单位在承诺时限内完成审批工作,并及时向建设工程综合服务窗口反馈审批结果。因特殊原因不能在规定期限内办结的,审批单位应提前告知建设工程综合服务窗口,由建设工程综合服务窗口及时向申请人说明情况。

第三章 操作程序及审批时限

   第十条 项目立项审批阶段。项目立项审批阶段由建设工程综合服务窗口受理并牵头组织,收到申请后,立即启动立项审批阶段联办程序,敦促相关审批单位同步办理联办事宜。本阶段各相关审批单位的审批时限为:

(一)规划局:3 日内出具建设项目选址意见书、提供用地规划设计条件。

(二)国土资源局:5 日内出具用地预审意见。

(三)环保局:5 日内审批环境影响报告书、表。

(四)水利局:需编制水资源论证报告书或河道、水库管理范围内建设项目洪水影响评价报告的,应在收到报告书之日起 5 日内作出决定。

(五)地震局:5 日内完成地震监督环境范围内的新建、改建、扩建工程核准。

(六)气象局:2 日内对建设项目是否需要办理危害气象探测环境行政许可提出意见;对需要办理行政许可报上级部门审批的,5 日内完成补审上报工作。

(七)发改委:应在 5 日内予以立项。

(八)其他相关单位:应在 5 日内提出审查意见并进行反馈。 第十一条 用地审批阶段。本阶段由建设工程综合服务窗口受理并牵头组织,一般项目在 5 日内完成审查,不能按时办结的及时告知建设工程综合服务窗口,由建设工程综合服务窗口告知申请人。规划设计阶段同步开展,规划部门受理申请后,2 日内提出审查意见,对审查无误的及时出具建设用地规划许可证。人防办 5 日内完成防空地下室设计文件审查、审批。

第十二条 规划报建阶段。本阶段由建设工程综合服务窗口受理并牵头组织。规划局 3 日内完成规划方案审查,5 日内完成建设用地规划许可证,3 日内完成建筑方案审查;需要上报市规划委员会批准的,2 日内提交市规划委员会研究,并报告建设工程综合服务窗口。


(一) 人防办:5 日内完成防空地下室设计文件审查(1 日内完成防空地下室易地建设费征收)。

(二) 文物局:3 日内完成大中型基本建设文物调查和勘探上报工作。3 日内完成市本市行政许可范围内的文物调查和勘探处理意见。

(三) 发改委:3 日内完成投资计划的下达;涉及政府投资项目的,3 日内完成建筑初步设计及概算审批。

(四) 气象局:2 日内完成许可范围内的建设项目防雷装置初步设计审核许可。

(五) 规划局:5 日内出具建设工程规划许可证。 第十三条 施工许可证审批。本阶段由建设工程综合服务窗口受理并牵头负责。建设单位委托第三方中介服务组织完成房屋建筑施工图审查后,住建局 1 日内完成审查备案,并即时办理工程报建;招投标结束并签订施工监理合同后,即时办结合同备案;在农民工资金保障金手续完备后,住建局 5 日内办理并核发施工许可证。人防办 5 日内完成防空地下室质量监督申报。气象局 4 日内办结易燃易爆等建设工程的防雷装置设计审核许可。

第十四条 竣工验收审批阶段。本阶段由建设工程综合服务窗口受理并牵头负责。建设工程综合服务窗口接到申请后,通知住建局,启动竣工验收审批联合办理程序。申请材料转交相关审批单位,确定验收时间、地点。各单位验收人员统一上门集中验收。各参与验收的单位在验收结束后 5 日内出具验收意见。住建局在各职能部门出具的许可文件和工程竣工资料齐全后,5 日内办理竣工备案手续。对必须提前验收或验收工作量大且时间较长的事项,相关单位报建设工程综合服务窗口同意后,可组织单独验收,并将验收结果报建设工程综合服务窗口。

第十五条 其他审批环节。涉及水利、矿产资源压覆评估和地质灾害危险性评估、国家安全、供水、排水、燃气、供电、文物、邮政、园林绿化、水土保持、卫生、公路、交通、防震、防雷、安全规划、安全生产、危险化学品监管、林业、市政环卫基础设施等事项的,由建设工程综合服务窗口组织征求相关部门的意见。依法确需审批的,列入各阶段进行联合审批。

第四章 配套措施

第十六条 实行“一费制”。对涉及联合审批项目需缴纳的建设规费进行清理,形成一单清。在实施时由各部门在联审会上核定收费标准及金额,建设项目直接将规费缴至财政局指定的银行账户,银行窗口开具缴费发票。

第十七条 推进图纸审查资源进中心。将分散在国土、规划、住建、人防、消防、水利等部门的图纸审查资源统一进驻行政服务中心,负责建设工程各个阶段、各个项目的技术审查。

第十八条 推进中介服务资源进中心。在行政服务中心搭建中介机构服务平台,择优推进中介机构进入平台,及时为建设工程项目审批提供优质服务。实行中介服务网上咨询、网上竞价、网上委托、网上评价等机制,规范中介服务行为,建立诚信档案,加强对中介服务行为的监管。

第五章 监督检查

第十九条 各有关审批部门和建设工程综合服务窗口应履行告知责任,除依法确需保密的,都要对审批依据、内容、条件、程序、时限和审批责任人进行公示,公布举报电话,接受社会监督。

第二十条 市政府督查室加强对投资建设项目联合审批工作的监督检查,对投资建设项目联合审批工作中不配合、不作为、慢作为、乱作为的及时移交上级机关或监察机关进行责任追究。

第二十一条 建设工程项目联合审批过程中有下列情形之一的,根据情节轻重,对有关责任人口头告诫、通报批评和调离工作岗位:

(一) 违反建设项目联审管理规定,不服从联合审批窗口协调的;

(二) 无故不参加联审会议,或参加联审会不出具联审意见的;

(三) 擅自受理或办理建设项目审批的;

(四) 无故不参加联合现场勘察而擅自进行现场勘察的;

(五) 违反承诺规定,拖延审批时间或故意刁难申请人的;

(六) 不能胜任建设项目联合审批工作的。

第二十二条 有下列情形之一的,由其上级行政机关或监察机关责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

(一) 对符合法定许可条件的审批项目,不予许可或不在承诺期限内作出许可的;

(二) 对不符合法定条件的申请人作出准予行政许可或超职权擅自作出准予行政许可决定的;

(三) 没有按规定要求实施一次性收费,存在乱收费或搭车收费行为的;

(四) 联合审批过程中存在吃、拿、卡、要、报等行为的;

(五) 涉及联合审批的事项应进驻行政服务中心未进驻的;


第六章 附则

第二十三条 本办法实施过程中的承诺办理时限不包括各部门上报市政府和上级主管部门审查时间。依法需要听证、招标、拍卖、检验、检测、鉴定、专家评审和整改等时间不计算在承诺时限内,承诺期内确因特殊原因无法办结的,由审批单位提出书面申请,报建设工程综合服务窗口批准。

第二十四条本办法中的办理时间“日”为“工作日” 。  

第二十五条 本办法自 2019 年 1 月 1 日起施行。施行之前的政府投资建设项目和企业投资建设项目不适用本办法。《信阳市行政审批服务事项联合办理办法》(信政办〔2007〕9 号)文件同时废止。


Administrative measures for joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects in Xinyang City (for Trial Implementation)

ChapterI General Provisions

In order to deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, promote streamlining of administration and decentralization, the combination of delegating power, and optimizing services, in accordance with the "Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Xinyang City Comprehensively Deepening Reform Implementation Opinions" (XinGaiFa[2018] No.3) The spirit of the document, combined with Xinyang's actual situation, formulates these measures.

The term “joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the administrative examination and approval service items implemented by two or more departments in the field of construction engineering, in accordance with "preliminary counseling, one-door acceptance, copy-related matters, simultaneous examination and approval, and time-limited settlement." The handling mode of the company implements “one-stop” approval from acceptance to completion.

The scope of joint examination and approval of construction projects: government-invested construction projects and enterprise-invested construction projects within municipal authority.

Departments for joint approval of investment construction projects: Development and Reform Commission, Land and Resources Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Planning Bureau, Housing Construction Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Civil Defense Office, Safety Supervision Bureau, Meteorological Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Public Security Fire Detachment, Cultural Heritage Bureau, Earthquake Bureaus and other departments adjust participating departments in a timely manner based on project approval and adjustment of administrative service items. According to the joint examination and approval procedures, the construction project approval department clarifies the leaders in charge, determines the chief representative of the window as the liaison, and is responsible for coordinating the unit to participate in the joint examination and approval as required in a timely manner and issue handling opinions to ensure the orderly implementation of the joint examination and approval work.

Establish a comprehensive service window for construction projects in the Municipal Administrative Service Center. The specific duties are: uniformly accept applications for joint handling matters; copy acceptance materials to the examination and approval unit through the joint examination and approval management system; be responsible for organizing joint examination meetings and joint examinations Picture, joint survey; responsible for supervising and checking the effectiveness of the examination and approval services at each stage of the joint office; responsible for the unified delivery of the results.

The joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects shall implement the "default system by default". Unreasonably absent from the joint approval meeting and on-site survey, or participating in the non-expression of opinions, shall be deemed to agree to the joint approval opinions and bear relevant responsibilities.

The joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects shall implement "tolerant handling". If the basic conditions are met and the main materials are complete, but the secondary conditions or procedures are lacking, you can accept the application first and enter the examination and approval process. The people and the enterprise only need to fill in the corresponding materials within the corresponding time.

The joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects shall implement "simulated examination and approval". If the pre-conditions for approval are involved, the pre-department will conduct a substantive review and review of the submitted materials and issue a mock approval document marked with "simulation". After all the procedures are completed and the legal conditions are met, each approval department will be marked with " Supplement and improve the simulated approval materials with the word “simulation”, and then issue formal approval documents to transform the simulated approval into formal approval.

ChapterII Work Process

The joint examination and approval of investment construction projects is divided into five stages, namely, project initiation, land use examination and approval, planning application for construction, construction permit, and completion acceptance. Each stage is carried out according to the following procedures.

(1) Early counseling. The construction project comprehensive service window organizes relevant departments to provide guidance on the matters needing attention in the approval of the application unit of the chapter 2 work process, and notify the materials provided in the construction phase of the project in a one-time written form.

(2) One acceptance. After the construction project comprehensive service window accepts the application, it organizes the relevant personnel of the joint approval unit to conduct a preliminary review of the materials, and uniformly issues the review feedback to the applicant, and issues the acceptance notice to clarify the commitment time limit.

(3) Copy and report related. The comprehensive service window for construction projects shall implement the plagiarism system or the joint review system for the matters accepted according to the actual situation. If the copying system is implemented, the joint approval system shall be sent to the specific approval unit through the central joint approval system to transfer relevant materials; if the joint review system is implemented, the construction project comprehensive service window shall convene a joint review meeting for joint review.

(4) Simultaneous approval. For approval items under the copy-report system, all relevant windows will promptly conduct simultaneous approval after receiving the notification from the comprehensive service window of the construction project, and copy the results of the approval to the comprehensive service window of the construction project. For items subject to the joint review system, the construction project comprehensive service window will determine the time of the joint review meeting, convene relevant units for joint review in time, and notify the applicant to participate in the meeting when necessary. General matters are settled on the spot, and special circumstances cannot be settled on the spot within a limited time. Where on-site surveys are required, joint surveys shall be organized by the comprehensive service window of the construction project. The joint review meeting formed the meeting minutes and printed and distributed all relevant participating units.

(5) It will be settled within a limited time. Each approval unit completes the approval work within the promised time limit, and timely feedbacks the approval results to the comprehensive service window of the construction project. If it cannot be completed within the prescribed time limit due to special reasons, the examination and approval unit shall inform the comprehensive service window of the construction project in advance, and the comprehensive service window of the construction project shall explain the situation to the applicant in a timely manner.

ChapterIII Operating Procedures and Time Limit for Approval

Project approval stage. The project approval stage is accepted and organized by the comprehensive service window of the construction project. After receiving the application, the joint procedures for the project approval stage will be initiated immediately, and the relevant approval units are urged to handle the joint affairs at the same time. The approval time limit for each relevant approval unit at this stage is:

(1) Planning Bureau: Issue construction project site selection opinions and provide land use planning and design conditions within 3 days.

(2) Bureau of Land and Resources: Issue pre-examination opinions on land use within 5 days.

(3) Environmental Protection Bureau: Examine and approve environmental impact reports and forms within 5 days.

(4) Water Resources Bureau: If it is necessary to prepare a water resource demonstration report or a flood impact assessment report for construction projects within the management of rivers and reservoirs, a decision shall be made within 5 days from the date of receipt of the report.

(5) Earthquake Administration: Complete the approval of new construction, reconstruction, and expansion projects within the scope of the earthquake supervision environment within 5 days.

(6) Meteorological Bureau: It shall provide opinions within 2 days on whether the construction project needs to apply for the administrative permit for the environmental hazards of meteorological observation; if the administrative permit is required to be submitted to the higher-level department for approval, the re-examination and reporting work will be completed within 5 days.

(7) Development and Reform Commission: The project should be approved within 5 days.

(8) Other related units: should submit review opinions and give feedback within 5 days

11. Land use approval stage. At this stage, the construction project comprehensive service window will accept and lead the organization. Generally, the review of the project is completed within 5 days. If the project cannot be completed on time, the construction project comprehensive service window will be notified in time, and the construction project comprehensive service window will notify the applicant. The planning and design phases are carried out simultaneously. After the planning department accepts the application, it will put forward its review opinions within 2 days and issue a construction land planning permit in a timely manner if the review is correct. The Civil Air Defense Office will complete the review and approval of the air defense basement design documents within 5 days.

12. Planning and construction stage. At this stage, the construction project comprehensive service window will accept and lead the organization. The Planning Bureau will complete the planning plan review within 3 days, complete the construction land planning permit within 5 days, and complete the construction plan review within 3 days; if it needs to be reported to the Municipal Planning Commission for approval, it will be submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission for study within 2 days, and the construction project comprehensive service window will be reported.

While completing the construction land planning permit, the Planning Bureau initiates a joint processing procedure for the approval stage of the plan layout and architectural design plan, submits to the comprehensive service window of the construction project, simultaneously initiates the joint approval meeting for the planning and design stage, and handles the joint affairs at the same time. The approval time limit for each relevant window at this stage is:

(1) Civil Air Defense Office: Complete the air defense basement design document review within 5 days (complete the air defense basement relocation construction fee collection within 1 day).

(2) Cultural Relics Bureau: Complete the large and medium-sized capital construction cultural relics survey and exploration report within 3 days. Complete the cultural relic investigation and exploration treatment opinions within the scope of the municipal administrative license within 3 days.

(3) Development and Reform Commission: complete the issuance of the investment plan within 3 days; for government investment projects, complete the preliminary architectural design and budgetary approval within 3 days.

(4) Meteorological Bureau: Complete the preliminary design review and approval of lightning protection devices for construction projects within the permitted scope within 2 days.

(5) Planning Bureau: Issue a construction project planning permit within 5 days.

13. Approval of construction permits. At this stage, the construction project comprehensive service window will accept and take the lead. After the construction unit entrusts a third-party intermediary service to organize the review of the construction drawings of the house, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development will complete the review and filing within one day, and immediately apply for the construction; after the bidding is completed and the construction supervision contract is signed, it will be combined and filed immediately; After the completion of the work capital guarantee procedures, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development shall apply for and issue a construction permit within 5 days. The Civil Air Defense Office will complete the air defense basement quality supervision declaration within 5 days. The Meteorological Bureau shall complete the design review and approval of lightning protection devices for flammable and explosive construction projects within 4 days.

14. The examination and approval stage of completion acceptance. At this stage, the construction project comprehensive service window will accept and take the lead. After receiving the application, the comprehensive service window of the construction project will notify the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau to initiate the joint process of completion acceptance examination and approval. The application materials are forwarded to the relevant approval unit to determine the time and place for acceptance. The inspection personnel of all units will come to the door for centralized inspection and acceptance. Each unit participating in the acceptance shall issue an acceptance opinion within 5 days after the completion of the acceptance. The Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development shall complete the completion filing procedures within 5 days after the permit documents and project completion materials issued by various functional departments are complete. For matters that must be inspected in advance or that require a large amount of work and a long time, the relevant unit may organize a separate inspection and acceptance after submitting it to the comprehensive service window of the construction project for approval, and submit the result of the acceptance to the comprehensive service window of the construction project.

15. Other procedures for examination and approval. Involved in water conservancy, mineral resource overburden assessment and geological disaster risk assessment, national security, water supply, drainage, gas, power supply, cultural relics, postal services, landscaping, soil and water conservation, sanitation, highways, transportation, earthquake prevention, lightning protection, safety planning, For matters such as safety production, hazardous chemical supervision, forestry, municipal environmental sanitation infrastructure, etc., the construction project comprehensive service window organizes the solicitation of opinions from relevant departments. If approval is required in accordance with the law, it shall be included in each stage for joint approval.

Chapter IV Supporting Measures

The "one fee system" is implemented. Clean up the construction fees that need to be paid for projects involving joint approval to form a single list. During the implementation, the various departments will verify the charging standards and amounts at the joint review meeting. The construction project will directly pay the fees to the bank account designated by the Finance Bureau, and the bank window will issue the payment invoice.

Promote drawing review resources into the center. The drawing review resources scattered in the departments of land, planning, housing construction, civil air defense, fire protection, water conservancy and other departments will be unified into the administrative service center to be responsible for the technical review of each stage and project of the construction project.

Promote intermediary service resources into the center. Set up a service platform for intermediary agencies in the administrative service center, select the best to promote the entry of intermediary agencies into the platform, and provide high-quality services for construction project approval in a timely manner. Implement intermediary service online consultation, online bidding, online commission, online evaluation and other mechanisms to standardize intermediary service behavior, establish integrity files, and strengthen the supervision of intermediary service behavior.

Chapter V Supervision and Inspection

All relevant examination and approval departments and comprehensive service windows for construction projects shall perform their notification responsibilities. Except for those that need to be kept confidential in accordance with the law, they must publicize the basis, content, conditions, procedures, time limit, and the person responsible for the examination and approval, and announce the telephone number of the report. Accept social supervision.

The Supervision Office of the Municipal Government strengthens the supervision and inspection of the joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects, and promptly transfers the non-cooperation, omission, slow action, and disorderly actions in the joint examination and approval of investment and construction projects to the higher authority or supervisory authority for accountability.

In the process of joint examination and approval of a construction project, if one of the following situations occurs, the responsible person shall be warned, criticized, and transferred from the job according to the severity of the circumstances:

(1) Violating the regulations on the management of joint examination of construction projects and disobeying the coordination of the joint examination and approval window;

(2) Failing to participate in the joint review meeting without reason, or participating in the joint review meeting without issuing joint review opinions;

(3) Accepting or handling construction project approval without authorization;

(4) Conducting an on-site survey without participating in a joint on-site survey without any reason;

(5) Violating the provisions of the undertaking, delaying the examination and approval time or deliberately creating difficulties for the applicant;

(6) Those who are not competent for the joint examination and approval of construction projects.

22. In any of the following circumstances, the superior administrative agency or supervisory agency shall order corrections, and the directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be given administrative sanctions according to law; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

(1) Failing to grant permission or failing to grant permission within the promised period for approval items that meet the statutory permission conditions;

(2) Approving an administrative license for an applicant who does not meet the statutory requirements or making a decision to grant an administrative license without authorization;

(3) Failing to implement one-off charges as required by regulations, and there are acts of arbitrary charges or ride-hailing charges;

(4) In the process of joint examination and approval, there are acts of eating, taking, carding, requesting, reporting, etc.;

(5) Matters involving joint examination and approval should be stationed in the administrative service center but not stationed;

(6) There are other violations of law and discipline.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

23.The time limit for handling commitments during the implementation of these Measures does not include the time for each department to report to the municipal government and the higher-level competent department for review. The time required for hearing, bidding, auction, inspection, testing, appraisal, expert review and rectification is not included in the commitment time limit according to law. If it cannot be completed within the commitment period due to special reasons, the approval unit shall submit a written application and submit it to the construction project. Service window approval.

24. The processing time "day" in these Measures is "working day".

25. These Measures shall come into force on January 1, 2019. These Measures are not applicable to government-invested construction projects and enterprise-invested construction projects before implementation. The document of "Xinyang City Administrative Examination and Approval Service Matters Joint Handling Measures" (XinZhengBan[2007] No.9) shall be repealed at the same time.

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