第一章 总则
第一条 为了优化营商环境,维护市场主体合法权益,激发市场活力,促进经济社会高质量发展,根据《中华人民共和国民法典》和国务院《优化营商环境条例》等法律、行政法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
第二条 本省行政区域内的优化营商环境工作,适用本条例。
第三条 优化营商环境应当坚持市场化、法治化、国际化、便利化原则,以市场主体需求为导向,以审批最少、流程最优、体制最顺、机制最活、效率最高、服务最好为目标,优化市场环境,提升政务服务,强化法治保障,为各类市场主体营造安全稳定、统一开放、公开透明、公平公正、便利快捷、可预期的良好营商环境。
第四条 各级国家机关及其工作人员在营商环境工作中应当宣传落实相关政策、平等对待市场主体、主动提供高效服务、严格规范执法司法行为、组织推动经贸活动、诚信守法履约践诺、落实联系企业制度、听取企业意见、帮助企业排忧解难。
第五条 各级人民政府应当加强对优化营商环境工作的组织领导,建立优化营商环境工作协调机制,统筹推进优化营商环境工作,及时协调、解决优化营商环境工作中的重大问题。
第六条 各级监察委员会应当加强对优化营商环境工作的监督,支持市场主体健康发展,保障优化营商环境相关政策的落实,推动构建亲清新型政商关系。
第七条 优化营商环境应当坚持权利平等、机会平等、规则平等的原则,平等对待各类市场主体。
第八条 各级人民政府及有关部门、新闻媒体应当通过政府网站、广播、电视、报刊、杂志和其他互联网媒体,宣传优化营商环境政策措施和先进典型,弘扬诚实信用和契约精神,营造良好的营商舆论氛围。
第九条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当建立便利、畅通的渠道,受理有关营商环境的投诉和举报。
第二章 优化市场环境
第十条 各类市场主体在本省行政区域内依法享有平等的市场准入权利。在国家市场准入负面清单之外,各级人民政府及有关部门不得另行制定市场准入性质的负面清单,不得制定歧视非公有制市场主体的政策措施。
第十一条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当依法保护市场主体经营自主权。任何单位和个人不得干预应当由市场主体依法自主决策的事项。
第十二条 任何单位和个人不得对市场主体实施任何形式的摊派,不得侵占市场主体的合法财产,不得侵犯市场主体的合法权益,不得干扰市场主体正常的生产经营活动。
第十三条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当推进土地、劳动力、资本、技术、数据等要素市场化改革,健全要素市场运行机制,完善要素交易规则和服务体系,促进要素自主有序流动,提高要素配置效率,激发市场主体创造力和市场活力。
第十四条 县级以上人民政府应当建立健全公平竞争工作协调机制,严格落实公平竞争审查制度,依法打击市场垄断和干预公平竞争的行为,营造公平竞争的市场环境。
第十五条 县级以上人民政府及发展改革、财政、国资等部门应当落实国家关于混合所有制企业的相关政策,对混合所有制企业,建立有别于国有独资、全资公司的治理机制和监管制度;对国有资本不再绝对控股的混合所有制企业,实施更加灵活高效的监管制度,依法发挥好企业股东会、董事会的作用,最大限度激发混合所有制企业的动力和活力。
第十六条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当组织开展金融机构与中小企业的融资服务对接活动。鼓励金融机构为中小企业提供融资、结算等金融服务,落实国家和本省关于中小企业金融支持的有关政策,提高对中小企业的信贷规模和比重。
第十七条 县级以上人民政府及有关部门应当支持多层次资本市场建设,支持符合条件的企业上市融资和发行债券,扩大直接融资规模;支持区域性股权市场、商品期货交易市场为中小企业提供股权、债权、仓单和其他权益类资产的登记、托管、挂牌、转让和融资等综合金融服务。
第十八条 金融机构积极开发新的金融产品和服务项目,拓展抵押物或者质押物范围,丰富信用担保融资以及车辆船舶、生产设备、原材料、半成品、产品、应收账款、知识产权等法律规定未禁止抵押、质押的动产和权利担保融资,为中小企业提供融资服务。
第十九条 商业银行对同等申请条件下市场主体的贷款利率和贷款条件应当保持一致,不得对中小企业等市场主体设置贷款审批歧视性规定。
第二十条 金融监管部门应当指导监督金融机构支持和服务中小企业的发展,完善对金融机构的监管考核和激励机制,健全授信尽职免责机制,推动在内部绩效考核中落实对中小企业不良贷款考核容忍度的监管政策。
第二十一条 供水、供电、供气、供热、排水、污水处理、通信、邮政等公用企事业单位,应当公开服务范围、服务标准、服务流程、办理时限、资费标准等信息,推广应用互联网提供线上咨询、报装、查询、缴费、报修等服务。不得强迫市场主体接受不合理的服务条件,不得以任何名义收取不合理费用。
第二十二条 县级以上人民政府自然资源和规划、住建、公安、市政、园林绿化、交通等有关部门应当优化水电气热等相关行政审批流程,实施并联审批,提高审批效率,为公用企事业单位便民服务提供便利。
第二十三条 行业协会商会应当加强行业自律,反映行业诉求,化解行业纠纷,维护会员合法权益。
第二十四条 县级以上人民政府应当依法规范行政审批中介服务行为,编制并公布行政审批中介服务事项清单。
第二十五条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当保持政策的连续性和稳定性,履行与市场主体依法签订的合同,兑现以会议纪要、批复、文件等书面形式承诺的优惠条件,不得以政府换届、相关责任人调整或者当地政府政策调整等为由不履行、不兑现,或者延迟履行、延迟兑现。
第二十六条 各级国家机关不得违反合同约定拖欠市场主体的货物、工程、服务等账款。
第三章 优化政务环境
第二十七条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当增强服务意识,完善服务职能,转变工作作风,为市场主体提供规范、便利、高效的政务服务。
第二十八条 本省应当推进政府服务标准化。省人民政府组织编制并公布全省各级统一的政务服务事项目录及其标准化工作流程、办事指南,并及时调整。相关行政机关不得单独设立和实施目录之外的政务服务事项。
第二十九条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当清理证明事项,对确需保留的证明事项应当公布清单,列明设定依据、开具单位、办理指南等。
第三十条 省人民政府有关部门应当编制并公布政府性基金及附加、涉企保证金、涉企行政事业性收费以及实行政府定价的经营服务性收费目录。目录清单实行动态调整。政府性基金、涉企保证金等应当按照下限标准收取。推广以保函、保险替代现金缴纳涉企保证金。
第三十一条 公共资源交易实行目录管理。列入目录的公共资源交易项目应当进入公共资源交易平台。全省公共资源交易平台应当规则统一、公开透明、服务高效、监督规范,实现全流程电子化交易。
第三十二条 招标投标应当依法进行,坚持公开、公平、公正、诚实信用的原则,禁止围标、串标、陪标、私下定标;禁止以可能影响合同履行的异常低价中标;禁止公职人员非法干涉招标投标活动。
第三十三条 县级以上人民政府财政部门以及依法进行政府采购的各级国家机关、事业单位和人民团体,应当落实政府采购中促进中小企业发展的政策,为中小企业开展政府采购有关业务提供便利,并依法及时公开政府采购项目等信息。
第三十四条 行政审批机关应当实行政务服务事项办理承诺制,承诺制适用事项、办理条件、标准、流程等应当公开;涉及国家安全、公共安全和人民群众生命健康的事项除外。
第三十五条 行政审批实行容缺受理制。行政审批机关对审批事项主要申请材料齐全且符合法定形式,仅欠缺次要材料的,应当先行受理,并一次性告知申请人需要补充的材料、补交期限。
第三十六条 省人民政府应当建立综合政务服务大厅,实行政务集中服务。
第三十七条 实行政务服务一网通办。省人民政府应当优化全省一体化在线政务服务平台,利用电脑端、移动终端、自助终端等渠道优化政务服务。本省政务服务事项应当按照规定纳入一体化在线政务服务平台。
第三十八条 县级以上人民政府政务服务大厅和一体化在线政务服务平台,办理政务服务事项标准应当一致。
第三十九条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当简化企业开办程序,优化企业登记、公章刻制、申领发票、社保登记、银行开户等企业开办服务。
第四十条 符合法律规定的电子签名、电子印章、电子证照、电子档案与手写签名、实物印章、纸质证照、纸质档案具有同等法律效力,可以作为政务服务事项办理材料。
第四十一条 省人民政府应当建立全省统一的投资审批事项及申报材料清单,加强投资项目在线审批监管平台应用,非涉密投资审批事项统一通过省投资项目在线审批监管平台办理,实行各级人民政府有关部门投资审批事项并联审批,提高审批效率。
第四十二条 省人民政府有关部门应当完善工程建设项目审批管理系统,实现与相关平台系统的数据对接与同步共享。
第四十三条 在各类新区、开发区、自贸试验区、实验区等区域内,由园区管委会或者所属的人民政府统一组织对土地勘测、矿产压覆、地质灾害、水土保持、文物保护、洪水影响、地震安全性、气候可行性等事项实施区域评估,不再对区域内的建设项目单独评估。区域评估费用由当地人民政府或者各类园区管委会承担。
第四十四条 县级以上人民政府应当建立不动产登记与发展改革、公安、税务、住建、市场监管等部门信息互通共享机制。
第四十五条 税务机关应当落实国家规定的税收优惠政策,保障市场主体依法享受减税、免税、出口退税,确保税收优惠政策全面、及时惠及市场主体。
第四十六条 加快中国(河南)国际贸易单一窗口功能由口岸通关执法向口岸物流、贸易服务等全链条拓展,为申报人提供进出口货物申报、运输工具申报、税费支付、贸易许可和原产地证书申领等全流程电子化服务,推广跨境电商、贸易融资、信用保险、出口退税、智慧物流等地方特色应用。推动与其他专业化平台的申报接口对接,促进信息互联互通,便利企业开展跨境业务。
第四十七条 县级以上人民政府有条件的可以建立统一开放、有机贯通的企业诉求响应平台,做到有诉必接、有问必答、有难必帮。涉及企业的有关部门应当及时受理、限时办结、及时反馈。
第四章 优化法治环境
第四十八条 国家机关应当科学立法、严格执法、依法监察、公正司法,严格规范履职行为,保障市场主体的合法权益,营造公平公正的法治环境。
第四十九条 国家机关制定与市场主体相关的法规、规章,涉及市场主体权利义务的规范性文件,应当听取市场主体、行业协会商会及其他自律监管机构的意见,并依法予以公布。
第五十条 国家机关应当加强法律、法规、规章、规范性文件的宣传。落实谁执法谁普法责任制。
第五十一条 地方性法规、政府规章、规范性文件的制定机关,应当根据全面深化改革、经济社会发展需要以及上位法制定、修改、解释、废止情况,对涉及市场主体经济活动的地方性法规以及政府规章、规范性文件及时进行专项清理,发现问题应当及时修改或者废止,清理结果应当及时向社会公布。
第五十二条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当依法编制监管事项目录清单,明确监管部门、事项、对象、措施、设定依据、流程、结果、层级等内容,实行动态管理并定期向社会公布,加强对市场主体的监管,实现监管全覆盖。
第五十三条 行政执法机关应当落实行政执法公示、行政执法全过程记录和重大行政执法决定法制审核制度,通过考核、定期报告、协调指导、执法数据共享等方式,推进行政执法严格、规范、公正、文明。
第五十四条 行政执法机关应当依法规范、细化量化行政处罚自由裁量权标准,杜绝执法随意性,不得妨碍企业正常的生产经营活动,提高行政执法规范性和公信力。
第五十五条 完善和细化知识产权创造、运用、交易、保护制度规则,落实知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度。县级以上人民政府知识产权等有关部门应当健全知识产权保护的举报、投诉、维权快速通道,建立知识产权纠纷多元解决机制,推进知识产权纠纷快速调解,充分保障知识产权权利人的合法权益。
第五十六条 县级以上人民政府及司法行政主管部门应当加快推进公共法律服务体系建设,整合律师、基层法律服务、公证、司法鉴定、人民调解、仲裁等法律服务资源,为市场主体提供法律咨询、法律援助和法律救济等服务,引导和帮助市场主体依法维权。
第五十七条 各级监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关应当依法平等保护从事市场活动经营者的人身权。对市场主体的法定代表人、主要管理人员以及实际控制人采取限制人身自由的留置措施以及其他强制措施的,应当严格区分违纪与违法、经济纠纷与经济犯罪的界限,严格把握采取强制措施的必要性和经济违法行为入刑标准。
第五十八条 各级监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关应当依法平等保护市场主体的财产权。需要对市场主体及其法定代表人、主要管理人员以及实际控制人的涉案财物采取查封、扣押、冻结等措施的,应当严格依法进行,不得超权限、超范围、明显超标的、超时限。
第五十九条 各级监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关应当依法平等保护市场主体的经营自主权,对市场主体及其他当事人反映的问题,应当及时查处并予以回应,最大限度减少对市场主体正常生产经营活动的影响。
第六十条 各级人民法院应当依法公正审理涉及市场主体的各类案件,优化办案流程,严格审理期限,提高审判效率,改进执行工作,提高办案质量。
第六十一条 人民法院应当加强破产案件繁简分流机制,提高破产案件办理效率,健全破产成本支付管理制度,规范和降低破产费用支出;落实破产重整识别机制,探索庭外重组、预重整与破产重整、和解制度的衔接,为有运营价值企业的继续经营创造条件。
第六十二条 检察机关应当加强对涉及市场主体刑事、民事、行政诉讼活动的监督,综合运用检察建议、公益诉讼、提出抗诉等监督手段,依法监督纠正损害市场主体合法权益的违法行为。
第六十三条 各级人民政府、监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院应当密切配合,建立涉及市场主体案件的线索通报、案件移送、查处配合、快速办理工作协调机制,及时解决市场主体的矛盾纠纷案件和相关问题,营造良好的法治环境。
第五章 优化宜居宜业环境
第六十四条 县级以上人民政府在优化市场环境、政务环境、法治环境的同时,还应当加强生态环境、人文环境、城市环境建设,提升区域竞争力,营造良好的宜居、宜业的营商环境。
第六十五条 县级以上人民政府应当坚持绿色发展理念,坚持绿水青山就是金山银山,构建绿色产业体系,加快绿色生态保护和修复,倡导绿色生活方式,建设良好的生态环境。
第六十六条 县级以上人民政府应当以大气污染防治、水污染防治、土壤污染防治为核心,提升生态环境质量,降低污染物排放和资源消耗,改善空气质量,推动城区黑臭水体整治,基本实现城区生活垃圾分类全覆盖,营造天蓝、水清、土净的人居环境。
第六十七条 县级以上人民政府应当加强地方特色文化建设,统筹利用黄河文化、红色文化、古都文化、根亲文化、功夫文化等历史文化资源和其他人文资源,打造老家河南文化品牌,提高文化开放与包容度,营造亲商、安商、乐商的文化氛围。
第六十八条 县级以上人民政府应当加强诚信文化的宣传普及,提高诚信意识,弘扬诚信文化,宣传诚实守信的先进典型,促进政府守信、企业守信、公民守信。
第六十九条 县级以上人民政府应当加强城市的科学规划,合理布局,注重园林、绿地、水系、主题公园、休闲、运动等基础设施建设,提升城市品位,提高生活质量,促进人与城市和谐,营造宜居、宜业、宜游的城市环境。
第七十条 县级以上人民政府应当根据本行政区域人口、经济社会发展水平,合理设置教育机构、医疗机构、养老机构和托幼机构,提高公共服务水平。
第七十一条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当深化人才发展体制机制改革,健全培养、引进、评价、激励等机制,创新人才政策措施,为人才引进做好服务保障,提升人才流动便利度。对市场需求的各类高层次人才在职称评定、医疗社保、住房安居、配偶安置、子女入学等方面提供便利,为吸引、留住、用好人才提供政策支持,为市场主体营造良好的人才环境。
第七十二条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当加强企业家队伍培育,树立优秀企业家典型,弘扬企业家精神,鼓励企业家创新,形成尊重企业家风尚、发挥企业家作用的社会氛围。
第六章 营商环境工作监督
第七十三条 县级以上人民代表大会常务委员会可以采取听取和审议行政机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关专项工作报告、执法检查、规范性文件备案审查、询问、质询等方式,加强对营商环境监督。
第七十四条 省人民政府应当建立营商环境奖惩制度,将营商环境评价结果与年度目标考核绩效奖金、评先树优、领导班子和干部考核挂钩。
第七十五条 充分发挥人民政协监督、党派民主监督、工商联等人民团体监督以及新闻媒体监督、社会公众监督的作用,多渠道加强对营商环境的监督。
第七十六条 县级以上人民政府优化营商环境工作主管部门应当建立营商环境特邀监督员制度,聘请人大代表、政协委员、民主党派成员、企业家代表、媒体记者、行业协会负责人、商会负责人和群众代表担任监督员,对营商环境工作进行监督。
第七十七条 省人民政府优化营商环境工作主管部门应当建立营商环境监测机制,建设全省统一的营商环境监测平台,加强各项数据指标动态监测,跟踪各项营商环境改革措施落实情况。
第七十八条 省人民政府优化营商环境工作主管部门应当建立营商环境违法案件调查处理制度。
第七十九条 县级以上人民政府应当将优化营商环境工作纳入督查范围,通过专项督查、日常检查等方式对本级人民政府有关部门以及下级人民政府优化营商环境工作进行监督检查,对存在的问题依法及时纠正。
第八十条 各级审计机关应当加强对优化营商环境相关政策落实情况的审计监督。
第八十一条 各级国家机关及其工作人员在法定职权范围内对优化营商环境、推进深化改革进行探索,未能实现预期目标或者出现偏差,但符合下列条件的,应当免除相关责任:
第七章 法律责任
第八十二条 违反本条例规定的行为,法律、行政法规已有处罚规定的,从其规定。
第八十三条 各级人民政府及有关部门不履行优化营商环境工作职责,有下列情形之一的,由法律、法规规定的相关主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
第八十四条 各级监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关不履行优化营商环境相关工作职责,有下列情形之一的,由法律、法规规定的相关主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
第八十五条 各级人民政府及有关部门、监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院的工作人员违反本条例规定,对营商环境造成不良影响的,视情节轻重,由相关部门根据职责权限采取下列一种或者几种方式督促整改:
第八十六条 水电气热等公用企事业单位有以下第一项、第二项情形的由优化营商环境工作主管部门责令改正,有第三项、第四项情形的由市场监管部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,由所在单位或者上级机关依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
第八十七条 行业协会商会有以下第一项、第二项、第三项行为的由社会团体登记管理机关责令限期改正,拒不改正的可以停止其活动,有违法所得的没收违法所得并处违法所得三倍以上五倍以下的罚款;有第四项行为的,由市场监管部门处二十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款:
第八十八条 县级以上人民政府优化营商环境工作主管部门及其工作人员,在优化营商环境工作中玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、失职渎职、滥用职权的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第八章 附则
第八十九条 法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织,适用本条例关于行政机关的规定。
第九十条 本条例自2021年1月1日起施行。
Regulations of Henan Province on Optimizing the Business Environment
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 In order to optimize the business environment, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market subjects, stimulate market vitality, and promote high-quality economic and social development, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Civil Code of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the State Council on Optimizing the Business Environment and other laws and administrative regulations, and in combination with the actual situation of the province.
Article 2: The optimization of the business environment within the administrative region of this province shall be governed by these Regulations.
The business environment referred to in these regulations refers to the institutional and institutional factors and ecological, cultural, urban and other environmental conditions involved in market economic activities by market entities such as enterprises and individual businesses.
Article 3: Optimizing the business environment should adhere to the principles of marketization, rule of law, internationalization, and convenience, guided by the needs of market entities, with the goals of minimum approval, optimal process, most smooth system, most active mechanism, highest efficiency, and best service. Optimizing the market environment, enhancing government services, strengthening legal protection, and creating safety, stability, unity, openness, transparency, fairness, justice, and convenience for various market entities Expected good business environment.
Article 4: State organs and their staff at all levels shall promote and implement relevant policies, treat market entities equally, actively provide efficient services, strictly regulate law enforcement and judicial behavior, organize and promote economic and trade activities, fulfill their promises with integrity and compliance with the law, implement the system of contacting enterprises, listen to their opinions, and help enterprises solve problems and difficulties in their business environment work.
State organs and their staff at all levels shall not increase the burden on enterprises in the business environment; No abuse of power; Do not be lazy or negligent in politics; Not to discriminate against private enterprises; Do not disregard the demands of enterprises; Not accepting corporate property; Not to interfere with the business activities of the enterprise; Not to interfere in economic disputes in violation of regulations; New officials are not allowed to ignore old accounts.
Article 5: People's governments at all levels shall strengthen the organizational leadership of optimizing the business environment, establish a coordination mechanism for optimizing the business environment, coordinate and promote the optimization of the business environment, and timely coordinate and solve major problems in the optimization of the business environment.
The development and reform department of the people's government at or above the county level is the competent department for optimizing the business environment. It is responsible for guiding, organizing, coordinating, and supervising the optimization of the business environment, promptly accepting and supervising appeals related to business environment issues, and lawfully investigating and punishing illegal acts that damage the business environment according to the division of responsibilities.
Other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, do a good job in optimizing the business environment.
Article 6: Supervisory committees at all levels shall strengthen supervision over the optimization of the business environment, support the healthy development of market entities, ensure the implementation of policies related to the optimization of the business environment, and promote the construction of a new type of pro Qing political business relationship.
People's courts, procuratorates, and public security organs at all levels should protect the legitimate rights and interests of various market entities, promptly resolve conflicts and disputes, and maintain an equal and orderly business environment.
Article 7: Optimizing the business environment should adhere to the principles of equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules, and treat all types of market entities equally.
Market entities have the right to equal status and fair competition, and their personal rights, property rights, business autonomy, and employment autonomy are protected by law. They have the right to file complaints and report any actions that infringe on their legitimate rights and interests.
People's governments at or above the county level shall establish an assessment and incentive mechanism for optimizing the business environment, and may, in accordance with regulations, commend and reward units and individuals who have made significant achievements in optimizing the business environment.
Chapter 2 Optimizing the Market Environment
Article 10: All types of market entities shall enjoy equal market access rights within the administrative region of this province in accordance with the law. In addition to the negative list of national market access, people's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall not separately formulate a negative list of the nature of market access, nor formulate policies and measures that discriminate against non-public market entities.
People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall not restrict or indirectly restrict foreign market entities from engaging in production and business activities locally, nor shall they restrict the entry of foreign goods and services into the local market.
The province implements the management system of National treatment plus negative list before admission for foreign investment. Areas beyond the negative list of Negative list of foreign investment in China shall be managed in accordance with the principle of consistency between domestic and foreign investment.
Article 11: People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall protect the autonomy of market entities in their operations in accordance with the law. No unit or individual shall interfere in matters that should be independently decided by market entities in accordance with the law.
Article 12: No unit or individual shall impose any form of apportionment on market entities, encroach on the legitimate property of market entities, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of market entities, or interfere with the normal production and operation activities of market entities.
Article 13 People's governments at all levels and relevant departments should promote the reform of Factor market such as land, labor, capital, technology and data, improve the operating mechanism of Factor market, improve the rules and service system of factor transactions, promote the independent and orderly flow of factors, improve the efficiency of factor allocation, and stimulate the creativity and vitality of market players.
People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall ensure in accordance with the law that all types of market entities apply national and provincial development policies equally, use various production factors and public service resources such as land, labor, capital, technology, data, and other natural resources equally, and participate in market competition fairly.
People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall treat all types of market entities equally in accordance with the law in terms of government funding arrangements, land supply, tax exemptions, qualification permits, standard formulation, project application, and professional title evaluation, and shall not formulate or implement discriminatory policies and measures.
Article 14: People's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve coordination mechanisms for fair competition work, strictly implement the fair competition review system, crack down on market monopolies and intervene in fair competition in accordance with the law, and create a fair competition market environment.
Article 15: The people's governments at or above the county level, as well as the development and reform, finance, state-owned assets and other departments, shall implement the relevant policies of the state on mixed ownership enterprises, and establish a governance mechanism and regulatory system for mixed ownership enterprises that is different from state-owned sole proprietorship and wholly-owned companies; For mixed ownership enterprises that no longer have absolute control over state-owned capital, a more flexible and efficient regulatory system should be implemented, and the role of the shareholders' meeting and board of directors should be effectively played in accordance with the law to maximize the motivation and vitality of mixed ownership enterprises.
Article 16: People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall organize and carry out financing service docking activities between financial institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises. Encourage financial institutions to provide financing, settlement and other financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, implement relevant national and provincial policies on financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and increase the scale and proportion of credit for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The people's governments of provinces and cities divided into districts should establish policy financing guarantee funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, establish a sound financing guarantee system, and provide credit enhancement services for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. People's governments at or above the county level, if conditions permit, may establish policy financing guarantee funds for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Article 17: People's governments at or above the county level and relevant departments shall support the construction of multi-level capital markets, support eligible enterprises to go public for financing and issue bonds, and expand the scale of direct financing; Support regional equity markets and commodity futures trading markets to provide comprehensive financial services such as registration, custody, listing, transfer, and financing of equity, debt, warehouse receipts, and other equity assets for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The people's governments of provinces and cities divided into districts may establish venture capital guidance funds to encourage various institutional investors and individuals to establish corporate and partnership venture capital enterprises in accordance with the law.
Article 18: Financial institutions shall actively develop new financial products and service projects, expand the scope of collateral or collateral, enrich credit guarantee financing, as well as movable property and rights guarantee financing that are not prohibited by laws such as vehicles, ships, production equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, products, accounts receivable, intellectual property rights, etc., to provide financing services for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Article 19 Commercial banks shall maintain consistent loan interest rates and loan conditions for market entities under the same application conditions, and shall not set discriminatory regulations on loan approval for small and medium-sized enterprises and other market entities.
Commercial banks should regulate their service and fee behavior, publicly disclose the service standards, fee standards, and processing time limit for opening enterprise accounts to the public, and shall not illegally charge service fees from market entities, nor transfer fees that should be borne by financial institutions in accordance with laws and regulations.
Article 20: Financial regulatory authorities shall guide and supervise financial institutions to support and serve the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the regulatory assessment and incentive mechanisms for financial institutions, improve the credit due diligence and exemption mechanism, and promote the implementation of regulatory policies on the tolerance of non-performing loan assessment for small and medium-sized enterprises in internal performance evaluations.
The financial regulatory authorities should promptly investigate and punish the behaviors of commercial banks and other financial institutions in providing loans and other financing services to market entities, such as transferring loans to deposits, linking deposits and loans, and forcibly tying insurance and wealth management products.
Article Twenty-One Demands Public enterprises and institutions engaged in water supply, power supply, gas supply, heat supply, drainage, sewage treatment, communications, postal services, etc. shall disclose information such as the scope of services, service standards, service processes, processing time limits, and tariff standards, and promote the use of the Internet to provide online consulting, installation reporting, inquiry, payment, repair and other services. Market entities shall not be forced to accept unreasonable service conditions, and shall not charge unreasonable fees in any name.
Encourage public enterprises and institutions to provide full process agency services for market entities, optimize the processing process, simplify installation materials, and reduce the time limit for application processing. If the materials are complete, they should be completed within five working days from the date of installation for water supply, gas supply, and low-voltage user power supply, and within eight working days for heating.
Article 22: The natural resources and planning, housing and construction, public security, municipal, landscaping, transportation and other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall optimize the administrative approval processes related to water, electricity, and heat, implement parallel approval, improve approval efficiency, and provide convenience for public enterprises and institutions in providing convenient services.
Article 23: Industry associations and chambers of commerce shall strengthen industry self-discipline, reflect industry demands, resolve industry disputes, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members.
Market entities have the right to independently join and withdraw from industry associations and chambers of commerce in accordance with the law. No unit or individual shall forcibly or indirectly force market entities to join or withdraw from the association.
Industry associations, chambers of commerce, and their staff shall not engage in the following behaviors:
(1) Organize market entities to reach monopolistic agreements, eliminate or restrict competition;
(2) Without legal and regulatory basis, market entities are forced or indirectly forced to participate in activities such as evaluation, compliance, recognition, training, assessment, and examination;
(3) Illegally charging market entities or forcing them to donate, sponsor, and other disguised fees.
Article 24: People's governments at or above the county level shall regulate administrative approval intermediary services in accordance with the law, and compile and publish a list of administrative approval intermediary services.
Administrative organs shall not engage in the following behaviors during the administrative approval process:
(1) Establish intermediary services for matters that can be resolved through soliciting opinions from relevant departments and strengthening supervision during and after the event;
(2) Set up intermediary services for tasks that market entities can complete on their own according to requirements;
(3) Convert existing or cancelled administrative approval matters into intermediary services;
(4) Splitting an intermediary service into multiple stages;
(5) Designate or indirectly designate intermediary service institutions.
Market entities have the right to independently choose intermediary service institutions.
Article 25: People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall maintain the continuity and stability of policies, fulfill contracts signed with market entities in accordance with the law, fulfill preferential conditions promised in written forms such as meeting minutes, approvals, documents, etc., and shall not fail to fulfill, fail to fulfill, or delay performance or fulfillment on the grounds of government changes, adjustments to relevant responsible persons, or local government policy adjustments.
If a contract signed in accordance with the law is not fulfilled, not fully fulfilled, or delayed due to the responsibility of the people's governments at all levels and relevant departments, or if the promised preferential conditions are not fulfilled or delayed, causing losses to market entities, compensation shall be given.
Article 26: State organs at all levels shall not violate the contract by defaulting on the accounts of market entities for goods, projects, services, etc.
If state organs at all levels default on the accounts of market entities and market entities apply to the people's court for compulsory execution, the people's court shall enforce it in accordance with the law.
Market entities have the right to demand compensation from defaulting parties for losses caused by default.
Chapter 3 Optimizing the Government Environment
Article 27: People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall enhance their service awareness, improve their service functions, transform their work style, andArticle 28: This province shall promote the standardization of government services. The Provincial People's Government shall organize the compilation and publication of a unified directory of government service matters at all levels in the province, as well as its standardized work processes and guidelines, and make timely adjustments. Relevant administrative organs shall not separately establish and implement government service matters outside the directory.
The guidelines for handling affairs should clearly define the acceptance unit, setting basis, processing conditions, application materials, processing procedures, review standards, completion time limit, fee standards, contact information, complaint channels, acceptance of deficiencies, notification and commitment of government service matters in accordance with the law.
The conditions for handling government service matters shall not contain any other ambiguous or related clauses; Relevant departments shall not require market entities to provide materials beyond the guidelines for handling affairs.
Article 29 People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall sort out the certification matters, and shall publish a list of the certification matters that need to be retained, specifying the basis for establishment, issuing unit, and handling guidelines.
Various regions and departments should strengthen mutual recognition and sharing of certificates to avoid duplicate requests for certificates. If it is necessary for relevant departments and units to cooperate in the audit during work, it can be resolved through convenient methods such as inter departmental correspondence.
Article 30: The relevant departments of the provincial people's government shall compile and publish a catalog of government funds and surcharges, enterprise margin, enterprise administrative fees, and operating service fees that are priced by the government. The directory list is dynamically adjusted. Government funds, enterprise margin, etc. should be collected according to the lower limit standard. Promote the use of letter of guarantee and insurance instead of cash to pay enterprise related deposits.
Implementing administrative management or providing public services shall not charge any fees other than those listed in the catalog, and shall not arbitrarily increase the fee standards.
The security deposit collected in accordance with the law and regulations shall be refunded and returned in accordance with the prescribed time limit and procedures after the completion of the guarantee matters or the disappearance of the guarantee reasons.
Article 31: Public resource transactions shall be subject to directory management. Public resource trading projects listed in the directory should enter the public resource trading platform. The provincial public resource trading platform should have unified rules, openness and transparency, efficient services, standardized supervision, and achieve full process electronic trading.
The public resource transaction management department of the people's government at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen the supervision of public resource transactions, improve transaction risk prevention mechanisms, standardize transaction behavior, and improve the level of transaction supervision. Publicize public resources trading rules, processes, announcements, procedures, publicity, results, supervision, credit and other information in accordance with the law, ensure that various market entities obtain relevant information in a timely manner and participate in trading activities on an equal basis.
Public resource trading service institutions of people's governments at or above the county level should strengthen internal management, improve platform functions, improve service capabilities, and provide fair, high-quality, and efficient services to various market entities in accordance with the law.
Article 32: Tendering and bidding shall be conducted in accordance with the law, adhering to the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality, honesty and credibility, and prohibiting bidding, collusion, accompanying bidding, and private bidding; Prohibit winning bids at abnormally low prices that may affect contract performance; Prohibit public officials from illegally interfering in bidding and tendering activities.
People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments should improve the system of bidding supervision and information disclosure, and promote electronic bidding.Article 33 The financial departments of the people's governments at or above the county level, as well as the state organs, institutions and People's organization at all levels that carry out government procurement according to law, shall implement the policy of promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement, provide convenience for small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out business related to government procurement, and timely disclose information such as government procurement projects according to law.
Article 34: Administrative approval authorities shall implement a commitment system for handling government service matters, and the applicable matters, processing conditions, standards, processes, etc. of the commitment system shall be made public; Excluding matters related to national security, public safety, and the lives and health of the people.
The administrative approval authority may adopt the method of informing commitments to implement administrative approval for administrative approval matters that can be subject to credit commitments, in-process and post supervision, and controllable risks. For commitments that meet the processing conditions, they should be directly processed and a decision should be made.
Article 35: Administrative approval shall implement a tolerance and acceptance system. If the main application materials for the approval items are complete and in accordance with the legal form, and only minor materials are missing, the administrative approval authority shall first accept them and inform the applicant of the materials that need to be supplemented and the deadline for submission at once.
The administrative approval authority shall publicly disclose the applicable matters, missing materials, and processing conditions for acceptance.
Article 36: The provincial people's government shall establish a comprehensive government service hall and implement centralized government services.
The people's governments of cities and counties should standardize the comprehensive government service halls and implement centralized government services. Administrative approval authorities should enter the government service hall, and administrative approval projects should be concentrated in the government service hall for processing.
Government services are handled through one window. Government service institutions should establish a comprehensive service window based on the one transaction model for enterprises and individuals, implementing a one window all through service model of comprehensive reception at the front end, classified approval at the back end, and unified window delivery.
Government service window staff should accept applications that meet the requirements and provide high-quality and efficient services. They are not allowed to limit the number of applications during working hours.
Article 37: Implement one network access for government services. The provincial people's government should optimize the integrated online government service platform throughout the province, utilizing channels such as computer, mobile, and self-service terminals to optimize government services. The government service matters of this province should be included in the integrated online government service platform in accordance with regulations.
The relevant departments of the provincial people's government and the government service platforms of the city and county people's governments should be interconnected to achieve cross regional, cross departmental, and cross level government data sharing and business collaboration.
People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments should strengthen the management of the entire process of using shared data, ensure the security of shared data, and protect personal privacy, personal information, and trade secrets.
Article 38: The government service halls and integrated online government service platforms of the people's governments at or above the county level shall have consistent standards for handling government service matters.
People's governments at or above the county level should achieve full coverage of one window and one network. Where conditions permit, market entities have the right to independently choose channels for handling government services, and administrative agencies may not limit them.
Article 39: The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall simplify the procedures for enterprise establishment, optimize enterprise registration, official seal engraving, invoice application, social security registration, bank account opening, and other enterprise establishment services.
Relevant departments of the people's government at or above the county levelIf the materials are complete, they should be completed immediately; If it cannot be completed immediately, it should be completed within one working day.
Article 40: Electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic certificates, electronic archives that comply with legal provisions have the same legal effect as handwritten signatures, physical seals, paper certificates, and paper archives, and can be used as materials for handling government service matters.
People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments should strengthen the mutual trust, recognition, and promotion of electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic certificates, and electronic archives in areas such as government services and community affairs acceptance.
Article 41: The provincial people's government shall establish a unified list of investment approval matters and application materials throughout the province, strengthen the application of online approval and supervision platforms for investment projects, and handle non classified investment approval matters through the provincial investment project online approval and supervision platform. Parallel approval of investment approval matters by relevant departments of the people's government at all levels shall be implemented to improve approval efficiency.
Article 42: The relevant departments of the provincial people's government shall improve the approval management system for engineering construction projects, and achieve data docking and synchronous sharing with relevant platform systems.
Comprehensively promote the hierarchical and classified management of engineering construction projects, while ensuring quality and safety, for small and low-risk engineering construction projects invested by society, the government department shall issue a unified enterprise project scope and commencement conditions. After the project unit obtains land and meets the commencement conditions, relevant commitments shall be made, and the government department shall directly issue relevant certificates, and the project can commence, The entire approval process from project initiation to real estate registration shall not exceed fifteen working days.
Article 43: In various new areas, development zones, pilot free trade zones, experimental zones, and other areas, the park management committee or its affiliated people's government shall organize a unified regional assessment of land survey, mineral compaction, geological disasters, soil and water conservation, cultural relic protection, flood impact, seismic safety, climate feasibility, and other matters. No separate assessment shall be conducted for construction projects within the area. The cost of regional assessment shall be borne by the local people's government or various park management committees.
Article 44 People's governments at or above the county level shall establish information exchange and sharing mechanisms among departments such as real estate registration, development and reform, public security, taxation, housing and construction, and market supervision.
Real estate registration institutions that provide offline services should include housing transactions, tax payments, and other matters in the comprehensive service window of real estate registration. The registration, transaction, and tax payment should be processed in one window and in parallel, with a processing time of one working day and no more than three working days.
Real estate registration institutions, public enterprises and institutions, financial institutions, etc. should achieve the exchange and sharing of information related to real estate registration, and achieve linkage processing of transfer and registration businesses involving real estate registration, such as water, electricity, heat, radio, television, and communication. Relevant public enterprises and institutions should cooperate and do a good job.
Article 45: Tax authorities shall implement the tax preferential policies stipulated by the state, ensure that market entities enjoy tax reductions, exemptions, and export tax refunds in accordance with the law, and ensure that tax preferential policies comprehensively and timely benefit market entities.
Article 46: Accelerate the expansion of the single window function of China (Henan) international trade from port customs clearance and law enforcement to the entire chain of port logistics, trade services, etc., providing declarants with import and export goods declaration, transportation vehicle declaration, tax payment, trade license, and certificate of originServices to promote local characteristic applications such as cross-border e-commerce, trade financing, credit insurance, export tax rebates, and smart logistics. Promote the integration of application interfaces with other specialized platforms, promote information interconnection, and facilitate cross-border business for enterprises.
Implement a system of publicizing the list of port charges, and each charging entity should publicly disclose the charging items, charging scope, charging standards, pricing methods, etc. in a single window, to achieve online disclosure and query of charging standards for freight stations, freight forwarders, and tally. The finance, development and reform, transportation, commerce, market supervision and other departments of the provincial people's government should strengthen the management of port fees.
Article 47: People's governments at or above the county level may, if conditions permit, establish a unified, open, and organically connected enterprise demand response platform, ensuring that every complaint is answered, every question is answered, and every difficulty is helped. The relevant departments involved in the enterprise should promptly accept, complete within a limited time, and provide timely feedback.
Chapter 4 Optimizing the Legal Environment
Article 48: State organs shall make scientific legislation, strictly enforce laws, supervise in accordance with the law, administer justice impartially, strictly regulate their performance of duties, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market entities, and create a fair and just legal environment.
Article 49: State organs shall formulate regulations and rules related to market entities, and normative documents related to the rights and obligations of market entities. They shall listen to the opinions of market entities, industry associations, chambers of commerce, and other self regulatory agencies, and publish them in accordance with the law.
State organs should standardize and improve the system of filing and reviewing normative documents in accordance with the law. The department responsible for filing and reviewing normative documents should conduct a unified review, and promptly instruct the formulation unit to correct or revoke any problems found.
Article 50: State organs shall strengthen the publicity of laws, regulations, rules, and normative documents. Implement the responsibility system of whoever enforces the law and popularizes the law.
The enacting authority shall publicize and interpret the local regulations, government rules and normative documents related to the simplification of administration, tax reduction, fee reduction, project declaration, and fund subsidies of market subjects through press conferences, media interviews, answers to questions from journalists, Online interview and other forms.
The competent department for optimizing the business environment of the people's government at or above the county level shall set up a column on the government portal website to collect, organize, and timely update laws, regulations, rules, normative documents, and various policy measures related to the construction of the business environment. The formulating authority should promptly push the normative documents and policy measures formulated and modified to the business environment column.
Article 51: The formulation authorities of local regulations, government rules, and normative documents shall, in accordance with the needs of comprehensive deepening of reform, economic and social development, and the formulation, modification, interpretation, and repeal of superior laws, promptly carry out special cleaning of local regulations, government rules, and normative documents related to the economic activities of market entities. Any problems found shall be promptly modified or repealed, and the cleaning results shall be promptly disclosed to the society.
Article 52: The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the law, compile a directory list of regulatory matters, clarify the regulatory departments, matters, objects, measures, setting basis, processes, results, levels, and other contents, implement dynamic management, and regularly disclose to the society, strengthen supervision of market entities, and achieve full coverage of supervision.
Article 53 Administrative law enforcement agencies shall implement the system of administrative law enforcement publicity, recording of the entire process of administrative law enforcement, and legal review of major administrative law enforcement decisions, and promote strict, standardized, fair, and civilized administrative law enforcement through assessment, regular reporting, coordination and guidance, and law enforcement data sharing.
Article 54 Administrative law enforcement agencies shall standardize and refine the standards for quantifying administrative penalty discretion in accordance with the law, eliminate arbitrary law enforcement, and shall not hinder the normal production and operation activities of enterprises, and improve the standardization and credibility of administrative law enforcement.
Administrative law enforcement agencies shall not impose administrative penalties on market entities whose violations are minor and promptly corrected without causing harmful consequences; If the illegal behavior of market entities is relatively minor and can actively eliminate or mitigate the harmful consequences of the illegal behavior, they shall be ordered to make corrections and given a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty.
Article 55 Improve and refine the rules of intellectual property creation, application, transaction and protection system, and implement the Punitive damages system for intellectual property infringement. The relevant departments of intellectual property under the people's governments at or above the county level should improve the fast channels for reporting, complaining, and safeguarding intellectual property protection, establish a diversified resolution mechanism for intellectual property disputes, promote rapid mediation of intellectual property disputes, and fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of intellectual property rights holders.
The intellectual property department should establish an overseas emergency assistance mechanism for enterprise patents, encourage and guide enterprises to establish a patent warning system, support associations and intellectual property intermediaries to provide emergency assistance for overseas intellectual property disputes and emergencies, and escort the innovative development of enterprises.
Article 56 People's governments at or above the county level and the competent judicial administration departments should accelerate the construction of the public legal service system, integrate legal service resources such as lawyers, grass-roots legal services, notarization, judicial expertise, people's mediation, arbitration, etc., provide legal advice, legal aid, Legal remedy and other services for market entities, and guide and help market entities to safeguard their rights according to law.
Article 57: Supervisory committees, people's courts, people's procuratorates, and public security organs at all levels shall equally protect the personal rights of operators engaged in market activities in accordance with the law. If the legal representative, main management personnel, and actual controller of the market subject are subject to detention measures that restrict personal freedom, as well as other coercive measures, the boundary between disciplinary and illegal activities, economic disputes, and economic crimes should be strictly distinguished, and the necessity of adopting coercive measures and the criteria for criminalizing economic illegal activities should be strictly grasped.
Establish and improve an effective prevention and normalized correction mechanism for unfair and erroneous cases involving market entities.
Article 58: Supervisory committees, people's courts, people's procuratorates, and public security organs at all levels shall equally protect the property rights of market entities in accordance with the law. If it is necessary to take measures such as sealing, distraining, freezing, etc. on the property involved in the case of market entities, their legal representatives, main management personnel, and actual controllers, it shall be strictly carried out in accordance with the law, and shall not exceed the authority, scope, obvious exceeding the limit, or time limit.
Article 59: Supervisory committees, people's courts, people's procuratorates, and public security organs at all levels shall equally protect the operational autonomy of market entities in accordance with the law. They shall promptly investigate and respond to issues raised by market entities and other parties, in order to minimize the impact on the normal production and business activities of market entities.Article 60: People's courts at all levels shall, in accordance with the law, fairly try various cases involving market entities, optimize the handling process, strictly limit the trial period, improve trial efficiency, improve execution work, and improve the quality of case handling.
People's courts at all levels should improve the execution linkage mechanism, and relevant organs and units should strengthen cooperation and collaboration with the people's courts in their execution work, and work together to promote and improve execution efficiency.
Article 61: The people's court shall strengthen the mechanism for separating complex and simple bankruptcy cases, improve the efficiency of handling bankruptcy cases, improve the management system for bankruptcy cost payment, and standardize and reduce bankruptcy expenses; Implement the identification mechanism for bankruptcy reorganization, explore the connection between out of court reorganization, pre reorganization, bankruptcy reorganization, and settlement systems, and create conditions for the continued operation of enterprises with operational value.
The people's government at or above the county level should establish a long-term working mechanism with the people's court to coordinate the disposal of enterprise bankruptcy events, improve the liquidity and realization value of the bankrupt enterprise's land, property, and other assets, and improve the efficiency of bankruptcy property disposal; Establish a special fund for bankruptcy expense protection, support market-oriented debt restructuring in accordance with the law, and promptly solve problems such as asset disposal, tax treatment, credit repair, enterprise cancellation, social stability, and cracking down on debt evasion and abandonment during enterprise bankruptcy.
Article 62: The procuratorial organs shall strengthen supervision over criminal, civil, and administrative litigation activities involving market entities, and comprehensively use supervision methods such as procuratorial suggestions, public interest litigation, and filing protests to supervise and correct illegal behaviors that harm the legitimate rights and interests of market entities in accordance with the law.
Article 63: People's governments, supervisory committees, people's courts, and people's procuratorates at all levels shall closely cooperate, establish a coordination mechanism for reporting leads, transferring cases, cooperating in investigation and handling, and quickly handling work related to market entities, promptly resolve conflicts, disputes, and related issues of market entities, and create a good legal environment.
Chapter 5 Optimizing a livable and business-friendly environment
Article 64 People's governments at or above the county level shall not only optimize the market environment, government environment, and legal environment, but also strengthen the construction of ecological environment, cultural environment, and urban environment, enhance regional competitiveness, and create a good livable and business-friendly business environment.
Article 65 People's governments at or above the county level should adhere to the concept of green development, adhere to the principle that Clear waters and green mountains, build a green industrial system, speed up the protection and restoration of green ecology, advocate a green lifestyle, and build a good ecological environment.
Article 66 People's governments at or above the county level should focus on the prevention and control of air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution, improve the quality of the ecological environment, reduce the discharge of pollutants and resource consumption, improve air quality, promote the renovation of black and smelly water bodies in urban areas, basically achieve full coverage of classified domestic Waste sorting in urban areas, and create a living environment with blue sky, clean water and clean soil.
Article 67 People's governments at or above the county level should strengthen the construction of culture with local characteristics, make overall use of historical Cultural resource management such as the Yellow River culture, red culture, ancient capital culture, root affinity culture, kung fu culture and other cultural resources, build the cultural brand of Henan Province, improve cultural openness and inclusiveness, and create a cultural atmosphere that is pro business, secure business, and happy with business.
Article 68: People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the promotion and popularization of a culture of integrity, and enhance honestySense of integrity, promote a culture of integrity, promote advanced models of honesty and trustworthiness, and promote government trustworthiness, enterprise trustworthiness, and citizen trustworthiness.
People's governments at or above the county level should speed up the construction of the Social Credit System, strengthen the disclosure and sharing of credit information, use credit incentive and restraint means according to law and regulations, establish a cross regional, cross sectoral and cross sectoral joint incentive and disciplinary mechanism for dishonesty involving the government and society, and create a good social integrity environment.
Article 69 People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the scientific planning and rational layout of cities, pay attention to the construction of infrastructure such as gardens, green spaces, water systems, theme parks, leisure, sports, etc., enhance the taste of the city, improve the quality of life, promote harmony between people and the city, and create an urban environment suitable for living, work, and tourism.
People's governments at or above the county level and relevant departments should improve the layout of urban transportation infrastructure, optimize the structure of urban transportation, achieve interconnectivity among various transportation modes, ensure smooth roads, promote convenient transportation, and facilitate public transportation.
Article 70 People's governments at or above the county level shall, based on the population and economic and social development level of their respective administrative regions, reasonably establish educational institutions, medical institutions, elderly care institutions, and childcare institutions to improve the level of public services.
Article 71 People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, improve the mechanisms for training, introduction, evaluation, and incentive, innovate talent policies and measures, provide good service guarantees for talent introduction, and improve the convenience of talent flow. Provide convenience for various high-level talents in the market demand in terms of professional title evaluation, medical and social security, housing security, spouse placement, and child enrollment, provide policy support to attract, retain, and make good use of talents, and create a good talent environment for market entities.
Article 72: People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall strengthen the cultivation of the entrepreneurial team, establish excellent entrepreneurial models, promote entrepreneurial spirit, encourage entrepreneurial innovation, and form a social atmosphere that respects entrepreneurial trends and plays the role of entrepreneurs.
Chapter 6 Supervision of Business Environment Work
Article 73: The standing committee of the people's congress at or above the county level may strengthen supervision over the business environment by listening to and reviewing special work reports of administrative, supervisory, judicial, and procuratorial organs, conducting law enforcement inspections, reviewing normative document filing, inquiring, and questioning.
Article 74: The provincial people's government shall establish a reward and punishment system for the business environment, linking the evaluation results of the business environment with the annual target assessment performance bonus, the evaluation of leading cadres, and the assessment of the leadership team and cadres.
The people's governments at the city and county levels and their relevant departments shall cooperate with the relevant regulations of the state and the province to do a good job in the evaluation of the business environment, and shall not engage in fraud. Various regions and departments should formulate and improve rectification measures based on the evaluation results.
Article 75 Give full play to the role of the supervision of the People's Political Consultative Conference, party democracy, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and other People's organization, as well as the supervision of the news media and the public, and strengthen the supervision of the business environment through multiple channels.
Article 76: The competent department for optimizing the business environment of the people's government at or above the county level shall establish a system of specially invited supervisors for the business environment, and hire representatives to the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and democratic partiesEntrepreneur representatives, media reporters, industry association leaders, chamber of commerce leaders, and mass representatives serve as supervisors to supervise the business environment work.
Article 77: The competent department of optimizing the business environment of the provincial people's government shall establish a monitoring mechanism for the business environment, establish a unified business environment monitoring platform throughout the province, strengthen dynamic monitoring of various data indicators, and track the implementation of various business environment reform measures.
The competent department of the provincial people's government in charge of optimizing the business environment should establish a business environment assessment system, develop and improve the province's business environment assessment index system, regularly organize and carry out the province's business environment assessment work, give play to the role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce as a bridge connecting non-public economic figures, and listen to the market participants' comments on the business environment assessment by holding symposiums and conducting third-party assessments, And timely disclose the evaluation results to the society.
Article 78: The competent department of the provincial people's government in charge of optimizing the business environment shall establish a system for investigating and handling illegal cases related to the business environment.
The competent department for optimizing the business environment of the people's government at or above the county level shall promptly investigate and handle illegal cases that damage the business environment.
The competent department for optimizing the business environment of the people's government at or above the county level shall establish and improve a complaint handling mechanism, and accept complaints and reports from various sectors of society on behaviors that harm the business environment through channels such as convenient service lines and government service platforms. Complaints and reports within the scope of the department's authority shall be resolved and replied to within 30 days. For complex cases, an extension of 30 days may be granted with the consent of the person in charge of the administrative organ. For complaints and reports that do not fall within the scope of the department's authority, they shall be forwarded to the relevant department for processing within five days. The relevant department shall complete and respond to the complainant and whistleblower within the aforementioned time.
The competent department and relevant departments of the people's government at or above the county level in charge of optimizing the business environment shall keep the complainants and whistleblowers confidential.
Article 79: People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the optimization of the business environment into the scope of supervision and inspection, supervise and inspect the relevant departments of the same level of people's government and the optimization of the business environment of lower level people's governments through special inspections, daily inspections, etc., and promptly correct any existing problems in accordance with the law.
Article 80: Audit institutions at all levels shall strengthen audit supervision over the implementation of policies related to optimizing the business environment.
The competent department in charge of optimizing the business environment applies the relevant audit results of the audit department in the evaluation process of the business environment.
Article 81: State organs at all levels and their staff members who, within the scope of their statutory powers, explore the optimization of the business environment and the promotion of deepening reform, fail to achieve the expected goals or deviate, but meet the following conditions, shall be exempted from relevant responsibilities:
(1) Comply with the reform direction determined by the country and the province;
(2) Not violating the prohibitive provisions of laws and regulations;
(3) The decision-making process complies with laws and regulations;
(4) Diligent and responsible, without seeking personal gain.
Chapter 7 Legal Liability
Article 82: If there are penalty provisions in laws and administrative regulations for acts that violate the provisions of these Regulations, their provisions shall prevail.
Article 83: If people's governments at all levels and relevant departments fail to fulfill their responsibilities in optimizing the business environment and encounter any of the following circumstances, the relevant competent departments stipulated by laws and regulations shallIf it is serious, the directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
(1) Setting unreasonable restrictions or exclusion conditions in areas such as market access in violation of regulations;
(2) Violating regulations and interfering with the autonomy of market entities in their operations;
(3) Violating regulations and infringing on the property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of market entities;
(4) Forcing market entities to sponsor, donate or engage in other apportionment activities;
(5) Failure to implement supportive policies for market entities in accordance with regulations;
(6) Designating or indirectly designating intermediary service institutions for market entities, or illegally forcing market entities to accept intermediary services;
(7) Refusing to fulfill policy commitments and contractual agreements made to market entities in accordance with the law;
(8) Violating contract provisions and defaulting on market entities' accounts for goods, engineering, services, etc;
(9) Violating regulations by increasing or indirectly increasing matters, conditions, links, or materials for handling affairs, or extending the time limit for handling affairs; The handling conditions contain other, related, and ambiguous cover clauses;
(10) Collecting government funds and surcharges, enterprise related deposits, and enterprise related administrative fees from external enterprises on the list, and arbitrarily increasing the fee standards;
(11) The margin collected from market entities has not been returned within the prescribed time limit and procedures;
(12) Illegally interfering in bidding and tendering activities;
(13) Violating the work requirements of One Network Access and One Window Access;
(14) The application for establishing a general business project enterprise has not been completed within the prescribed time limit;
(15) Low risk engineering construction projects invested by society have not been approved within the prescribed time limit;
(16) Failure to complete offline services for real estate registration within the prescribed time limit;
(17) Formulating or implementing policy measures that hinder fair competition among market entities;
(18) Infringe the intellectual property rights of market entities or disclose business secrets or personal privacy information related to market entities;
(19) Refusing to handle complaints or reports transferred by the competent department for optimizing the business environment;
(20) Other situations that infringe on the interests of market entities and damage the business environment.
If the relevant department fails to impose punishment in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the competent department for optimizing the business environment shall supervise the relevant department to impose punishment in accordance with the law; If the relevant departments have not yet imposed sanctions, the competent department for optimizing the business environment may request the supervisory authorities to handle it in accordance with the law.
Those who violate the provisions of the first paragraph and cause reputation damage to market entities shall apologize, eliminate the impact, and restore their reputation; If there are overcharges or fees that should not be charged to market entities, they should be refunded; If property losses are caused to market entities, they shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.
Article 84: If supervisory committees, people's courts, people's procuratorates, and public security organs at all levels fail to fulfill their responsibilities in optimizing the business environment and encounter any of the following circumstances, the relevant competent departments stipulated by laws and regulations shall order them to make corrections; If the circumstances are serious, the directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
(1) Illegally interfering with the normal business activities of market entities;
(2) Illegal acquisition of legal representatives, key management personnel, and actual controllers of market entities(3) Illegally taking measures such as sealing up, distraining, freezing, etc. on the property involved in the case of market entities, their legal representatives, main management personnel, and actual controllers, which exceed the authority, scope, obvious standards, or time limit;
(4) Refusing to handle complaints or reports transferred by the competent department for optimizing the business environment;
(5) Other situations that infringe on the interests of market entities and damage the business environment.
Those who violate the provisions of the preceding paragraph and cause reputation damage to market entities shall apologize, eliminate the impact, and restore their reputation; If property losses are caused to market entities, they shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.
Article 85: If personnel of people's governments at all levels, relevant departments, supervisory committees, people's courts, and people's procuratorates violate the provisions of these Regulations and cause adverse effects on the business environment, depending on the severity of the circumstances, the relevant departments shall, in accordance with their responsibilities and authorities, adopt one or more of the following methods to urge rectification:
(1) Order correction;
(2) Public apology;
(3) Notify criticism;
(4) Cancel or withdraw economic rewards;
(5) Temporarily withhold or confiscate law enforcement documents, cancel law enforcement qualifications, and transfer from law enforcement positions;
(6) Suspension inspection.
Article 86: Public enterprises and institutions such as water, electricity, and heat shall be ordered to make corrections by the competent department in charge of optimizing the business environment if they fall under the first or second of the following circumstances, and shall be ordered to make corrections by the market supervision department if they fall under the third or fourth of the following circumstances; Those who refuse to make corrections shall be fined not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan; If there are illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated. If the circumstances are serious, the directly responsible supervisory personnel and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished by their respective units or higher-level authorities in accordance with the law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
(1) Not disclosing information such as service scope, service standards, tariff standards, service processes, and processing deadlines to the public;
(2) If the application for installation exceeds the deadline with complete materials;
(3) Forcing market entities to accept unreasonable service conditions;
(4) Charging unreasonable fees to market entities.
Article 87: If an industry association or chamber of commerce commits any of the following acts in the first, second, or third items, the registration and management authority of the social organization shall order it to make corrections within a time limit. If it refuses to make corrections, its activities may be suspended. If there are any illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a fine of not less than three times but not more than five times the illegal gains shall be imposed; For the fourth act, the market supervision department shall impose a fine of not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 500000 yuan:
(1) Compulsory or disguised coercion of market entities to join or withdraw from the association;
(2) Illegally charging market entities or forcing them to donate, sponsor, or charge in disguised form;
(3) Without legal and regulatory basis, market entities are forced or indirectly forced to participate in activities such as evaluation, compliance, recognition, training, assessment, and examination;
(4) Organizing market entities to reach monopolistic agreements that exclude or restrict competition.
If the violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph is serious, the social organization registration management authority shall revoke the registration in accordance with the law; If a crime is constituted, the judicial organs shall investigate criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.
Article 88: The competent department and its staff of the people's government at or above the county level in charge of optimizing the business environment shall neglect their duties, engage in favoritism and fraud, neglect their duties and abuse their power in optimizing the business environment.
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
Article 89 Organizations authorized by laws and regulations to manage public affairs shall be governed by the provisions of these Regulations on administrative organs.
Article 90: These regulations shall come into effect from January 1, 2021.