中英文-关于开展利用外资增量提质行动 指导意见的通知

发布时间 2023-12-29|阅读

各县、 区人民政府,各管理区、开发区管委会:




                                           关于开展利用外资增量提质行动 指导意见的通知

为更大力度吸引和利用外资,围绕“促稳提质”目标,稳存量、 扩增量、优变量、增能量、提质量,2024年在全市开展利用外资 增量提质行动(以下简称“增量提质行动”),营造更加优良的投 资环境,稳定外商投资预期、提振外商投资信心,推动我市利用外资高质量发展。



认真贯彻党的二十大精神,全面落实中央、省委和市委经 济工作会议部署,落实《关于以制造业为重点促进外资扩增量 稳存量提质量的若干政策措施》,抓住国际产业链供应链加速重 构的机遇,更大力度吸引和利用外资,提升利用外资质量,服务好全市商务工作大局。


坚持稳中求进工作总基调,全面准确贯彻新发展理念,紧 抓构建新发展格局战略机遇,力争全市实际利用外资实现量质齐升、稳定发展。



1.开展外商投资服务提升年活动。继续加大对外资企业服务的广度和深度,利用市外资联席会议“四个”外资项目工作专班、 外企服务日和万人助万企等机制,积极为外资企业排忧解难。继 续实施重点外资企业服务官制度,实行辖区包联制度,采取市县 联动,每月联系1次,每季度实地调研1次, 了解企业真实诉求,为实现稳外资目标提供服务保障。

2.深化与外资企业常态化交流机制。实地走访重点外资企业 和“三个一批”外资项目,选择重点行业、重点引资来源地召开座 谈会,掌握行业动态和共性诉求,及时回应并有针对性做好政策宣介。

3.聚集重点服务好优质存量外资企业。把握服务重点,聚焦 提升产业链供应链韧性和安全性水平,将重点行业龙头、超大 规模劳动密集型、关键环节、“专精特新”等具有较强示范带动效 应的高质量存量企业作为重点服务对象,动态纳入20家重点外资企业清单。


4.加强项目储备。围绕推进高质量发展、建设现代化产业体 系、补链延链升链建链目标,持续储备对外招商项目,力争全 年储备外资项目50个,从已储备的招商引资项目中精心筛选30个重点项目对外发布。

5.推进项目落地。发挥港资、台资、 日韩、世界500强四个 专班作用,瞄准重点国家和地区,盯牢世界500强、头部企业、隐形冠军,围绕重大在谈项目,前九期23个“三个一批”已签约项目,“ 一对一”精准对接,用好产业链招商、股权投资招商等方式,力争签约一批标志性外资项目。

6.项目转化进资。围绕“三个一批”外资项目、新注册外资企 业、拟进资外资企业,强化全生命周期服务,实行市级调度、 市县(市、区)联合服务,推动签约项目早落地,引导落地项目早进资。



8.充分利用苏信合作机遇。充分利用苏信合作发展有利契 机,积极承接苏州产业转移,特别是昆山、张家港等地区台资、 德资多的特点,主动对接,积极争取,力争一些好项目、大项目落户信阳。

9.开放拓展境外专题招商。一是组织好随省团赴境外招商活 动。借助我省“空中丝绸之路”(郑州— 卢森堡)的优势,随省团 组赴德国、法国、卢森堡等欧洲国家开展专题招商;二是自行 组织赴境外、 国外招商。借鉴今年去香港、马来西亚、泰国等 海外招商的成果,特别是与泰国正大集团在侨商大会上与信阳市达成的合作协议,对明年招商有很好的示范作用,提前着手,早日谋划,争取明年创造更多的外出招商机遇,只有招大引强,才能手中有粮,心中不慌。


10.发挥开发区利用外资主阵地作用。充分发挥开发区经济 建设主阵地、主战场、主引擎作用,引导更多外资投向开发区 电子信息、装备制造、纺织服装、绿色建造、绿色食品、生物 医药等领域,对标我市六大主导产业,推动一批引领型、标志性重大项目落地,力争全年实际利用外资取得好的成绩。

11.积极申建产业园(或区中园)工作。拟计划依托豫台(潢 川)国际经贸合作产业园项目,增加台资企业入驻,积极承接苏 州台资企业转移,扩大体量,为申建产业园打好基础。争取更大 范围、更宽领域、更深层次的对外开放局面,建成我市重要的外资承接地及集聚地。


12.严格落实外商投资法及其配套规定。按照《外商投资法》 及其实施条例,全面落实准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度, 把落实《外商投资信息报告办法》与外资管理工作相结合,提高外资服务水平,提升外资数据质量,全力做好稳外资工作。

13.用足用好各类支持政策。加大力度宣传解读已出台的外 资政策,支持符合条件的外资企业及时享受支持政策,确保落地 见效。用好省级招商引资专项资金和年度支持“三外”企业高质量发展的项目补助资等政策,加大对企业的支持力度。

14、创新研究出台推动利用外资政策。继续深入落实党中央 国务院、省委省政府和市委市政府关于稳外资决策部署,进一步 加大制造业引资力度,着力解决外商投资企业面临的突出问题, 全面加强外商投资促进和服务,推动利用外资高质量发展。拓宽 利用外资渠道,鼓励存量外资企业增资扩能,推动境内优质企业 境外上市,引进境外战略投资者,引导外资更多投向先进制造业、 战略性新兴产业和现代服务业等产业项目。印发《信阳外商投资指引》,为境内外企业来信投资提供政策指导和投资指引。


15.强化县区主体责任。积极发动各县区结合目标任务,发 挥县区吸引外资的主体责任,提高对外资工作的重视程度,将引 进外资放在招商引资更加突出的位置,层层分解任务,建立台账,责任到人,将工作落到实处。

16.提升外资队伍能力。落实2022年《外商投资统计调查制 度》,开展招商引资、外资统计等业务培训,规范统计指标使用, 强化质量控制,严防统计造假;鼓励县区开展交流学习,拟计划 组织相关业务人员赴发达省份、先进地区学习工作经验,提高新时期利用外资的能力和水平。

17.加强日常督导跟踪。用好督导问效机制。每季度通报各 地设立外资企业和实际使用外资情况,对成绩突出的通报表扬,对工作不力的进行约谈,认真分析问题,加压奋进。

18.注重新闻宣传引导。围绕外资政策出台和重要工作部署,结合重大招商引资活动和重要时间节点,积极总结推广外资企业 典型案例,宣传我市外资政策,讲好外商在信投资好故事、新发展,营造良好舆论氛围。


                  Notice on the Guidance on Improving the Increase of Foreign Investment

        For greater efforts to attract and use foreign capital, around the "promote steady quality" goal, steady stock, expanding increment, optimal variable, energy, quality, in 2024 in the city for the use of foreign capital increment quality action (hereinafter referred to as the "incremental quality action"), create a better investment environment, stable foreign investment expectations, boost foreign investment confidence, promote the city use High-quality development of foreign investment.

1. general requirement

(1) Guiding ideology

        Earnestly implement the party's spirit of 20, the full implementation of the central, provincial party committee and municipal party committee of the economic work conference deployment, the implementation of the about to focus on the manufacturing to promote foreign expansion increment steady stock quality of several policy measures, seize the opportunity of the international industrial chain supply chain accelerated reconstruction, greater efforts to attract and use foreign investment, improve the quality of using foreign investment, take for the overall situation of the city's business work.

(2) Work objectives

        Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, grasp the strategic opportunity of building a new development pattern, and strive to achieve the actual quantity and quality of foreign capital in the city Qi Sheng, stable development.

2. Key tasks

(1) We will strengthen services and stabilize the stock of services

1. Carry out the year of Improving Foreign Investment Services. We will continue to provide more services to foreign-funded enterprises.

 The breadth and depth of the joint conference, the use of the "four" foreign investment project work special class, foreign enterprise service day and ten thousand people to help ten thousand enterprises and other mechanisms, actively for foreign enterprises to solve the problems. Continue to implement the service officer system of key foreign-funded enterprises, implement the system of district contracting, adopt the linkage of cities and counties, contact once a month, conduct field research once a quarter, to understand the real demands of enterprises,To provide services to achieve the goal of stabilizing foreign investment.

2. Deepen the regular exchange mechanism with foreign-funded enterprises. Visit key foreign-funded enterprises and "three batches" foreign-funded projects, select key industries and key sources to hold symposiums, grasp industry trends and common demands, respond in a timely manner and make targeted policies Xuan jie.

3. Focus on serving high-quality existing foreign-funded enterprises. Grasp the service focus, focus on improving the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain and supply chain, take high-quality stock enterprises with strong demonstration driving effect, such as key industry leaders, super-scale labor intensive, key links and "specialized and innovative" as the key service objects, and dynamically include the 20 key enterprises List of invested enterprises.

(2) Focus on project expansion and increment

4. Strengthen project reserves. Focusing on the goal of promoting high-quality development, building a modern industrial system, and extending the chain and building the chain,we will continue to reserve foreign investment projects,strive to reserve 50 foreign investment projects every year.

5. Promote the project implementation. We will give full play to the role of the four special teams, Taiwan-funded, Japan and South Korea, and the World top 500, and target key countries and regions to focus on the world's top 500 and leading enterprises Invisible champion, around the major talk in the project, the first nine 23 "three a batch" has been signed Objective, "one to one" precise docking, make good use of industrial chain investment, equity investment investment and other ways,Strive to sign a number of landmark foreign-investment projects.

6. Project transformation into investment. Focusing on the "three batches of" foreign-funded projects, newly registered foreign-funded enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises, we will strengthen the whole life cycle services, implement joint services of cities and counties (cities and districts), promote the early implementation of contracted projects and guide the implementation of projects Early in the eye.

(3) Make the optimal variable of real activity

7. Actively participate in the superior exhibition activities. Docking with the national linkage mechanism of "service to build a new development pattern to support local investment promotion", giving full play to the investment promotion function of China International Import Expo, China International Investment and Trade Fair, Xiamen International Investment Fair and other major exhibition activities, during the fair, hold Xinyang investment promotion matchmaking meeting,

We will strive to sign a number of major foreign investment projects and promote the use of foreign investment to achieve high-quality development.

8. Make full use of the cooperation opportunities of Su Xin. Make full use of the favorable opportunity of Fuxin cooperation and development, actively undertake the industrial transfer of Suzhou, especially in Kunshan, Zhangjiagang and other regions, the characteristics of Taiwan investment and more German capital, actively docking, actively strive for, and strive for some good projects and big projects In Xinyang.

9. Open up and expand overseas thematic investment attraction. First, organize overseas investment activities with provincial groups. With the advantage of "Air Silk Road"(Zhengzhou-Luxembourg), we will attract investment in Germany, France, Luxembourg and other European countries;second, organize and attract investment abroad.especially with Thailand CP Group in the overseas Chinese business conference with Xinyang.The cooperation agreement reached by the city, has a good demonstration role for attracting investment next year, start in advance,  Plan as soon as possible, strive to create more investment opportunities nextyear,only recruit big and strong,To have food in the hand, the heart does not panic.

(4) Deepen the platform to increase energy

10. Give play to the role of development zones as the main position for foreign investment. We should give full play to the role of the development zone as the main position, main battlefield and main engine of the economic construction, guide more foreign investment to invest in the fields of electronic information, equipment manufacturing, textile and clothing, green construction, green food, biological medicine and other fields, mark the six leading industries of our city, and promote a number of leading and marking.We will implement major projects and strive to achieve good results in utilizing foreign capital throughout the year.

11. Actively apply for the construction of industrial park (or district central park). It is planned to rely on yutai (Huangchuan) international economic and trade cooperation industrial park project, increase the settlement of Taiwan-funded enterprises, actively undertake the transfer of Taiwan-funded enterprises in Suzhou, expand the volume, and lay a good foundation for the construction of the industrial park. Strive for a wider scope, a wider field, a deeper level of opening to the outside world, to build an important external city Capital to undertake and gather.

(5) Policies to help improve the quality

12. Strictly implement the Foreign Investment Law and its supporting provisions. In accordance with the Foreign Investment Law and its implementation regulations, we will fully implement the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list, and improve the implementation of the Measures on Foreign Investment Information Reporting with the management of foreign investment

We will provide services for foreign investment, improve the quality of foreign investment data, and do our best to stabilize foreign investment.

13. Make full use of various supportive policies. We will intensify efforts to publicize and interpret existing foreign investment policies, and support qualified foreign enterprises in timely support policies, and ensure that their implementation is effective. We will make good use of provincial special funds for attracting investment and annual support for high-quality "three foreign" enterprises Development of project subsidies and other policies to increase the support for enterprises.

Innovative research has introduced policies to promote the utilization of foreign investment. We will continue to fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, provincial Party committees, provincial governments and municipal Party committees and municipal governments on stabilizing foreign investment, further intensify efforts to attract investment in manufacturing, solve prominent problems faced by foreign-invested enterprises, comprehensively strengthen the promotion and services of foreign investment, and promote the high-quality development of the use of foreign investment.

We will expand channels for the use of foreign investment, encourage existing foreign-funded enterprises to increase their capacity, encourage high-quality domestic enterprises to list overseas, introduce overseas strategic investors, and encourage foreign investment to invest more in industrial projects in advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and modern service industries. Issued the foreign Investment in Xinyang.Guidelines provide policy guidance and investment guidance for domestic and foreign enterprises' letter investment.

3. measure of safeguard

15. Strengthen the main responsibility of counties and districts. Actively mobilize the counties and districts to combine the objectives and tasks, give play to the main responsibility of counties and districts to attract foreign investment, improve the importance of the work of foreign investment, put the introduction of foreign investment in a more prominent position to attract investment, layer by layer decomposition of tasks, establish a ledger,Responsibility to the people, the work into practice.

16. Improve the capacity of the foreign investment team. Implement the 2022 Foreign Investment Statistical Investigation System, carry out business training on investment attraction and foreign investment statistics, standardize the use of statistical indicators, strengthen quality control, and strictly prevent statistical fraud; encourage counties and districts to carry out exchanges and learning, and plan to organize relevant business personnel to study work experience in developed provinces and advanced regions to improve and improve.Ability and level of utilizing foreign capital in the period.

17. Strengthen daily supervision and follow-up. Make good use of the supervision and inquiry mechanism. Report the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises and the actual use of foreign capital quarterly, report and praise the outstanding achievements,To the work of ineffective interview, serious analysis of the problem, pressure to forge ahead.

18. Pay attention to news, publicity and guidance. Focusing on the introduction of foreign investment policies and important work plans,In combination with major investment promotion activities and important time nodes, we will actively summarize and promote typical cases of foreign-funded enterprises, publicize the foreign investment policies of our city, and tell good stories and new developments of foreign investment in credit to create a good public opinion atmosphere.

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